Path of Descent: Ambrosine

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Path of Descent: Ambrosine Page 22

by Noreen Harrison

  “No, don’t! I will tell you.”

  “Good choice. No telling what that stuff could do to you, right?” Marcus said, bringing him closer to Phillip and the vial.

  “Stop!” he screamed, pushing himself back.“All she needs is your blood to wake up.”

  “It had better work,” Marcus said, getting close to his neck.

  “It will.”

  We turned suddenly to the back of the theater, seeing the spotlight flicker out of control as we sensed them. The Ancients were hovering toward us. Their hoods covered their faces, and they landed on the edge of the stage as the light settled. They got into our minds immediately, so that we could hear them. I felt their displeasure as they looked around, removing their hoods one by one. They were wearing their black mask again. One of the Ancients stepped forward.

  You will be punished for this.

  “No,” I jumped in front of Phillip. “You’re not taking him.”

  The Ancient put his hand up to stop me, and then moved toward the Pure Ones, pointing accusingly.

  You took one of your own and left his soul to turn dark. This is your punishment, and Michael’s revenge.

  We watched the Ancients encircling them. I looked up, hearing an eerie weeping sound. A strange essence appeared through the cracks and the peeling paint. It spread downward and became a shadowy darkness, engulfing the Pure Ones. They screamed in despair as they begged for their lives, but there was no amnesty. The essence quickly their souls back through the cracks, leaving complete quiet in the room. The Ancients turned around facing us, their eyes red as blood as they called out to Phillip.

  Marcus moved quickly to my side, seeing Phillip go to his knees. They were taking hold of his mind.

  “Stop! Don’t do this!” I yelled as he went limp in my arms. I heard their chants of punishment as a darkness settled around us, with a heavy smell of death.


  I took hold of his mind, seeing the entity that was coming for his soul. Its scent hit my mind, bringing back a memory. I had dealt with this darkness before! It was at Marguerite’s that night with the Priestess. Now it was my turn.

  Fight back, Phillip, please!

  I let my power run through him, sharing our thoughts, battling for his life.

  Don’t give up. Stay with me. Don’t let them take you.

  I felt him getting weaker. My fear of losing him exploded into rage.

  “You stop this now!” I got up and charged at them. They pushed me back. Then Marcus went for them. “You will not hurt her!”

  Stop! You will not interfere!

  Marcus went to the floor hard, cracking the wood surface. I watched his face grimace with pain as his body contorted violently in front of me.

  “Release him!” I screamed, moving into their minds with a force of uncontrolled wrath exploding throughout my whole body. They tried pushing me back, but I fought even harder. I knew once I got into their minds, I would be in control. I went deeper, penetrating into their souls. They moved back from me, weakening.

  “Release them now or I will end all of you, and you know that I can.”

  They lifted up a few feet off the floor, looking toward the front of the room. I turned, sensing Mother. She went immediately into my head, letting me know that she was here to help. Charles was next to come into view, calling out to us. He had a small group of Dark Ones and Family members with him. I spun back to the Ancients, hearing their faint threat as they disappeared into the darkness.

  The beliefs are the order of things, so be watchful…

  “I was in your head,” Mother said. “I cannot believe what power you have!”

  “Not now, Mother. I need to attend to Marcus and Phillip.”

  Charles was kneeling by Phillip, and he nodded to me that his nephew was all right.

  I went toward Marcus. He was stunned at how quickly they had taken him down.

  “Are you okay?” I asked, moving into his arms.

  “Yes,” he said, leaning down and brushing my lips with a kiss. “Let’s see to Millie.”

  Mother was touching her face as we approached, talking softly to her in French.

  “Lucida?” Marcus said, seeing her look of concern.

  “Marcus, we need to take her to the ritual ground.”

  He looked at me.

  “Go,” I said. “I will meet you later.”

  “I understand.”

  I kissed Millie’s forehead.

  “Take care of her.”

  “I will,” he said, turning his face to me with concern. “Look after Phillip. He looks weak.”

  “I love you, Marcus.”

  “I know. Lucida are you ready?”

  Mother put her arm on my shoulder.

  “Meet us at the house in Baton Rouge.”


  She kissed my cheek and followed Marcus.

  I went over to Phillip and Charles. Phillip was still dazed and weakened.

  “Here, let me help you,” I said, taking one of his arms as Charles took the other. We helped him up and walked him to the edge of the stage. Phillip looked at me with new interest.

  “How did you stop them?”

  “We will talk about that later. Let us get you back to the mansion now, where you will be safe.”

  “No, we need to take him to Baton Rouge, not the mansion.”


  “Because the Ambrosine’s sanctuary didn’t save Madame Aimeri and the others. They were still taken.”

  I took a sharp breath.

  “You’re right. But where in Baton Rouge is safe?”

  “Your home.”

  He accelerated past me.

  “Charles, wait!”

  The Sacrifice

  Phillip moved in close to me as we landed at the end of my orchard. Seeing Charles waiting by the garden gate, I stormed up to him, wanting my questions answered.

  “Charles, why is this a safer sanctuary than the mansion?”

