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Riff Page 17

by Skye Turner


  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Rafe has me backed against the wall of the venue. We’re kissing like we’re the only people in here, but then someone laughs as they walk by and mutters, “Damn, get it man.”

  I immediately pull back and catch my breath. Rafe grins down at me wolfishly. “I want to get it. You going to give it to me, baby?”

  Slapping his chest, I groan as my face burns. “Oh my God… come on. I’m not the type to do this stuff in the open. Let’s go.”

  He follows alongside me. Security is waiting at the back door. One says, “You two ready to go back to the hotel? If so, I can have the car take you. It should be less obvious than the Escalade.”

  I nod. “Yes, please. That would be great. I’m ready to shower and get cleaned.” I look over at Rafe and take in his naked chest covered with muscles. “And this one doesn’t need to be making people crazy by wandering around shirtless.”

  Rafe grins down at me. “I’m making you crazy? I’m never wearing a shirt again then!”

  Oh my.

  Seriously, he’s so hot right now with his muscles all gleaming, his hair sticking out everywhere, and his smudged makeup.

  Why is a man with smudged makeup, muscles, and tattoos sexy to me?

  That is not something I ever thought I’d find irresistible, but damned if I’m not ready to climb on Rafe like a monkey on a banana tree.

  Ok, so the muscles, tattoos, and makeup are not the sexy… the man with all that is what I can’t get enough of!

  Good lord, I want him.

  I wonder if I can do naughty things to him in the car on the way to the hotel?! How long is the car ride?

  Who IS this person? This is NOT me!

  The security guy is talking into a walkie-talkie and then says, “Ok, you two. Let’s go.” He opens the door and leads us out. There’s no one out here, so we slide right into the waiting car. He tells the driver to take us right to the hotel and go to the service entrance.

  Another security guard climbs in the front seat and then we’re off.

  Rafe and I are quiet as we circle the smallish venue. The windows are darkly tinted and it’s dark, so no one can see in the car. The privacy screen is also up, so we’re cut off from the driver and our security.

  We’re sitting in the back with about a foot between us when I reach over and cup Rafe’s groin. He jumps and I smile into the darkness. “Whoa… What are you doing, Daisy?”

  Palming him, I scoot down and lay across the seat. I whisper. “What do you think, Rafe?”

  His hands find the back of my head as I open the fly of his jeans and he lifts his hips at my prompting. “Daisy, we’re going to be at the hotel in like fifteen minutes and I need to shower, baby. I’m disgusting.”

  My hand circles him and I lick the tip of his rigid cock. “Oh, so you want me to stop? Your dick says otherwise.”

  He jerks and his head falls back.”Ahhhhh…” My mouth opens over the tip and I engulf him. I don’t have much time, but I’m determined to pleasure him. I owe him anyway. He made me scream before the interview yesterday.

  He moans and pumps into my mouth as his hand guides my head. His hands are tightly grasping the knot on my head. I’m letting him control the depth as I suck him. He’s salty and musky from performing, but it turns me on. My cheeks are hollowed as I bob my head and stroke him. My mouth and hand are working in unison. His hips are bucking and he’s fucking my mouth. I gag as he chokes me. Opening my mouth, I gasp for air. He groans. “Oh god… I’m sorry, baby… you’re so fucking naughty…. So good.”

  My teeth get in on the action and I lightly scrape them over his cock as I suck him to the base. He moans. “Baby, I’m going to cum.”

  I nod and keep sucking as his hips jerk. I can feel his body tighten and I increase my grasp on him. He groans and fills my mouth. Some of his cum dribbles out of the sides. Using my fingers, I catch it and suck it back in. I swallow it all and look up at him.

  He’s looking at me in complete and utter shock with the haze of sexual fulfillment on his face.

  I smile at him and sit up as I wipe the sides of my mouth once more.

  He exclaims, “Where did that come from you dirty, dirty girl?”

  I can barely see him in the glow from all of the lights outside. I grin. “You had me hot. And you did peel a naked groupie off you and lose your shirt in the process. I’d say you deserved it.

