Ransom: Soulless Bastards MC Daytona: Book 3 (Soulless Bastards MC Daytona Chapter)

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Ransom: Soulless Bastards MC Daytona: Book 3 (Soulless Bastards MC Daytona Chapter) Page 1

by Erin Trejo


  Soulless Bastards MC

  Daytona Chapter


  Soulless Bastards MC

  Daytona Chapter

  By Erin Trejo

  Edited by: Elfwerks Editing

  Proofreading by: Chriss Prokic & Katie Fezer-Sadan

  Cover Design: Nicole Blanchard with IndieSage PR

  All rights reserved. Copyright 2019@erintrejo

  No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system without the prior written consent from the author, except in the instance of quotes for reviews. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded, or distributed via the Internet without the permission of the author, which is a violation of the International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines and imprisonment.

  This is a work of fiction. The names, characters, incidents and places are products of the author’s imagination, and are not to be construed as real except where noted and authorized. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or actual events are entirely coincidental. Any trademarks, service marks, product names, names featured are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if any of these terms are used.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 1


  I was given this name a long time ago. Ransom. It didn’t mean much to the ones giving it to me but it meant a hell of a lot to the one that gave it reason. It seems like a fucked up case of déjà vu as I stand here watching through my binoculars. The girl is probably around twenty-three. She’s cute, that much I can see. Long blonde hair that she keeps tied in the back, or at least that’s the way she’s had it since I’ve started watching her. Kidnapping and ransom are my specialties. I’m good at the grab and go. No one ever bats an eye when I sneak up and snatch what doesn’t belong to me. Over the years the Soulless Bastards MC has changed and merged. When Blade stepped down as president, Neo stepped up. He took our club in a new direction that I can’t say I dislike.

  “How long you gonna watch the bitch before we can eat?” Rebel asks annoying the hell out of me a little more.

  “As long as I fuckin’ feel like it. You already ate anyway asshole.” She walks across the street with her friend following closely behind her.

  “Who is that girl?” He asks and nods toward her friend.

  “One of her girls. She ain’t shit but Henley? She knows martial arts and shit. She’s gonna be a fun one,” I tell him. Rebel laughs and lights up a cigarette.

  “You shittin’ me? You’re gonna go after a girl that could kick your ass?” glancing over at him, the thought of kicking his ass flashes through my mind.

  “She ain’t kickin’ my ass. She might put up a fight though,” I add watching her again.

  “What’s the deal with this one?”

  “Her daddy is wealthy and apparently he owes some big money to the club. Neo didn’t go into a lot of detail, said he’d fill me in when he got back from his run.” I don’t know all the details which is why I haven’t made my move on her. I don’t go into a kidnapping without all the information I need. I like to be prepared.

  “I remember Blade talkin’ about some asshole named Keith Heiser. That his girl?” Rebel asks blowing smoke in front of my view. Lowering the binoculars, I glance over at him.

  “Henley Heiser,” I nod. Rebel nods with me before he says, “Heiser was in a lot of shit back then. He was dippin’ in a little of the coke game from what I heard and prostitution. ” That’s good to know. I knew he was a twisted fucker but I didn’t realize he was into coke. I knew he ran a lot of prostitution rings around the area and that his casinos over in Vegas were kicking ass. That’s one of the reasons I’m so into grabbing that girl. She’ll come on handy and if anyone was ready to show her the worst time of her life, it’s me. I kept myself calm and under control as much as I could when Blade was in charge. Now it’s my time to shine. It’s my time to run things my way. To a point, this is personal and Keith made it that way. He just doesn’t realize it yet.

  “Funny thing is; I don’t give a damn about the coke. I want the girls out of that shit that he has them in. She knows about it but she doesn’t give a shit because daddy hands over cash. Fuckin’ bitch doesn’t even know what it means to go without.” Rebel laughs before he says, “She’s gonna find out when she meets your ass, yeah?”

  “Goddamn right. That’s why I’m settin’ up the house. She won’t have a way out once I get finished with her.”

  “You missed it, huh?” Shrugging my shoulders, I look at him.

  “Some days. I know how to break a man, bring him to his knees. I could kill without blinkin’ a fuckin’ eye. I could easily break a little thing like her.”

  “Final words of a dead man,” Rebel mumbles catching an elbow to the ribs.

  “What the hell was that for?” He whines rubbing at his side.

  “For talkin’ too damn much. I’m sick of hearin’ your mouth. When the hell is Neo comin’ back?” Rebel’s a good guy but he’s the most annoying motherfucker that I’ve ever met in my life.

  “Can we eat now?” Rolling my eyes, I walk past the idiot and climb on my bike, pulling my helmet into place. The quicker Neo gets back, the faster I get this shit on the road. Something about knowing I’m the one that can break someone just gives me a thrill that I’m not ready to let go of yet.