  He held the gate for me.

  “Because of your mother’s help.”

  I moved passed him, seeing a wide smile on his lips.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Your mother’s generosity. She has turned her home into a sanctuary for us.”

  I stepped in front of Charles.

  “How did she do that?”

  He lifted the corners of his mouth in a little chuckle.

  “She cursed your home!”

  I looked around, fearful.

  “Where’s Anna?”

  He closed the gate behind us.

  “Oh, she’s fine, and in the West Indies.”

  “Alixia,” Mother called, landing by the remains of her roses. I rushed over to her.


  “She is good. The ritual worked.”

  “Thank you,” I said with a sense of relief. “And where’s Marcus?”

  “He will be here in a while. He is preparing his Family to protect themselves, now that the Pure Ones can’t be trusted.”

  I moved closer to her, looking down at the roses.

  “So, what is going on around here? Charles just told me about Anna. Why would you send her to the West Indies?”

  She picked up a handful of dirt, bringing it up to her nose and smelling it. Then she spoke in a quiet voice.

  “Because she would have died with me, when I returned to my home.”

  She stood up, going toward the house.

  “Mother, I can’t believe what is going on here.”

  “What is it you can’t believe? Me returning, or Anna leaving?”

  “Both,” I said, turning to watch Phillip and Charles in a heated debate with each other. They were speaking in French, and not following us.

  “Are you two coming?” I called.

  “Alixia, just go with your Mother,” Charles said.

  “Alixia, don’t get into their heads,” Mother said.

  “Why? What’s going on?”

  “Nothing, Charles is
just having a talk with him.”

  “Fine,” I said, seeing them walking back into the orchard. “So, how did you get Anna to go?”

  She smiled.

  “Well, Anna didn’t go quietly, that was for sure. Charles let her know that I was returning, and that she needed to leave for her own welfare. She yelled at me for wanting to turn our estate into a sanctuary for the Dark Ones.”

  I laughed.

  “I’m sure Anna was spitting curses.”

  “Oh, she was.”

  “Yeah, she threw a few at Marcus, too.”

  “Well, she is always there to protect. That’s our Anna.” She paused. “Alixia, I love her dearly, and you do understand that I had to send her away?”

  “I do.”

  “Anyway, you will be married to Marcus soon, and you will need a safe place to be together. I know you find peace here, as I do.”

  I swung back on the swing.

  “Yes, I do. But will it stay that way?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “What I’m asking is, do you really think they will be safe from the Pure Ones here?”

  She leaned back on the rail.

  “Yes. They cannot enter if they are not invited, just as it was at Marguerite’s. The decree has been sent out to each realm, warning them of death if they try.”

  “That doesn’t mean they won’t come.”

  “Alixia, why do you doubt this?”

  “Because I’m thinking of what happened at the mansion. They still got to Madame Aimeri and the other Family members.”

  “If they try, we now have the right to take them.”

  “Do you think the Families will agree to keep the Pure Ones out?”

  “You’re the Supreme. Make the decree, and they will listen.“

  “Alixia,” Phillip said, coming up the steps. “We need to know how you fought back the Ancients.”

  Charles came up the stairs behind him.

  “Yes, how was that possible? They are spirits?”

  “She is that powerful, Charles,” Mother said as her icy hand took hold of mine. “Right, Alixia?”

  I rolled my eyes at her gushing over me.

  “When I fought them before, at Marguerite’s, I got into their souls. So I knew that I could make them back off Phillip.”

  “You fought them before?” Mother blurted out.

  “Yes,” I said, taking a deep breath and thinking back on their death touch. “The Dominions had ordered that I be taken out.”

  “They had a judgment against you?”

  “Yes. Correa was the one who orchestrated it.”

  I could hear her anger.

  “Mother, let it go. I’m in your head. It’s over, and there‘s nothing for you to revenge. Now, let’s just focus on what will help Phillip.”

  “If that’s what you want.”


  ”Alixia,” Charles said, “so, you can get into souls?”

  “Yes,” I said, leaning against the rail. “Why do you want to know?”

  He looked over at mother.

  “Well, we are going to the West Indies.”

  “Why?” I asked.

  “He wants to protect me,” Phillip said, annoyed.

  “The Ancients are not going to release him, Charles. They will order your death, too.”

  “No,” he said, “Marguerite ordered my death and they agree to let her have her revenge. But she is dead now, so the Ancients are only after Phillip.”

  “But the Pure Ones were still after you tonight.”

  He moved under the porch light.

  “Yes, I know that,” he said with a trace of fear. “There are still some Pure Ones out there who want their revenge. So, that’s why...”

  “So let me make a decree at Ambrosine mansion as Mother made here. We can forbid the Pure Ones on the estate. That way, Phillip and you will be safe.”

  Charles lowered his eyes.

  “No, we will not be locked away. I will never accept that. As I told Phillip, I will trade my life for his.”

  I took Phillip’s hand, stunned.

  “You’re giving up your life for Phillip?”

  He let out a heavy sigh, looking at his nephew.

  “That’s the plan.”

  “Uncle, I said no.”

