Ransom: Soulless Bastards MC Daytona: Book 3 (Soulless Bastards MC Daytona Chapter)

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Ransom: Soulless Bastards MC Daytona: Book 3 (Soulless Bastards MC Daytona Chapter) Page 10

by Erin Trejo

  Saylor passed out on the couch. Lightweight. I thought that girl could hold her liquor but I was wrong. She’s out. I giggle a little to myself before heading to the bedroom and grabbing a blanket. When I walk back out and cover her up, someone bangs on the door. I jolt but Saylor doesn’t move. Rolling my eyes, I figure it’s just Triton coming back to annoy us a little more. He said he had a few things to handle and that he’d be back. Throwing the door open, my eyes come to rest on a heaving chest. Slowly I drag my gaze up and meet Ransom’s eyes. There’s so many emotions racing through them. Fear, anger. It’s all so consuming.

  “I’m only gonna say this once. What they did to you, fuck, those sick fucks!” He roars loudly before continuing. “I left because you deserve more than me. I left because my goddamn head was a mess, still is but the one thing you need to realize is that I never left because of what they did, Henley. The day you let me have you is the day you became mine.” I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes. His eyes are laser focused on mine and the intensity makes me squirm.

  “You just left me,” I whisper softly.

  “I thought I was doin’ what was right! Don’t you fuckin’ get that? You are all about hearts and roses, Henley. You like the finer things in life and I can’t give you that. I’m not that kind of man.”

  “I don’t want that, not anymore!”

  “It’s what you deserve though!”

  “Look at this place! This is home now, Ransom. This is it! I’ve worked my ass off to make enough money to move in here.”

  “Yeah? And now you’re movin’ the fuck back out!” What the hell is he talking about? I’m not going anywhere. I’ve worked too hard for that.

  “No, I’m not,” I state crossing my arms over my chest. Ransom cocks his head to the side to study me. His head slowly nods before he brushes past me and into the apartment. By now Saylor is awake and gawking at us from her spot on the couch. I spin around and stare at Ransom as he stalks through the apartment toward the bedroom. My mouth hangs open when Triton comes through the door behind me. Saylor giggles from her spot on the couch.

  “What the hell is happening here?” I ask more to myself than anyone else.

  “Your man’s back. Handle that, we gotta go,” Triton says as I glance over my shoulder. He pulls Saylor off the couch and out the door in record time. When I get myself together, I stalk into the bedroom to find him laying half naked in the bed.

  “What are you doing?” I ask. He clearly thinks that he’s staying here but not after ordering me around he isn’t. I’ve worked my ass off the last three weeks and I don’t plan on giving in to him after what I’ve accomplished. At least I’m not planning on it but those rippling muscles that are on display may have me thinking differently.

  “I’m gettin’ ready for bed. I’ve had a long fuckin’ day and I’m tired,” he says casually. I stand here staring at him as though he lost his mind. His eyes come to meet mine and that little smirk crosses his face. “You gonna stand there and stare at me or you gonna come to bed? It’s late, Henley.”

  “You left me! You can’t just barge in here and assume you can stay in my apartment.”

  “I told you to move out, you said no. This is the alternative.”

  “Alternative to what?” I squeak.

  “I have a house Henley as you very well remember. You chose to stay in this shit shack so here we are.”

  “What the hell does that have to do with you?” Ransom chuckles.

  “I’m not goin’ anywhere, Henley. Did I fuck up leavin’? No, I didn’t. You needed space and so did I. I had to handle business and get my head right. Now that’s done, here I am. Don’t think you can get rid of me that easily, darlin’,” he says sounding so sure of himself. I can’t help but stand here without words.

  “This is not a shit shack! I worked hard to get this place, Ransom.”

  “I know you did but you didn’t need to. You had a place goddamn it, Henley.”

  “No, you have a place!” Ransom seems to be getting irritated which makes me want to smile. Now he knows what I feel!

  “Fine. That’s how you want it!” He roars, shoving out of the bed and grabbing his shirt off the dresser. I watch as he shrugs it back on before sliding his cut on over it. He sits on the edge of the bed, shoving his feet into his boots.

  “What are you doing?” Panic races through my veins. He’s leaving me again.

  “You want me to go? I’ll go. I’m too goddamn tired to fight you tonight. You’re lucky I don’t have any cuffs or I’d cuff your ass to the bed frame,” he smarts off. When he stands from the bed, I really start to panic. Is that what I want? I want him to leave?

  “Don’t go,” I say softly. Ransom stops his hands resting on his hips.

  “I’m tired, Henley!” I can see that. His worn out eyes burn into me. I step toward him, resting my hands on his chest and staring into those deep dark eyes.


  “You gotta understand me, Hen. If I stay I’m never leavin’” I swallow hard at his admission before I finally regain the courage to speak again.

