Loose Ends

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Loose Ends Page 22

by Kristen Ashley

  The cock left his crack and Maddox stepped away.

  Slowly, Diesel pushed away from the wall and turned toward his man.

  Mad had his cock out of his jeans and was stroking the wide, long length.

  And yeah.

  If that was the first sight he’d had of Maddox, even before getting his voice, that monster cock, he’d have been on his knees.

  But right then, if D was another guy, Maddox would catch his neck, pull him in and kiss him before he repeated his order to go to their room and position. Just like he did to Molly before she carried out an order. Something Diesel had seen a lot. Something that, watching, set something else in D to aching.

  Because D was not that guy.

  They did not kiss.

  Unless Mol asked them to when one of them was inside her and the other was watching.

  Or on the very rare occasion where Mad got him there.

  As in there.

  Where he’d taken him at the Bolt.

  But right then, the harsh darkness in Maddox’s attractive but cruel face was not about D not giving him that, even though D knew he wanted it and just how badly.

  It was about him wanting D to get his ass to their bedroom so he could earn a hard fucking.

  D yanked up his jeans, ignored his forgotten tee, and didn’t bother doing his jeans up since he’d be taking them off. He just held them up as he moved down the hall, into the great room, down the other hall to the end.

  Their bedroom.

  He dropped his boots and jeans on the floor and went to the nightstand to rifle through the variety of toys that jumbled with remotes for different kinds of appliances until he found a tube of lube and generously took care of business.

  He then got on his knees in the bed where he knew Maddox would want him.

  Close to the bottom end.

  Better to shove D over and fuck him standing.

  Or other.

  Maddox being Maddox, it wasn’t about D kneeling there, hard, desperate and wanting and making him wait, something Diesel would not hesitate to do to Mad.

  He came in not a minute later and stopped at the side of the bed so Diesel could watch him pull off his clothes.

  The thirty seconds that took was bad enough.

  Fuck, his boy had a body. Power packed, that muscle. Heavy fur on his chest, down his boxed abs, bushing real thick around his big dick, covering his thighs and calves. Molly had to wax the skin at the small of his back and his crack so his hair didn’t pull while D was fucking him or Molly was taking his ass with a strap-on (he could take pain, seriously, but that wasn’t pain—it was irritating as fuck).

  But other than back to ass, from pecs to ankles, he was furred.

  It was seriously fucking hot.

  D watched as Maddox crawled into the bed on all fours, prowling to his boy, his eyes lifted to D’s face, his mouth aimed right to D’s dick.

  That dick jumped and his ass squeezed tight in preparation for what was coming but his eyes didn’t know where to go. Watch his boy suck down his cock or watch that tight ass move across the bed.

  But all he got when Maddox arrived was the tip of his tongue tracing up the underside of D’s dick, coming right to the head before he got up on his knees in front of D, face to face, and caught him behind the back of the neck.

  Diesel’s entire body tensed to pull away but Maddox just fell back, taking D with him as he went down on his ass and kept going. He cocked his knees, brought them high, spread his legs, and as the pressure on his neck directed him to where Maddox wanted him to go, D felt his mouth wet.

  Now on his back, Maddox used his other hand to lift his cock off his stomach and hold it positioned before he forced D’s mouth to throat it.

  Something he did.


  Fuck yeah.


  D blew his boy, plunging up and down on that monster, meeting Maddox’s fist that stroked the length D couldn’t take and loving the ache in his dick now that he was giving this to his Mad.

  D opened up and took as much as he could get, sucking hard, his cheeks hollowing out on each pull, getting off on the noises he was forcing from Maddox’s chest, seeing his abs constrict, the lines get tighter, the veins snaking down the flat plain from lower abs to cock popping, tasting precum on his tongue.

  Then with a rough tug on his hair he was out.

  He looked up that body.

  “Fuck me,” Maddox growled.

  D didn’t make him ask again.

