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Riff Page 13

by Skye Turner

  I’m greeted by the driver and some of the crew smoking as I step down. They all call good morning. Norm, our driver, looks beat. “You about to go crash, Norm?”

  He nods. “I am. Been driving for eight hours, man.”

  Sal, the tour manager, says, “Morning.” He points to the waiting vans and trucks parked around the buses. “As soon as everyone is out, I’ll go over today’s itinerary. It’s scheduled for an hour and a half from now.” My heart skips as I see the girls’ bus parked next to us, but I focus on Sal.

  I nod and shake his hand. “Sounds good, man. Busy few days ahead, huh?!” I nod at the girl’s bus. “Any sign of life over there?”

  One of the guys from our convoy, I think he’s a light technician, grins at me. “Looking for your lady?” I’m taken aback and he chuckles. “It’s cool, dude. She’s hot. We’re all rooting for you, though the girls after the shows might not be so happy about it.”

  I nod and mutter, “They’ll get over it.”

  He snorts and says, “Sure they will… y’alls fans are perfectly sane and rational women for the most part, right?”

  Shit! He’s right. Some of our fans are not exactly tame. They wouldn’t go after Daisy though, right?

  Dammit! I didn’t think about that.

  Norm bumps my shoulder and gets my attention. He points to the bus. The door is opening. “Heads up. Looks like they’re awake.”

  My gaze is riveted to the door as I wait to see who exits the bus. Roman steps off and I sigh in disappointment. Norm throws his cigarette down and calls out, “Later, Rafe. See you in a few days,” as the girl’s driver calls out to him to come on. He waves at me.

  I must acknowledge them because he leaves and I hear them chattering as they pile into a waiting truck.

  My eyes are still glued to the bus. Summer steps off and smirks as she sees me. She waves. I wave back, but my attention is caught by the body behind her. Daisy steps down, quickly followed by Fannie and McKenzie. I see her look my way, though I can’t read her expression because the sun is directly behind her, creating a halo effect.

  Deciding to take the initiative, I jog over to her. I stop when I reach her and the girls circle her as Roman talks to someone on his cell phone. Nodding at all of them, I mutter a “Mornin.” But my eyes are focused on Daisy.

  She smiles at me shyly and says, “Hey.”

  “Hey, back.”

  She nods at my clothes, “You going to work out?”

  What? Am I going to work out?

  What was I going to do?

  Looking down, I shrug. “No. I was going to go for a run though. Everyone is asleep on my bus and since I was awake, I decided it was a good time.”

  The girls have stepped a little away and given us a little privacy, though they’re still right there. She smiles and I see the appreciation in her eyes from her tight fitting t-shirt. It says “Run Like You Stole It From Gringotts.” She casually says, “Oh, ok. Well, I’ll let you get to that.”

  I nod at her chest and grin. “Harry Potter fan, are you?”

  She blushes and then laughs. “Yeah, a huge one. I’m obsessed.” Her eyes show her surprise as she ask, “You know Harry Potter trivia?”

  I nod and chuckle. “Yeah, my eyeliner hides a nerd.”

  Her mouth drops open and she chuckles. “I’ll be damned.” Then her eyes travel my body and she mutters quietly, “That is not a nerd body.”

  My chest swells and I grin. “Thanks. Appreciate you noticing. It takes work to stay in shape like this.”

  We just stare at each other. Her cheeks are pink and I can feel my heart hammering. I feel like a teenager and not a twenty-something year old man.

  Finally, Summer says with exasperation, “For the love of God, would you just kiss already?! Sweet Jesus. I swear you’re acting like fourteen year olds.”

  I grin and my eyes crinkle. Daisy smirks, too. She leans up on her tip toes and cups my shoulders with her hands. Looking down at her, I lean down as she leans up. Our lips meet in a sweet kiss. Hers soften beneath mine and my tongue lazily sweeps past her lips.

  It’s a soft kiss. A sweet kiss… A kiss with promise.