  Chapter 2


  “I don’t want to deal with it, Natalie. I’m so sick of hearing his whining. That’s all he does. And then he had the nerve to ask me if I would show him where my dad held the girls?” I huff out a breath wondering what the hell is wrong with my boyfriend, Adam.

  “Why would he even ask that?”

  “He wants to work with dad. I made it clear that he wasn’t to be involved in that shit. I don’t want my man to be mixed up in that stuff. Isn’t it enough that I have to hear my dad ramble on about all the good he’s doing? Now Adam?” Natalie shrugs, passing me my coffee.

  “I get it. I do but what’s the difference if he works with him or not? Wouldn’t that bring in more money for you?” I let that run through my head for a minute and maybe she’s right. I do love my money and not having to work for it is even better.

  “You know what? You’re right. I should tell him to have fun with that. He can run Daytona while daddy is in Vegas. Makes sense to have someone looking out for the business.”

  “Does it ever bother you?” Natalie asks.


  “That you know what they’re doing with those girls and you don’t stop it.”

  “I g
uess I’m just used to it. I grew up with my dad doing things like this. He typically keeps it away from me but now that I’m older, I can see what happens. Even still, he pays me to keep my mouth shut.” It might sound shallow but at least it’s true. I’ve been taken care of my whole life and dad always told me the girls were safe. That it was their decision to do what they do and he just helped protect them from the bad in the world. I’ve never had to ask or want for anything. It was all handed to me by my dad.

  “You are such a bitch,” Natalie says as we head into another store. An eerie feeling works its way through me, a chill racing down my spine. I shake it off when my phone rings. I slide it out and see it’s my dad. I mouth to Natalie that I’ll be a minute and step back outside.

  “Hey daddy,” I answer sweetly knowing that that’s how he wants me to be. I was never allowed to be anything but.

  “Henley. How are you, sweetie?” he asks in his normal monotone voice.

  “I’m good. I’m just out with Natalie. What’s up?”

  “There are some things that I’m having to take care of and I need you to stay inside for a while. Can you do that?” The words that come through the line shouldn’t surprise me. I know when he’s moving a shipment of girls to another state. I’m always told to fly under the radar.

  “Sure, daddy. I’ll just rent some movies or something.”

  “That’s my good girl. Have you checked your account today? I put a little extra in there for your birthday,” he says as if that makes things all better. I don’t think I’ve had a birthday party since I was three and tomorrow I’m turning nineteen.

  “Thank you. How long will you be busy?” In other words, how long will I be stuck inside. Dad always worries that when a shipment of girls gets moved, I might somehow interfere.

  “A week tops. I’ll make sure you have everything you need,” he says before the line goes dead. I sigh as I stuff the phone back into my Coach bag. I’ve never been that good at staying in one place for long. I suppose I got that from my mom. She’s always traveling around the world pretending that she doesn’t know that my dad runs one of the biggest prostitution rings in the United States. Her eagerness to run has rubbed off on me. The more I think about my life as it is, the more I want to run but where would I go? What would I do? Dad doesn’t care if I take trips to Rome or Hawaii as long as I don’t speak of word of what he does. I’ve never been that talkative so keeping his secrets isn’t that hard. The one person that knows is Natalie but that’s a given. She’s been my best friend since we were kids and she knows who my family is. Natalie is better than me though. She has her mind set on things she wants to do. Nat is going to college soon and these are the last days that I have with her and I want to enjoy them.

  I head back into the store and plaster that fake mask on my face, appearing to be the overly happy girl that my dad has painted me as.

  “You okay?” Nat asks holding a shirt up and twirling around.

  “Yeah. Looks like we’re hanging out at my place for a few days.”

  Chapter 3


  Neo gave me the go ahead which made my fucking day. I have the house complete and ready for her. The idea of having her in my space sends a thrill through me. I haven’t felt this good in a long time.

  “You sure you wanna keep her? I could lock her up in my room at the clubhouse,” Rebel says blowing smoke through his nose.

  “Could you shut the fuck up?” I snap keeping my eyes on the house. Word around town is daddy told her to keep herself locked inside. We all know little miss princess isn’t going to listen, not like she’s ever had to.

  “Why we out here, brother?” I cut my eyes at Rebel before walking toward her car. I lean against it with my arms crossed over my chest, causing the alarm to sound. Rebel chuckles, sticking his cigarette back between his lips when the front door opens. Princess comes rushing out afraid that someone might be trying to steal her beamer only to find me.

  “Who the hell are you and why do you have your greasy ass on my car?” She says pressing the button to silence the alarm.

  “Greasy? Rebel she just called me greasy,” I say glancing over at him. Rebel laughs and leans his hip into the car next to me.

  “I don’t think you’re greasy, brother. I thought you looked pretty good today if I do say so.” I smirk and drag my gaze back to Henley’s.

