Ransom: Soulless Bastards MC Daytona: Book 3 (Soulless Bastards MC Daytona Chapter)

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Ransom: Soulless Bastards MC Daytona: Book 3 (Soulless Bastards MC Daytona Chapter) Page 3

by Erin Trejo

  “Where are the girls, Henley?” I ask leaning in closely to her back. My lips are lingering near her ear, my teeth begging to bite into the flesh.

  “I don’t know,” she whispers. Too bad. I would have loved a taste of her. Instead, I step back and hold the whip in my hand. I run the thick leather tassels through my fingers before raising my arm. One flick of the wrist and Henley screams. I close my eyes and savor that sound as it washes through my soul. Fuck, I’m getting hard just listening to her. Another flick, another scream. I do it a few more times until my drunken body can’t take anymore. Dropping the whip to the floor, I unzip my jeans and pull my cock free. I fist it, stroking it up and down. When I groan, Henley looks over her shoulder at me. Our eyes lock and fuck, I can barely contain myself.

  “You like hurting people?” She asks through the sobs. I stroke myself faster thinking of her cries.

  “Not usually,” I grunt. Her eyes move to my cock and my hand but when I notice her lick her lips, I lose it. I come hard, spraying my seed all over her back. The angry red marks left from the whip now coated in me. I tug and grunt as the last of what I have hits her skin. Dizzy from the lack of oxygen to my brain and the goddamn Whiskey, I stumble back and fall to my ass. Henley can’t do anything but stand there and watch. Her arms are chained to the wall in front of her. I stare up at her as the room spins and sways.

  “Where are they girls?” I ask once more. The tears sliding down her cheeks don’t bother me. Tears don’t bother me anymore. I can’t let them or I’d die a little more inside.

  “I don’t know, Ransom.” Hearing her say my name sends a jolt through my body. Why does she have to make me feel like this? Why does her saying my name that way make me want to let her run free? No, I can’t do that. Not until I know where the girls are. I want to make her feel what they feel, what they felt. Some sick part of me wants to do to her what her dad does to them. I want to see her break in the palm of my hands, bending to my will because that’s the only choice she has. If she can sit by and let that happen to others, why the hell shouldn’t it happen to her? She deserves just as much as they do. She doesn’t make a move to try and stop it. She doesn’t help those girls. The more those thoughts run through my head the more I want to hurt her.

  “You do know and this isn’t over, princess. This is just the beginning.” She will submit to me. She will drop to her knees in front of me and learn who her master is. Regardless of what she wants, I want this more. I shove myself up off the flood and pull my jeans back into place. I groan when I see my come all over her soft delicate skin.

  “Fuck, Henley. Do you know how sexy it is to see you marked like this?” I ask leaning over her and running my tongue up her neck. I could be mistaken but I swear I heard a moan leave her lips. Maybe little princess is more of a freak than I know. Maybe she likes the pain of what I’ve done to her.

  “Why aren’t you fucking me? Isn’t that what this is?” What the hell?

  “What what is? Is that what you want? You want to be fucked by your captor?” I tease her. I know she doesn’t want that but hell if it isn’t a good idea. I would love to see what it feels like to slide between those rich uptight thighs and fuck her like a real man.

  “Men take women hostage to fuck them not play games with them. Isn’t that what you’re doing?” She asks but refuses to look at me when she says it. That both turns me on and pisses me off at the same time. I move to her side, grabbing her jaw firmly before forcing her to look at me.

  “Why the hell would you think that?” She doesn’t answer. Just stares into my eyes like I’m her saving grace. What kind of sick bitch did I take?

  “You kidnapped me,” she says firmly.

  “I did and now I’ve marked you. Do you know what I ultimately want from you?” Her eyes burn into mine, so much darkness in something I thought was so bright. I’m seeing it now and it’s like a slap to the fucking face. She isn’t so different than me in some ways.


  “Your daddy. I want his head on a silver fuckin’ platter. I want his blood on my hands and when I’m done with you, I will serve you up to him the way he served my mother up to me. Do you get it now, princess?” Tears fill her eyes once more but I don’t think she understands. It’s probably all for show. She’s smarter than I thought she was but weaker too.

