Hawk's Nest (Tremble Island)

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Hawk's Nest (Tremble Island) Page 11

by Lewis, Lynn Ray

  He called the defenders together to assess their injuries and arrange transport for the injured. Swift had lost a great deal of blood, but she tried to stand with the others until he spied her and ordered her to lie with the injured. He wondered if she would take kindly to her new position as bodyguard to Flora. Knowing the woman’s fierce nature, she might not like the day to day boredom, yet he would trust no other to keep her safe.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Zurcho entered the room expecting to see a pissed off Witch, he never expected to see a woman curled into a small ball in the corner on the other side of the bed, using her hand over her mouth to stifle her sobs. He wanted to tell her that everything would be fine, yet Hawk’s words came to him in time to prevent the half truth from escaping his lips. Perhaps the truth would hurt her, yet it was all he had to offer for now. He was weary and heartsick himself, for different reasons than hers, but perhaps, if he could find the words without choking on his pride, they would come to some agreement. He pulled her to her feet and then led her to sit with him on the bed. He held onto her as she attempted to struggle, allowing her to go nowhere. If, as she had said, they were to mate, then he would begin as he meant to go on.

  “You must stay still, beauty, we must talk, and I will go first. You have given me much to think about, you know. It is true that two years ago it became obvious to me that my magic was not only molding, it was fading. I called on the powers of Echo to help me in my time of need, never anticipating they would in turn waken you from your slumber. As my magic faded my calls for help did increase. I have never felt as helpless as I have as this past year has flown by. You see a man of sticks covered by flesh, not only has my magic suffered, my body has shrunk into the condition you see. No amount of food or exercise has helped. My only comfort has been my assistant, Lark. Before you speculate, yes, he is my lover, yet lately we have both felt the need for a woman’s touch. He has paraded countless females in front of me, yet none have lit any interest beyond the carnal. His motives are twofold, he has found the idea of a child will bring the keep joy and a woman with a child will bring us happiness.”

  Zurcho hesitated a moment before continuing his explanation. His next words were almost whispered, and his voice grew stronger as he became comfortable with her knowing his secrets. “I have since found the woman I believe will fill my needs and his. You stood there in front of me, I had no words to describe your beauty. That fire in your hair and silver eyes intrigue me, and I wished to take you from the Hall then. I was the one to send Lark to ask for the most powerful Witch he could find to accompany him back to the keep to consult about my fading life. What good is a Wizard without his magic? And what good is a man without his purpose in life? Lark is important to me, he has been as loyal a friend as any could ask for. What kind of man could claim being a man and not attempt to find out what happened to Lark? When you laughed, it made something inside me die a bit more. The most beautiful female I have encountered was in front of me, mesmerizing me, and she found me an object of fun.”

  He wrapped his other arm around her, pulling her to his lap. His head found her shoulder and rested there for long minutes. Holding her was no punishment for sure. She felt perfectly formed for this, and he decided to keep her for his own, if she would stay. “I am sorry for your trials, as for what my ancestor did in his ignorance to you can in no way be recompensed. All I can offer is a fading man who has no identity any longer, and a large home to keep you in comfort for your remaining years. I cannot promise you that everything will be flowers and happiness. I cannot even promise you that we will go into the fade together as we age. I will promise you loyalty, and everything that I am if you will consent to mate with me.”

  Her strange silvery eyes were awash with tears, yet she stared at him before laying a hand over his heart. Whatever the beating told her, she smiled and pulled his gaze from her eyes to her smiling lips. The temptation was too great for him to resist, so he kissed her softly at first, then opened her mouth with his and deepened the kiss. “Your kiss tastes like more, my beauty, much, much more.” His hands pulled and tugged at her shift until he had it up and over her head. He laid her back on the bed and began to worship her flesh with his hands and mouth. Her breasts were treated with the tenderest kisses and caresses, her belly received long slow licks of his tongue. Her thighs dropped wide as he massaged the strong muscled length of them. He continued to fight his natural urge to open her pretty wet pussy and slide his prick between the furred lips as deeply as possible. She deserved the best he could give and she would get it, no matter the torment to himself. He licked his way across her lower belly and onto her thigh. He could see the cream glistening on her slightly parted lips and licked his own in anticipation of the elixir he was about to enjoy. “Are you ready for me, Witch? Are you ready to be eaten as a meal for a starving man?”

