Treyton (A Savage Beasts Rock Star Romance Book 2)

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Treyton (A Savage Beasts Rock Star Romance Book 2) Page 19

by J. Nathan


  Six Months Later


  I sat on a leather sofa in the recording studio listening to Trey lay down piano tracks for their next album. Trey had been so brave to suggest it, knowing pianos and rock bands didn’t necessarily go together. But the guys loved the idea. None of them but Z had even known how talented Trey really was.

  And just like Guns and Roses had done with “November Rain,” Trey sat behind the piano adding a beautiful instrumental to the beginning of their soon-to-be-hit-song, “Apologies.”

  He finished and glanced to me on the other side of the glass behind the producers sitting at the sound boards. “What’d you think?”

  “Good,” one of the producers said.

  “I was talking to my girl,” Trey informed him.

  I smiled. It had been six months and still those butterflies swarmed in my belly when he called me his girl—or showed that he cared more about what I thought than anyone else. “It sounded amazing.”

  “Obviously,” he said, cocky as ever.

  I laughed and shook my head as he began playing another piece.

  I sat back, letting the beautiful sound drift over me as I reflected on the last six months and how much more in love with Trey I grew each day. I understood what Aubrey meant now when she said her and Z hadn’t started that way. It came with time. With knowing all the little things no one else knew.

  My phone buzzed with an incoming call. I opened my eyes and grabbed it from the sofa beside me. Elaine. I gasped, quickly accepting the call. “Hi, Elaine. Is Claire okay?”

  “That’s the reason for my call.”

  My heart began to race.

  “She’s being discharged.”

  The hair on the back of my neck stood on end. “To child services?”

  “No. We have parents lined up for adoption.”

  “What?” Elation mixed with sadness swept over me. She’d have parents, but belong to someone else.

  “The adoptive parents are going to be finalizing the paperwork this week and then taking her home.”

  Tears pricked my eyes, unprepared for the news. “I thought adoption is a long process?”

  “Not in these cases. She’s a custody of the state. If there are parents willing to have her and their background, references, and other credentials can be expedited and if it all comes out clean, they can have her whenever she’s healthy enough to go to her new home.”

  “Can I see her first?”

  “That’s why I’m calling. I wasn’t sure if you’d be able to get here.”

  “I’m coming now.” I disconnected the call and checked for flights.

  Tapping on the glass caught my attention. I glanced up from my phone. Trey stood with questioning eyes. I motioned him out and he quickly stepped out of the recording studio. “What’s wrong?”

  “Claire’s been adopted.”

  He held out his hand to me. “Let’s go.”

  * * *

  We hurried through the hospital to the NICU. Too many emotions rushed through me. I knew I’d said goodbye to Claire before leaving Las Vegas—every time I’d visited over the last six months. Yes, I’d been back. Flights were cheap, and I had no reason not to check on her. But now I’d be saying goodbye forever. She’d move wherever her adoptive parents lived and not even remember me.

  In the back of my mind, I always thought she’d be there, and I could fly to Vegas to see her. Now I realized that would never happen again.

  Trey and I made our way toward the nursery window. I stopped short, peering in at the babies, searching for Claire while Trey went to find Elaine. My eyes frantically looked from baby to baby, but I couldn’t find her.

  “Brielle?” Elaine said.

  I twisted away from the window.

  “You okay?” she asked moving toward me.

  I nodded. “I’m so happy she’ll have a good home—she will have a good home, won’t she?”

  She smiled. “I’ve been assured of it.”

  I released a breath. “Her adoptive parents are going to fall in love with her.”

  “They already have,” she assured me. “Why don’t you go in and hold her. She’s in the family room.”

  I moved away from Elaine and made my way into the family room, stopping once I stumbled upon an unexpected sight. Trey sat rocking Claire.

  Trey looked up when he heard me approach. “She’s sleeping,” he whispered.

  “Elaine said she’ll be going to a good home,” I told him, as I walked over to them.

  He nodded. “I’m sure she will.”

  “May I?” I asked, holding out my arms to take her.

  He shook his head. “I need to talk to you first.” He stood and placed her into the bassinet. Then, he turned to me and grabbed my hands. “You know as well as I do that Claire was put into our lives for a reason.”


  “Something happened when I saw her in your arms that first time,” he said. “It was like…it was supposed to be that way.”

  I stilled, my heartbeat accelerating. “What are you saying?”

  “Then I held her and understood what happened when my mom looked at me.” He tipped his head to the side and stared into my eyes like I should’ve understood. “I’ve been in contact with Elaine every week.”


  “I wanna wear a tutu to make Claire smile.”

  My brows shot up.

  “I want to paint with her and mess up our clothes,” he continued. “And I want to snuggle with her so she’ll know how loved she is.”

  My breath caught in my throat.

  “She’s ours, Brie,” he said. “It hasn’t been easy, but they finally approved all my paperwork. I even had an interview.”

  No. No. Nooooo.

  “Claire is ours,” he repeated.

  I shook my head, my mind spinning with the crazy words leaving his mouth. “You’re a rock star. You can’t care for a baby. You can’t even take care of yourself half the time.”

