Shifter Night Box Set: Complete Set (Book 1 - 3)

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Shifter Night Box Set: Complete Set (Book 1 - 3) Page 45

by Charlene Hartnady

  “Be careful,” he warned. “I can hold onto you if need be.”

  “I think I’ll manage.” She was definitely smiling.

  “I don’t mean that in a rude or weird kind of way.”

  “I know.” She made another strangled noise as she dipped down a little into the swirling dark water.

  “Funny.” He folded his arms, trying not to watch as she began to clean herself in earnest. “I can’t picture you in a seedy bar like the Dark Horse.”

  “Why not?”

  “You seem too classy to frequent a pick-up bar like that.”

  “I’m a red-blooded woman, just like any other.”

  “I guess so.” Shit! He was jealous of Jacob. Of a male who was practically still half-whelp, god help him. “How long ago were the two of you an item?”

  She snorted. “We were never an item. It was only one night. Not even a night. Jacob dropped me off in the very early hours of the morning.”

  He choked out a laugh. “Pup! The male is still wet behind the ears. Couldn’t even handle a female for a whole night.” Okay, that came out sounding more than a little jealous. He needed to get a handle on this. His dick was seriously getting in the way of his thinking. “All I’m saying is that Jacob seems keen on picking up where the two of you left off.”

  She bent right over and stuck her head into the water, scrubbing vigorously. Edith came up for a deep breath and went back under.

  Fucking pervert that he was, he couldn’t seem to take his eyes off her ass. Up in the air. Two white globes of perfection. No! No! He looked away. Muttering a curse.

  “What was that?” She was slightly out of breath.

  “Nothing,” he mumbled.

  “I must say, I had a bit of a crush on Jacob after our night together.” She wrung her hair out. “I tried to meet up with him again, but he wasn’t interested. Sure, we’d talk and laugh and then he’d leave with someone else. I eventually stopped going. Look, it happened months ago. It’s over and done with.”

  That’s not what Gage had seen. The way Jacob had stared at Edith was telling. His offer to carry the female even more so. “Did you know that Jacob’s name has come up on the list? He is eligible to take a mate. Not only that, he’s actively looking for one.” The young wolf had his sights set on Edith, Gage could feel it. It was none of his business.

  “Oh.” She didn’t seem very interested, but he could be mistaken. “What about you?”

  “What about me?” He frowned.

  “Is your name on the list?” She didn’t mean it like that. She really didn’t. Even if she did … nah, she didn’t. Thank fuck because … no … just no. It wasn’t Edith.

  “No!” he said a little too harshly.

  “Why not?” She wrung her hair out a second time.

  “I haven’t gotten around to putting it on there. I had a bad experience with a female ‒ my own fault ‒ and I guess it put me off for the longest time. I have trouble committing.”

  “But you’re ready now?” She glanced back at him from over her shoulder. Her lashes were glistening with water droplets.

  Gage swallowed hard. He shrugged. It was a question he’d asked himself a couple of times in the last few weeks. “Maybe. I’m not sure.”

  Edith turned around. She turned around, dammit. Her hair was wet about her shoulders. Water dripped down her body. The lacy G-string went from sheer to barely there. Both of her arms were wrapped around her breasts which played peek-a-boo from between her forearms. They were just that full. His only salvation was that her nipples were covered. Jesus!

  “Um, eyes up here, mister.”

  “Fuck! I’m sorry. I keep doing that.”

  He watched as her gaze moved to his cock. His very erect, jutting cock. He was damned if the perverted fuck didn’t give a twitch. Not only was she sweet, strong-willed and sexy as hell, but she was forward as well. Such great qualities in a female. Gage put a hand over himself. “Um … yeah … well.”

  “Don’t apologize!” She locked eyes back with his and began to walk, he stepped backwards for every step she took until they were on the bank. “It’s this whole situation. We’re dependent on one another. Like you said before, it’s not personal.” She turned, facing away from him. Using the spaghetti-strapped top, she began to wipe herself off. Then she put the bra back on. Followed by the T-shirt.