  “Besides, I owed you. You did it to me yesterday!”

  Throwing his head back, he laughs. “Are we keeping track now? Shit, let me open my calendar. We can pencil this in whenever you’d like.”

  Before I can respond, a knock on the privacy window has us looking at each other and laughing. The security guard calls out, “We’ll be there in about four minutes, ok. There does appear to be a small crowd outside the service entrance. We’ll get you as close as we can, but don’t move until I get out and open the door. We’re going to be met with another team to help get you two inside quickly and safely.”

  Rafe slides his pants back up and fastens them. He looks down at his bare chest. “Well shit. This is going to make for some interesting photos.”

  I shrug sheepishly. “What can we do?”

  He nods. “I know.” His hand covers mine. “Hey, don’t let go of my hand, ok? And no matter what anyone says, don’t react. Try not to pay them any mind.”

  I glance up at him. I can see his cheeks are tight. “You think they’re going to say hateful stuff?”

  He looks down at me. “I honestly don’t know. Some of our fans are brutal and well, I’m kind of well-known for partying with a few of them after shows.”

  And there’s another reminder of Rafe’s past.

  This is just constantly going to be thrust into my face, isn’t it?!

  I nod. “Yeah, I know. So you’ve said.”

  He mutters, “I’m sorry, Daisy.”

  Glancing out the window, I say flatly, “Nothing to do with me…”


  Nothing to do with her, my ass. Maybe it was nothing to do with her before, but it has everything to do with her now.

  I have a goddamned past! I can’t change it. She knows. I’ve been as honest as I can be, but I’m not doing that anymore.

  Hell, I could have fucked that chick right after the show and no one would have even known.

  But, I didn’t. I didn’t want to.

  The only thing I wanted to do was get to HER.

  And now I’m getting attitude.

  What the fuck do I have to do here?

  Daisy is staring out the window as we pull behind the hotel.

  Reaching over, I take her hand and gently yank it. “Hey, look at me.” She turns. “Don’t do this. Don’t shut down. We’ve already been over this. I can’t help what I did before. I did it. I own it. I’ve been brutally honest with you, Daisy. But, I don’t want that anymore. I could have had that tonight…

  “It was right there, but I didn’t want it. Instead, I left my damn shirt and came to find you. I wanted you…

  “Look, I have a past, yeah. But it’s over with. I’m here right now… with you. So, can we not do this over and over?!”

  She sighs and nods. Her hand covers my scruff. “I’m not trying to be a bitch. I’m really not. This is just so different for me. I’m not used to this, Rafe.

  “I know you’re here and that you’re trying. But, so am I. I’m sorry, if you don’t like my reaction at times, but this is pretty new for me, too. I’m just trying not to drown here.”

  Grimacing, I clasp her neck and stare down at her. “You’re not going to drown. We can tread water together. As long as we agree not to dwell on anything that’s previously happened, and a lot has, then we have a shot here.

  “But, if either of us shuts the other out because we get spooked, well, we’re fucked.”

  Daisy smirks at me. “Ok, but I can’t promise not to flip out silently when I’m slapped with the reality of your sexscapades

  I grin back at her. “How about a compromise?! I am happy to provide you with your own sexscapades! Every time you decide to flip out, how about you take it out on me… with sex… or you can just say ‘Eat my pussy, Rafe.’ Whatever works for you. I’m your man. I’m on it.”

  Her face flames and she shoves against me. “Oh my God. I am not going to tell you to do that. What is wrong with you?!”

  Shrugging, I chuckle. “Hey, baby, if you want me to take care of you, just tell me. I’ll drop whatever I’m doing to satisfy you. Because I swear, I could eat your pussy all day, every day, and never tire of it.”

  She scoots away from me, but I can see her shoulders shaking as she laughs. “I cannot believe the shit you say sometimes. You are not normal, Rafe!”

  The car parks and I scoot over and crowd her. She squeals, “Get off me. What are you doing?” Her chuckle has me feeling great. And I’m doing great at distracting her from what might be waiting outside.

  I have no doubt that someone is going to have something to say about me being with Daisy.