  She sighs when we part. I smile down at her as she settles on her feet. Then, leaning down, I press another quick kiss to her mouth before turning and jogging away. As I get a few feet away, I face her and start jogging backwards as I call out, “See you in a bit, Daisy. Thanks for the perfect morning kiss and checking me out.”

  Her face flames and she stares after me as the other three girls blatantly watch me until I turn the corner and have a fantastic morning jog.

  Chapter Eighteen


  “So, you two… A couple on top of tour mates?”

  The question we’ve been hoping to avoid has finally come up on the live radio interview. Roman has scheduled the interview with Blue Adams of Rock With Me Magazine for tonight. She’s going to meet us at our hotel for dinner and conduct the interview. Our first show, a mini-concert, is tomorrow night at Madison Square Gardens. The label went all out with the promotion for this thing and every single show is sold out. Tomorrow is a teaser for our super fans and some press, and then it’s basically seven months of three to five shows a week.

  We’ve been here for an hour and we’re supposed to be talking about the tour and Firefly Heartbeat… the single from us that is, as of this morning, sitting at number two on the charts. It’s been out a few weeks and it’s holding its own, but this chick can’t stop ogling Rafe and practically ignoring the rest of us long enough to actually ask the questions she’s supposed to be asking.

  Firefly Heartbeat hasn’t moved into the top spot yet, but with the sold out tour and all the promotion from the label… this may be the week we hit it.

  Glancing quickly at Roman in the control room, I see him shake his head. He doesn’t want us to confirm anything until we talk to Blue. And this chick knew she was supposed to stick to the list of approved questions!

  Rafe is sitting next to me in the booth and we’re sharing a microphone. The rest of the bands are behind us and sharing one mic.

  Rafe gently squeezes my hand where he’s holding it beneath the counter out of sight from the radio host. I let him take the question. He smirks and casually says into the microphone, “We are tour mates and we collaborated on Firefly Heartbeat, our single that’s climbing the charts. Daisy and I wrote it together with help from everyone in both of our bands. We’re all spending a lot of time together.”

  The host narrows her eyes and asks, “Just tour mates? So, there’s nothing else going on?” Her heavily made up eyes are focused on Rafe. “That video from yesterday had you two looking pretty cozy. But you’re saying that you’re still completely single and free?”

  My fingers are digging into my knees. Rafe runs his hand over the back of my hand. He nods at the host. “I’m as free as I ever was.”

  She looks to me and I can read the glee in her eyes.


  “Daisy, no man in your life, then?”

  I smile at her loftily. Bite, me, skank. “Oh, you never know. But, I don’t really disclose my personal life. That’s why it’s personal.”

  She smirks and cattily says into the microphone, “You heard it here, ladies and gentleman. There is nothing between these two other than a hit song and a sold out tour. That means you still have a shot ladies. Though, Daisy is hinting at a man in her life, gentlemen. You guys might be out of luck.” Her eyes look over me dismissively and she openly flirts with Rafe. “The cross-over tour of Destiny Fades to Blue and Sweet Southern Sass kicks off in New Jersey in three days. And make certain to call in and request Firefly Heartbeat… it’s dominating the charts. Will this be the week they conquer the top spot? I guess we’ll have to wait and see… but for now… I’ll see you all at Susquehanna Bank Center in Camden, New Jersey in three days time.”

  The producer signals from the booth that we’re off the air and I can’t help but sigh in relief. Rafe runs his finger
s over the back of my hand again and then let’s go of it and stands. The host ignores everyone but him as she saunters over and takes his elbow. He glances at me as my eyes flash.

  “So, Rafe. I’m off in half an hour. How about I show you around the city? I can show you sights you’ve never seen. It’s certainly an invitation you don’t want to miss.”

  I’m going to punch this bitch in her overly made up face.

  She is brazenly propositioning him with me sitting right here!

  We did just tell her that we’re not a couple though!

  Son of a bitch!

  I freaking hate this!

  This interview with Blue needs to happen like now. I know I shouldn’t be jealous and Rafe is not the one doing anything. He’s not going to take that whore up on her offer, but still…


  Summer meets me eyes and shakes her head slightly. I try to rein in my ire and smile saucily at Rafe and the skank draping herself over his arm.

