Carlisle, Abbie - Elijah's Vow [The Order of the Mist] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Carlisle, Abbie - Elijah's Vow [The Order of the Mist] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 1

by Abbie Carlisle

  The Order of the Mist

  Elijah’s Vow

  Jasmine Tate, an Editor from New York, relaxes on her first vacation in years until a tall, dark, handsome stranger throws her into a world of power and tantalising passion. She realises that humans are not the only race in existence. Her life shatters around her as their worlds collide and everything she’s ever believed in is destroyed as her true identity is laid out before her.

  Elijah, The Order’s leader, has never known true love. Tormented by his past, he has lived only to protect his race, but when he meets Jasmine his heart is captivated by her beauty and he becomes obsessed with his possession and desire for her.

  As a war begins between The Order and the Phoenix League, he must face an enemy that is intent on destroying everything that matters to him, but can he protect the one thing that has become his destiny?

  Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal

  Length: 57,717 words


  The Order of the Mist

  Abbie Carlisle


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2014 by Abbie Carlisle

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-202-7

  First E-book Publication: August 2014

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  To the amazing children in our lives, sons, daughters, grandsons, and granddaughters, for whom every moment is precious.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25


  About the Author


  The Order of the Mist


  Copyright © 2014


  Major Harvey stood at the mist-covered window of his elegant office at the Phoenix Headquarters, looking out onto the cold January morning. It had been snowing hard and the ground was layered with crisp flakes where only a few lone bushes stood, untouched by the cold hand of winter. Lights in the distance flickered and people rushed like mice to get to their destinations, trying desperately to get out of the cold.

  The Phoenix Headquarters were situated on the edge of Portland, a large vibrant city, close to the Columbia and Willamette Rivers. Portland was the most populous city in the Pacific Northwest and it had been one of the reasons Harvey had decided to choose this city to set up his business. Lots of opportunities to make money.

  Set back from the main road, the Headquarters were surrounded by a highly sophisticated alarmed fence and security cameras. A long drive led up to the Headquarters, and a large fountain lay in front of the huge, elaborate oak front doors that led into the main building. Inside, an entrance hall, with an ornate chandelier hanging from the ceiling, led to a maze of corridors leading to offices with high-tech surveillance equipment. Major Harvey’s living quarters were on the second floor, with his elegant office above on the top floor.

  It had been a harsh winter this year, Major Harvey thought, and this weather was not helping with his plans. He was becoming impatient for news, which had prompted him to call for this meeting, and if there were not results soon then someone was going to pay for their failures. Major Harvey had high expectations of his soldiers and did not tolerate problems well.

  The Phoenix League, a private section of Harvey’s business had been set up to hunt down The Mist, a highly powerful Order of humans that had evolved beyond normal humans and who Major Harvey was desperate to control. He’d chosen a group of skilled soldiers, professionals who could locate and destroy whoever and whatever he needed. Their abilities were just what he required to help him with his mission to rid The Mist of their power.

  He turned and walked to his desk, bypassing the matching mahogany table and plush couch. He thought about the plans he’d made as he checked e-mails on his laptop. Nothing. Disappointed, he shut the lid as his second-in-command stepped through the door.

  “Sir, we have located the female,” James spoke, his voice deep and holding a faint thread of worry.

  James stood six feet six inches tall with broad shoulders and cold, brown eyes. He was dressed in his
usual black leather pants, black leather jacket, and black combat boots and Harvey had always been happy with his choice of men who would follow his orders without question, and James was one of his best men.

  James stared at Harvey.

  Harvey was a fearsome figure, tall with haunted-looking eyes and short, cropped hair. He reminded James of a corpse, pale skinned and cold.

  “Has she made contact yet?” Harvey asked, hoping for a positive reply.

  “Not yet, sir. We are keeping watch for any movement, but there are no signs as yet,” James replied hesitantly.

  “Very well, inform me if there are any changes,” Harvey said, frustration gripping him.

  “Of course, as soon as we have news,” James replied as he turned and quickly walked out into the corridor. He was eager to get as far away from the possible threat that he knew would come if his superior became angry.

  Major Harvey turned back slowly to the frosty window. He’d waited decades for this opportunity to find their leader. Last time his guards had failed to follow his instruction, and they’d paid with their lives. He knew he had to stop The Order getting what they needed from the female. Time was running out. He needed results and needed them now.

  He had taken a risk with the female. He knew The Order would retaliate if they learned what he’d done to her. He’d chosen his men wisely and knew that each one was ruthless, but he still despised how he had to trust others, something he’d paid the price for before.

  As soon as he had what he needed, he would get rid of the female and take all the power for himself. A cold smile spread across his face.

  James left the Phoenix building and stepped out onto the crisp, white snow. The wind was sharp and cold as it blew around his collar, and he huddled against it as he walked across the open parking lot to his SUV. His footsteps made large indents in the soft covering that lay all around him. He opened the door and climbed inside to escape the storm that had been building throughout his meeting. He had every intention of driving to re-join his men but knew that he had one last job before leaving. He took out a disposable phone that he’d purchased and began to punch in numbers he had memorised. He knew what he must do for the safety of The Order.

  As he waited for the click his heart pounded in his chest.

  “Yeh,” came a reply from the other end.

  “Protect her!” James replied, almost whispering as if his superior could hear his every word.

  The voice on the other end of the line remained silent.

  “Did you hear me? Use the scriptures and find out where she is and protect her!” James stated as if his own life depended on it.

  Chapter 1

  Elijah was freshly showered and lay in his bed in his quarters at the compound of The Mist. It had been a long day and his muscles ached from the gruelling training session that he’d had with his males. Each day they’d practiced their fighting skills and mastered their powers, taking it in turns to practice on one another. Today it had been his turn and he had a sneaking suspicion that they’d enjoyed it a little too much.