  He removed his shirt and lay on the bed with his head between her thighs. His wide shoulders parted her thighs even more to make room for him, and she felt his fingers pull the lips hiding her vaginal entrance, wide open for his wicked tongue to lap at the ready source of cream to wet his taste buds and clamp around the pleasure giving instrument. His nose touched the little muscular nubbin crowning her slit, and she gasped. While his mouth was busy sucking at her tunnel one of his long fingers found that nubbin of pleasure and began to tap on it, then it would wiggle the small muscle and tap again. She was trying to raise and lower her hips to help satisfy the wild feelings of excitement, but he was too heavy for her to do more than clench and release the cheeks of her ass to help ease the ache deep within her womb. He felt the beginning flutters of a climax with his tongue buried deep within her entrance, and set his finger wiggling her clit faster. Her body froze for a moment as she wailed her pleasure aloud in the room.

  She opened her eyes to see his wide shoulders hovering over her, before she felt his cock set just inside the ring guarding her tight depths. She looked higher to see that his eyes waited for her to acknowledge him.

  “I swear that I have never tasted sweeter nectar than what you just fed me. Now, now we mate. Give me everything you have to give and I will do the same, we will become as one.” He worked his cock deep within her body and rested his head on her breast, gave it a swift lick and held himself over her as his hips pistoned in long strokes, filling and leaving, making her long for him to stay snug inside. She wrapped her legs around his hips and pulled him to her every time he pulled back. His moans and praises of her body’s acceptance of his fueled her need as surely as her scratches on his back and shoulders did for him. His cock throbbed and her tunnel began the satisfying end, as they yelled their mutual pleasure, falling into a heap, gasping for breath. He felt a tingle through his cock, the tingle stroked his cock lovingly then stabbed into him, causing him to stiffen and shout as he lost another batch of his seed deep within her womanly body. His cock felt on fire, a fire he would die to feel over and over again. She had sent a bolt of energy deep inside of his very being, he could feel a difference in his core. Hawk had been right, the truth had gotten him much more than he expected. He blinked back the burning in his eyes, her gift humbled him, she was his salvation and deserved to be treated as such. “You are a gift, I will die before I willing give this up, this feeling between us. Never have I felt such a thing in my years and only with you will I feel it again and again. Never doubt my devotion to you or our mating again.” He whispered his devotion into her ear before pulling her over to lie on his chest while he rubbed her back. He felt the fog lifting from his brain, and hugged her tight to his heart.

  They heard the shouts of the Hall’s occupants and the rabble outside of the small window. They had been making love and talking for hours. The world was intruding, but they would have many years ahead to coddle one another. For now, it was time to face today’s challenges, together.

  They emerged from their private room to hear the news that the giant beast had returned. It was said to be flying in the direction of the river, and appeared
to have a passenger on its back. Zurcho and Fern looked at each other and headed for the door. The river was but a short ways away, and they came upon the mighty creature blocking the river while the red-gold hair of Flora floated in wet strands over his scales. Fern wasted no time, she squeezed his hand and waded into the icy water. His heart dropped when her head went under the water, he had to tell himself to trust her, she knew what she was doing. The nagging worry that he might lose her just when he had found her remained.

  The two women waded out of the swift current that Con was doing a good job of damning to prevent them from being swept away. Once they were safely on the bank of the river, he eyed the Wizard. The great beast had no way to discuss anything with the man, and Flora was too weak to read his thoughts yet. He ignored the yells as he pulled the man onto his back in the same fashion he’d mounted Flora onto him for the fastest flight he had ever made to save her life.