  His balls actually clenched when she took off the lacey G-string. Her shirt came to just below her ass, so he couldn’t actually see anything. Not that he was looking. Even though he wanted to. He’d love to catch a glimpse of her naked pussy. His cock throbbed, his balls clenched so tight that with just a couple of firm tugs, he’d be tickets. Who was he to call Jacob wet behind the ears?

  There was so much at stake.

  They in the middle of no-fucking-where being hunted by griffins. Big-ass mothers who could take him out and do whatever they wanted to the human. There was no doubt in his mind what they had in mind for her and it wasn’t pretty. Then there was Jacob and the fact that there was something going on between the two of them. He’d been in the middle of a love triangle before and it wasn’t fun. It had almost cost him his relationship with his brother. Had almost destroyed him.

  Then, on top of all that, there were innocent females and children whose lives were solidly in his hands and here he was getting all amorous. Thinking with his dick instead of his head. His mind so far off the game it was scary.

  “We need to move.” It was like someone had doused him in freezing water. “I have to apologize for my behavior. I don’t normally have to apologize for the same thing over and over. It won’t happen again and this time I mean it.”

  “It’s fine.” Edith was looking down as she hurriedly tied her laces, using jerky movements. He got the feeling he’d said the wrong thing again. That she was mad at him.

  “That smells so good.” She watched as Gage turned the fish like a pro. “Where did you learn how to cook?” She ran her hands through her hair, thankful she’d cut it not so long ago. She dreaded what was going to happen when it dried completely.

  He shrugged. “I go on regular scouting trips, either with other males or solo. We take turns cooking.”

  “I thought you would just hunt something down and go crazy on the kill.”

  Gage smiled. “On occasion, but our human side is more dominant. We spend more time in our skins then our furs, so it stands to reason we prefer being civilized.”

  Oops! “Sorry. I didn’t mean that as an insult, I’m simply curious.”

  “No worries! Ask anything. I don’t mind.” He looked up from what he was doing and did a double-take. His gaze zoned in on her … No, please no!

  “Don’t say anything! Don’t you dare.” She pointed at him.

  Gage’s eyes had this glint. He was smiling … no, make that smirking. “I’m not saying anything. Not a word.”

  His smirk grew. “Dinner is almost ready. You hungry, Curls?”

  Her mouth dropped open. “You didn’t just call me that!”

  Gage chuckled. “I’m calling it like I see it. Besides, I think you look adorable.”

  “Adorable? Really?” She folded her arms. “I’m not adorable. Little girls are adorable. I’m a grown woman, last time I checked.” She mumbled the last.

  His whole expression changed. “I didn’t mean to upset you. It was a joke. I happen to think adorable and sexy can go hand-in-hand. Just so you know, there’s nothing wrong with having really curly hair. It’s a unique trait. It’s all you. I like the look.” Sincerity shone in his eyes. He held her gaze for a few moments before placing one of the fish on a large, thick leaf and handing it to her.

  Oh shoot! Now she felt like a terrible person. “Thank you for this.” She held up her fish. It looked delicious. It smelled even better. It didn’t need herbs or butter or anything.

  “It’s a pleasure.”

  He was so sweet. “Thank you for the food and the nice things you said.”

  “No need to thank me for that.
I shouldn’t have teased you in the first place.”

  She kind of liked that he had teased her. After hearing the explanation, she kind of liked the nickname too. “You can tease me. You can even call me Curls if you want. I don’t mind.” She pulled a piece of the fish off the bone and blew on it. “I guess I’m a little touchy about my hair. It’s the reason I blow dry it straight. I’ve even had it chemically straightened a good couple of times.”

  He frowned but didn’t say anything.

  “Kids used to tease me at school. They called me Frizzy Lizzy all through junior high.”

  “Kids can be cruel,” Gage said simply. She noticed he wasn’t touching his food.

  “It got worse, I became Kinky Edith in college. That’s when I started straightening my hair. I don’t mind a light curl, but this,” she ran a hand through her tight curls, “this I hate.”