  “And I told you, you will not stand in my way.”

  “I will not let you do this!”

  “It’s the only way, Phillip. The Pure Ones and Ancients will not let you live. That was evident tonight, and if it hadn’t been for Alixia, you know they would have been taken you.”

  There was a silence. I broke it.

  “Charles, listen to Phillip. You can’t do this. There has to be another way.”

  “No,” he said, embracing Phillip. “Sorry, but we can’t fight spirits. I will go to them and choose the time of my death, and then return to the light. I’m ready, and I want to end this by protecting you. Lucida, we should leave tonight.”

  “Wait,” Phillip said. “You can’t just walk away. We need to talk more about this.”

  “Assez,” Charles said, putting up his hand “Laissez-moi aller!” Phillip grabbed his arm.

  “Non, je ne peux pas.” Charles pulled away.

  “C’est fait.” Mother intervened. “Step away, Phillip.”

  “Uncle, please.”

  “Phillip, it is okay. I don’t fear death. I have been avoiding it for centuries, but now it’s time. Let me pass.”

  “Then I will go with you.”

  Charles gently pushed him back.

  “No, you’re not strong enough. Stay with Alixia until I return.”

  “But what if they take you?”

  Mother spoke up.

  “They won’t take him, Phillip. You know the belief. He will get to choose his own time.”

  I looked up at Phillip.

  “You can all choose the time of your death?”

  “Yes,” he said.

  “Alixia, Mother said, “you were never told that?”


  “Well, the belief is when the Ancients take an immortal to go back to the light, if they are strong enough they get to choose their time for death and the Ancients have to grant it.”

  “Mother, that doesn’t make sense. There was no choice given when I was in Phillip’s head.”

  “Yes, he was given a choice, but he didn’t fight. Tell her.”

  “It’s true. They give us a choice.”

  “Phillip, you wanted to die?”

  “No, but as my uncle said, I wasn’t strong enough. They brought her into my mind.”


  His eyes showed regret.

  “Yes, the dark presence you saw coming for me was a Family member.”

  I stepped away from him, seeing the images in his head.

  “Angel was the entity coming for you?”

  He shifted nervously, noticing the anger in my eyes.


  “She was the one trying to take you? This is insane,” I said. “Why didn’t you fight her?”

  “I couldn’t at first, sensing her anguish. She was calling out to me, begging me to let her come into my soul so that we could be close again.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Are you kidding me? You fell for that? You had to know.”

  “I knew, but it was if I were under a spell, listening to her seductive voice, and watching her arms reaching out for me.”

  He stopped for a second, reflecting.

  “I let her come closer, and that’s when I felt her deception. Her black venom seized me. She was taking my soul for the Ancients, so I would join her in the darkness. I was such a fool.”

  “You’re not a fool,” I said. “You loved her. But I still don’t understand why she is part of this.”

  “I can explain,” Charles said, shifted uncomfortably and loosening his tie.

  “Alixia, her soul didn’t go to the light. She is still in the darkness, which was Marguerite’s
punishment for killing the Pure Ones. And that’s why we need you to tell us exactly what you did to stop them.”

  My mind raced.

  Could he handle her?

  I looked straight at him.

  “Charles, I got into their thoughts before they could overpower me.”

  “Uncle, remember how hard it was for me to resist.”

  “It will be okay, Phillip. Alixia just gave me the answer. I need to get into their thoughts first, before they have time to react. And with Lucida’s help, I plan on fighting any entity they send after me.”

  I sensed that they were involved with each other in ways that went beyond just being allies.

  “Alixia,” Mother said, “those are our private thoughts, so get out of our heads.”

  “Fine,” I said. “So, what’s with you two? Are you…”

  “That’s none of your affair. Now, I want you to go to the Ambrosine mansion with Phillip. Once inside, make a declaration forbidding the Pure Ones access to any Family realm. And then stay with Phillip until we return.”

  “Lucida,” Phillip said. “Be watchful.”

  “We will.”


  I opened my eyes to Marcus lying beside me, touching my lips with the cool tips of his fingers.

  “Good morning.”

  He kissed me softly. I stretched out, feeling a light breeze from my bedroom window.

  “Good morning to you.”

  I wrapped my arms around his neck, tasting the sweetness of his lips as he whispered seductively.

  “I don’t know if I can wait two more weeks to have you.”

  His hand moved down my thigh, as he kissed me fervently.

  “Wait,” I shifted away from him, removing his hand as I heard Phillip in my head. There was a knock on the bedroom door.

  “Alixia, it’s Phillip. May I come in?”

  Marcus rolled back, irritated. “Are you kidding me?”

  “I’m sorry.”

  I kissed him quickly and got out of bed. I grabbed my robe and opened the door. He stepped in, looking at Marcus sitting on my bed, and I heard his thoughts of jealousy.


  “Sorry, I didn’t know you were with Marcus.”

  “It’s okay. What is it?”

  “I need to go to the mansion. I can’t stay here.”

  “Okay,” I said, sensing his discomfort being around the Dark Ones, and wanting to rip their heads off.

  “I’ll meet you down at the car?”


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