Loose Ends

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Loose Ends Page 35

by Kristen Ashley

  “My cock was made for this cunt,” Maddox murmured tenderly, pulsing gently inside.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Time to get what you earned, Molly,” Maddox told her.

  “Yes,” she breathed.

  “Back, bud, she’s on your face, reverse.”

  Maddox pulled out.

  D moved.

  They moved Molly.

  And then, hands still tied behind her back, she was sitting on Diesel’s face aimed toward his lower half. One of his hands was at her waist, one arm slanted strong across her belly and chest, fingers curled around her breast. Both were positioned to hold her steady as he drew her down and commenced eating her and Maddox’s cum out of her.

  “D,” she whimpered, rolling on his mouth.

  He went at her, her Diesel loved eating her pussy, when it was just her, after he’d come inside, after Maddox had come inside, after they’d both done it, it didn’t matter.

  And he was oh so good at it.

  She rode his mouth as she watched Maddox arranging Diesel down below. Knees up and bent. Legs spread wide.

  “Hold that position,” he ordered, then with no further hesitation, bent in and swallowed D whole.

  D groaned up her pussy.

  She could take no more.

  Without asking permission, Molly came.

  Popping D out, Maddox tipped his chin back, lifting just his eyes to her face, encouraging, “That’s it, baby.”

  Then he went back to blowing Diesel.

  And she watched.

  Apparently she’d earned a really, really good reward.

  Diesel ate and grunted and ate and tongue fucked and ate and growled and ate and pulsed into Maddox’s mouth and Molly came, and came and came and came. Crying out at first then moaning, whimpering and finally riding D’s face with her head practically lolling on her shoulders, held up only by Diesel’s arm, actually thankful when the noises Diesel was making made Maddox slip a finger up his ass, cup his balls with his other hand, and squeeze and finger fuck him while Diesel shot down Maddox’s throat.

  Maddox stroked him and massaged him as he licked his cock all over while D came down.

  He kept doing it after Diesel came down, and with a few tugs, she felt Diesel untie the satin ribbon at her wrists, freeing her.

  Then he slowly let Molly go at her front.

  She listed toward Maddox and he caught her, not wasting time connecting, taking her mouth and kissing her deeply.

  She tasted Maddox and D, and since that was her whole world right there on her tongue, she smiled languidly through the kiss.

  When Maddox ended it, his eyes were warm, his lips tipped up. He brushed his mouth on her forehead as she floated down to nuzzle and kiss Diesel’s cock.

  Through this, D lapped gently at her pussy and Maddox let this go on for a few more moments before he pulled her off and arranged them how he wanted them.

  Molly was sexed up and sexed out but she still held her breath as Maddox pressed her back to Diesel’s front, both on their sides. Then he pressed his front to her front, trapping her hands upturned against his pecs, Diesel’s hand curled around her breast, when he wrapped his arm around both of them and tangled his legs with both of theirs.

  She had a view to Maddox’s throat.

  Maddox had a view to Diesel’s face.

  And at her back, Molly felt Diesel not as loose as he should be after that beautiful session.

  She licked her lips nervously.

  They cuddled after a threesome, definitely. But not this close. Not as close as Maddox made them last night.

  Leading up to and during a session, Maddox and Diesel would tangle up without thought.

  After, they usually didn’t get close enough to touch, or at least not too much.

  They were touching now.

  A lot.

  “Mouth,” Maddox demanded.

  She closed her eyes tight, refusing to tip her head back in order to make her point to Diesel.

  He means you, D, he means you, he means you, hemeansyou. Kiss him. Kiss him. Kisshimkisshimkisshim.

  Throughout her mental chanting, D didn’t move.

  Her heart jumped when he did.

  Pressing into her back, his hand at her breast squeezing, he leaned into Maddox.

  Maddox took his arm from around them and she felt the inside of his forearm brush her cheek as he caught hold of D’s neck.

  She listened to the gorgeous, soft, wet sound of their kiss and felt like crying with happiness.