  He moved. Mad drew his legs well back. D positioned, held Maddox’s black eyes and drove into tight heat, marveling at the fact he didn’t blow taking that fine ass at the same time watching the muscles of Maddox’s neck all the way down to his pecs stand out at the penetration.

  He’d prepared too, so the passage was slick for D to drive in and again and again, Mad’s back cradled in his spread thighs, his hand pulling hard at his own cock, his other hand gripping his balls, squeezing and pulling those as D fucked him and watched a goddamned fucking spectacular show.

  “Feel good, D?” Maddox rumbled.

  “Fuck yeah, Mad,” D pushed out, and it looked good too.

  “Earn it, boy,” Maddox ordered.

  D put his hands to Mad’s knees, spread him farther and used them for leverage as he lifted up and started punching into his boy’s hole.

  He watched Maddox’s teeth clench, felt his ass do it, and Mad dug his head into the bed and punished his own dick and balls with a brutal jacking as he took D’s fucking.

  “Yeah, fuck, yeah, fuck it,” Mad ground out, milking D’s dick with a rhythmic clenching as D fucked his ass.

  Fuck, with that, as whenever he pulled that shit, Diesel wasn’t going to last long.

  “I’m gonna blow in you,” D warned and Maddox’s head instantly righted.

  “Yeah, you are, then you’re gonna take it when I blow in you.”

  “Fuck,” D grunted, that being all it took.

  He jacked into him, shooting cum up tight, hot, sweet ass.

  And barely finished jetting, he lost that heat, found himself shifted parallel to the bed, face in the mattress, up on his knees, a monster of a cock rammed up his ass.

  Fuck, almost better.

  “Give that to me,” he groaned, rearing back into it.

  “I’ll give it,” Maddox growled, cranking into his ass.

  D could go at his boy but the man up his ass fucked like a Mack truck that was late on delivery.

  And Diesel did not ever keep him guessing that he got off on every goddamned stroke.

  “Shit, fuck, shit, Christ,” D bit out. “That ass feel good, my man?”

  “Always, D,” Maddox grunted.

  “Thrash it, motherfucker.”

  His invitation was accepted and he took it tough and tried not to let all he felt into his head when he heard his boy let go and shoot his always huge load deep inside D.

  D stayed still and loose, rocking with him as Maddox drove into him through his orgasm and he decelerated when Maddox started pulling out to the head and gliding back in to the root as he slowed his roll.

  Diesel closed his eyes when Maddox finished his last glide, filling him full, then reached around and cupped D’s junk.

  “We’re gonna clean up, pull on our clothes and have a beer, D,” he said in his coarse voice. “But when we go to bed, my man, advice, you do it lubed. You with me?”

  Keeping his eyes closed, suddenly knowing what they’d be doing this weekend, and wanting it as bad as he’d wanted that fresh cum up his ass, which was to say a fuckuva lot, he muttered, “I’m with you, Maddox.”

  “Good,” Mad grunted, pulsed his hips against D’s ass, and D shut his eyes tighter.

  Because he liked it.

  He liked fucking Mad and blowing him and him eating D out and he liked Maddox’s monster driving up his ass.

  But he liked this best of all.

  Knelt before his boy, full of his cum, full of his cock.



  Maddox pulled out gently and Diesel didn’t move a muscle except to open his eyes as the bed jarred and he watched his boy walk to the cush bathroom they’d given Molly in the little house in the middle-class neighborhood where they lived, seeing his own cum sliding down the back inside of Maddox’s shaggy thigh.

  He’d been right.

  A good solid fucking, two ways.

  Just not after a beer and the game.

  The beer and the game came after.

  So he’d just given it and got it real fuckin’ good.

  And after, Maddox buried inside him, he’d had everything.

  So why did he feel so goddamned empty?

  Do You Feel It?


  DIESEL’S EYES OPENED with a pop as a large cock drove home up his ass.

  “Maddox,” he groaned as Mad rolled into him, taking him from his side to his stomach before hauling him up to his knees, still buried deep.

  “All fours,” Maddox growled and D pushed up, feeling the blood pound into his dick, thickening it, making it rise, with what was inside him, instantly making it ache.

