Path of Descent: Ambrosine

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Path of Descent: Ambrosine Page 1

by Noreen Harrison

  Path of Descent



  Noreen Harrison

  Copyright 2014 Noreen Harrison

  All rights reserved. Any reproduction, in whole or in part, by any means, without the express written permission of the author, is a violation of United States federal copyright laws.

  ISBN-13: 978-1506165042

  ISBN-10: 1506165044

  This book was created in the United States.


  The path of my descent ended with

  secrets, revenge and death…

  making me the last of the Ambrosines.


  I’m lying next to Marcus as he moves his fingers slowly, unbuttoning my nightgown… one button at time. His cooling kisses make their way down my neck, sending my body into feverish desire. I hold him tight, bringing him into me, willing to give in to his obsessions and mine…

  “Alixia, wake up now.”


  Sunlight on my face ended the dream. I squinted through the glare and watched Anna pulling back the last of my bedroom curtains.

  “Out of bed!” she said. “We have to finish the garden before the heat of the day.”

  I rolled my eyes and pulled the covers over my face, wanting my dream back. I let out a long sigh of irritation.

  “Alixia, up!” she said, relentless.

  Defending Marcus

  “Just be quiet, already,” I thought, gritting my teeth as I shoved the spade deeper into the wet garden soil. I was trying to ignore her endless preaching. Anna just would not shut up. Her loathsome feelings for Marcus were grating on my nerves this morning, making me wish I had stayed at Marguerite’s rather than having come home last night.

  “And another thing,” she began.

  “That’s it!” I said, exasperated. I threw the spade into the flowers, wiped black dirt from my knees and walked away. “I don’t really care what you think, Anna! Do you understand? Just… keep… QUIET!”

  “You hold your tongue young lady!” She followed behind me like a shadow, persistently wanting to win the argument. “All I’m saying, Alixia, is that defending this Dark One will only bring more trouble tonight at the Gathering. Think of Millie’s baby. ”

  I sat down on a wooden bench beside an iris. Frustrated, I held back my temper and pulled off my garden gloves.

  “Anna, I am thinking of Millie’s baby. Angel and the Dominions were wrong to curse him and Marguerite, and I’m going to prove that by defending Marcus tonight.”

  She wiped her brow with a dirt-stained hand, which left a streak across her forehead.

  “You’re being foolish,” she said, “if you think he had nothing to do with it.”

  I glared at her.

  “He didn’t have anything to do with it!”

  I knew she wasn’t going to yield, stubborn old mule that she was.

  “You know what, Anna? I have been fighting the Council to hear me for a whole week, after they refused the first time. I will save my argument for them, so stop with the lecturing, please.”

  “Fine! If that’s what you want, I won’t say another word!” She glowered at me, put her hands up and walked back to the roses, mumbling under her breath.

  I sat there watching her and smelling the fresh dirt she was turning up. Unfortunately, she was right. I would be stirring up more trouble. The Families’ bias toward Marcus and his new Family had been loud and clear after our return from the West Indies. They are still of the Dark realm, people said, and they cannot be trusted. And now that the Dominions have put a black curse on the Pure Ones, it has turned deadly.

  Reaching up, I took off the white scarf that was holding my hair back and shook it loose. I was thinking of another frustrating concern.

  When I left Marguerite’s yesterday, Millie was adamant about not waiting any longer.

  It has been a week and we still have not heard from Henry or Marguerite. Tormented by fear and worry, I expected that by now they would have found a way to end the Black Death curse, which Angel had put on Millie’s baby. She said if the Dominions did not release her child tonight at the Gathering, she would not hesitate in asking Marcus to change her, no matter the consequences to her soul. Her baby would live!

  “Damn it!” I heard Anna yell, bringing my attention back to her. She was bending over a white rose bush, staring at blood on her fingertips from thorn pricks.

  I began to go to her aid but after taking a step I stopped and fell back, gripping the garden bench tightly as I saw a vision. Vivid images flooded my mind. Marcel was standing close to my mother, whispering in her ear. His bloodstained teeth were fully exposed as he promised her my soul. She called out to me sorrowfully but he turned her into him, looking at me with his soulless eyes, kissing her seductively and then rapaciously taking her to the ground. He pointed. Father’s headstone came into focus. They were on his grave...

  “Alixia?” Anna shook my shoulder, bringing me out of it. I breathed heavily and lowered my head, repulsed.

  She will pay, and so will he.

  “What was the vision?” she asked, bumping me a little with her hip as she sat and wiped her fingers on the apron.

  “Marcel and Mother. But I don’t want to talk about it,” I said, looking at the bloodstains on her apron. “I just want to put Mother back into the grave, where she belongs.”

  She sucked in her breath and her face dissolved into a look of revulsion.

  “I understand that. They all should be put in the grave…”

  “Anna,” I said, ready to debate her again. Suddenly I stopped and looked toward the house.

  “Someone’s coming. It’s Charles.”

  Anna got up, looking toward the gate. “You’re right. Charles, over here,” she waved.

  “Great, what is he doing here?” I mumbled, annoyed. “Coming to put in his two cents about Marcus too, before the Gathering tonight.”