  He smirks and manages to remove her hand from his arm. He smiles down at her. She’s gazing up at him in adoration and says, “So, what do you say? Want to get out of here?”

  My nails bite into my palms.

  He shakes his head and leans down a bit. I make it a point not to walk too far ahead. He growls at her in a sexy voice, “Thanks for the offer, sweetheart but I have a busy night. We have an important interview and then some promo stuff. That is a very generous offer, but I’m afraid the label has me on a tight leash. Maybe some other time.”

  She frowns and glances over at me with a scowl. “Let me give you my number. If any time frees up… even later tonight… I’m happy to help you fill it.”

  I’m literally going to punch her in her crotch.

  Rafe looks over at me and shoots me a quick wink. My nerves settle some, but I’m still pissed at how brazen this woman is acting.

  You should probably get used to it, Daisy.

  I have a feeling this is tame compared to the women coming out to see the band who are wanting to go home with the guys every night.

  Oh my God, this is so not like anything I’m used to.

  Can I deal with this shit?

  Is it even worth it?

  Looking at Rafe as he takes the paper with her number on it, my anxiety increases. He shoves it into his pocket and leads her from the booth. We all follow along. Roman ends up next to me, “Be cool, Daisy. Once the news breaks, it might calm down some…” I look at him and my brow creases. Sean mutters from next to us. “Yeah, or it could get worse since they’re going to want to be the one to get with him over Daisy.”

  My jaw clenches.

  That’s exactly what I’m afraid of.

  We all pile into the elevator and head down to leave the station and head to the hotel.


  I saw the tension in Daisy when the radio host was hitting on me. All I could do was try to reassure her under the table, out of view of anyone.

  Not that it worked. And not that this will be the only time…


  What happens when naked chicks get through security and approach me or people grope me out of nowhere? What happens when some fan sticks her tongue in my mouth or rips my clothes off while I’m walking down a street or through an airport!?

  Dammit, can she handle this shit?

  Is it fair to ask her to?

  I play the part of the disappointed man who’s unable to take the host up on her offer until we reach the lobby of the station. When the elevator doors open, I can already see our security flank us from the sides where they were waiting. We had two guys with us the whole time we were upstairs. Glancing ahead, I see the throngs of people, paparazzi and fans, waiting outside the front doors. Cameras, cell phones, and video recorders are all pointed at us.

  Roman grabs Daisy and Summer as the bodyguards surround all of us. Summer looks like a deer in headlights as she sees the crowd. She mutters, “Holy shit. Are you freaking kidding me?”

  Glancing back, I try to smile reassuringly at Daisy. She looks scared to death. I mouth to her, “It’s ok. Just look straight ahead and stay with the security.”

  I have no idea if she even sees me. Her focus is on the people now shoving each other to try to get to the doors. The front guys call out, “And we’re going. Stay close.” The doors open and flashes start going off all around us. We’re being herded through the masses and questions are being shouted at us from everywhere.

  “I love you, Rafe! Rafe, are you and Daisy an item? How long has this been going on? Is this a publicity stunt? Daisy, what do you think about your boyfriend’s sexual past?”

  We ignore all of them and are finally herded into a waiting Escalade. There are two of them. I just fall into the one I’m directed at. Once I sit, I look around. Daisy, Roman, Sean, Summer, and four security guys are in here with me.

  The girl’s head of their security team looks everyone over. “Everyone good? None of you were hit, right?”

  I shake my head and look at Daisy closely. Her face is pale and her eyes are wide and scared. Summer has an almost matching expression. Roman is talking quietly to both of them.

  They are not used to this. This is because of us… This is because of the video of us from yesterday.


  Scooting across the Escalade, I kneel on the floor in front of Daisy and take her hand. She glances up at me. “I’m sorry. That was crazy.”

  She nods. “Yeah, it was… Is it always like that with y’all?”

  Glancing at Sean, I have a silent conversation with him. He nods back at me. One of the security guys grunts, “You have to get off the floor, Mr. Rider. You can’t stay there. It’s not safe.”

