Destruct: The Guard Trilogy (Book 1)

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Destruct: The Guard Trilogy (Book 1) Page 7

by Sheridan Anne

  With my question being ignored, I continue. “Fine. What made me come to my senses was that he makes me feel content.”

  “Right... and what exactly about that screams for you to run for the hills?” Jacinta mocks, looking over at me like I’ve lost my marbles.

  “The problem is that’s the same feeling I get around you which is the feeling of a best friend. Daniel and I are friends and I’m not prepared to ruin that for a fling. I mean, a fling with Daniel would be hot, like really hot, but in the end, it comes down to the fact that while I was snuggled under his arm, there were no fireworks and how can I start a relationship like that?”

  “Yeah, I get it, but will he? He’s pretty head over heels about you and it’s not like you’ve been making it any easier for him lately,” she says.

  “I know. I’ve been leading him on. Though, I didn’t do that intentionally,” I say, giving Jacinta the lamest excuse to defend my actions. “You know, he said to me today that he’s been meaning to talk,” I say, already dreading how awkward that conversation is going to be and wondering how long I can possibly avoid it.

  “Oh Jesus,” she laughs. “That’s going to be awkward, but seriously, if you don’t feel the same way, you have to let him know. You can’t string him along.”

  “Yeah, I know,” I say quietly, as guilt comes over me at the thought of hurting him.

  “You’ll be alright,” Jacinta says easily picking up on my tone. “Now, quit your yapping. I need my beauty sleep,” she demands with humour.

  “Alright, alright, princess,” I say with sarcasm lacing my voice. “Good night.”

  “Night pretty,” she says as we both fall off into a deep sleep.

  Chapter 6

  I’m woken by the loud hiss of Jacinta’s alarm after a long night of tossing and turning on the couch. Why did I have to go and let Millie take over my bed? I could have just climbed in with her or Jacinta, but instead, I insisted on the damn couch.

  “What time is it?” Millie grumbles with her face squished into my pillow.

  Jacinta reaches over to her bedside table and silences her alarm. “Um,” she groans, squinting into the light of the screen. “8 am.”

  “Ah, I’ve got plenty of time,” Millie responds clearly relaxing deeper into my bed. “How’d you guys sleep?” she asks.

  “Yeah, great,” I lie, earning myself a smirk from Jacinta who knows first hand just how awful this couch can be as she accidentally fell asleep on it two nights ago while reading some ridiculous romance novel and gushing about her latest book boyfriend.

  “Me too,” Millie announces, suddenly chirpy and ready for the day. “Your bed is great,” she tells me.

  “I know,” I grumble, getting up to stretch out the cramps in my back and legs.

  “So, what did I miss last night? It seemed you were getting a little comfortable with Daniel there,” she says prying for information in the most obvious way.

  I come over and flop down on my bed next to Millie who quickly pulls her legs out of the way to make room. “You didn’t miss a thing,” I say not wanting to go into too much detail with a twelve year old. “Nothing happened.”

  “You’re such a liar,” she scolds.

  “No seriously,” I argue. “I think Daniel is better off as a friend.”

  “Now all you have to do is tell him that,” Jacinta adds.

  A nauseous wave comes over me at the thought. “It’s going to break his heart,” I nearly whimper.

  “Yes it will, but it’s best to let him know now than to keep leading him on,” she urges, getting up off her bed and heading to the wardrobe to pick out her day's outfit.

  “I know, I know,” I say, slouching back into my bed. “You’re so lucky you don’t have to deal with this stuff,” I say to Millie.

  She smirks and gives a slight shrug. “Well, this has been great,” Millie says sarcastically and jumps up out of bed. “I have to get going,” she adds, grabbing her things and making her way to the door.

  “Alright, I’ll see you soon, k?” I promise. “Don’t get caught on your way back.”

  “Okay, let me know how shredding his heart into little pieces goes,” she giggles as she closes the door behind her missing my groan.


  I somehow make it to the end of the week, managing to avoid any awkward conversations with Daniel and even managed not to get myself any more detentions. I still got my ass handed to me in combat training yesterday and after a week of hardcore training, my body is aching.