  The Wizard was airborne before he could decide what the Raptor intended. He certainly wanted his presence somewhere. Lark flashed into his mind. Perhaps, could it be he was going to where Lark was? His chest filled with certain hope. Lord Hawk had appointed Con as Lord, before they left on their quest to ensure a smooth transition should he fall in battle. The only use they would have for him would involve a simple task for a Wizard that, as far as they knew, had no powers to speak of. They must have found his Lark, he had to believe that.

  They landed hard on the packed ground of what had been a large village. Lord Hawk was with his people directing the disposal of the few prisoners who lived through the battle. Most of those were people his foot soldiers had rousted from their hiding spots and brought into the compound as light took over the night. All were cowards, and evil spirited. Hawk’s Nest forces were wasting little time on them, they were put to death and pushed into the mass funeral pyre. None had shown remorse, or courage. They died as they lived, without sympathy or care.

  Hawk was happy to see Con, knowing that he would not have returned so quickly had Flora needed him. Hawk felt the relief of guilt for not being there for her instead of here amidst the ruins of an evil place. He quickly ran to greet his friend and pat his thick shoulder. He knew Con would have preferred to take his human form, but the change drained his body every time. Once he took it on, he would not transform into the gigantic beast again for days. He was smart to wait, they had wounded who needed transport, and again, his back was loaded with passengers. Two Amazons and as soon as Zurcho was finished fussing over the man he called Lark, they would load them onto the beast’s back and they would all return to the Hall.

  Zurcho was on his knees beside the man he’d thought never to see again. Men did not cry and he would not, yet he was thankful for the life of his best friend and held him to his heart, rocking him back and forth as if he was a babe. He resented Lord Hawk’s interruption, but knew the faster he got Lark to Fern, the faster he would be out of pain. He held his burden as they flew off and continued to scold him, and hug him at the same time.

  Those left behind made certain the fire had done its job and that every sign of evil had been destroyed. Nothing would be rebuilt in this desolate spot again. If Lord Tremble wished to build another Hall of Care, it would be at a different location.

  The eyes watching from beyond sight of the victor’s, were pleased with what had transpired. The Lord and his people had passed every test. The report would be favorable. No one moved from their spots until everyone left the area.

  Chapter Fourteen

  He stood perched on the windowsill watching Flora as she slept. She lay on her stomach with one hand pillowing her cheek, with her lips slightly open. Her glorious hair was spread around her, and he smiled when he made plans to brush the tangles from its lengths. His eyes trailed to her back and further down onto her cheeks, so beautifully rounded, and those long muscled thighs that held him snug, deep inside her body, he sighed. Her creamy flesh still showed the abuse that she had suffered in pink lines, where the worst of the gashes made by Pladrin’s whip had caused. If the lines never faded away, he would not care. She was alive, and that was the biggest blessing he could ask for.

  On the opposite side of the bed sat Con. He was slumped over in sleep, listing sideways, propped up only with his slowly bending arm as he slept deeper. Hawk hopped from the sill and onto the floor. When he stood, it was in human form, and he advanced to the bed to join the two most important people in his life. He sat at her hip, running his hand over her plump cheeks, and kissing each pink line, following them with his tongue, as if to take the residual pain from her. It was all he could do to assure himself that she was still with them. The raise of her hips into his caress was jerky at first, then rose and fell in a rhythm that lured his fingers to delve into the slit between her glorious globes. He moved to the foot of the bed and spread her legs to make room for himself to sit and play in her drenched pussy. He could see the tiny puncture of her rear hole, the one that had squeezed the seed from his prick only days ago. His fingers could not resist sliding into her vaginal tunnel until they bottomed out at his hand. Those fingers flicked back and forth inside the tight muscled ring that his hard cock longed to dive itself inside of. She was so wet that he moaned in sympathy with the clenching her body was performing around his fingers. He added a third finger, and her hips began jerking in earnest. By the time he allowed his thumb to play across her hooded nubbin, she was on her knees shoving herself onto his fingers, thighs spread wide and telling him “more” in a gasping breath. She impaled herself back onto his fingers and began to wail over the pleasure of the orgasm her body craved.

