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Agent Page 1

by Lexxie Couper

  Table of Contents





  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Preview another Lexxie Couper book

  Note from Lexxie

  eBooks by Lexxie Couper

  Lexxie recommends … Renee George


  All around her, the shadows of the passageway loomed and stretched, as though to strangle the dim glow cast from the grime-covered lights. It made seeing any more than four steps ahead almost impossible. All she had to go on was Zeric’s blood, and like a double-edged sword, there was plenty of that to see.

  A chill rippled up her spine and over her scalp, making her hair feel alive and she sped up, heart thumping so hard in her chest she swore the space station shuddered with its force. If she found Zeric dead…

  A growl sounded before her in the dark—so low she almost missed it. By the gods, thank y—

  A black shape stirred in the gloom and suddenly the werewolf stepped toward her.

  Jaienna’s breath caught. “Zeric, it’s me.” She held out her hands, wanting him to see them empty. “I’m alone.”

  The werewolf stared at her, muzzle creasing as it bared teeth long and sharp.

  “I didn’t want to shoot you, Zeric,” she said, her heart trying to pound its way out of her chest. “But if I didn’t, Tornada would have.”

  The werewolf growled again, bristles raised.

  Jaienna took a step forward, smelling the coppery tang of blood in the air. “If Tornada shot you, you’d be dead now. I couldn’t let that happen.” She gave a short little laugh, mouth dry. “I kinda like the idea of you being alive.”

  The beast stared at her, motionless. She took another step forward, right hand extended, fingertips almost brushing the stiff white whiskers of the animal’s muzzle. A deep gnarr rumbled in its chest and it took a step backward, shoulders bunched, haunches dropping.

  Jaienna’s throat slammed shut. “Zeric?”

  For a moment, it didn’t move. Its golden eyes held hers. And then, neck arching into a savage bow, it threw back its head and howled.


  The Boundaries, Book #2

  Lexxie Couper

  Published 2016 by Book Boutiques.

  ISBN: 978-1-944003-50-0

  Copyright © 2016, Lexxie Couper.

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Book Boutiques.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, locales, or events is wholly coincidental. The names, characters, dialogue, and events in this book are from the author’s imagination and should not to be construed as real.

  Manufactured in the USA.

  Email [email protected] with questions, or inquiries about Book Boutiques.


  Intel-Patrol Corp agent, Jaienna Ti has gone rogue. Now that she’s saved her sister from a life of sexual slavery at the hands of a cruel crime lord, she is fighting a battle of a different kind—one involving her heart and the brooding Boundary Guardian, Zeric Arctos.

  Zeric has his own battle. An ancient curse renders him a savage beast unlike any the Boundaries has seen before. Once only anger triggered the change, but now his driving hunger for Jaienna is threatening to set the wolf free. And he doesn’t know if he can control it.

  When the head of the Intel-Patrol Corp sends an agent out to retrieve Jaienna, the two face a threat more dangerous than any before. Raq Tornada. Violent, tenacious and deadly, Raq is an agent to fear. He’s also Jaienna’s ex-lover. And he has a score to settle with her.

  The Outer Boundaries is a dangerous cesspool of sin, lust and depravity.

  And it’s about to get wild.

  Previously Published

  (2011) 5x5 Publishing


  To the incomparable Kitty Kelly, Kelly Thrash, whose honesty I will treasure forever.


  Cover Artist: Valerie Tibbs, Tibbs Design

  Edited by Chrissie Henderson


  The Suck and Blow Inn fell silent seconds after Tornada stepped into its murky depths. More than fifty patrons—most with eyes tinged pink from a Bliss high—turned to watch his sauntering progress across the floor.

  All took in the Jjor disrupter strapped to his thigh; a weapon banned in both the Inner and Outer Boundaries by the Unified Parliament. Tornada smiled to himself, enjoying the fear in the silence that followed him across the floor. Just the way it should be.

  He stopped at the bar, resting his elbows on its grimy surface as he gave the Hetap behind it a level look. “I’m looking for a redheaded Raavelian female.”