  Mad’s arm moved and his fingers curled round her neck as he whispered, “Now you, my Molly.”

  She tipped her head back then and he took her mouth.

  When he was done with her, he let her go and wrapped his arm around both of them again.

  She heard and felt Diesel let out a huge sigh and Molly couldn’t read that. Couldn’t read if that was good, relief, settling in to the beauty they just had, coming to terms with it, understanding it was right, it was safe, it was as it was meant to be.

  Or if it was giving in.

  Which still worked (for now), but it wasn’t ideal.

  “How many times did you come?” Maddox asked a question she knew, due to the unfortunate limitations of the male body, was for her.

  She snuggled into both her men and answered, “I don’t know. A hundred?”

  Maddox chuckled.

  Diesel gave her breast another squeeze.

  “So, D eat the ability for you to cook dinner outta you?” Maddox went on.

  “It’s a wonder I’m conscious,” Molly told him.

  Maddox’s eyes danced at her.



  He was so happy.

  Please, let us keep this, she prayed. Please let this be real.

  “Then I’ll feed my babies,” Maddox muttered.

  “Special dinner tomorrow night,” she told him. “I have it all planned. It was supposed to be tonight but D had other ideas.”

  Maddox looked over her head at D. “They were good ideas.”

  “Mm,” D mumbled.

  “Sunflowers rock, brother,” Maddox told him on a grin.

  “Whatever,” D kept mumbling.

  “Can I ask why it’s so hard for you to take us tellin’ you you’re pretty fuckin’ awesome?” Maddox inquired, not angry, or annoyed, but curious.

  Diesel’s body totally tensed.

  Molly’s body totally tensed.

  Maddox’s arm around them went iron tight and his legs tangled in theirs curled like claws.

  “Don’t pull back,” Maddox growled his warning.

  Okay, that was annoyed.

  “Mady,” Molly whispered anxiously.

  “I’m not pullin’ back,” Diesel lied.

  “You’re awesome,” Maddox bit off like it was an insult.

  Molly actually wanted to laugh at that.

  Instead, she kept quiet and tense.

  Diesel went with the cocky. “Yeah. You’re right. I’m awesome. I’m the shit.”

  “You are and that’s no joke,” Maddox stated firmly.

  “You are, DD,” Molly said carefully. “No joke.”

  “Can we shift convo from the Diesel Admiration Society to what’s for dinner ’cause I just fucked hard, sucked hard and blew hard and I need food,” Diesel requested.

  He was being funny.

  Molly relaxed.

  Diesel relaxed.

  And only then did Maddox relax.

  “We got any steak that’s not frozen, Mol?” Maddox asked.

  She tipped her head back again. “No. Just chicken.”

  He looked to D. “Barbeque chicken work for you?”

  Molly’s stomach rumbled.

  “Works for Mol,” D muttered amusedly.

  Maddox smiled at Diesel then at her. “Then I best feed you, right, baby?”

  She nodded.

  He dipped in and kissed her and she loved it as usual.

  Then, before D could read him, he
lifted up and kissed Diesel and she loved that almost better.

  After that, before Diesel could stiffen, Mad broke away and was on his ass on the bed before he twisted back, gaze to D.

  “Watchin’ you go at Molly tied, I’m in the mood for you to work me. Get creative. You’re goin’ at me tomorrow. Workout room. Think big ’cause I already got plans for retribution and you’ll feel cheated, you don’t earn them.”

  She felt D press his cock into a cheek of her ass, and it was not totally hard, but it also was not soft, as Maddox spoke and she knew how much he wanted that.

  But he said nothing and Maddox took it no further.

  He just got out of bed, snatched up his gym clothes, shoes, socks and bag and walked to the bathroom, stating, “Quick shower then I’m on dinner.”

  When he disappeared, Diesel turned Molly in his arms to facing him.

  “You okay, sweetheart?” he asked.

  “Yeah, honey,” she answered, gliding her hands up his chest.

