Shadowborn Queen

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Shadowborn Queen Page 3

by G. Bailey

  "Come with me, Izora Dawn," she tells me and turns around. I have to jog to keep up with her four legs as we walk through the city and to a large house at the bottom.

  "Shouldn't I know your name?" I ask her.

  "No," she answers plainly. The doors are huge as she pushes through them and I step in after her to a large cabin style room with orange fur rugs on the floor. Strange metal things hang from the walls in all different shapes, and there are several large boxes.

  "You will rest and let us dress you more fitting for a princess. I will give you the key, in exchange for your silence on this place and one other thing," she tells me.

  "If it is possible, I will try," I answer.

  "When you become queen, you will come to our aid if we wish for it. One day we will take back the lands above and not hide in the dark. We will need help," she bargains with me.

  "You have my word," I tell her.

  She smiles at me and nods.

  "The word of a royal is binding. The promise we will make will be that as well."

  Somehow, I don't doubt her.

  The centaur tells me I can help myself to any of the clothes in the boxes before she leaves me in the house. I find several buckets of hot water and washcloths near the boxes. After scrubbing my hair with the soap and rinsing washing it out, I clean my body and dry myself with a towel.

  In one of the boxes, I find a long silver dress that falls to my knees and a tight leather belt that leaves my wings free. I keep my old leggings on under the dress and put on the socks I also find in the box.

  After putting my boots on, I dig through the boxes and find a thin black coat, an old blanket, and rucksack. I need to cut holes in the coat to wear it with my wings, but I can do that later. I shove the blanket in the rucksack, knowing it will be useful just as the centaur woman comes back into the room. In her one hand is a small red fabric pouch and in the other a cardboard box.

  "I have packed you food and water in this," she hands me the box. "And this is the key. My ancestors have protected it for as long as I can remember, but passed on the message that one day a silver-haired princess would come to claim it."

  Shock spreads through me as she hands me the key. How could anyone have known I would search for the keys?

  I pull the key out of the pouch, a long silver chain attached to it. The key is old, cast in thick iron and strange symbols like the metal ones on the walls of this room are etched into the iron. I put the necklace on, tucking the key into my dress.

  "Thank you," I tell her. She steps back and bows once.

  "You must leave. Fate does not rest a second in this time we face ahead," she warns me. "And good luck, Izora Dawn. Next time we meet, I’ll see a crown on your head."

  I hope she is right.

  Chapter 5


  The canopy of leaves dapple the morning sunlight that pours through the Enchanted Forest. A single ray catches the key dangling around my neck and I slide my fingers over the cool metal, looking around at my guys. All but one appear content to be on this quest with me. Frowning, I fall into step with Gold and playfully nudge his shoulder with mine, hoping for a smile.

  He gives me one, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes.

  "You've been quiet since we left Kyllaros. Is there something wrong?" I ask, keeping my voice low for only us to hear.

  He remains silent for a long moment, his jaw ticking. "I'm merely considering how to get you into Draconia. You're not dragon-blooded, but some of your ancestors on King Ulric's side were, so you should be able to travel into the kingdom with me."

  I watch the vein pulse on his temple, and I know he's hiding something from me. "That's good. But there's something else that's on your mind. You can tell me. We're all in this together."

  Gold stops to look into my eyes. "I haven't been home in years. I can smell the salt in the winds and hear my kin soaring through them, and yet....I don't belong here anymore."

  "But you're Draconian," I point out softly.

  He nods, walking again while the others carry on ahead. "I am, but I also abandoned my king. I haven't been there to serve him as I vowed, and that's as good as treason." He drags a hand through his hair, causing strands to fall into his eyes. "I don't deserve to be forgiven."

  I grab both his hands, forcing him to stop again and look at me. "You didn't choose to leave Draconia. You were forced to."

  His lips twitch. "Well, I did punch your father. I suppose being made governor of his prison was my punishment. Eva certainly made it that way once she took over."