  The barkeeper poured a Jjor Slap and placed it on the counter between Tornada’s elbows. “Got a brunette Raavelian in Den Two and a redheaded Terran in Den Eight. Take your pick.”

  Tornada raised the Slap to his mouth, letting the Hetap see the dagger sheathed under his armpit. “No. Raavelian. Red hair. Green eyes.” He took a drink. “Likely to rip your throat out if you look at her the wrong way.”

  A shimmer of recognition flashed across the Hetap’s face and he licked his lips, suddenly on edge. “Psy Lyso’s slave.”

  Tornada’s smile stretched wide. Excellent. “When was she here?”

  The bartender glanced around the still silent inn, before returning his dull, mud-colored gaze once more to Tornada. “Almost a moon cycle ago.”

  “Do you know where she is now?”

  A slight hesitation followed, as if the Hetap weighed up something in his mind. “No.” He gave his head a sharp shake, multiple chins wobbling. “Lyso had a run-in with two mean looking bastards. Could’ve been Boundary Guardians.” He scrunched up his face. “One of them—a big fuckin’ Terran—had freaky yellow eyes.”

  Tornada lowered his Slap and gave the bartender an impatient look. “The Raavelian?”

  “Last I saw, she was walkin’ to an empty den with the same Yrathian that came in with the Terran. Those scarred-face bastards are meant to be impressive shit in the sack, I’ve heard. Don’t know what Lyso was thinking, giving up something so fine to a Yrathian.” The bartender shook his head again. “’Specially not one with the scars of a Master Pleasurer.”

  An unexpected but familiar surge of jealousy ripped through Tornada but he ignored it, giving the Hetap a flat look instead. “Do you know who she left with?”

  The bartender’s eyes narrowed. “Did Lyso steal her from you or somethin’?”


  “Why you after her, then?”

  An image of Jaienna flashed into Tornada’s mind; long copper-fire hair fanning her bare shoulders as she crawled up the length of his body on all fours, her exotic green eyes promising aallll sorts of pleasure. “No reason.”

  The Hetap raised his eyebrows. “Well, I know Lyso was pissed to lose her. He came storming out of Den Five, pissing blood and cursing the Terran. Seemed more annoyed about the Raavelian than his Bliss deal gone wrong.” A shudder rippled through the Hetap’s flabby frame. “Stupid, if you ask me. I’d rather cut off me own dick than piss off Hrung Crortek.”

  Tornada turned and stared out at the hovering patrons, playing over everything the Hetap had said in his mind. He now had four leads: a Yrathian with the scars of a Master Pleasurer; a Terran with unusual eyes; the Bliss dealer, Psy Lyso, and the infamous Ornithion crime lord, Hrung Crortek, a vile creature who virtually owned the Outer
Boundaries. Jaienna could be with any of them, none of them… or all four of them, depending on what she was after. Another wave of stinging jealousy spiked into his gut and he cracked the knuckles of both hands. Fuck.

  He closed his eyes, an image of Jaienna filling his head immediately. A naked Jaienna straddling an equally naked and faceless Yrathian, her hips rolling backward and forward over his as she rode his cock. She let her head drop back, allowing the naked blue-skinned Xolotlan kneeling to her right to press his mouth to her arched neck, just as an aroused Hrung Crortek appeared behind her, snaking his clawed hands over her shoulders to cup and squeeze her perfect, heavy breasts.

  Three of them? Where’s the…

  The image shimmered. Suddenly—still being fucked and fondled by the Yrathian, Xolotlan and Ornithion—Jaienna gazed up at a hulking Terran. A faceless Terran with eyes like burning yellow gold. Fuck me, her lips said as she rocked against the thrusting Yrathian. Fuck me now.

  Searing heat shot straight to Tornada’s cock and he opened his eyes, cursing his over-active imagination. Four leads.

  Turning back to the hovering Hetap, he leant across the bar. “You got a holo-generator here?”