  He curled his fingers just under her wrists and pulled them up farther.

  “These good?” he asked, studying them.

  Both men did this, but particularly D. Always about the aftercare, making sure her orgasms didn’t mask any hurts, inattention to important physical details, or getting so into the session, unconsciously taking things too far.

  “The satin never makes marks,” she reminded him. “And you know I like it like that, DD.”

  He pressed her hands to his chest at the same time he massaged her wrists, regardless of her answer.

  They heard the shower go on.

  “You okay, D?” she asked when his attention wandered to the side of her head which meant it really was in the bathroom.

  He looked at her.

  “Yeah, baby.” He gave her his cocky grin, and yeah, for her with him, the first time she saw him, it was that grin that made her want him to tie her up. That and the fact he was beautiful to look at and had a beast of a body that could dominate at rest. “Great. Should film you tied like that, between my legs, takin’ my cock, your ass in my hands. Have that shit painted. Prettiest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  She felt a blush of pleasure stain her cheeks as she pressed closer.

  “I know what you mean. That’s how I feel when Mady goes down on you with you spread for him like that.”

  His eyes shifted away.


  She needed to be stronger, for Maddox, for her.

  For D.

  Which meant she needed to push him harder.

  In order to pull him closer.

  She cuddled deeper into him.

  “You do know it’s beautiful, yeah?” she asked.

  “Mm-hmm,” he mumbled then looked again to her. “You’re callin’ me DD.”

  She slid a bit back. “Sorry. I . . .” She shook her head, feeling the impossible. Weirdly awkward. With Diesel. “Sorry,” she mumbled.

  “Why?” he asked.

  “Why am I calling you that?”

  “Why are you sorry?”

  “I don’t know . . . you don’t like it. But sometimes it just slips—”

  “I like it,” he told her, suddenly looking confused. “Why do you think I don’t like it?”

  “I thought . . . you’re . . .” Molly felt her brows draw together before she felt her lips lift up. “I don’t know why I thought you didn’t like it.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and gathered her closer. “I do like it.”


  “It’s sweet.”

  She grinned at him. “Yay.”

  Wow, it was weird, how carefully she handled him not even realizing it.

  Weirder to know that maybe she didn’t have to do that.

  That last being weird in a good way.

  His gaze moved over her face with obvious indulgence before his expression got serious and he looked into her eyes.

  “I love you, Mol, you know that, right?”

  She melted into him.

  “Of course I do, Diesel,” she whispered.

  “I’ll always love you. Until my dying breath.”

  The melting stopped.

  Oh no.

  What was this?

  “Me too, honey,” she replied. “But—”

  “Just that,” he cut her off. “Just wanted you to know . . .” His head did a strange jerk on the mattress before he finished, “that.”

  “Is there something you wanna talk about?”

  “No, just want you to know. Just want you never to forget that.”

  Oh no.

  What was this?

  “I won’t. Not ever,” she promised.

  “Good,” he murmured.

  “D?” she called.


  “I love you too, until my dying breath.”

  He shifted into her, still holding her in his arms, but taking her slightly to her back, giving her some of his weight and a lot of his warmth, not just his body, in his face, from his beautiful blue eyes.

  “I know, sweetheart.”

  “And there’s nothing that will make me stop,” she vowed.

  “I know,” he repeated.

  “And I’m always there for you,” she kept at him.

  He touched his mouth to hers, lifted only a bit away, and whispered, “I know, Molly.”

  She pushed her hand from his chest up to cup his jaw, taking a chance, needing him to know she knew him, read him, worried for him, was there for him.

  “I know you’re struggling with something,” she said quietly.

  His eyes closed down.

  But she didn’t stop.

  “And I’ll be there, Maddox will be there, we’ll always be there, so we’ll definitely be there when you get to the other side,” she said.

  He looked her over, muttering like he wasn’t actually talking to her, “What did I do to deserve you?”

  Sunflowers, she thought.

  “You’re the shit, remember?” she teased.

