Prophecy: Dark Moon Rising [A Vampires Realm Novel]

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Prophecy: Dark Moon Rising [A Vampires Realm Novel] Page 10

by F. E. Heaton

  She screamed.

  * * * *

  Valentine grabbed Prophecy the moment she shot up in bed. She was screaming her lungs out. He flinched as she shrieked, frantically clutching at her chest. Her eyes were fixed on the wall opposite and her fingers were dancing about her chest as though desperately searching for something. He touched her shoulder, trying to get her attention but she just kept screaming.

  The light on the bedside table flickered, trembled as though in an earthquake, and then went out.

  "Prophecy?” he said and wasn't prepared for her reaction.

  She looked at him with wide, petrified eyes and then scrambled away from him. He went to grab her but she kicked him square in the face. He growled. Before he could catch hold of her, she was moving across the floor, edging backwards towards the wall while her eyes stayed fixed on him.

  She was breathing heavily and he could smell the fear on her, could see her trembling even in the low light from the sun outside.

  He went to move after her, but she shook her head, the movement of it spilling fat tears onto her cheeks.

  She clutched at her chest. “Don't hurt me ... please ... don't hurt me."

  Her words cut him to the core and he frowned. Slipping off the bed, he held his hands up by his side when she spoke again.

  "Please, don't hurt me.” Her voice was strangled by the tears that were running freely down her cheeks. She was constantly shaking her head and her hand still clutched at the point over her heart. Her lower lip trembled and her brows furrowed. “Please?"

  "You are safe, Prophecy. I would never hurt you,” he whispered back at her, afraid that if he raised his voice any more she'd start to scream again.

  She shook violently, her fingers groping her chest while her other arm wrapped itself around her knees. She curled up, making herself look small and childlike.

  "You will,” she sobbed the words. “You're going to hurt me."

  He swallowed those words with a sense of disbelief. He was going to hurt her? What had she seen that had made her so upset? Stepping closer to her, he struggled with the feelings battling inside him. Confusion and dismay clashed with certainty and hope that her vision had been wrong about it. It could have been Elena, not him.

  "We shall change it,” he said and moved nearer. She shrank back, frantically shaking her head and biting her lip in some attempt to stop herself from crying. Her eyes were glassy with tears and when he looked into them, he felt as though he was looking at someone else. Something wasn't right. “We have changed it once already, we will find a way to do so again."

  His movement towards her was slow. The moment she began to sob uncontrollably into her knees, he knelt and held her, drawing her close to him but giving her enough room that she wouldn't feel suffocated. He stroked her hair, making soothing sounds and hoping that she wouldn't lash out at him again. He could taste blood in his mouth and his jaw still ached, but it was nothing when compared to the dull pain in his chest. Surely he wasn't going to hurt her?

  "It will be all right, Prophecy ... I promise ... I will not hurt you.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead, closing his eyes as he did so.

  When he drew back a little, she was looking up at him.

  "Why is it dark?” she said in a small voice, her expression one of confusion.

  When she looked at their surroundings with an air of surprise, he realised that she hadn't quite been conscious of the past few minutes.

  "Why are we on the floor?"

  "You had a bad dream.” He lessened his grip on her when her eyes flew wide again. She pushed her palms against his chest, shoving him away.

  "You! You stabbed me ... you ... why?” Her voice was high and strained. He could feel her fingernails digging into his bare chest.

  Calmly taking hold of her hands, he held them. They were trembling badly. He looked at them while he brushed his thumbs against hers.

  "I do not know, but I will never do it. Never. It may be me you saw, or it might be Elena.” He kept his voice low and gentle. Her expression altered, going from horror to relief in the blink of an eye. In her panic, she'd clearly forgotten that Elena could easily change her form into any she chose.

  She looked at the room when the lights flickered back into life and then straight into his eyes.

  "Did I do that?” she said.

  He smiled and stood up. “There was a lot of screaming. The whole world fell silent the last time you did that."