  “Who are you?” She asks again narrowing her eyes as I slip my hand into my back pocket and pull the small rope free. Her eyes widen, taking it in before it all clicks. Henley spins on her heel and tries to run back inside but I’m already following her. Grabbing her around the waist, she screams and kicks which is exactly what I want her to do. It gives me a sick thrill when they fight.

  “Let go of me!” She squeals as I carry her inside, shoving her roughly against the wall just inside the door. When her face hits the drywall, she lets out a yelp.

  “I like them feisty. You are gonna be a fun one,” I hiss as I pull her arms behind her and tie the rope around her wrists. Henley tries to spin and look at me but I keep her body pressed against the wall as Rebel chuckles next to me.

  “You are gonna mark up that pretty face, man,” he chimes in.

  “Wouldn’t that be sad? Poor little rich girl couldn’t use her looks to work her magic then, huh?” Henley’s cries don’t bother me at all. She’s just another rich bitch that has the world handed to her.

  “What do you want? You want money? My dad has money,” she pleads the same old thing everyone that gets grabbed says. You would think they could come up with something better than that but no.

  “Oh, I know he has money. He’s gonna pay us all the money he owes plus some,” I chuckle as I jerk her around to face me. Her eyes are wide as she looks at me, blood trickling down her lip. The urge to lean in and lick it off is strong but I reign it in and keep myself under control.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Her cries go straight to my cock. Rebel steps closer, holding a vase that he picked up somewhere and holds it up to the light.

  “Look at all this sparkly shit. How much one of these little fuckers run you?” He asks holding it in front of her.

  “I didn’t buy it. My dad did,” she says never breaking eye contact with him. He laughs and tosses the vase over his shoulder, listening to it shatter into a million pieces. Henley sobs harder, tears rolling down her cheeks. I reach up and harshly wipe one from her cheek, bringing my thumb to my mouth and sucking it off. She watches me with fear in her blue eyes.

  “Tear this place, apart brother. Make sure to pack my girl here a bag too. I think her stay might be extended,” I tell Rebel but never take my eyes off Henley. I want her to squirm and be on edge. I want her to fear what the future has for her. What I have for her.

  “Please don’t!” She screams making me laugh. I run my hands down her waist, slowly lifting the little dress she has on until I find her panties. My fingers hook into the sides, slowly dragging them down her legs. Henley tries to keep her legs tightly closed but I force them apart. Lifting each leg with her protesting is doing little more than turning me on. The monster in me wants to escape and play but not now. I stand up and bring her panties to my nose, inhaling deeply. Henley watches me with wide eyes. She starts to open her mouth when I stuff her panties in.

  “Shut the fuck up, Henley. I’m sick of the screamin’ and you’re gonna make the neighbors worry,” I hiss before lifting her in my arms and tossing her over my shoulder.

  “Goin’ to pack up some shit,” I call out to Rebel. All I get is a grunt and the sound of things breaking throughout the house. It makes me laugh that he’s having this much fun tearing up someone else’s house. I take the stairs quickly and move through the upstairs until I find her room. Dropping her onto the bed, I head into the closet and shake my head.

  “Why the fuck do you need this much shit? One goddamn dress wouldn’t cut it?” I ask looking over my shoulder where she lies on the bed watching me. I pick up a few items and t
oss them on the floor, making my way through the closet. It’s more of a goddamn bedroom itself. No one could possibly need this much shit in their lives. Glancing around, I grab some shoes and a bag, dragging it all out into the bedroom. The gagged Henley lies there with her mascara running down her cheeks.

  “You ever wonder what daddy does to make money? Or do you care?” I stuff the clothes in the bag like they’ve personally offended me somehow before moving into the bathroom. I grab her makeup and girly shit and toss it in as well. You might be wondering why but you will see soon enough. I have plans for this little rich bitch.

  Chapter 4


  My arms are chained to the wall behind me. I sit on the dirty floor trying not to get my new clothes dirty. My chest hurts from sobbing but there is nothing I can do now. I don’t know what they want with me and they haven’t said much since they brought me here. In fact, I don’t even know if they are still here in the house. I’m in what appears to be an attic that someone has completely redone to resemble a dungeon. There’s a cage in the middle of the room that doesn’t look big enough to hold a person but I don’t want to make assumptions since I’m chained to a wall. I huff out a breath and look around for anything I can use to get out of this or at least fight back with. There’s nothing. The lock on the door clicks alerting me that someone is coming. I slink back against the wall watching.

  “You’re awake. It’s late you should be asleep,” the guy says. I glare at him like he’s losing his mind.

  “You expect me to sleep in here?” I sneer looking around me at the dingy floors. The man laughs before kneeling down in front of me. He grabs my chin roughly in his hand, his eyes burning into me.

  “You’ve never had to suffer, have you? Never known what it was like to sleep on a cold hard floor? Be hungry? No, not a princess like you but you’re about to find out,” he hisses as my eyes roam over him.

  “Is that your name?” I ask nodding toward the patch on his chest.


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