  He cocked his head, unamused by my dig.

  “You’re away more than you’re home.”

  “That doesn’t have to be the case. The band has no reason to tour the way we’ve been touring.”

  “Of course you do. It’s your job,” I said.

  “Tell me you haven’t thought about it, Brie. Tell me you haven’t thought about having Claire for real.”

  “I mean…I’m obviously drawn to her, but—”

  “Can’t you see this all happened for a reason? It’s how it’s supposed to be. Me, you, and Claire.”

  Suddenly, the room felt too small. Too suffocating. Too everything.

  I spun away from Trey and bolted out of the room and down the hallway, needing to catch my breath. Was he insane? Had he lost his mind? Was he on something? This was nuts!

  The padding of Trey’s feet followed after me. “Brie.”

  I kept walking, needing to be away from this lunatic disguised as a rock star.

  “God dammit, Brie. Stop.”

  I quickened my pace. He had no idea what he was even saying.

  He grabbed hold of my arm, tugging me back to him. “What are you doing?”

  “Getting away from you.”


  “Because you’re scaring me.”

  His forehead creased. “Scaring you?”

  “You can’t make promises like that.”

  “Why not?”

  I tipped my head, the obviousness of his question not requiring words. He was giving me hope. Hope I had no business having. Hope I didn’t even realize I wanted. He was making me see a life I had no business seeing.

  Damn him.

  “I don’t know how to care for a baby,” I said.

  “I’ve seen you with Claire. You’re amazing.”

  “I can feed and burp her. It takes more than that to raise a child.”

  “Then we’ll learn…” he assured me. “Together.”

  I had no idea wha
t to say. No idea what I was even thinking.

  “Give me one good reason why we shouldn’t do this?” he said.

  “How about we’re not married?”

  His lips slipped into a smirk, and he slowly lowered himself down onto one knee.

  I gasped.

  He pulled a ring out of his pocket and held it up. “Marry me, Brie. Be my family and I’ll be yours.”

  My right palm flew to my mouth.

  “I love you,” he said, taking my left hand. “Can’t you see this will be our greatest adventure yet?” The sincerity in his words and this grand gesture, rendered me speechless. “Just say yes, Brie.”

  My heart raced and tears trailed down my cheeks. Was this really happening? I stared down into his beautiful blue eyes seeing a real future with this man…and Claire. It didn’t have to be crazy. I closed my eyes and did the only thing I could in that moment. I nodded.

  He slipped the ring onto my finger and stood up, wrapping me in his arms before I could even look at the monstrosity he’d given me.

  “You’re crazy,” I said.

  “You’re marrying me. What does that make you?”

  “Too far gone to say no.”

  He pulled back and gazed down at me with his cocky smirk firmly in place. Then, slowly, he leaned down and our lips touched.

  I melted into his kiss—my fiancé’s kiss.

  I knew with complete certainty that my life as I knew it would never be the same.


  One Year Later


  The bass from Trey’s drums pounded through my body as I stood backstage watching Savage Beasts perform in New York City. Claire lay asleep in my arms with noise cancelling headphones on her ears. It amazed me how she could sleep through her dad’s shows, but night after night she did.

  Claire was an easy baby, which made me worry she’d be a difficult toddler. But so far so good. The doctors assured us she was hitting every milestone. That knowledge elated us.

  The crowd’s applause erupted, and I strained my neck to see what was happening on stage.

  Trey slipped behind the piano they added to the stage for this tour. He began the intro to “What Happens in a Dive Bar,” their final encore song. Night after night I watched the fans sway to the piano instrumental of the song inspired by our first night together.

  Once the final note of his instrumental floated through the arena, Trey jumped up from the piano and took his seat behind the drums, smacking his drumsticks together so the band could join in on the song.

  The guys brought down the house, rocking New York like never before. They finished their encore, said their good nights to the deafening applause and cheers from their fans, and made their way backstage.

  Z passed me first, stopping to drop a kiss on the top of Claire’s head. “It amazes me that she doesn’t want to watch her godfather kill it night after night.”

  “And it amazes me that her godfather can fit through the door with such an enormous head,” I countered.

  Z laughed. “You love me.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Sometimes.”

  Cam passed me next, dropping an unexpected kiss on my cheek.

  I spun around. “Watch it, Cam, or my husband will kick your ass.”

  “You think I’m scared of him? The guy’s turned into a mega-wuss since he married you.” He backed right into Trey.

  “Wuss?” Trey asked, before shoving him away and walking over to me and Claire. He dropped a kiss on my lips before placing a soft kiss on the top of Claire’s blonde head. “How’d my girls enjoy the show?”

  “It was great,” I said. “But don’t forget the PSA you’re filming once the fans clear out.”

  “I love it when your mom gives me orders,” he whispered to Claire. “Especially in the bedroom.” His brows bounced as he looked to me.

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Treyton,” a voice called.

  Trey and I turned to find Matteo—his fan from Monaco—and his dad walking our way. Matteo was decked out in Savage Beasts wear that Trey sent him every time something new came out.