  He noticed her eyes dropped to his body. She smiled and looked down at herself.

  "There was a time when you used to get awkward from just seeing me in my underwear.” She raked her eyes over him.

  Holding his hand out to her, he helped her up onto her feet and then scooped her up into his arms when she wobbled. He carried her over to the bed and set her down on it, drawing the covers over her and slipping in beside her.

  "I was awkward about my feelings, not seeing you naked. Seeing you that time in Venice in just your underwear ... Hell ... the Devil I wanted to act on it.” He pulled her close to him and felt relieved when she put her arm over him, holding him.

  There was a knock at the door.

  "Everything is fine,” he shouted.

  "Yes, my lord.” Came the muffled reply.

  He listened to the footsteps receding down the hall. When they were out of his hearing range, he tightened his grip on Prophecy's shoulders. She rolled over onto her front, rested her hands against her chest, and placed her chin on them. She stared at him.

  "Not tired?” he said and she shook her head. “Understandable."

  Catching hold of her waist, he pulled her up the bed and kissed her. It was slow and tender, an offer of reassurance that he loved her and wouldn't hurt her like she had seen in her vision. He'd never seen her so shaken by one. What exactly had he done to her? She'd said that he'd stabbed her. Stabbed her with what? He knew that he couldn't ask her. It would only bring back images she'd probably rather forget.

  He dragged himself away from his heavy thoughts and focused on the feeling of her kissing him. His eyes closed when she ran her tongue along his lower lip, and he claimed her mouth again. She drew back after a few moments and he heard her sigh.

  He smiled and toyed with her hair while she rested her chin on her hands again.

  "I wish it could always be like this,” he whispered, staring straight into her eyes. “Just us, like this."

  She smiled wide. “I never thought that I'd ever feel this way. I'm so scared but so happy."


  "Happy but scared.” She corrected him.

  "Why scared?” He ran his hand down her back, memorising the smoothness of her skin. He settled it in the small of her back.

  She shrugged and traced patterns on his chest, staring at it. He watched her fingers run along the intricate scars that marked him and then travel over to the scar above his heart. It was never going to go away. The scar from the sword had been a painful enough reminder of the fact he could be killed. The still fresh one from the piece of holy wood that Arkalus had stabbed him with sent a chill through him every time he saw it.

  He'd been so close to death.

  He realised before she spoke why she was scared. He was scared too.

  "I'm scared of losing you ... of finding this and losing it.” She tentatively raised her head and met his gaze. He didn't know how to tell her that he felt the same.

  Drawing her closer to him, he pressed a kiss to her forehead and one to the tip of her nose.

  "I'm not going anywhere,” he said and frowned when she went to move. He locked his hands around her back, stopping her. “Neither are you."

  She smiled and pushed against him. “I should get back. There's a lot of preparation to do for tonight."

  "Stay an hour longer. It will be darker by then and safer for you. I will have my driver take you home."

  For a moment, he thought she was going to refuse, but then she rolled over onto her side. He pulled her back flush against his front
and kissed the nape of her neck. He could almost hear her smile.

  Closing his eyes, he draped his arm over her waist and sighed out his breath.

  "I'm not going anywhere."

  Chapter 9

  Prophecy looked at the people filling the warmly lit ballroom of her mansion. They were dead silent and perfectly split down the middle. The Caelestis were to her right, and the Aurorea had gathered reluctantly near the wall to her left. They'd been like it for almost twenty minutes.

  She'd been stunned when Valentine had walked in. First because she'd forgotten how good he looked when he wore ball attire, and secondly because he'd had what must be every Aurorea that was resident in his mansion with him, and they hadn't looked too annoyed to be there. Killing the elder must have been the right thing to do.

  Her eyes moved between the two groups again. They had both of the families here, now they just had to find a way to get them to dance.

  She glanced at Valentine, taking in how striking he looked in his long black jacket that was accented with finely embroidered silver thread. The buttons on the jacket were silver too. They matched the buckles at the sides of his boots. Her chest ached to recall that Law Keepers wore something similar. Valentine had long surrendered that dream in order to save her. Was being lord of his bloodline any consolation?