  I stand in the combat room staring at Rylan’s broad chest as we wait for the rest of the boys to get their act into gear. “Alright,” he says at the front of the room, getting straight into the day's lessons. “Today is your last day of sparring before we move on to weapons next week,” he adds before launching into his spiel about what needs to be focused on in today’s session.

  My focus is lost when Rylan brings a muscled arm up and runs it through his dark hair, causing an unfamiliar flutter to stir deep in my stomach. His eyes reach mine from across the room and I pray to God that he can’t see the effect he is having on me.

  “Alright, pair up and get started,” he orders and I realize I’ve completely missed who I’m partnered with. Oh well. That’s what you get for day dreaming about your scorching hot instructor. The room fans out and I’m suddenly left standing at the front of the room with one other person.


  SHIT! I’m paired with the one guy who’s been waiting for this exact opportunity for the past three years and I just know today is going to end up with a detention. I glance over at Luke who’s shooting daggers at me from across the room and give him my prized ‘FU’ glare. I turn and make my way over to the sparring mat, avoiding the worried and curious glances coming from Trey and Daniel.

  “Bianca,” I hear my name being called and turn to find Rylan falling into step beside me with his manly scent radiating off him. Wow. If only I could bottle that and sell it, I’d be a millionaire overnight. “Can I trust you to keep your mouth shut today?” he asks in a dismissive tone and I’m reminded that despite his good looks, he is still a jackass.

  “Can’t make any promises,” I shoot back as Luke joins us on the mat, smirking like all his Christmases have come at once.

  “Whatever differences you two have, need to be left at the door. You’re here to become a fighter for The Guard. One slip up from either of you and you can forget graduating this class. Got it?” he warns looking us each in the eye.

  “Yeah, got it,” Luke says with a scowl and gets on with his warm up.

  Rylan’s eyes linger on mine urging me to back down. I give him a small nod and reign my ego back in, getting on with my warm up before I fall into the inevitable trap that’s bound to come if I continue looking into those deep eyes any longer. Rylan backs off and turns his attention elsewhere, though, never straying far.

  “Ready?” I ask Luke.

  “Been ready for years,” he snaps, stepping into the center of the mat.

  I smirk at his bad attitude and step up in front of him, positioning myself for what’s most likely going to be the toughest fight of the week. Despite his lack of technique, I know he packs a nasty punch and after the week I’ve had, I’m pretty sure one punch is all it’ll take.

  Our fight begins and I beat Luke to the offence, striking my fist out fast, but not fast enough as he dodges my advance. “That all you’ve got, Princess?” he taunts. “Pretty pathetic if you ask me.”

  And so it begins.

  The rest of the fight continues in pretty much the same way, you know, me getting my ass whopped and Luke making snide comments about my lack of strength and speed. So, I must be honest, it really doesn’t take long for my frustration levels to peak and lose control. I run at him, punching and kicking him with whatever energy is left in my exhausted body.

  Within seconds, I have Daniel’s tight grip circling my waist, holding me back, while Rylan stands in front of Luke with a hand pressed hard against
his chest, stopping his advance.

  And that is exactly how I landed myself the job of cleaning up the training room after class.

  “I thought I told you to keep your mouth shut,” Rylan murmurs in his usual bored tone, lounging on the stairs as I’m forced to pack away the training room.

  “I thought I told you I couldn’t make any promises,” I fire back, not in the mood to bother masking my irritation. “Besides, I didn’t say anything, Luke was the one with the big mouth.”

  Rylan’s quick smirk doesn’t go unnoticed. He’s quite for a short while when he suddenly gets up and begins helping pack away the room. “What are your expectations of a fight with one of the supernatural?” he asks in a curious tone.

  “Ah, well, I guess I don’t know. It’s not like I’ve ever seen one before.” I lie, turning my attention back to the mats so he doesn’t see the fear in my eyes that particular memory has brought on.