  Roman gets up and crosses to the spot I just vacated and I slide up next to Daisy, still holding her hand. “It’s usually like that, yeah. But, it was worse because of the video of us. Everyone wants the story. Whoever breaks it has the advantage.”

  She nods and links her fingers with mine. “Yeah, I know. I guess I just didn’t fully grasp how much people would be interested in the news.”

  I laugh. “Well, I am a hard partying and promiscuous rocker who frequently graces the front page of trash mags, Daisy. And you’re… well, you’re the poster child for virtue and a role model for everyone.”

  Her eyes flash at me and then she grins shakily. “Yeah, we’re kind of an odd couple, huh?”

  I want to kiss her, but I’m not certain how she’d feel if I did it in front of everyone. Normally, I’d just do what I wanted and say fuck everyone else. But, I don’t want to embarrass her. She’s already spooked from the chaos being near me creates.

  I nod and lean down to whisper in her ear, “Yeah, we’re an odd match. So, are we a couple, then?”

  Her breath catches and her head jerks up. She looks into my eyes and then she smiles slowly. “I think we might be.”

  I grin back. “Good to know. So, did we just put a title to this thing then?”

  She laughs and leans her head on my shoulder as she sighs. “I guess we did. Who’d have imagined my boyfriend would be a dirty, man-whore rock star?!”

  Throwing my head back, I laugh. “Yeah, and my girlfriend is a bonafide good girl.”

  She chuckles again and I can’t help it, I lean down and press a kiss to her lips. Hers cling to mine until Summer groans. “Jesus, is this going to be a regular occurrence now? Because if so, I don’t think my stomach can handle it. You’re supposed to be some hard ass rocker and you’re being all romantic with my sister. You’re ruining my image of you, Rider!”

  Daisy rolls her eyes. “Shut up, Summer. Don’t hate.”

  Summer laughs and Sean snorts and mutters. “Damn man, stop being a pansy. I feel like I need to hand you my eyeliner or something.” But he’s grinning at us.

  I flip him off and point to my face. “I have enough, thank you. Besides, Daisy doesn’t like the eyeliner.”

  She looks up at me and mutters, “I never said I didn’t like it! I just gave you a ha
rd time.”

  Leaning down, I ask, “Oh, so you do like it?”

  She smirks and nods once. “It’s kind of sexy…”

  My groin tightens as I groan into her ear. “Oh yeah? Like how sexy?”

  She leans up and licks my ear as she mutters, “Very. I’ll show you how sexy as soon as we get to the hotel.”

  Roman hurriedly looks out the window as I fidget on the seat.

  Can this fucking car go any faster?!

  Chapter Nineteen


  Rafe and I just agreed on the fact that we’re a couple… we defined our “relationship” in a car full of other people and now I’m so hot for him, I’m about to forget everyone and climb on his lap.

  That would go over well…

  Roman is already so uncomfortable, he’s stretching his collar and staring out the window like the secrets of the universe are right outside.

  I can’t stop the chuckle that bursts from my throat. Rafe looks at me and sees where I’m looking. Summer and Sean also see and the security guys also smirk. Everyone is laughing at this point, except Roman. He turns from the window and sees everyone looking at him. He blushes and we all start laughing harder. Summer is laughing so hard tears are running down her face. She gasps out, “Oh my God, Roman. We aren’t children. We do have sex, you know.”

  He blushes even harder and then sputters, “I know that. But I knew you when you were in diapers. Knowing and seeing are two different things! You’re like my children!”

  I can’t breathe. I’m falling onto Rafe and he’s leaning back holding his side he’s laughing so hard. Finally, I wipe my eyes and smirk at Roman. “I love you, Roman. You’re the best. Thank you. I needed that laugh after the jolt of shock from leaving the station.”

  His cheeks are still pink, but he nods. “I’m so happy I could humor you.” He pins Rafe and I with a pointed look. “Now, we’re about to pull up at the hotel. Can you keep your hands off each other until you get into whichever room you’re going to hole up in?!”

  My mouth drops open and Rafe coughs. “Oh my God…”


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