  He gave her the slight smile that he only ever seemed to give to her and then turned back to face the room.

  He looked so noble and handsome.

  She smiled and edged closer to him. His gaze moved back to her but instead of settling on her face, it went straight to her dress. She didn't need to ask what he was thinking. He had that same passionate fire in his eyes as he had done the night of the Creator Day masquerade. Her hands moved to her sides, her dark red satin gloves sliding over the tight blood-coloured corset as they moved downwards towards the bell shaped skirt of the dress. The red was graded from the waist, getting slowly darker until it turned black at the hem.

  Valentine held his hand up and the band began to play. She extended her hand to him and he took it, holding it lightly in his.

  Looking over her shoulder, she saw Serenity dressed in a rich midnight blue gown. It contrasted well against her dark hair and pale skin. She looked beautiful tonight and Prophecy could see the excitement in her eyes. Serenity's previous position as her aide had always left her hiding in the shadows with the other servants when there was a ball. Now she was finally getting to attend one.

  Serenity smiled and then looked past both her and Valentine. Prophecy wondered what she was staring at and when she leaned to one side so she could see past Valentine, she was surprised to see Cornelius. He looked so different when dressed in such fine attire. The jacket was so dark red that it was almost black and it seemed to fit him well. His hair was slicked back so she could actually see his face. When dressed like that and standing still, he looked so much more sensible.

  She turned back to Serenity when she felt her move closer. Her friend offered her a hesitant smile but before Prophecy could act on it and introduce her to Cornelius, Valentine was doing it.

  "How rude of me. Serenity, Chosen Daughter of Caelestis, this is Cornelius, Chosen Son of Aurorea.” Valentine placed his hand against Cornelius’ back.

  Prophecy watched him slowly guide Cornelius towards Serenity. There was a flash of fear in Cornelius’ eyes and Valentine's arm tensed, keeping Cornelius steady. Prophecy suppressed the smile and the giggle that tried to escape her. Valentine might be able to improve Cornelius’ chances of dancing with Serenity by guiding him, but once they were out on the dance floor it would all be down to him. She silently hoped he wouldn't make a fool of himself. Serenity was used to strong men, ones who would simply sweep her off her feet and drag her onto the dance floor.

  When Cornelius reached them and opened his mouth to speak, she cringed and clenched her teeth, waiting for him to stumble and trip on the words. She could feel the nerves pouring off him.

  A glance at Valentine revealed that he had a similar brace-for-impact look on his face. She gave him a look that said this wasn't going to go well.

  All she could do was watch Serenity and Cornelius. It was like watching a car crash in slow motion, and she couldn't take her eyes off them no matter how hard she tried.

  "Se ... Sere...” Cornelius stumbled along and Prophecy screwed her face up. The temptation to bury her face into Valentine's chest was overwhelming.

  "Serenity.” Serenity held her hand out and smiled courteously. “And you're Cornelius."

  He nodded dumbly, evidently relieved to be spared having to say his name.

  "I think we should dance to set the example,” Serenity said with an even wider smile. “And maybe you should let me lead."

  Prophecy pressed her hand against her mouth to stop herself from laughing as Serenity led Cornelius to the dance floor. She couldn't stop a giggle from escaping her when Cornelius looked over his shoulder at Valentine with a lost expression and Valentine waved him on in an irritated fashion.

  "Some men do not know when they are onto a good thing,” Valentine whispered down at her.

  She smiled up at him and held her hand out. “Dance?"

  "I would be a fool to say no.” Valentine placed the back of his hand against her palm so her hand was draped over it and led her towards the dance floor.

  It was so formal. The last time she'd been at a dance, she'd been dragged onto the dance floor. Valentine had saved her while she was already dancing. She wondered if he would have led her onto it as formally as he was now if that hadn't been the case.

  She swallowed when she remembered who else had danced with her at the Creator Day masquerade.