  “From my experience,” he says, not noticing my mini breakdown. “You can relate it to what just happened with Luke. They’re going to taunt you and call you anything they can think of to throw you off your game. You can’t allow that to affect you. You need to learn to control yourself. Making a mistake like the one you did today could cost you not only your life, but the lives of the people around you,” he adds, fixing me with a look of complete seriousness and I know I have to learn to control my temper or it could get me in a lot of trouble one day. Even though his tone is serious, I can’t help the feeling that he’s talking to me like an equal. Not his student but a friend. Maybe he isn’t quite the jerk I’d made him out to be? A hard-ass yes, but a jerk? Maybe not.

  I look up at Rylan as I pack away another mat. “You’re right,” I say. “I’ll work on that.”

  “Good,” he says, shocked he may have actually gotten through to me. He flashes me one of those sexy half smiles, that only a man can do. “I’ll finish up here, you’re good to go,” he says, his tone softer than I’ve ever heard, bringing on yet another round of unfamiliar flutters in my stomach.

  “Cool,” I say, quickly averting my eyes and bee-lining straight for the door. “See ya,” I shout looking back over my shoulder to get one last glimpse of the man who’s turning my world upside down.

  I exit the training room feeling lost and confused about, well, everything. Confused about my inappropriate feelings towards Rylan that’s definitely turning into something more than just a crush. Concerned about how to let down Daniel without breaking his heart or losing a good friend in the process, missing my Dad, getting my ass kicked all week which proves that I’m probably not good enough for this class, and on top of that completely embarrassing myself, losing my shit over stupid comments from none other than Luke Bailey.

  I walk aimlessly around the academy, desperately craving some time to myself when I’m interrupted by an out of breath Trey. “Earth to Bianca,” he calls, jogging up beside me.

  “Oh hey,” I say, pulling myself out of my own disastrous thoughts and slapping on a smile.

  “Finally, I’ve been calling you for ages.”

  “Really? Sorry, I was day dreaming,” I say. “What’s up?”

  Trey gives me a mischievous smile. “I hope you were day dreaming about me?” he asks with a wink, but continues at my glare. “A group of us are thinking about sneaking out and having a party tonight. You guys in?”

  Oh great. A party is the last thing I need right now, though seeing the excitement radiating off him and not wanting to let him down, I hastily agree promising that I’ll bring Jacinta along. Knowing she would love to go.

  Trey, trying his hardest to maintain his ‘cool, tough love, I’m a senior’ straight face, breaks into a wide grin when he hears Jacinta will be there. “Awesome, well when we figure out the details, I’ll let you know,” he says quickly. “Oh and Daniel will be there,” he adds with a wink then scurries off laughing, probably to find his next victim.

  Oh great. Just what I need.

  I take advantage of my lonesome and wander off past the elementary campus and find my favorite spot, completely out of the way from the rest of the world. I plonk myself down on the old creaky wooden bench, swing my legs up and lay down while soaking up as much afternoon sun as possible.

  ‘Beep, beep’ I hear coming from my phone and I’m suddenly jolted awake. Crap, I fell asleep. I fish out my phone and check the time. Whoa. I’ve been asleep out here for 45 minutes. I hope I haven’t gotten sunburned out here. I open up my messages and find the unread message waiting from Jacinta.

  Jacinta - Where are you?

  Bianca - Fell asleep. You up for a party tonight?

  Jacinta - HELL YES!!!!!!!!

  I get up from my bench and start making my way back to our dorm room. I pass back through the elementary campus and out onto their field to go the short cut back to my dorm when children’s giggles tear through my preoccupied mind. I glance around the field and stare in shock as I see Rylan, chasing a bunch of kids around the field, two locked under his arms, another thrown over his back, playing what looks like cops and robbers.

  I stand on the spot, completely shocked. I’m pretty sure I’m gawking at the sight when all the children turn on him and attempt to tackle him to the ground. His eyes lock on mine, as if sensing me there and gives me the most dazzling smile I have ever seen, making my heart skip. Wow, he really isn’t the tough love, hard ass he makes himself out to be. He’s kind and playful. Hell, he spends his time off playing with kids on the elementary campus.