  He tried to hide the relief he felt that she was lightening the conversation, failed, but grinned at her through it and said, “Right. For a second I forgot how totally fucking awesome I am.”

  She snuggled into him, taking her hand from his jaw and wrapping her arm around him, asking conspiratorially, “So what are you gonna do to Mad tomorrow?”

  “I haven’t weighed his balls down in a while.”


  She wriggled underneath him.

  He grinned at her. “Wanna suck him off while he’s wearing his weight ring around his balls and he’s got his belt on?”

  “The big plug attached to the belt?” she asked.

  “You pick,” he offered.

  “The big plug,” she decided.

  “You got it,” he agreed.

  “The one that vibrates,” she clarified.

  His grin got wicked. “Like the way my girl thinks. Gonna ring his balls too.”

  “No coming?” she queried.

  He shook his head. “Not for a good while.”

  She suspected her grin was a form of wicked, or the best she could do, she didn’t have a lot of that in her. She let her boys take care of that goodness.

  He rolled fully over her, saying, “Make him squat straddling the bench, tie his hands to the weight supports, ass tipped, back arched, balls pulled down, hanging in the breeze. Fifteen minutes of that will feel like five hours.”

  She opened her legs, his hips fell through and she felt his cock hard against her thigh.

  “Paddle?” she whispered.

  She sighed as Diesel read her invitation, shifted his hips and slid inside.

  “You’re devious, sweetheart,” he whispered back, beginning to stroke. “A paddle might kill him. But that ass’ll be spanked good and red.”

  She wrapped her legs around his thighs and met his thrusts.

  He kissed her.

  She kissed him back.

  “Are you serious?”

  At Maddox’s question, t
hey broke the kiss and turned their heads to the side to where Maddox was standing.

  “Fuck off and go cook food,” Diesel ordered.

  Maddox’s brows were downright terrifyingly knit (if you didn’t know him) as he asked Diesel, “How the fuck are you hard?”

  “I just told Molly what I was doin’ to you tomorrow.”

  The brows unknit, the chin lifted and those handsome lips embedded in that awesome beard muttered, “Ah,”

  “Food,” Diesel grunted on an inward slide.

  “Have a fun fuck,” Maddox replied, giving Molly a wink before he turned and left the room.

  Diesel’s hand curved around her jaw and righted her head.

  He kissed her.

  He fucked her.

  And all was good in the world.

  “Reb’s coming out next weekend,” Diesel announced as he walked back out on the patio where they’d been enjoying after dinner beers before D heard his cell go with a text, then another one, so he’d gone in to check and then he got on the phone.

  “I know, she called me earlier,” Molly told him.

  “She told me,” D said, easing into the slider he left behind. He looked watchful and maybe a little ticked as he asked, “Why didn’t you say something?”

  “Someone told me to get naked and wait for them on my belly in the bed,” she reminded him. “So it kinda slipped my mind.”

  Molly saw his face clear and he nodded, beginning to grin. “Right. That did happen.”

  “I know, I was there. PS, Rebel’s coming for a long weekend next weekend,” she declared.

  Diesel chuckled.

  Maddox, who she was cuddled into on the loveseat glider, tucked her closer and chuckled with him.

  “Visit from Rebel will work. Your sister should move down here. We could use a little of her brand of the good kind of crazy. It’d balance out Holly,” Maddox said.

  Molly pushed away but did it slapping his abs.

  “Maddox!” she snapped.

  He grinned down at her. “Tell me you don’t agree.”

  “I’m not saying the words out loud,” she returned, on a flop, going back to lounging against him.

  “Right,” he muttered, sounding entertained.

  “How’d Minnie get to be so normal?” Diesel asked. “I mean, under that blue hair and those piercings, she’s practically a choirgirl.”

  “Fate handing us the spectrum, brother,” Maddox answered. “The high maintenance princess sister we gotta put up with. The straight and narrow sister with blue hair we gotta wonder at. And the spitfire with a heart of gold we thank God rounds out the lot.”


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