  “I won’t let you break me.” Laughter erupts out of me as I drop her face and step back.

  “You don’t think so?” I ask tipping my head to stare at her. She holds her head high and shakes it slowly.

  “Some things are already broken, Ransom. If you can’t feel the jagged edges, you’re not as smart as you think you are.”

  Chapter 8


  My back burns, my stomach growls. Ransom has thrown me scraps to eat and barely enough water to keep me alive but here I am. He passed out after finishing his whiskey the other night and that’s where he stayed. I don’t know how long I’ve been here or he’s been out. I’ve been in and out of it myself. My wrists are raw from being strung up in this chains, my ass can barely touch the floor. My hands are basically numb now.

  “Ransom!” I jolt when I hear someone yell his name. he doesn’t move though. The door knob jiggles and finally opens. A man walks with the same kind of cut Ransom usually has on. He looks from me to the passed out asshole on the floor before looking back to me again. From the position I’m in, I can only look over my shoulder but he can see my back. He chuckles and moves next to Ransom, dropping down on one knee.

  “Hey asshole!” He jiggles him, slapping at his face. Ransom groans and rolls over before opening his eyes.

  “What the fuck do you want?” he grumbles before shoving himself up. Leaning against the wall, he glances over at me before looking back to the other guy.

  “You didn’t show up this mornin’. Neo thought you were dead via the hot chick,” the guy says nodding toward me.

  “Do I look dead, motherfucker?”

  “You want a real answer?”

  “Fuck off, Rebel. Why they always sendin’ you over here?”

  “Because they know how much you fuckin’ love me,” the man I now know as Rebel says.

  “Needed to sleep is all.”

  “On the attic floor? He drink all that?” Rebel asks nodding toward the empty whiskey bottle. I nod my head when he laughs. Ransom scrubs his hand over his face before climbing off the floor and tossing a set of keys to Rebel.

  “Put her ass back in the cage. I need to piss,” he grumbles before leaving the room. Rebel tosses the keys in the air catching them before moving toward me. He unhooks the chains and grabs my wrist causing me to wince. As he leads me toward the cage my legs give out. I’m weak and I hate the feeling.

  “He feedin’ you?” Rebel asks lifting me off the floor and into his arms. He carries me the rest of the way before sitting me in the cage.

  “Not much,” I admit. Rebel looks down at me, a strange look crossing his face.

  “This isn’t like him,” he says but I think it was more for himself to hear not me. I don’t know anything about Ransom aside from he likes to drink and he wants to break me.

  “I wouldn’t know.” Rebel moves out of the cage and closes it, locking me away once again.

  “I’m gonna go get you some food. You look like death,” he tells me before spinning around to head out of the room. Just before he makes it, Ransom comes back.

  “She needs food. You can’t fuckin’ starve the girl,” Rebel snaps pointing over his shoulder at me.

  “Who the fuck asked you? She yours now?” Ransom has sobered up and seems pissed now that Rebel tried to intervene.

  “No but she’s gonna starve to death asshole. Since when is this you?” Ransom moves quickly grabbing Rebel by the throat much like he’s done to me and slams him against the wall.

  “This is none of your goddamn concern! She’s mine to do with what the fuck I please. Did you miss the part when Neo said that?” Anger seeps from every pore of his, r
adiating through the room. I tremble as I watch what’s happening.

  “Fine. You wanna ruin that girl, go for it but don’t you fuckin’ think to make this about your mom! She would be so pissed at what you’re doin’ to that girl!” Ransom pulls his fist back slamming it into Rebel’s face right before an all-out war commences. The two of them go at each other like mad animals. Blood splatters as they roll around the floor. There isn’t anything I could do even if I wanted to which I don’t. Ransom deserves every ounce of pain that Rebel can inflict upon him. They fight a little longer before they both lay on the floor out of breath and bloody.

  “You have no business bringin’ her up,” Ransom tells him.

  “I know but fuck, brother,” Rebel responds. When both of their breathing evens out they stand and look at each other.

  “We good?” Rebel asks him. Ransom nods and pulls him in for a hug. What the fuck is actually happening here? They were all about killing each other a second ago!