  Silence stretches between us, with only the sounds of our boots crunching on the dead leaves for company. I remember Gold said he was just as much a prisoner like me, and now that I know it was my father who imprisoned him, I can't help but feel a little guilty.

  "We're free now," I tell him, pushing up onto my tiptoes to kiss him on the lips, "and we're never going to be imprisoned like that again. Nothing will stop us. We're going to find all four of the keys and stop the Titans. Then do you know what we're going to do?"

  He stares at my lips, his own spreading into a smirk. "Tell me."

  "We're going to live happily ever-fucking-after. Me, you, Luke, Axel and Scott. Hell, even Ozy and Memphis once we free him," I add with a grin. "And nothing will be able to take that away. Trust in us, Gold. We'll do this together no matter what."

  Closing the small distance, Gold crashes his lips against mine and lifts me off my feet into his arms. I'll never get tired of this. The way he holds me like I'm nothing and yet kisses me like I'm everything takes my break away. Unfortunately, the moment is ruined when—

  "Oi. Lovebirds!" Axel bellows from the top of his lungs. "Leave the smoochin' for later. We've got dragons to slay."

  Beside him, Scott whacks Axel on the back of the head. "Enough of the jokes, you fucking idiot. Dragons have extraordinary hearing." He turns to face something in the trees. "He's only kidding!"

  Grinning, Gold sets me on the ground and takes my hand. "Time to go home," he says, brushing his lips softly over my forehead.


  I can't remember the last time I ever felt like I had a home. I guess now the only one I've got is with my guys, and honestly, that’s all I want right now. But first, I need to save the Enchanted Forest, and then we can build a home together away from all the chaos.

  Just me and my guys.

  Once we join the others on a cliff that overlooks the sea, I shield my gaze against the kingdom shining in the distance.

  Gold lets go of my hand and moves several feet away. With a twist of his body, he changes from the man I fell in love with to the dragon who's become my shadow. He brings his enormous head down until it’s laying on the ground, almost like he's bowing to me.

  Gods, he's beautiful. I'll never get over how insanely breathtaking his dragon is.

  And powerful.

  Now we just need to get into Draconia and find the second Titan key.

  Chapter 6


  Gold swoops through the cavern, his gigantic wings outstretched as I clutch his scales. The sapphires carved in the cave walls gleam around us like stars blinking in the night sky, each of them bouncing off Gold's scales. Sunlight teases from the other end of the cavern, and Gold pulls his wings in and tilts onto his side. My breath momentarily leaves me as we fly through and enter the Dragon Kingdom. And it's even more beautiful than I ever imagined.

  I hold on tighter and scan the cities on the lake below. The buildings are divided into factions that are linked together with breathtaking bridges. A beautiful garden rests in the middle of the lake, but my gaze is drawn to the palace in the distance. It's considerably taller than the other cities, almost as if it's watching over them, and the plunging waterfall wraps the base of the palace in a cloud of mist.

  Butterflies swirl around in my stomach as Gold flies down to the ground. When he lands in a gorgeous iridescent courtyard, he bows his head to let me slip off, and then he shakes his body. B
ut he doesn't shift like I expect him to. Instead, he stands tall, his talons planted firmly on the ground, and looks heavenward.

  I follow his gaze to the dragon statue that towers over the palace. Its claws are wrapped around a dragon egg where a plunging waterfall pours out and connects to the lake that surrounds the kingdom.

  His doubt is creeping into him again. I just know it.

  "This is your home," I tell him firmly. "You belong here, Zavier Gold, as much as any other dragon belongs here."

  His head turns in my direction, his stunning gold eyes intent on me. He nods only once before he twists his body and transforms back into his male form. I'm wrapped in his arms barely a second later, ever so softly planting a kiss to my lips.

  "What business does a halfbreed have in the Dragon King's realm?"

