Harem Reborn c1-297

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Harem Reborn c1-297 Page 50

by Author:Magic_

  I just wanted to tell someone, but I had to keep it all inside. Maybe, after this game, I would ask to spend some extra time with my Ascended Realm supporters. Trinity would be able to put in a word with her mom, Tequila, when I made the request. Then I might be able to talk more privately and have less of a chance of being frozen.

  I leaned down and kissed Iona on the cheek, and she turned her lips to mine and wrapped her arms around my neck. She crawled into my lap, and our lips connected, sending heat through my body. Iona's questing tongue pushed into my mouth, tangling with my tongue, making me wrap my arm around her body with one hand and her breast in the other. I wanted to keep it going, but we were about to get x rated in front of everyone.

  As hot as that sounded, we had shit to do, and I kicked myself for passing this passion-filled cave experience up. I pulled away, as Iona was trying to pull my suit open. I had to stop her, even though I wanted to keep going so bad. The pleading in her eyes made me throb against my UW issued suit, but I just smiled apologetically.

  "When we are done and off this planet, we will have another night like the one with the demon's soul."

  Iona got off me, and I stood up in front of her.

  "You better, or I will have to put you over my knee!" Iona said as she ran her hand over the rock hard bulge in my suit.

  I reached around her and grabbed her soft bottom with one hand and pulled her into a kiss. My fingers could feel the heat coming from between her legs, and I could only imagine how wet she was inside of her suit. Iona bit my lip, and I groaned, almost losing all self-control, wanting to tear her suit off and press myself into the hot wetness between her legs.

  I pushed back and broke away, panting and almost sweating. Even though the outside was hot, the caves were cool, with a constant breeze running through them. Everyone else had left us, and we're waiting in the sand carts.

  "Are you sure? We could be fast?"

  "Love, we will enjoy this when we can actually enjoy this, and there are places to cuff you to this time."

  "Really? Can we use silk straps instead? Metal is hard, and I..."

  "Yes, My Love, when we get back, we will have some fun. Let's get going, the others are waiting for us, and we were putting on quite the show before."

  "Pfft! I know what you have done with each of these girls, and that was pretty softcore."

  "What do you mean, you know?"

  "What do you think we talk about? The weather? I at least know that your only kinky with me, but you seem to do good at keeping the variety running with each of us."

  "Ugh, why is this so easy for you guys to talk about?"

  "Hm? Well, it's for your benefit. We can help point out things that you need to work on."

  "Oh? Wait, what things do I need to work on?"

  "Well, Sasha wants you to be rougher with her, now that she has this body that can take a lot of abuse, and she couldn't ask for it before because of the claws. Mikota wants you to try sticking it in her other hole and to stick your tongue there as well, but that one is your preference. Hmm, who else? Oh! Jill wanted you to be sensual with her and give attention to her entire body since her new body's circuits have a very intense sense to pleasure."

  Woah! Wait a minute, they all just explained things like this to each other? I wasn't sure what was hotter, hearing about this stuff or dreaming about it, but she wasn't done yet. We had stopped, and we're still out of earshot as she continued with my blood pumping.

  "Tama wants a threesome with Mikota and you. Tilly wants you to pay more attention to her kitty with your mouth. Maxine wanted you to take her from behind and to choke her, and Kyrina says she wants more of that too!"

  "Wow, do you think you could write that all down?"

  Chapter 103: The Unmade

  "Haha, you will remember, or we will remind you. Just don't ignore us; we have all come to somewhat of an understanding about all of this, so quit forgetting us!"

  "This is becoming a full-time job haha, I need to ship some of you off to the Ascended Realm, or I'm just going to be running from bedroom to bedroom!"

  "I'm not going anywhere; you can send one of the other girls in my place. I want to stay with you playing together."

  I looked down into her eyes, and they were filled with determination. Maybe Iona was right, and I just need to relax with the women and let them guide me. I took Iona's hand and walked back to our sand carts.

  //Are you two down trying to swallow each other's face and screwing with your clothes on? You know if you two need so one to show you how it's done, I could join you! - Mikota joked into the mic, but the look she gave us before dropping her glass face shield made me think there was no joke implied.

  //You can just wait your turn; I seem to remember some pair getting heated on the hangar bay floor. Do you have any memory of that?- Iona shot back into the mic, but Mikota and Tama were already driving away, their laugher filling ears.

  Iona let out a growl as I sat down, and then Tilly sat on my lap. I wrapped an arm around her, and Inoa jumped into the seat opposite us. The moment she was in her chair, the vehicle pushed me back into my heart and Tilly back into me.