  “Den Eleven. End of the corridor. It’s ten thousand chits per session.”

  Tornada straightened. “It’s mine for the next three hours.” Stepping away from the bar, he headed toward the sex dens. Four leads to follow with Jaienna at the end of one of them. Maybe. If he was lucky.

  Stepping into Den Eleven, he removed a small transparent rod from a hidden compartment in his jacket and slid it into the holo-generator, standing still as the den pulsed with a vibrant purple light. A slight buzz filled the room—a sure sign the generator was black-market—and then a woman appeared before him, red hair a tumbled mass of copper-fire falling about her face and bare shoulders, green eyes flashing. “Hello, Tornada,” the holo-projection of Jaienna Ti said, voice tinny and hollow. “Shall we play?”

  Chapter 1

  Jaienna held her soft sigh in check, touching her fingertips to the scar on Zeric’s side. The moment they’d arrived back on his ship four days ago it had begun to heal. That hadn’t messed with her head. What had messed with her head was the silence. Silence that hadn’t changed in the entire time since she’d half-carried, half-led him to his quarters.

  Four days of trying to make him talk to her, look at her. But he’d constantly refused and now here she was, almost begging him with her eyes to acknowledge she was there and he did little but stare at the far wall.

  He was healing well. Too well. When she’d dragged him to his quarters four days ago he’d looked like shit. Every inch of him had been marred by bloody gashes or ragged bite marks. None of those gashes seemed to exist anymore. With the exception of the faded wound in his side and the brooding silent treatment, the Terran Boundary Guardian was healed.

  He’s not just Terran, Jaienna. You have to remember that.

  No, he wasn’t. Zeric was something else altogether.


  She lifted her gaze to his face, noting the studied control there. His jaw was clenched, his nostrils flaring slightly with each breath he took. Breaths, she couldn’t help but notice, long and somewhat shaky.

  “Were there many other werewolves on Old Earth?”

  His jaw bunched more at her question, his eyes glinting gold fire. “Not that I knew of.”

  Her heart slammed into her throat. He’d answered her? Gods, he’d actually answered her?

  He shifted slightly on the edge of his bunk, his muscles coiling and flexing under his skin. “None.”

  Jaienna caught her bottom lip with her teeth, willing him to look at her. She needed him to make some kind of connection with her. Fuck, four days ago she’d saved his life and given him her heart.

  Is that really what you’re worried about? His lack of manners?

  No. She was worried that he wouldn’t talk. Or look at her. Or relax.

  He should be able to relax now. They’d defeated Crotek and were safe on his ship. Surely what they should be doing was relaxing in each other’s arms? And then maybe something not quite relaxing but just as—

  “I shall deposit you on Spaceport Ry’l as soon as possible,” Zeric suddenly spoke, his voice low. “Until then, it is safer for you to keep away from me. In Jak’s quarters.”

  Jaienna’s eyebrows shot up. She stared at him, her mouth falling open. “Jak’s what?” Her fingers hovered over the scar beneath his ribcage. “And where?”

  He turned his head a fraction more away from her. “Jak’s quarters. It will be safer there.”

  “Safer for whom?”

  Zeric didn’t answer.

  A dull beat thumped in Jaienna’s temple and she settled back onto her heels, studying him. “Safer for whom, Zeric?”

  He moved his stare back to her face, his eyes fixing on hers with an unwavering intensity. “You.”

  She let out a sharp snort, crossing her arms over her chest. “Oh, of course. Me. Why didn’t I think of that? Oh wait, because four days ago I fought off half of Crortek’s personal guards, killed a Xolotlan and destroyed a sex den saving you, that’s why. Because I’m an Intel-Patrol Corp. assassin, that’s why.”

  “It’s not the same, Jaienna,” he snarled through clenched teeth. “You saw what I did in Crortek’s den. What I became. I have no control of it.”

  “So get some,” she snapped back. “I’m not scared of you and I’m not leaving you. If you want me out of your life just say so, but don’t hide behind the animal you are.”

  “You should be scared.”