  “I want you to stay, Ransom.”

  Chapter 29


  I like this Henley. The assertive take no shit girl but this apartment? Not so much. I’ve laid here trying to fall asleep for the past four hours and it hasn’t done one bit of good. For one, we’re in the shittest part of town she could have picked and all I hear is people fighting and gun shots. It has my nerves on edge even more so than they were. I groan when I hear another shot.

  “You still awake?” She asks softly.

  “How the hell can anyone sleep listenin’ to all that noise? I thought the goddamn war was loud but this shit is out of control.”

  “I’m sorry, Ransom. For everything.” I sit up quickly and move onto my side to look at her. Grabbing her around the back of her neck, I drag her face inches away from mine.

  “Stop. I get it, Hen. You wanted to work and earn somethin’ but you’re missin’ a key part here,” I tell her. She narrows her eyes and tries to understand what I’m saying but she just doesn’t see it.

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means you worked your ass off to earn my heart. Not many can say they did that. I understand that you want to learn how to live without his money and that’s fine but baby, this place is not it.” Her eyes fill with unshed tears as her lips curl into a smile. Henley leans in and presses her lips to mine and I can feel the explosion within me. This woman has managed to get under my skin when all I wanted to do was break her. She’s torn down my walls and built new ones around us both and I never want to let that go. Kissing her back roughly, my tongue slides into her mouth, tasting her. She tastes like heaven and I want to keep that taste forever.

  “Get some sleep,” I whisper against her lips.

  “I’m not tired anymore.”

  “Hen, you still need to heal baby.”

  “No. I need you, Ransom. Don’t tell me no,” she demands. Why the hell would I? Rolling her onto her back, I slip between her parted thighs thanking God we both slept naked. My cock is hard and ready to take her but I know this is harder on her than she’s letting on. After all, that she’s been through I don’t want to force her.

  “I hated you when you left me,” she says her hands pulling my body closer to hers.

  “I thought it was right. I couldn’t bear to see you in pain, Henley. It was killin’ me little by little. I was a coward.” She shakes her head and raises her hips. I slide into her wetness and groan as she locks her legs around me.

  “You were right. I needed space,” she says on a moan.

  “No more.”

  “No. I don’t ever want you to leave, Ransom. Never.” I thrust in a little deeper and groan at the feeling of her wrapped around me. I don’t give a shit that I messed up before, I’m here now and I don’t plan on going anywhere. Each time I rock my hips into her, Henley cries out in pleasure. I’ve never experienced anything like her in my lif

  “You love me, Henley?” I ask thrusting harder, needing to feel her deeper. Her hardened nipples brush across my chest and it feels like fucking perfection.

  “Yes! God yes, I love you more than you know!” I growl when the words leave her mouth and push up to get a better angle. Henley’s lust filled gaze meets mine and we’re locked in place. Plunging inside of her, she reaches up and wraps her hands around my biceps. With each thrust, her nails dig into my flesh a little more. I enjoy the sting and burn that follows as I fuck my woman in our bed. The thought of losing her was overwhelming but I thought it was for the best. Now that I’m inside of her, I never want to let her go. She feels too right in a world that’s all wrong. I know my place with Henley now. I own her heart much the same as she owns mine. My balls tighten, a tingle running through my body as I swell inside of her. Henley clenches and I lose all control of myself. Coming hard, I grunt and groan as I fill her full of me. When we’re both panting and out of breath, I pull out of her and flop onto the bed next to her.

  “I should go clean up,” she mouths sleepily. Like hell she will. I reach for her and pull her to me, cradling her like she’s the most valuable thing in the world, which to me, she is.

  “You ain’t goin’ anywhere.” I nuzzle my face into her hair and sigh. This is what I’ve always wanted. Someone to calm the animal in me. Someone that can take my bad and make it good.

  “I talked to my mom,” I tell her knowing it doesn’t make any sense. “In a dream.”

  “What did she say?” She asks while yawning.

  “She said to keep you. That I didn’t fail you like I think I did.”

  “Smart lady,” she giggles.

  “It’s hard for me to live with, Henley. I feel like I failed you.” She rolls over immediately and grabs my face in her hands.

  “Don’t you see what you’ve done for me? You’ve showed me the love no one else ever did. You made me look at what I was doing to others for my own selfish reasons. I wouldn’t have been able to do any of that without you. You never once failed me, if anything you’ve made me better.” Pressing her lips to mine, I get lost in the moment with her. This is it. This is all I need to be happy and I’m fucking happy as hell that I found it in this woman.

  That’s the end of Ransom. Wanna see what Neo is up to?

  Neo on Amazon: http://bit.ly/Neosbmc

  Connect with Erin! She loves her stalkers.

  BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/erin-trejo



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