  “Tell Neo I’ll be in later. I need to get cleaned up.” Rebel nods and turns to leave but calls over his shoulder.

  “Feed that girl!” Ransom just huffs and runs his hand through his hair.

  “Where is your mom?”

  “None of your goddamn business,” he snaps before grabbing a rag and cleaning up the mess they made. I sit and watch him wondering what the hell happened to his mom and what my dad has to do with it. I’ve never known my dad to kill women. I know what he does for a living but that isn’t the same as killing them.

  “He wouldn’t hurt anyone.” Ransom turns his head, his eyes flaring with rage.

  “He wouldn’t? Look what he’s done to you princess.”

  “He hasn’t done anything to me!” Ransom shifts on his knees looking over at me.

  “He didn’t? Look at you in your goddamn four-thousand-dollar dress. Rebel said you were hungry. How does it feel to not eat?” He asks his tone dripping with hatred.

  “My dress means nothing,” I snap back.

  “I asked you how it felt to be hungry? How does it feel to have everything you care about ripped away from you? You know what? Take the dress off,” he hisses. I shake my head. No way. Ransom stares at me with that predatory look in his eyes. When he stands, I know he means business. He stalks toward the cage with more anger than I’ve ever seen in anyone’s eyes before in my life. I move quickly stripping out of the dress before he smirks. Holding his hand through the slats, I pass it to him.

  “See? Is that so hard for you to do? Follow fuckin’ directions, princess.”

  “Why are you doing this to me? What kind of sick thrill are you getting?” Ransom eyes the dress before ripping it apart with his bare hands. A whine escapes my throat when his eyes jerk back to mine.

  “See that? You cry over material shit. What do you think those poor girls are cryin’ over? Some sick dirty fuck rapin’ them? Someone forcin’ themselves on them for your daddy to make a few hundred dollars?” He steps closer to the cage, pressing his face into the slats. “You are my little toy now. Let’s see how you feel when everything you hold dear to you is stripped away.”

  Chapter 9


  I gave her a bottle of water and a sandwich before I left her alone again. She’s breaking me more than I am her and I don’t like the goddamn feeling of that. She’s messing with my head and when I see my mom in her eyes, it rips my heart out.

  “Heard you’re havin’ some issues with your prisoner,” Neo chuckles as I walk into the room. I flip him off and drop into my seat as the guys all come in.

  “You look like shit,” Triton says taking a seat next to me.

  “Fuck you,” I grumble.

  “Well are you?”

  “Am I what?”

  “Havin’ problems with your prisoner. Rebel said you ain’t feedin’ her. I don’t need a dead bitch on our hands, Ransom. Daddy won’t pay if she ain’t alive,” Neo reminds me as if I needed it. Fuck him.

  “I gave the bitch a sandwich before I left. I don’t need any help and I sure as fuck don’t need Rebel showin’ up at my house. Keep that fucker here.”

  “Nah, I like comin’ over,” Rebel says as he stalks into the room. The thought of punching him the face hits hard yet again.

  “Yeah? Maybe I should start showin’ up in your room at night, fucker.”

  “I ain’t into that gay shit, brother,” he retorts.

  “Okay, enough! Ransom, you get too far out of control, I’m pullin’ her,” Neo warns me. Who the hell does he think he is? She’s mine!

  “You think so?” I smart off.

  “It’s a fuckin’ order, Ransom. I mean it. We want our shit, she has to be alive and well.”

  “She’s alive,” Rebel mumbles. I swear to god one more word from him and I’m going to lose it.

  “Enough! We got product movin’ in tonight. Ransom, I need you at the warehouse. Can you handle that?” Everyone eyes me like I’m some kind of fuck up and that isn’t normal. I don’t feel normal though and that’s part of what’s bothering me. Since having Henley in my house, I’ve been off. My mood, my mind. Everything feels wrong but the idea of making her feel what they feel is overwhelmingly strong.

  “Yeah, I can handle it. Who’s ridin’?”

  “You and Triton will be at the warehouse. Rebel’s headin’ up north on a gun run with me. The others will be hangin’ back keepin’ shit in order,” Neo announces. I nod my head and look over at Triton. He just grins at me. Stupid fucker.