  Gage shrugged. “You look like you, whether you have curly hair or straight hair. You’re an attractive female, I already told you that. I meant the nickname as a compliment … not in a weird kind of a way though. As friends. I meant it in the best possible way.”

  “I know.” She pushed out a breath. “You don’t have to explain. I overreacted. I wanted you to know why I’m a little sensitive. Thank you for saying all that and for making me feel better about something that’s bugged me for so long.”

  “I said it because I meant it.”

  “I know you did.” She licked her lips. “You can call me Curls if you want to.”

  Gage grinned. “I was going to call you Curls whether you liked it or not.”

  Somehow, she doubted that.

  He winked at her, finally taking a bite of his fish. So, Gage thought she was adorable and sexy, and he was attracted to her. She shouldn't feel happy about this, but she did. She felt all warm inside, and it wasn't just the food that was finally going into her belly. The problem was that Edith would end up being just another hook-up to Gage. Once they got back to reality, it would be over. She knew it as plainly as she knew her own name. Gage had said he wasn't ready for a relationship. That he had commitment problems. His name wasn't even on that stupid shifter list. Edith wanted more. So much more. More than he had to give.

  She took another bite, forcing herself to smile. “This is delicious.”


  The next day …

  The embers of the fire crackled as a piece of skin or fat fell onto them. She could smell the fish roasting. “Are you sure it isn’t done yet?”

  Gage smiled. “Very sure, unless you want half-cooked food?” He lifted a brow.

  “I’ll wait.” She sighed. “This ‘two meals a day’ thing is not for me.” Then she laughed. “I’m more of a ‘six meals a day’ girl. Three square ones with a couple of snacks thrown in-between.”

  Gage bit back a grin. “I’m sorry I’m not providing enough for you,” he teased. “If it weren’t for the griffins on our tail …”

  Her gaze instantly darkened. “You know I don’t mean it like that. I know—”

  "No need to get so testy, I'm joking." He turned the fish, and it sizzled. "Two more minutes and you'll get your food, Curls."

  "Sorry. You probably noticed already, but I'm prone to getting hangry."

  “Don’t you mean hungry?” He frowned.

  She shook her head. “No, I mean hangry, it’s a mix between hungry and angry.”

  "Oh, I see." He laughed. "Yep, that's a perfect description of you when you're hungry."

  She pretended to scowl. “Under the circumstances, I think I’ve been okay. You haven’t seen me really hangry yet. I work with a guy named Jeff, and he knows only too well. If I’m in a mood, he orders food, or pops into the coffee shop around the corner for fresh cinnamon rolls.” She groaned, making his dick harden. “What I wouldn’t give for a cinnamon roll.”

  “Can’t help you there. I’m afraid it’s fish on the menu again. Sorry to disappoint.”

  She made the cutest little snort. “What I wouldn’t give for a pastry.” She looked wistful for a moment. “Good news is that fish might be my new favorite food.” She eyed their meal greedily.

  “What do you do for work? And who’s Jeff?” There was an edge to his voice he didn’t like.

  “Jeff is an asshole,” she muttered. Why did he enjoy hearing her call him that?

  Then she sighed. "That's not entirely true. He's been trying to steal some of my business lately. Sure, he's driven and wants to make money. I should be proud since I trained him." Then she looked him head-on. "I'm a real estate agent." She obviously caught the blank look in his eyes because she went on. "I sell houses for a living."

  “Oh, that sounds interesting.”

  “I enjoy it. Sweetwater is very up and coming. It’s becoming a desirable place to live. The real estate business is booming. I just managed to pick up one of the prime lake-front properties and man oh man is it a beauty. The first show day is on Sunday.” Her eyes widened. “We will be back before then, won’t we?”

  Gage nodded, he removed her fish from the heat, placing it on a leaf. “Yes, we will be back before then.” He handed her the food.

  “Thank you. This looks so good.” Edith blew on the fish. Then she glanced up. “I’ll tell you a secret …” She looked serious for a moment. “I don’t particularly want to sell this property.”

  “Why not? It’s your job isn’t it?”