  “Hey, Buddy.” Trey smiled. “What’d you think of the show?”

  Matteo began to lift his thumb, but when Trey cocked his head, he stopped and flashed a toothy grin. “Awe…some.”

  Trey lifted his hand and Matteo slapped it. Trey was so proud of Matteo’s progress, and thanks to the foundation he’d started, kids like Matteo were getting free treatments and counseling. “You ready to film this PSA with me and my daughter?”

  Matteo began to lift his thumb, but stopped. “Ye…sssss.”

  “You better remember me once you get famous,” Trey teased him.

  Matteo snorted and clapped his hands.

  The film crew emerged by the stage, and the director approached me, making sure we were good to go. I handed Claire off to Trey who removed her headphones and walked out onto the stage with Matteo, his dad, and the director. The crew moved some chairs to the front of the stage to showcase the set. The director motioned Trey over, pointing to the chair on the right. Trey sat with Claire asleep in his arms. The director motioned Matteo into the seat beside Trey.

  “Just act natural,” the director told them as he moved behind the monitor beside the camera. “Ready?”

  Trey and Matteo nodded.

  “Action,” the director called.

  Trey looked right into the camera and said, “Don’t let your past define you.”

  As he spoke the dialogue he’d rehearsed for days leading up to the filming, I couldn’t harness the pride that came from watching him give a voice to the epidemic that had afflicted him as a child. He’d done so much good since the revelation of his past. Kids like Matteo had begun to get treatment their adoptive parents didn’t even know existed—or they didn’t have the means to secure. With Trey’s foundation, these parents and kids had a sense of hope they hadn’t had before.

  “Cut,” the director called once Trey finished his message.

  Trey’s eyes immediately sought mine.

  I nodded my approval, my face beaming with pride.

  Claire chose that moment to wake up. Trey lifted her in front of him so she looked him in the eyes. Her soft giggle floated to where I stood and my heart swelled. I never knew I was capable of feeling such love for two human beings. But Trey and Claire had stolen my heart.

  Trey stood and approached me. “Where were you just now?”


  “You were thinking about something.”

  I rolled my eyes, hating how good he was at reading me.

  “Tell me,” he urged.

  “First of all, you did an amazing job out there.”

  “Brie. This is me. Of course I was amazing.”

  I growled. “If I didn’t love you so much, I’d hate you.”

  He chuckled. “I’m waiting.”

  “Fine. I was just thinking about you and Claire. And how you’ve stolen my heart.”

  He stared back at me, his eyes narrowed on mine.

  “What are you thinking?” I asked.

  “I’m not giving it back.”

  My nose scrunched. “What?”

  “Your heart. If I’ve stolen it, I’m not giving it back. It’s mine and I’m keeping it forever.”

  I tilted my head. The vulnerability emanating from my husband’s eyes nearly brought me to my knees. “Good. Because I don’t want it back.”

  He smiled, the vulnerability disappearing as he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. “I love you, Brie Collins.”

  “I know.”

  Claire giggled and we pulled apart, staring at her cute little face.

  We had the same idea, both leaning in and kissing her on opposite cheeks. She giggled again.

  I pulled in a deep cleansing breath, letting it fill me with all the happiness these two brought into my life.

  They were my family.

  The only family I’d ever need.



  For You Standalone Sports Series:

  Book #1 For Finlay

  Book #2 For Forester

  Book #3 For Crosby

  Book #4 For Emery

  Savage Beasts Standalone Rock Star Series:

  Book #1 Kozart

  Book #2 Treyton

  Until Alex

  Before Hadley

  Since Drew


  Enjoy a Sample of Kozart

  (Book 1 in the Savage Beasts rock star standalone series)



  I checked the clock on the nightstand of my hotel room—the biggest one in the penthouse. It was just after midnight. I glanced at the two sleeping blondes tangled up in my sheets. I’d clearly tired them out. Too bad the same hadn’t worked for me.

  What the hell was I gonna do now? I certainly didn’t want to be there when the two of them woke up—though round two might do the trick and knock my ass out for a change. If it didn’t, I was stuck making small talk with girls who wanted nothing more than to brag to their friends that they’d banged a rock star.

  I climbed out of bed, collecting my boxers and jeans that had been strewn around the room by the all-too-eager groupies in my bed. I pulled them on, then tugged my black hoodie over my head. I looked around for my ball cap, snatching it off the dresser and pulling it low on my head before venturing out into the living room.

  Music blared and bottles covered the surface of the tables. My bandmates drank with other scantily-clad groupies scattered around the massive room. The guys loved the nightly attention they received for being part of the highest grossing band in the world.

  “What’s up, Z?” my drummer Treyton called over the bass pounding through the room.

  The groupies’ attention shot to me, their eyes widening on contact. I could almost hear their strategizing thoughts. The stories they’d share with their friends. The relics they planned to steal to commemorate the night they partied with rock stars.

  No thanks.

  “I’ll be back,” I called to Treyton.

  I slipped out the door and headed for the elevator, hoping no one followed me.


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