  I jump at the deep, hostile voice and look around until my eyes land on the cloaked figure marching toward us. The gold medallion around his neck flashes in the light as he emerges with an entourage of armored guards behind him. The man is distinctly leaner than the guards, not quite as intimidating, but he clearly holds a position of authority. His silk robes and long blond hair move behind him like a blanket of sunlight.

  Gold doesn't let my hand go as he takes a step forward. "I'm Zavier Gold, the king's former High General. I have come to request an audience with him."

  The man's footsteps falter, if only just for a moment. "Gold?" His pale eyes flicker to the guards, who have lowered their weapons slightly. "I do not recall this name. The king has been without a High General for—"

  "Eight years, three months and six days," Gold cuts in, his grip tightening on my hand protectively. His tone remains completely unaltered, his expression one of utter calmness and control. "I would have returned sooner had I not been falsely imprisoned in Shadowborn Prison."

  The man stops beside us, his sharp, patrician features pull into a tight grimace. "If what you say is true, then you are aware of what happens to those who commit treason—"

  "Zavier?" The soft female voice carries to my ears. "Zavier, my darling!"

  The guards hurry to move out of the way. Even the man turns to look over his shoulder at the beautiful woman on the palace steps. She bundles the hem of her sky blue dress into her hands and runs forward, her long white hair whipping behind her.

  Gold releases my hand and runs away to meet her. They both seize each other into their arms and embrace for a long, painful moment. A tinge of jealousy creeps into me, especially when the woman kisses Gold on the lips. Who the fuck is this woman and why is she kissing my dragon?

  It takes every ounce of willpower to keep my emotions in check. I don't know who she is, so I shouldn't jump to conclusions. To distract myself, I focus on the man standing in front of me. He's already looking back at me. He cocks his head to the side and narrows his eyes, but I cross my arms and hold his gaze just as pointedly. There's something about this dragon that rubs me up the wrong way. Ever since I became shadowborn, I've been able to sense darkness in others, and this man is drenched in it.

  Finally, Gold comes back to me. "Izora, this is Queen Valessia." He lets go of the woman's hand and smiles at her with a look of utter adoration. "My little sister."

  Heat rises to my cheeks as I quickly remember my manners and bow to her. I suddenly feel very stupid for getting jealous over their touchy-feely reunion. Valessia isn't Gold's past lover. She's his sister. Gods, I can be such an emotional bitch sometimes.

  "Your Majesty," I say, keeping my head bent low, more to hide my embarrassment.

  Gold takes my hand and pulls me forward. "This is Izora Dawn, my mate, and the rightful Queen of Helios."

  My mate.

  Those two words cause my heart to beat erratically more than my royal title. I knew Gold and I loved each other, but I never thought we were mates. Somehow that makes me love him even harder. I could definitely get used to being called his mate.

  Queen Valessia takes my hand, her grip surprisingly weak. "She is beautiful." Then, letting me go, she turns to Gold. "We must have a feast and discuss all that has happened." She gestures at a small brunette girl who scurries over. "Take Izora to our royal chambers and prepare her for the feast. Zavier, you must come with me. The king will be pleased to see you have returned to him at last. He always knew you would, even when the darkness robbed our memory of you."

  The brunette tugs my arm, but I stay rooted to the spot. Call me crazy, but I don't feel entirely comfortable about leaving Gold just yet. However, the thought of bathing in my own private room is ridiculously tempting. I can't remember the last time I had a bath. The prison showers were hardly anything to get excited about, and I've been in these clothes for what feels like forever.

  Gold closes the distance between us and tilts my chin. "Will you be okay while I meet with the king?"

  I nod, giving him my most reassuring smile followed by a wink. "Don't worry, I'm a big girl."

  He chuckles then kisses me on the lips, hard and passionately. For once I find myself embarrassed to be kissed by him in public... because it's in front of the Queen of Draconia, who just so happens to be his little sister. While Gold did say he had royal ties to Draconia, which is why Eva kept him alive, I never thought he meant his sister was the queen.

  "Try not to get into any trouble," Gold warns me, his lips quirking.