  She peeled a small piece of fish off and popped it into her mouth. Edith closed her eyes and groaned. He was fucked if he didn't feel it in his groin, which tightened uncomfortably. He looked down, trying to concentrate on his own meal and not on the look of rapture on her face as she chewed. Gage was glad he'd brought her that pleasure, only he could think of better ways to do it.

  “The Jones property is something special.”

  Human females tended to like material things. He waited for her to tell him how big it was and about the gleaming marble floors.

  "I love the feel of the place. The view of the lake is second to none. Then there's the porch. I could picture sitting out on that porch, the sun setting over the lake. Kids playing on the lawn."

  “I’m sure it’s big and airy.”

  She giggled. “Who’s the estate agent. Me or you? Actually, it’s an older property. Not very big. I would knock down a few walls and put in a couple of bigger windows. It has promise and old charm. I’m so afraid someone with big money will come along and level the place. It’s got an old fireplace complete with mantle. The Oregon pine doors are just beautiful.” She shrugged. “I’d change a few things for sure, but I’d keep most of it the way it is.”

  That was a surprise. Then again, Curls was a surprising female. He found that aside from wanting to do dirty things to her, he liked her. Liked her very much. “Why don’t you buy the place?”

  Edith burst out laughing, slapping a hand over her mouth so that she didn’t spray her food. When she was able, she swallowed. “Yeah right. It’s prime real estate. I don’t have that kind of money. I hope someone who appreciates it will buy it and improve on what’s there instead of taking the whole place to the ground.”

  “I’m sure you’ll find the right buyer.”

  “It’s my job to get the right price for the sellers. It’s my duty. The Joneses are an old couple. Mister Jones recently retired. They need the money.”

  Sexy as hell and sweet too. This female was the whole package. She was going to make someone very happy. “You’re a good person, Curls.”

  She smiled at him, the light from the fire brightening her eyes.

  Three days later …

  There was a crack of a twig. “It’s me, Curls,” Gage warned. “Don’t hit me, please.” He chuckled.

  Edith smiled and rolled her eyes, putting the stick down. “I told you not to sneak up on me. It’s not my fault you didn’t listen yesterday.”

  “I’m still bruised.”

  “You talk shit,” she snickered.

  Gage chuckled. It had become a ritual. He would wake h
er when he left to go foraging, and she would sit outside whatever makeshift shelter they'd built for the night with a stick firmly in her hands until he came back. Gage had told her over and over that no predators would come anywhere near them, but her whole philosophy was rather safe than sorry. She was sticking to it, thank you very much. Hence the noisy approach this evening. She'd cracked him on the shin yesterday. Served him right for sneaking up on her and for his slow reflexes.

  “I’ve got a treat for you,” Gage said as he approached.

  “Oh! Something I can eat I hope.”

  He paused and then cleared his throat. “Yep! Something you can eat.” His voice was all deep and rough. “Hold out your hand.”

  She did as he said, and he dropped a handful of something into them. Small, soft and knobby. She sniffed at them, but they didn’t give off much of a scent.

  “Try one,” he insisted.

  “What are they?”

  “Trust me already and try one.” He sounded excited.

  She did as he said and moaned as the flavors burst in her mouth. They were juicy and delicious ‒ both tart and sweet at the same time. “That’s so good,” she smiled, talking around her food. She swallowed and threw a couple more into her mouth.

  “What did I tell you? They’re wild raspberries.”

  “I could eat a truckload of these,” she gushed.

  "That would be a terrible idea."

  “Why?” she groaned. “I’m sure they’re good for you.”

  “Take it from someone who knows.” She could hear he was smiling. “I ate a ton of those things as a young boy and really regretted it. They gave me severe stomach cramps followed by … you don’t want to know … it was ugly.”

  She couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t laugh at your expense, but I can’t help it.”

  He chuckled. “I wouldn’t want you to suffer the same fate. I’m sure we’ll find another bush or two en route, just don’t eat too many in one sitting. Besides,” he breathed out through his nose, “I caught us a nice, fat rabbit.”


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