  “We have six days before Willy wants his cut. That’s not a lot of time to move things around. We can do it though. We always do.”

  “Willy can suck a willy. Why he always cuttin’ us short?” Rebel asks the same thing I’m sure we’re all thinking. Willy is a drug dealer that we make a lot of deals with. He has cash up front and we don’t ask questions but lately he’s been getting short with us. Needing product within days instead of weeks. It fucks up our distribution and schedules.

  “Cause he’s a fuckin’ prick. I don’t know what his problem is but we have six days. That means we’re workin’ overtime.” The guys grumble around the table not happy about that.

  “We gettin’ a higher pay out?” I ask pulling Neo’s attention. The smirk that crosses his face tells me the answer to that.

  “Goddamn right we are. We ain’t no fuckin’ magicians here. You want that shit quickly, you pay more.” Nodding my head, I lean back in my seat but Rebel keeps smiling his ugly ass over here. I want to snap his neck some days but he’s a good guy overall.

  “If that’s it, we’re done here.” The guys all stand and walk out, me not far behind when Neo catches up to me.

  “What’s with the girl?” He asks. I run my hand through my hair and sigh grabbing a cigarette to help calm my nerves.

  “You ever just feel like you need to prove somethin’ to someone? That fuckin’ itch to make them understand that there are far worse things out there?” Neo nods his head slowly, a solemn look crossing his face.

  “That’s it, brother. She sits on her high horse judgin’ people and lookin’ down her nose at them.” I shake my head.

  “It’s what daddy instilled in her, man. I get it but are you losin’ yourself in the process?” Neo asks eyeing me. I know he worries about us. He’s our president now and that’s his job but I’m a grown ass man.

  “My head gets jumbled at times. I can see mom in that girls’ eyes and the more I break her down, the more I see. I feel like I’m no better than her dad, Neo.” Those words sting my soul because I am better than her dad but not at the moment.

  “This is different, Ransom. I fuckin’ get that. If you can get info on where he’s holdin’ them girls by doin’ this, I say it’s worth it don’t you?”

  “My mom would kick my ass, man.”

  “Your mom would be proud, brother. You have to look at it the right way. You’re breakin’ that girl down for a reason. You have a purpose with her. We need to put a stop to the shit that her dad is doin’ and what
better way to get to him than through her, yeah?” I blow out a ring of smoke and tip my head back.

  “What if you’re right? What if I’m losin’ myself in this shit?” His hand claps on my shoulder pulling my gaze back to his.

  “Then you walk away and let me know. I’ll take over with her. You good with that?” I let the idea of someone else breaking Henley run wild in my head but it doesn’t sit right. She’s mine to ruin. Not his.

  “I’ll think about it. I think I got it handled for now,” I admit. Neo nods and turns to walk away as I head toward the bar.

  “Hey, Ransom. Miss you around here at night,” Trinity says sweetly. I grab her around the waist and pull her in between my legs where I sit on a stool in front of the bar.

  “Miss me, huh? Why? Rebel buggin’ the shit out of you too?” Trin laughs and I can’t help but smile.

  “Every day of my life. The idiot asked me to marry him the other day. Promised me a house on the beach,” she laughs.

  “The fuckin’ beach is a three-minute walk from here. Tell him to up his game.”

  “If only that would work. You okay? You look tired.” She says. Nodding my head, I take the beer that was sat in front of me on the bar and take a long pull.

  “Yeah, just overdoin’ it a little. You good?” Trin nods her head, her lip between her teeth. She’s such a fucking tease. I know her story and I know why she’s here but at the same time fucking her after I heard the story of her life? I don’t think I can do it.

  “I’m good. Just thinking about what Rebel said.”

  “What’s that? The house?” She nods her head and it all makes sense. She wants more out of life and I don’t know why she doesn’t go for it.

  “You should do it, Trin. If you really want outta this life, do it.”

  “With Rebel?” She asks her eyebrows pulling together. I can’t help but laugh at her.

  “Not if you ain’t into him! Hell, you’re one of the few that can stand bein’ in a room with him for longer than twenty minutes,” I tease her. I know she has thing for him, I can see it in her eyes. Glad someone likes the fucker.


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