  He pulled his drenched fingers from her and replaced them with his thick cock. He could still feel the flutters of her pleasure as he entered her wet slit, but he had no intention of stopping and waiting for her to start anew. Con guided her mouth to his hard prick and she appeared to be trying to take him as deep into her throat as Hawk was inside her pink flesh.

  Her elbows propped on Con’s thighs and she grabbed his shaft with both hands as she worked his prick with her tongue. The taste of his flesh tingled on her tongue and she ran the tip of her tongue into the small slit at the top of his prick, before slowly sliding her mouth over him. She kept one hand on his shaft and set the other wandering down over the hard wrinkled knot of his sac. Her fingers trailed under the drawn flesh to a bridge of skin that seemed to make him groan loudly at her touching it. So she pressed a finger there, and teased the foreskin beneath the head of his cock at the same time. He bellowed and shook, as the salty seed from his prick emptied into the back of her throat. She swallowed as much as she could. The knowledge that she had caused this big man to shake and gasp for breath like this sent her into a hot desire to make Hawk shake and moan too. She tried to hold back the pleasure overwhelming her own body as she felt his cock pulse and jump deep inside of her tunnel as he gave her his seed, but it was no use. Her body shook and she moaned and sucked harder on the softening flesh in her mouth. The heat built and built until she felt the bright colors in her mind would take her over and she let go. The men’s shouts of agonized pleasure were lost in the room as she floated between them in her own euphoric moments.

  Exhaustion claimed them as they untangled from each other, each to dream their hours away. They woke with smiles, and went to the great room to greet the day.

  Fern was hovering over Lark, and Zurcho stood aside with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face. Since Con had dropped them in front of the Hall, Fern had taken over the care of Lark as if he was a long lost son. She healed his worst injuries enough so his body could complete the process. She spoon fed him broth and brushed the hair from his eyes. While Lark finished his meal on his own, she finally looked to see Zurcho and his grouchy display. She went to him and pulled his arm to follow her until they were out of earshot. “You have told me how precious he is to you, therefore he is important to me. Do not begrudge the care I give him. If he is happy, you will be happy, your happiness is mine.” She was enfolded in his arms fo
r her words and sincerity. The kiss was strictly carnal, and she giggled as she danced away.

  The injured and exhausted defenders of the Hall were lazing about the room in a well earned respite. The sideboard was laden with food and ewers of drinks for the weary ones. There was an atmosphere of ease among those gathered in the vast room that had been absent before the battle. The Lords and Lady of Hawk’s Nest stood in the entranceway for a few long moments to breathe in the feeling of pride and contentment. This feeling of peace was welcome and lifted any lingering worry of the future.

  Little did they know, they would soon be called upon by the Lords Tremble and their mate, Rane. The currier would arrive within days.


  Lion was thoughtful as he sat on the block wall surrounding Tremble Castle. The two refugees who ran to the gates in the middle of the night, begging for sanctuary, told tales of horrific cruelties happening at Morlien Hall. The man calling himself Wensel brought a delicate looking child with him named Aria. He claimed the child was to be sacrificed at the festival of Demons within days. Rane had taken one look at the child and fallen in love with the tiny one. Aria was ten years of age, and Wensel spoke of her magical voice. Rane figured out what set the child up as a perfect sacrifice. She was a Siren. Lion had never heard of such a creature. When she showed him the lines on the child’s neck below her ears where gills were beginning to form, he began to understand. The child’s toes were webbed as were her fingers too.

  Instead of the usual sacrifice of oxen or natural animals, the Overlord decided to use the child to lure the Demons from their Hall into the sea. Demons could not live in water. Allowing the child’s certain death to appease or destroy a mythical being was bad enough, the depravities they planned to visit on the child to bring her full voice into maturity was too disgusting to contemplate.


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