  The words burst from him in a roar, so forceful Jaienna felt her hair blow back from her face. He glared at her, his eyes no longer human. His nostrils flared, his chest heaving as he sucked in breath after breath. Beads of sweat popped out on his forehead, trickling down his temple.

  Jaienna didn’t move. Her heart slammed into her throat, but she didn’t move. If she moved now, it really would be all over. She had to show him now she wasn’t going anywhere. “I’m not,” she said, keeping her voice calm. Steady. “Why would I be scared of the man I—”

  He roared again, smashing his palms against her chest and driving her backward. She slammed into the ground, the back of her head striking the cold metal with such force her teeth clicked shut and black stars erupted in her vision.

  Another roar ripped through the room and she blinked, pain blurring her vision as she watched Zeric leapt at her.

  But it wasn’t Zeric. He’d transformed.

  Massive claw-tipped feet punched the ground either side of her hips and her head. She scurried backward, staring up at the animal.

  He snarled, a low growl of cold menace. Teeth the size of her fingers glinted in the room’s low light as his muzzle wrinkled. His wild stare tracked her frantic retreat.

  “Zeric,” she whispered, shaking her head. “Zeric, don’t.”

  He lifted his head and snarled again, stalking toward her with deliberate intent. His body continued to shift, to change, his muscles coiling with each step. Growing bigger, longer before her eyes. The dense grey fur of his coat rippled, his claws scraped on the floor, the scratching sound like steel on steel. Jaienna’s pulse quickened.

  Druentia wept, no.

  “Zeric,” she breathed. “You need to—”

  A shudder wracked through him, a wild convulsion, and suddenly he was Zeric again. He stood motionless, staring at her, his eyes wretched, his chest heaving.

  Jaienna swallowed, her mouth dry. She parted her lips, ready to say his name one more time, to let him hear she wasn’t afraid.

  And let out a cry of dismay instead when he turned and ran from the room.

  “Shit.” She scrambled to her feet, her head a world of black ache, her heart smashing against her breastbone. Running out into the Reaper’s corridor, she looked left, then right. Where did he go?

  “Computer, where is Guardian Arctos?”

  “Guardian Arctos is in the brig”

/>   Jaienna’s scowl turned into a grimace and she dragged her fingers through the tousled mess of her hair. He’d shut her out. Again. After everything they’d been through, he’d turned from her when she knew he needed her the most.

  Fuck it. She’d had enough.

  She started storming toward the brig, her fists bunched and jaw set. It wasn’t just that he’d run away from her. It was that he was running away from himself. For the second time in her miserable existence, she’d let a man into her heart and he’d thrown it back at her. But she wasn’t taking it. Not without a fight.

  As expected, the brig door was locked when she arrived. Behind its solid steel construction, Jaienna could make out very faint sounds of movement. Violent movement.

  A frown creased her brow and she stared hard at the door. What is he doing in there?

  A shuddering thud rocked the ship, as if something very large and very heavy smashed against the door. Jaienna flinched and for a second an image of a massive beast covered in gray fur filled her head—a memory, clear and vivid. Zeric Arctos’s other form.

  Her hand stole to her hip and she bit back a curse. She’d left her gun in her quarters.

  Your gun? Since when have you needed your gun to deal with Zeric?

  Jaienna’s chest grew tight. Since his control of the werewolf lurking in his blood grew tenuous?

  Since the second you first met?

  A black scowl fell over her face and she shook her head, stepping up to the door’s control panel. She didn’t need a gun around Zeric. Whatever had just happened, whatever was happening to him now, he wouldn’t harm her. He’d stopped himself back in his quarters and he would stop himself again.

  You sure?

  Her fingers itched for her weapon again, all the more so as a very low, very deep growl emanated from behind the steel before her. Something stood on the other side, something with sharp fangs and a crushing jaw. Aware of her.

  Waiting for her.

  For Druentia’s sake, Jaienna. You survived the Raavelia Alpha slave camps. Nothing can be as bad as that.


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