  “Don’t be rude.”

  “Bonjour.” He said walking toward us. Looking at him, I was taken aback. He was wearing blue jeans and a black tee shirt. Up until now, I had only seen him in dark business suits. Even his sandy brown hair, which was usually so neat, looked tousled. He took Anna’s hand and kissed her cheek.

  But he kept his eyes on me.

  “So, what brings you out here, Charles?” Anna asked, moving a piece of loose hair back over her ear.

  Charles took a step toward me.

  “I want to talk to Alixia.”

  “Charles,” I said in a sarcastic tone, not wanting to be preached at any more. “If it’s about the Gathering tonight, don’t bother trying to stop me. I’m going.”

  “Alixia!” Anna said angrily. He put his arm around her.

  “It’s okay, Anna. Will you excuse us?”

  “Yes, of course.” She looked at me apprehensively. “I will go, but, if you need me...”

  “It’s okay Anna. Thank you.”

  We watched her walk back to the house. Then he turned toward me and didn’t waste any time.

  “Now, Alixia, you’re right that I am here about the Gathering.”

  “Charles,” I said, irritated. “I already told you, it’s a waste of time.”

  He walked over and picked a white rose, bringing it to his nose to inhale the bouquet. “I’m here to help you,” he said.

  “Why?” I didn’t trust any of them now.

  He sat down, handing me the rose.

  “Because I know Angel, and there will be trouble tonight for Millie.”

  “I know that, too.”

  “Well, I just wanted you to understand that I will be there for you if things get out of control.”

  I looked down at the rose.

  “What are you up to, Charles? Why are you helping us?”

  His jaw tightened, bothered that I would question his sincerity.

  “I just want to make sure no harm comes to Millie, that’s all. You don’t trust me?”

  “Not really.” I pulled a petal from the rose, trying to keep my irritation restrained. “I’m having a hard time believing, especially when it was you and the others of the High Council that let Angel curse Millie’s baby.”

  “I can’t apologize for that.” He stood up, looking straight at me without any remorse. “We did the right thing. Marcus is building his Family, and Marcel is doing the same. The balance has been broken and the Pure Ones caused it. They left us no choice but to control the situation.”

  I glared at him, not believing what was coming out of his mouth.

  “So you are justifying it? You think by killing Olitha, and keeping Millie’s baby and Marguerite under a black curse, it will give you control? You don’t know what you have started.”

  He clenched his jaw and his face reddened. “We are not fools. We know there will be consequences. But after Marcus’s Family members took that young girl, we had…”

  “Charles,” I said, stopping him from saying any more. “It wasn’t his Family: it was Marcel’s!”

  He shook his head.

  “No, one of Marcus’s Family members was caught standing over her.”

  “Yes, he was standing over her, but he didn’t do it. That young girl’s body turned into ash when the Ambrosines took her that night!”

  “So,” he said raising an eyebrow in reservation. Why wouldn’t she?”

  “Charles, think. The Ambrosines blood doesn’t affect Marcus’ Family that way anymore. So, why would the young girl turn to ash after they destroyed her? It should have been a clean kill, as though you or Phillip did it.”

  He looked nervous. “I have to leave, Alixia.”


  “I will see you at the Gathering tonight. I promise.”

  “Wait.” I said jumping into his head and sensing his distrust. “I’m telling you the truth.”

  “I just have questions now, which need to be answered.”

  I stood up, taking his arm worriedly. “You do believe me, that Marcus’s Family had nothing to do with taking her soul?”

  “I can’t answer that yet. I have to go.” He kissed my cheek and left.

  I stared after him as he walked away, knowing he wasn’t going to help me at all. It was beyond his comprehension to save Darks Ones, even if they were innocent. I was wasting my breath.

  He stopped at the red rose bushes that mother had loved so dearly. Bending down, he placed his hand on the dried stubble and looked back at me with sadness in his eyes. Then he shook his head, got up, and walked away.

  The Council

  After driving back to New Orleans, I switched cars and got into the limo with Millie, heading to Madame Cecilia’s for the Gathering. I glanced over as she looked down, twisting her wedding band back and forth on her finger. I could hear both her worry and her anger. I shifted in my seat anxiously, staring out the side window into the darkness.

  I have to keep her under control for everyone’s sake.

  The driver opened the door for us in front of Madame Cecilia’s mansion.

  “Are you ready, Millie?”

  “Yes. I think so.”

  “Come on.” I put one foot out of the car door and stopped, turning back to her. “Oh, yes. Remember that I will be blocking your thoughts from the Council tonight.”

  “Yes, I remember.”

  “Good. Let’s get this over with, then.”

  “Wait, can I have a minute?”

  “What’s the matter?” I turned back, looking at her with concern. She put her hand to her head, rubbing her temple.

  “I just don’t know.”

  I slid back into the seat nervously and took her hand, sensing her uncertainty.

  “If you can’t do this, I can have the driver take you back to Marguerites.”

  “No! I have to fight for my baby!”

  “Okay, but you have to keep control. Remember that we have to do as Marguerite said. We are just a diversion. We can’t do anything to antagonize Angel until the Pure Ones find out who is behind this curse. You understand that, right?”