  We sit in the car and watch as our security team clears an area from the car to the back entrance. Then, the door opens. I take her hand, “Don’t let go, Daisy.”

  She clutches it tightly and we’re surrounded and herded to the door. Shouts accompany us.

  “You bitch! You’ll never keep him. He’ll get bored!”

  “Daisy, what are you thinking getting involved with him?”

  “I wanted a repeat, Rafe!”

  “Damn you, you whore. How dare you.”

  The back door closes behind us and Daisy exhales loudly and peeks at me. I can barely feel my fingers from how tightly she was holding them, but she never let go.

  The big guy on our right looks us over, “You both ok?”

  We look at each other and nod.

  He sighs and then says, “Good, ok now let’s get you upstairs so we can get ready for the others.”

  Within minutes, we’re being passed off to the team on our floor. The team on the elevator nods at us and bids us a good night. “See you in the morning. We’ll be heading out for the day of press about 9AM according to the schedule.”

  We thank them and then look at each other in the hallway as they disappear behind the closed elevator doors.

  “I want to shower. Do you want to clean up in your room?” I ask her.

  Her eyes widen and she picks at her hands. “Yeah, all my stuff is in there. Do you want to meet me in my room after you finish? Or I can meet you in yours?”

  I smirk and cradle her shoulders in my hands. “Or, I can just grab my shit and come shower with you.”

  The blush trails down her chest but she nods. “Sounds good. I’ll leave the latch open. Just lock it once you come in, ok?”

  Daisy and I are lying in her bed with a pizza between us. I did shower with her and we had hot sex under the water, then realized we were both starving so we ordered a pizza.

  This is probably the best pizza I’ve ever had.

  We’re watching late night TV while we eat and laughing at the antics of Jimmy Fallon.

  Once the show is over, we’re stuffed. I pick up the rest of the pizza and climb in bed with Daisy. “So, should I head back to my own room?”

  She looks at me sleepily. “You don’t have to. If you want to stay in here, you can.”

  I nod and slide under the covers. She’s curved into my body and lays her head on my chest. Her hands are tracing my tattoos in the light from the TV. She asks, “Why are all of your tattoos of smoke and flames, Rafe?”

  I chuckle and play with her hair. “Because fire is dangerous and unpredictable. It’s wild and uninhibited but also incredibly beautiful. Yet, every fire eventually burns out… it has a shelf life. And when the fire calms and the smoke fills the air… it lingers.”

  She sleepily mutters. “So, it’s metaphorical.”

  I nod and kiss her head. “It is. It’s a reminder that life is unpredictable and just because you’re on fire today… tomorrow you could just be smoke.”

  I lay back and watch the shadows dance on the ceiling, like smoke, as her hands still and her breathing softens. Eventually, she snores lightly.

  My heart is so full right now. In this short time, Daisy has found a way into my heart and now I’m scared something is going to happen to take her away from me.

  I decide to leave the TV on instead of possibly waking Daisy to grab the remote from her side of the bed. The sounds of yet another late night talk show are the last things I hear as I drift into unconsciousness.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  The early morning sun is beaming through the still open curtains and blinding me. Squinting, I reach over to try to locate my phone on the night stand. My cheek is pressed against Rafe’s chest and his breathing is deep and even in his sleep.

  Finally, my fingers grasp my phone and I pull if over to my face. It’s just before 7AM.

  Ugh, why am I awake this early?

  We’re not scheduled to get on the tour buses and head out til around nine, so I easily could have slept for another hour.

  I must groan out loud because Rafe’s raspy, morning voice grumbles, “What time is it?”

  Turning, I look down at him and my heart stops at the sheer sexiness that is Rafe Rider. His blue eyes are sleepy, his hair is tousled, and his face is covered in dark scruff. He makes my mouth water.

  Did he ask me a question?

  Dear sweet heaven. No man should look that freaking sexy. Especially before 7AM.

  I’m sure I look like a train wreck!

  He chuckles. “If you keep looking at me like that, I’m going to roll you over and sink my very hard cock in you.”

  My eyes flash and I worry my lip as I glance down.