  Elijah’s past had taught him how important it was to be prepared to fight and to protect their race. Fifty years ago he’d been held in an underground prison, nearly dying from starvation and continual brutal attacks by his guards. He’d become thin and weak, and his striking, pale-blue eyes had dimmed until they were no more than a hazy shadow.

  He’d never known why they’d wanted him, why they’d had taken his blood, and he’d fought back time and time again, leaving him covered in blood and bruising that had taken weeks to heal from. He’d decided that if he’d ever escaped from the hell he’d endured daily that he would never be held against his will again.

  He had been so close to death when Jonah had walked into his cell and rescued him. The door to his cell had suddenly opened and he’d stared at the enormous male with horror, believing him to be yet another guard to inflict another round of injuries, but Jonah’s outstretched hand of help cemented a friendship that had become his lifeline for the next fifty years.

  As they’d left the underground prison, he’d noticed several cells similar to his own, each with the doors open and walls splattered with blood. He’d realised that he’d not been the only one held captive and hoped that the ones that had escaped would survive. It had been then that he’d decided to create The Order, to protect himself and others of his kind from the unknown enemy that was intent on destroying their race.

  He’d travelled with Jonah for years until finally creating the compound, which served as their home now. The compound had been created within caves encased in a heavily wooded area, forty miles from Beaverton. It was surrounded by large pine trees with a single road leading in and a concealed entrance that only The Order knew where to find.

  Over the last fifty years they’d met others of their kind and built The Order. Jenson had joined them, followed by Lucian, Tobias, Carrick and Luca. Each one was over six feet tall and well built, with strong facial features and striking, vibrant coloured eyes. Each had their own history, and a unique gift that would help to keep The Order, and any others of the kind safe.

  Elijah recalled when they’d first met Jenson. He had been working in a club in Portland when two stocky males had entered and he’d immediately heard their thoughts. He’d listened intently as they’d described what he knew to be members of his race and where they were intending to search for them. Deciding to search himself, he’d gone to the wooded area the males had described. It was there that he’d come face to face with Jonah. The fearsome sight of the Jonah had worried Jenson but he’d also felt a connection. That night, Jenson had found out about Jonah’s past and decided his future was with The Order, to search and protect others their kind.

  Several years later, Elijah and Jonah had met Lucian and Tobias. They’d been searching the local cities for others of their race and had pulled into a garage for supplies.

  Lucian and Tobias had set up the small garage on the outskirts of a town called Grange after leaving the military. They’d served together, Tobias part of a logistics team and Lucian training soldiers. Elijah knew by their appearance that they were Mist and that their skills would be an asset to The Order. Elijah had told them of his past and Lucian and Tobias had felt empathy for the cruelty he and Jonah had suffered. They had also understood the risk to their kind. Shortly after, they joined The Order, intent on using their powers to protect their race.

  It had been Luca, the youngest member of The Order that had been one of their most unusual finds. The story of the young male had been broadcast over a local news channel, describing how he’d used his power to help heal an accident victim who had been injured.

  Jonah, fearing human involvement, had searched for him and located him with another of their kind, Carrick, in a small town twenty miles from the compound.

  Carrick had followed Luca as he’d fled the accident and had found the young male cowering in an alley. He knew the young male was scared and had used his calming power as Jonah had approached.

  Jonah understood the fear in the young male and had offered them both the safety of the compound.

  Shortly after, Luca and Carrick had joined The Order and began training with the others.

  As each male had joined The Order, its strength had grown, not only as a team of highly powerful Mist but also as a brotherhood. Over the years Elijah’s powers had grown and he was chosen by the males as their leader. They had known that his powers were stronger and deadlier than their own, and knew that the future lay with him. It was written in scriptures that Jonah had taken from one of the cells where he and Elijah had been held that the strongest would lead.

  Elijah admired all of them and regarded them as his family, something he had never known until that day he’d been rescued. He knew he was responsible for each and every one of them, and their safety was his upmost priority.

  As he lay there thinking about the past, he heard a buzzing from his cell. It was rare for anyone to call him at this time
of night. Normally it would be one of his males calling him with an update on the events of the day. Usually they wanted to discuss the security checks and ask about his day. Questions they so loved to ask at some ungodly hour of the night. Did they ever sleep? Why they could not have asked him in the training sessions or even throughout the rest of the day was beyond him.

  “Yeh,” he spoke with irritation.

  “Protect her!” whispered the voice on the other end of the line.

  Confusion gripped him. He didn’t recognise the voice.

  “Did you hear me? Use the scriptures and find out where she is and protect her!” came the voice again.

  Before Elijah could answer, the line went dead. He sat there staring at the phone. Who could have gotten his number? The line had security measures and no one could access his private number directly except his men. Elijah got out of bed, pulled on a pair of joggers, and walked out of his quarters to the main security room.

  Jonah sat in front of the vast monitors of the security system that surrounded the compound. His enormous boots rested on the desk in front of him. His muscular legs were tight in his black leather pants and he wore a tight, black crew-neck T-shirt, which made his huge muscular arms look bigger than normal. Elijah knew that Jonah loved to keep himself looking good and by god he was a sight for anyone’s admiration. He was flicking through a bodybuilding magazine that he’d picked up that morning as he turned and saw Elijah come through the door.

  “What you doing up this late? I thought you’d retired for the day?” Jonah asked. He lowered his feet from the desk and turned fully to look at Elijah as he saw the uncertain look on his face. They’d been friends for a long time and he could tell instantly that his friend and leader was concerned.


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