  She was quiet for moment.

  “I’ll try,” she said, avoiding eye contact with me and nudging me out the door. “Let’s just go.”

  Walking through the front door, I saw that they were all here. I felt them trying to enter our thoughts even as we stood in the foyer.

  “Alixia, is something wrong?”

  “No. Just stay close, Millie.”

  “I will. Stop worrying.”

  I lifted an eyebrow.

  “It’s hard not worry Millie. I’ve been in your head, listening, and I don’t like what you are thinking.”

  “They’re just thoughts. Nothing more.”

  “I hope so.”

  Beyond the ballroom, I could see the back room where the Dominions and High Council were standing with red hooded robes covering their faces, amid the flicker of candles. I didn’t sense either Phillip or Charles among them. That made me wonder, especially when Charles had said that he would be here.

  “Alixia,” Millie took my arm.

  “Yes? “

  “Come on.”

  Moving to the center of the room, I looked down and saw a black circle drawn on the floor with the individual white symbols of the immortal Families in a star shape in the center.

  “What is this?” I asked.

  “It’s a judgment circle. As long as I stay in the center, they can’t harm me.”

  “What do you mean, harm you?”

  “Shh!” she said, leaning into me as Madame Cecilia motioned to us.

  “Alixia, you and Millie please step into the circle.”

  I did so, hoping what Millie had said was true.

  Taking her hand, I stood there in the pentagram watching as the Council and the Dominions encircled us, removing their hoods one by one, their eyes fixed on us. Angel was last, staring at me with her usual hatred.

  Madame Cecilia stepped forward. I knew she was upset with me for choosing to be with the Pure Ones.

  “Alixia,” she said, looking at me with the same expression mother had when she was sad. “You called this Gathering tonight?”

  I bowed, according to Millie’s guide to protocol.

  “Yes, to defend Marcus Blondeau.”

  “This is so ridiculous,” Angel mumbled aloud, irritably.

  “Only in your eyes,” I said, wishing I could wipe the arrogant look from her face.

  “Alixia!” Madame Cecilia said, glowering at me. “You will be respectful.”


  She turned and looked back at Angel, questioning. Angel nodded.

  “Alright then, Millie.”

  Millie took a step toward her. I grabbed, her moving her back while sensing her contempt for all of them. She pulled away from me.

  “Alixia, please,” she said, giving me a dirty look and then focusing back on Madame Cecilia.

  She bowed, peering up at the Council.

  “You all know why I am here,” she said. “I want my baby released from the curse that is upon him.”

  Madame Cecilia lowered her eyes shamefully for a second. She knew Millie would never forgive her, for betraying her and her child. She looked from side to side at the Council, and they nodded. She then turned back with a slight smile, stepping into the circle and touching Millie’s shoulder.

  “It will be discussed.”

  Millie suddenly welled up, losing her composure and then her temper. She pushed the older woman’s hand off. Her voice cracked in heart wrenching emotion as she cried out.

  “I don’t want it to be discussed! Just release my baby! I beg you. I want to be able to hold him again, without fearing that he will die in my arms.”

  “Millie,” Madame Cecilia said, stepping clos
e to her. “Please stay calm.”

  “No, Madame Cecilia. I have had enough of this!”

  Angel interrupted, sensing the Council’s empathy for Millie’s plea.

  “This Gathering is for the Dark One, so let’s begin. We will deal with Millie’s request later. State your contention, Alixia.”

  “Millie,” Madame Cecilia whispered. “Don’t worry. Stay in the pentagram and don’t do anything foolish.”

  She stepped back from us, glaring at Angel.

  “Alixia, we’re waiting.” Angel said testily, rolling her eyes with an irritated sigh.

  I could hear their hidden thoughts of hatred toward Marcus and his Family.

  I’m just wasting my breath and time with them.

  “You already know my argument. Marcus’s Family didn’t take that young girl’s soul. It was Marcel’s. Ethan was innocent. He arrived after the fact, and you all know it. They never broke the trust associated with their immunity, so why are you doing this?”

  Their faces went grave as they turned to each other, muttering amongst themselves in French.

  Madame Cecilia looked over at Angel.

  “Elle a raison.”

  Angel glared at all of them, and then responded angrily.

  “Pourquoi sommes-nous embêter avec cela?”

  “Juste une minute,” Madame Cecilia said, turning back to me and wringing her hands nervously.

  “You’re right,” she said. “We know that he wasn’t the one, but he was there. And he could have been part of it, along with Marcel’s Family.”

  They are admitting it.

  I grabbed Millie’s arm firmly.

  “Let’s go,” I said. “They know Marcus had nothing to with it. They’re all ignoring the real truth here!” I turned toward the door.

  “Alixia, stop!” Angel yelled. “The truth is that he was there, and it doesn’t matter which one took her. Both realms are dangerous to us, and they all need to be destroyed.”

  “No, you are wrong Angel!” I shouted back, stepping to the edge of the circle and letting go of Millie. I looked out at the Council. “You all know that Marcus’s Family has been helping us fight Marcel. So why are you accepting this. He would never take part in helping Marcel.”


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