  Even though we were suited, I could still feel the curves off her back and bottom pressing into my body. The suits were so sensitive that it was almost like there was skin on skin contact, making the rest of the ride better than the first half with the racing that went on at the start. I was distracted with my thoughts of how Tilly's body felt against mine, but I was snapped out when Tilly gripped my arm and brought me back to reality.

  Ahead was a long wide crack in the ground, but as we got closer, it got bigger. Soon we arrived, and we all got out and stretched out legs. Tama and Mikota Ran to the edge, peering down, but both stepped back right away. I walked over to them and stepped to the border to have a look down and see what was down there.

  The gap to the other side must have been at least forty meters, and it stretched farther than the eye could see in both directions. Before I looked down, I was struck by how straight the canyon and cliff edges were. Usually, something like this would have been jagged like a crack, but this was like a great sword had to dig into the ground.

  /Do you know what caused this place to be like this? There is no way this canyon is natural. Something had to of made this right?

  I looked at Mikota as I spoke, and her faceplate went transparent as she explained over the speakers for everyone to hear.

  //This was caused something like two years ago by a fight between Alexander and The Unmade. That is the Wrexillian Primal God MAS; this was caused by a blow that was deflected by Alexander as the two gods fought. Both specialized in summoning Dynam based weapon to fight with, but in the end, The Unmade was forced to retreat -Mikota

  /Do you know why they attacked?

  //They were trying to infect the core of Prime so that it would produce negative Dynam. This would kill all life on the planet and make it habitable for them -Mikota

  /Do the Wrexillian's attack like that often?

  //No, they haven't been active for over fifty years and even then, it wasn't a planet raid, just them pirating. They hit numerous outlying mining stations, but each one was destroyed when we arrived, so we have no real clue why they were even there in the first place. UW records show that the mines that were hit mined a unique material known as Cyram. As it stands with our current level of technologies, we can only use it in the making of Acura-Gel -Mikota

  I looked down into the gouge in the planet and could see red lines far below, and then dance red lights covered the lower half of the canyon. I could see things moving below, but it was too hard to make any out clearly. The sun was starting to go down now, and I was starting to get tired, but then I heard a sound coming from behind us from where we just drove from.

  //Dave... I'm picking up a lot of giant bugs coming out way. What should we do? -Tilly

  No, this wasn't good at all. I checked my own map and confirmed 12 large long-bodied insects head in our direction. T
his was bad, if we had to go down now, it was going to be a rough journey, but if we stayed, we couldn't win against the group approaching us.

  We couldn't stay up here, but that would mean leaving the buggies to the bugs. Well, I list had to hope the insects would just leave when they found we had left already. If we lost the carts, we would be walking back, and we didn't have time for that.

  /Alright, everyone, listen up. We have to go down now into the canyon, and we have to leave the vehicles to the bugs. We need to stick together no matter what happens; this place is one of the most dangerous places on this planet. Everything can kill us here in The Glass Forge, so pay attention and don't get lost; we are going down!

  I looked back to where we had just come from and could see the monsters' tops cresting the sandhill. I turned around and signaled the girls to follow and ran to the edge. We all jump out into the open air above the canyon and then began to fall.

  Chapter 104: Dungeon Activating!

  //Stablizers acitvated

  I started to drop, and I reached out to grab Tilly's hand. She saw what I was doing and reached out, grabbing mine.

  /Everyone, let's grab hands and slow down

  Everything was going well, and Iona ran through the air with ease to my side, taking my hand. Tilly had just taken Mikota's hand when I heard my name scream from the helmet speakers.

  //Dave! -Tama

  That's was when I realized what was missing before I put the girl's hands together, and I dove to Tama's position on the map. I did squats off invisible walls to increase my speed because I could see her in front of me, but the ground was coming closer at an alarming rate. I kicked harder, and I rocketed to her, catching up, so I changed to feet down and ran at her, still falling and less than ten meters off the ground.

  I snatched her and started to run up a steep hill of air, trying to bleed off my downward motion. Slowly, I began to make upward progress, and I began to slow, staying about five meters off the ground. I looked around at the sparkling sand and the surrounding area, but no threats are on the map yet, so I look down at Tama in my arms.

  Suddenly Tama shook in my arms awake and then grabbed at me before relaxing. She must have passed out before I caught her, but why didn't she slow down? I looked up to see the other girls descending down to us, so I decided that it would be a good idea to go to grounds level.