  He’s not kidding. He is VERY hard. Morning wood or not, good lord.

  His hand reaches out and guides my hand to his groin. “Well, since you’re so interested…”

  I palm him and smile as I straddle him. He’s pressed against me through my underwear and his boxers. I rub lightly and he groans. “Torture. Stop torturing me. Unless you plan on riding me like a fucking rodeo star, you need to get off me, Daisy.”

  Still grinning, I lift my knee and kneel on the bed. His eyes squint shut. “You’re a witch.” I pull my panties to the side and yank his boxers to his hips before straddling him again. His eyes flash and he says, “Shit, I meant you’re an angel…” it ends on a guttural groan as I sink onto him.

  An hour later, we’re both dressed and Rafe says he’s going to find me some coffee since there’s no coffee pot in the room. I’ve been grumbling that as much as I love morning sex, without coffee, I cannot function.

  The door closes behind him and I finish packing my belongings from the room and bathroom.

  We’re heading out for the second day of the press tour, we have three shows to hit today. The crew will load up the buses for us while we’re gone all day. I need to make sure I’m not leaving anything behind.

  As I make my final pass, a knock on my door alerts me that they’re here to grab my bags. Since I’m done in here anyway, I decide to head down to Roman’s suite to wait for the limo.

  I knock and Summer opens the door. She sees it’s me and quickly looks away. Roman is on the phone and his voice is raised.

  What the hell could be going on? It’s barely 8AM.

  As I walk into the room, I ask Summer, “What’s up? Why is Roman so pissed? What happened?”

  Then, I see Sean, Russ, and Xavior in the room along with an anxious looking Gavyn. He’s also on the phone and sounds really pissed.

  Sean looks up and then hurriedly looks away from me. Xavior grimaces and Russ refuses to even look up from the table.

  Ok, what the hell?

  Turning to Summer, I grab her arm and make her look at me. “What the hell is going on, Summer? Tell me. NOW.”

  She pulls me into the closed off bedroom and shuts the door. Then she points to the b
ed. “Sit down.”

  Why do I need to sit down? What is happening?

  Did something happen to my parents?

  Wringing my hands, I perch on the bed and yell at her. “What? Tell me. Are Momma and Daddy ok?”

  Her expression shows shock and then she nods. “What? Yes, Momma and Daddy are fine. Perfectly fine. It’s not that… It’s Rafe…”

  It’s Rafe? What about Rafe? I just saw him? He just left me?

  He went to go get me a coffee…

  What about him?

  Did something happen to him while he was getting my coffee?!

  Oh my God…

  Jumping off the bed, I scream as all the blood leaves my face. “What about Rafe? What happened? Is he ok?”

  She looks at me and I can see that it’s bad. Whatever it is, it’s bad.

  Oh my God… He’s not ok.

  She bites her lip and looks at the wall. With a deep sigh, she turns back to me. “He’s ok. Nothing happened to him… But, he was arrested… The cops just took him off in handcuffs…

  “He was arrested for sexual assault, Daisy.”

  What now?

  He was arrested for WHAT?

  Sexual assault? Like rape?

  He was arrested for rape? Who the hell do they think he raped?

  This is ludicrous.

  I can’t stay here. This is stupid… utterly ridiculous. I stand up. My knees give out and I sink to the floor. Summer is still talking, but it’s garbled. I have no idea what she’s saying.

  Rafe was arrested for rape.

  No way. There is no way.

  This is insane.

  All I hear are words, but they make no sense. “Louisiana… guys said… a booty call… willing… ended things with her… vengeance… lawyer… crazy…”

  Then, Roman and Sean are standing over me. Roman helps me stand up and Sean helps him get me to the bed. I lay down. I feel like I’m sick. I can’t breathe. I’m too hot. My head is about to explode.

  Sean leans over me. “Daisy, this is bullshit. Rafe has had sex with that crazy bitch. Numerous times. But he didn’t rape her. She’s obsessed with him. Always has been. We told him to stay away from her. She’s probably enraged that he’s with you so she’s going after him with this bullshit.”


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