  Her eyes sought him out. He was leaning against the wall at the far end of the room. She hadn't realised that he'd come down. When she'd returned home this evening and asked him whether he'd be attending the ball, he'd refused on the grounds that he had to translate the prophecy. She'd asked him to come if he could.

  He'd said that he'd come if she'd dance with him.

  He was here. Did that mean she had to dance with him? She hadn't promised that she would.

  Her thoughts of Venturi were chased away when Valentine pulled her into his arms. The dark look in his eyes said that he'd caught her staring at the Tenebrae.

  "He said he wasn't going to come,” she explained, hoping to ease the anger she could see in the depths of his green eyes.

  "Then pretend he is not here,” he said and placed one arm about her waist, tugging her flush against him.

  She looked around at the dance floor and realised that more people had begun to dance now, and some of them were even dancing with members of the opposite bloodline. It might just work after all.

  Feeling a little more relaxed, she pulled out of Valentine's arms and curtseyed while he still held her hand. She went low and looked up at him.

  "My lord,” she said in a sweet voice.

  He grinned and pulled her back into his arms, his grip on her firm enough that she could feel his fingers through her corset. His hand clutched her other one and her free one slid up his arm, slowly moving over his bicep to his shoulder.

  He dipped his head towards her and their cheeks brushed.

  "My lady,” he whispered softly into her ear.

  She closed her eyes, anticipation building inside of her while she waited for him to make a move, making her queasy and giddy. She'd felt the same way the last time she'd danced with him.

  The second he moved, her stomach flipped and a smile crept onto her lips. She opened her eyes and watched the world whirling by as they spun to the cadence of the waltz, all the while trying to keep up with him. It wasn't as fast or as dizzying as the dance at the Creator Day masquerade, but it made her head spin regardless.

  She smiled at everyone who looked at her. When they passed Serenity and Cornelius, she was glad to see that Cornelius didn't stumble as much with dancing as he did with words. She wondered if Valentine had schooled him. />
  Bringing her attention back to Valentine, she smiled into his eyes. They flashed blue at her, making her tremble inside, and she couldn't stop hers eyes from switching for a second.

  She almost lost her footing but Valentine's strong grip on her waist and hand saved her. Focusing on her feet, she tried to keep up with him. Dancing had never been her strong point, especially to music as fast paced as this. Turning her head with each spin, she tried to keep her eyes fixed straight ahead but it seemed impossible. When Valentine adjusted his grip on her hand, she looked up to find him staring straight at her. He wasn't even looking where he was going. Was he so confident that people would get out of their way, or did he know exactly where everyone was? He was skilled enough that he could plot a course through a crowd and follow it with his eyes closed.

  She stared back at him, right into the crystal green depths of his eyes, and lost herself there. The music ebbed away, her whole body relaxed into his and her feet seemed to suddenly know the way. Her chest ached. Each star that was drawn on her body began to hum with magic. She sighed out her breath and felt as light as a feather as she danced with him, whirling in an ever-constant circle. Her feet felt as though they weren't touching the floor. She was so lost in the connection she could feel between her and Valentine.

  When he looked down, she did too, and her eyes widened to see that it wasn't the dancing making her feel as though her feet weren't touching the floor.

  They really weren't.

  She glanced at her hand and saw the red magic curling around both hers and Valentine's. She bit her lip and kept dancing, not wanting to question how she'd managed to make them float in case the spell suddenly stopped working.

  Besides, there was something breathtaking about dancing while floating in the air. Their steps still seemed to register, sending them around the room above the heads of the rest of the people. She looked down. Some of them were still dancing, but the rest had stopped to stare at her and Valentine.

  "You really are magical,” Valentine said as the music ended.

  She smiled and held onto him as they spiralled slowly down towards the dance floor. Everyone moved out of the way, giving them room to land. Valentine's feet touched the floor first and he caught hold of her waist, gently lowering her into his arms. She wrapped her arms about his neck and kissed him.


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