  "Don't I always?" I grin at him, and then he takes me by the hand into the Dragon King's palace.

  Chapter 7


  I bend down on one knee and bow for my king. My pulse spikes as I wait for him to approach me, to say something, but for a long while he does nothing. I know I lost his trust in me the day I entered the Zorya Inn with my warriors. I abandoned my post, my kingdom, but most of all, I abandoned my king. If he unsheathes his sword and slides it through my throat, I will not resist him; I will accept it. Doing so is a fate I have long been overdue.

  "My king, look who has returned to us at last. Do you not wish to see him?" My sister's tone is placating as she approaches the king in his throne room. My sister may be silent for most of the day and night, but when she does speak, her words hold power. She was always the child that sat quietly in the room and took everything and everyone in.

  When she was chosen as queen, I knew my King couldn’t have chosen a better woman.

  I dare to steal an unbidden glance at him, but I'm swift to avert my gaze when he rises from his dragon-shaped throne. My sister stands beside her own seat of power and watches as King Cyrus climbs down the dais. His silver boots halt before my eyes and all is silent as he studies me.

  "Rise, Zavier."

  Slowly, I stand on my feet. My vision threatens to blur as I look at him, but I will not show weakness in front of the dragon I swore fealty to all those years ago; the dragon with whom I had once looked upon as my brother. Guilt I carry in abundance, but weakness? Never. Too many inmates rely on my protection for me to be weak now. Sure, some of them despise me for the mask I had donned, but others, like Izora, were able to see the man behind the beast; they were able to see that I'm trying to help them even when I appear cruel.

  From the moment I walked into Shadowborn Prison, I knew that I was Ulric's prisoner. But as governor I still had power, so I used that power to protect as many inmates as possible. It became my one and only duty.

  However, now as I stand before the king I vowed to protect until my death, I'm reminded of the demons that plague my mind each night. I don't have power anymore. I have only shame and regret.

  "You have gotten old," the king says, placing a slender hand on my shoulder. "Old and tired. Selena always knows when to return the weary to us. Welcome home, brother."

  Home? I swallow the unexpected emotion that claws at my throat. Cyrus is welcoming me home even after everything I did? After abandoning my duty for so many years?

  "Come," he says, sweeping a hand to the table grandly laden with food. "We have much to discuss."

  Wordlessly, I follow my king to his table. Never di
d I expect him to receive me in this way. From the look my sister gives me at the other end of the table, I don't think she did either. Even though I was adopted into Valessia's family at a young age and I am not bonded to her by blood, I know her better than anyone; perhaps more so than the king. And behind her demure exterior, she had been just as anxious to discover how the king would react to my arrival.

  I wait until the king is seated before I take the one on his left. He adjusts his gold sleeves and then pours two glasses of wine from a crystal decanter. I accept mine with thanks and take a sip. At the door, my sister glances over her shoulder at me and inclines her head before she disappears. With her gone, the king turns to me.

  "No doubt your tale is long, brother, but it is one I am eager to hear. Tell me everything that happened and spare no details."

  I do as bidden, and the king is silent throughout my tale. The crease etched between his white brows deepens the more I talk about my imprisonment at the Shadowborn Prison and the experiments Eva had conducted on the inmates.

  "And the Light Fae call us barbaric? There is nothing more barbaric to me than a Light Fae who dances in the dark and yet claims to shed only light." Cyrus chuckles and leans back in his chair, his arms sprawled over the armrests. "I had suspected you were imprisoned all along. King Ulric knew your loyalty to me and wished to exploit it. I had tried to penetrate the prison, but the enchantments were too strong. No one could get in or out."

  I nod, recalling the spells Eva had demanded I cast over the prison. Little had I known the incarnation would later be the explosion that transported everyone into Vasili. From there she was able to cast her army under her spell. The guilt I feel at contributing to that is all-consuming. I've got to help stop Eva or I'm as much a monster as her.

  "The day I was imprisoned… What befell the soldiers who were with me?"


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