  I need to get out of here.

  I take off like a bat out of heel and make my way back to my dorm. I need to forget about it and fast.

  I push open the door to find Jacinta rifling through the wardrobe. “What party? Where is it? What are you going to wear? Crap! What should I wear?” Good. Hit me with questions. That’s exactly what I need to make sure my mind doesn’t wander back to the amazing sight I just witnessed.

  “Whoa, calm down,” I laugh as I make my way into the room. “I don’t know yet. Trey said he would let me know.”

  “It’s Trey’s party?” she asks curiously trying to hide a smile.

  “Yes... what’s it to you? It’s not like you have any reason to be extra excited for this particular party. Right?”

  “Shut up,” she says throwing her shirt at me then suddenly changing her tone. “You know, if Trey is organising it, I can guarantee that Daniel will be there,” she says fixing me with a meaningful stare. “Have you talked to him yet?” I give her a guilty look and advert my eyes. “I’ll take that as a no,” she laughs as I come and join her in rifling through the wardrobe. “You know you can’t keep putting it off.”

  “I know, I know,” I say picking out a little black dress that’s way too revealing for a campus party and quickly slide it back into the wardrobe. “I’ll talk to him tonight,” I add as my eyes land on my favorite red top. “Oooh, what about this?” I ask, pulling the skin tight red halter out of the wardrobe and holding it up against my body.

  “Definitely,” Jacinta grins. “What would you wear with it?” she asks tossing a yellow dress over her shoulder.

  “Skinny jeans and knee high boots of course.” I say as if she should have already known.

  “Sounds good to me. Now, quit messing around and help me out,” she demands, laughing.

  “Alright, alright, no need to get your knickers in a twist,” I say, joining her. “Are we going for the casual look or an ‘I want to show Trey how damn sexy I am’ kind of look?” I ask breaking into a grin.

  “Oh, shut up,” she scolds, playfully hitting my shoulder. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “You’re such a liar. You’re so into him,” I laugh. “He totally wants to ask you out,” I say as a matter of fact which stops Jacinta in her tracks.

  “Look who’s lying now,” she responds, completely unaware of her effect on Trey.

  “I am not, he told me the other day. But seriously, you two drive me crazy. The sooner you both admit th
at you're nuts about each other, the better.”

  “What do you mean he told you the other day? What did he say?” she demands, clothes completely forgotten about.

  “Ooh, that piqued your interest,” I tease.

  “Shut up and spill.”

  “No can do, pretty lady. You’re just going to have to talk to him yourself,” I smile, giving her a wiggle of my eyebrows, snatching up my outfit and making my way into the bathroom to get dressed before she can get any more information out of me.

  “Get back here,” she calls from the other side of the door. “You’ve got beans to spill.”

  “Sorry… can’t hear you,” I shout through the paper thin walls.

  “You’re such a cow,” she cries.

  Thirty minutes later, I’m dressed and ready to go. I put my boots on and position myself in front of the mirror, I look as fresh as a daisy after my spontaneous afternoon nap despite the aches and pains coming from my body after this torturous week. My bruised jaw is still awfully ugly so I’ve caked on as much concealer as physically possible. My long dark hair is teased to perfection and my jeans are hugging my ass in just the right way. I add a touch of lip gloss and a hint of black mascara to finish my look and deem myself an absolute goddess.

  “You ready to go?” I call to Jacinta who’s currently jumping up and down, pulling up the tightest pair of jeans she owns. After what seems like forever, she finally gets the button done and saunters over to stand in the mirror with me.

  “Yep, ready,” she declares, holding onto me while she fumbles around putting her brightest red pair of heels on. “We look fierce,” she grins, looking up into the mirror studying our womanly lines and curves.

  “Hell yeah, we do,” I agree loud and proud.

  “So, where’s this party?” she asks, grabbing her things and opening the door.

  Whoops. I forgot that minor detail. I fish through my bag, pull out my phone and press on the unread message.

  Trey – Party in Mr. Fisher’s room.


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