  Like a warning, Maddox slid out slow and glided back in slower, hesitating a beat as D stayed in position to take him before it began.

  Their grunts exploded into the room as Maddox drove D up the bed to the point he was up on his knees, both his arms braced, one hand against the wall, the fingers of his other curled over the top of the headboard and holding on in a way he worried he’d split the wood or punch right through the wall. Or the headboard would, the loud banging had to be cracking the drywall.

  His rigid cock was slapping up against his stomach, his balls swaying wildly, neither getting any attention. Maddox had an arm angled across his chest, fingers curled into his shoulder to try to hold him steady and his other hand was wrapped around the front of his leg, the pads of his fingers digging into the inside of D’s thigh.

  “Jesus, fuck, buddy,” he huffed out, just as Maddox groaned, driving deep again, and again, and once more, in a way D knew his back was arched against the orgasm and both their hips swayed violently with his climaxing thrusts.

  D felt Mad’s forehead rest on his shoulder blade, the heat of his breath against his back as his own chest heaved with the effort of taking a savage fucking before he took that same kind of fist around his cock. Mad pulled out the back in a way that made Diesel grunt, and he was whipped around to face Maddox with Mad using D’s dick. He had to go with the pull or he’d have pain that didn’t hurt so good or just lose the fucker.

  And then Maddox was down on him, pulling him deep into his mouth, fingers fisted around the base yanking him out with each stroke, and there it was.


  Head falling back, Diesel rolled with the rhythm of one of Mad’s talented blowjobs.

  Maddox eventually clamped a hand on his ass to hold him stationary for the draw and release until D could take no more, landed a hand on the back of his neck, curled it around and, with breath hissing through clenched teeth, he shot down his boy’s throat.

  Maddox kept stroking, swallowing, stroking, swallowing, just stroking as D closed his eyes and felt the gentle pulls of Mad’s wet, hot mouth and tight lips before Maddox slid him out, lifted up to his knees in front of D and grabbed a fistful of his hair at the back of his head.

  “I sleep with your cum inside. You sleep with my cum inside,” he abraded his order.

  “You got it, bro,” D said quietly, and Maddox let him go instantly, moving away.

  Since Mad didn’t plug him, this meant they’d have to change the sheets before Molly came home. Two men in her life, her being their submissive, all of them with libidos that were so far off the fucking chain, the chain was a distant memory, she was a dab hand at cleaning up cum.

  Still, not cool to make her sleep in sheets or have to change ones that she hadn’t had a hand in making dirty.

  Diesel settled on his back, pulling the covers up to his waist, feeling Maddox settle in too, before he realized he’d have a wet spot that would be annoying and it’d drive him Maddox’s way, so he turned to his side toward his man, then to his stomach, and saw in the shadows Maddox lying on his back.

  “What was that?” he asked low.

  “Told you to sleep lubed.”

  “Man, you fuck like a jackhammer but—”

  “You didn’t like it, why were you hard as a rock when I took you down my throat?”

  D decided not to respond.

  “You pissed I didn’t take you there when I was inside you?” Maddox asked.

  “I’m not pissed. You know I roll with you when you’re in the mood. It’s just—”


  “It’s just that—”


  “I’d tell you what if you fucking let me finish talking.”

  Maddox didn’t speak.

  Diesel didn’t either.

  “Bro, you wanna finish, finish,” Maddox clipped.

  He wanted this?

  “I’m not just a fuckin’ hole you can drill into,” he bit out.

  “Yeah you are.”

  D came up on his forearms feeling a fire light in his chest.

  “Say that again,” he demanded, his deep voice nearly as rough as Mad’s normal speaking tone.

  Maddox rolled his way and got up on his forearm too. “D, I fucked your ass to get off then I sucked your cock to get you off. It’s not something we haven’t done a hundred times before. You aren’t sitting there, hard and needing to jack your own junk to shoot your load. So what the fuck are you complaining about?”

  “How about next time you just drill that hole that’s yours to shoot into and I’ll take care of myself.”

  “Don’t be fuckin’ stupid.”

  Diesel thought back from then to the minute he walked in the door and tossed his keys in that damned bowl.

  “You’re on another planet,” he said.

  “For fuck’s sake,” Mad hissed. “We both just came hard. Why are we fucking fighting?”

  “I don’t know, Maddox. Maybe because you just used me like a whore then seemed to remember who the fuck I was and gave me a guilt blowjob to cover shit up but it doesn’t hide the fact your mind is somewhere else. And I’ve known you a long time, bud. You go somewhere else when you get pissed and don’t use your fuckin’ words to hash it out. And wherever you were, you were already there when you slammed me against the wall and pulled out my cock earlier. But don’t use my ass to work out your issues, D. Use your mouth and I’m not talking about giving another blowjob or deigning to grant me the boon of tonguing my hole.”

  “So giving me your cum and taking mine earlier was just me working out some issue, yeah?”

  “I don’t know,” D shot back. “You tell me.”

  “I don’t have a goddamn issue.”

  “Fuck, this is going nowhere,” Diesel muttered, falling off his forearms, turning his head away and shifting his upper body so Maddox had his back.

  “Yeah, brother, turn your back on me. That’s it.”

  He looked over his shoulder at Maddox’s shadow still up on a forearm. “We gonna talk whatever shit you’re chewing on out?”

  “I’m not chewing on any shit, D.”

  D let turning back away from him and punching his pillow be his response.

  After a while, he felt Maddox settle in and Diesel stared angrily into the dark wondering how the fuck he was going to get back to sleep.

  After another while, Maddox stated, “For the record, I’m pissed now you took my mouth at your ass and twisted it to shit. I know how much you like it and now what I thought was pretty fucking hot is not that. It’s twisted to shit.”

  “Don’t make this about me.”

  A shorter while but he took it before he sighed, “It’s always about you, D.”

  Had he lost his mind?

  The man just nearly fucked him into the goddamn wall without a word, without a meaningful touch, without
anything but holding him steady to take a fucking.

  Fuck, if it wouldn’t make him look like an eleven year old throwing a tantrum, he’d get up, clean the motherfucker’s cum from his ass and sleep in the guest room.

  Instead he closed his eyes and remembered what Molly told him about how people didn’t breathe deeply enough. How she said it was relaxing. Why all those people who did yoga because they were actually into yoga, not because they used it to get great asses and wear clothes that made men notice they had great asses, were all chilled out.

  So he focused on breathing deep.

  That shit was actually working and he was about to fall asleep when Maddox said quietly, “It sucks ’cause it’s not cool but it’s true that I was glad Mol was gonna be outta the house for a while because I wanted to connect with you. Feels like we got disconnected somehow and I was trying to reconnect.”

  Diesel took in another deep breath and blew it out, saying, “Well, bro, fucking works great but not sure Mol would appreciate a man-size hole in her wall ’cause one of her men fucked her other man through it.”

  “Did I hurt you?”

  He sounded freaked.

  D turned back to him.

  “No, my man,” he said quietly. “You know I can take it. You also know I like it like that. But even if that’s as connected as we can get, it didn’t feel like connecting.”

  “Do you feel it?” Maddox asked.

  D knew what he meant.

  “Yeah,” Diesel admitted.

  “We gotta work on that, D.”

  “Yeah,” D agreed.

  He heard Maddox let out a deep breath.

  Then Mad did it.

  Like he could do it. Not often. But Maddox could do it. Do it like Diesel loved it. Like D very, very rarely gave it back.

  Gentle, he whispered, “Go to sleep, baby. We’ll talk more in the morning.”

  “Just to say,” D started to joke, “the jackhammer on steroids gig far from sucked and the blowjob was your usual stupendous.”

  There was a smile in his rough voice when he replied, “Good to know. Now go to sleep.”

  “Rest good, Mad,” he muttered.

  “You too, D.”

  And with a Molly-sized space in between them, it took a while, but both men fell asleep.


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