  /What happened, Tama?

  I walked down through the air on invisible steps as I asked the question, and she didn't respond right away. It wasn't until just before the bottom that Tama decided to speak up, and I stopped about ten centimeters off the sand.

  //I got scared, I'm sorry! I know I'm supposed to be brave, but I had never experienced anything like it before. It was like my mind wouldn't process thoughts, so that I couldn't get how to slow down through my head -Tama.

  Now I understood what had happened, and I should have started us holding hands. When we jumped, none of this would have happened, but everything started to happen so fast. It wasn't Tama who should be apologizing. It was me.

  /It wasn't your fault, I should have started us holding hands, but we made it. Though I'm a bit suspicious about how quiet it is down here. There are no monsters on the map, and we are too far from the top to pick up the ones here, so what is going on?

  The girls were almost to us, jumping from air ledge to air ledge. These MAS suits just looked at the laws of gravity and said, not today! Mikota was the first to put the boot of Plague Strider down on the sand, but then everything around us changed, and I dropped to the sand, almost stumbling.

  The others hit the sand around me, but they had been less than two meters from the ground when this happened. This phenomenon started when Mikota had put one foot down and the other raise. She stumbled and fell forward into the sand, cursing into the mic.

  //System restricted, Dungeon Activating

  Woah, that wasn't in my helmet HUD; this one was the same as last game, projecting from my eyes. I heard a noise coming from above, and I looked up. The stone canyon was closing above us, but I also see two large dark shapes flying down at us from above.

  /Everyone up, NOW! DONT LOOK UP. JUST RUN!

  As everyone quickly got out of the way, our two sand buggies smashed into the sand where we just were. When I looked up again, the roof was finishing closing up, and now we were in a cave. To be more specific, a dungeon, why didn't I see it coming? I had never guessed the place would close up like this, though.

  /Is everyone alright?

  Mikota's glass face place to reveal her pretty face and smile.

  "Ya, only because you warned us. I was going to lay in the sand for a bit and mope, so you saved my life by yelling at us. I never thought that this place would be like so crazy, like how did the canyon walls just close above us?"

  The rest of the girls crowded around, and I put down Tama. I dropped my faceplate with a thought, as did the rest of them. Before it dropped, I had noticed some strange red shape ahead on the map, but they didn't look like they were moving towards us.

  "It's a game, remember; I just ran up open-air like some cartoon character to slow down. I have given up on trying to make sense of it all. There are enemies far up ahead, but I think we can rest here for a bit, but we will have to take watches, and sleeping in shifts."

  The girls nodded, and we walked back to where we had landed. The area was now home to the two destroyed buggies. I don't think Kyrina could have fixed either of these; they were just two weird engine blocks with parts, wheels, and broken pieces lying around them.

  I noticed Mikota starring at the mess, and I walked over to her. The rest of the girls were finding a place to sit down and rest. No one could take off their MAS units because we would need to respond fast if we were attacked.

  "What are you thinking?"

  Mikota didn't answer at first, but then she slowly turned her body to me and then finally her head.

  "I don't know yet... I might be able to do something with this..."

  That was all I got from her as she turned back to the wrecks and started to walk over to the piles. I watched silver mist pour from her gray plated suit with the blue and pink lines. As the fog touched the metal, it started to fall into piles of dust.

  I had no idea what was going on at this point. I was just content with watching Mikota work as the others rested.

  Chapter 105: Canyon Cruise

  Neither of us woke the other three for about six hours; we were too involved, getting sweaty. I could have never imagined that Mikota would be so good at this kind of thing, and my blood was pumping, and I didn't need any sleep; I was ready to go! I held up the last piece to the monster we had created as the Micro-Nano attached it, making the joint.

  I stepped back to where Mikota stood with her arms outstretched, making some final adjustments with her bugs to the Mega-Buggy. Mikota had scanned all the parted and broke the damaged parts down to their basic level. Then we asked Alta to make a schematic for this Mega-Buggy, and we set to work.

  Now we had a six-wheeled monster with five seats and a spot for Tilly to stand up and fire rockets. It was not much bigger than the normal ones we had before, but now it was covered in the extra metal as armor. We even had glass windows and extra protection around engines and the dual back tires that were now bigger thanks to the additional two tires' material.

  I don't think this dungeon's creator would like what we built, but I didn't care. The bugs gave us our carts in pieces, trying to kill us with them, and now we had put it back together. There were no rules on dungeons; it was just that most had small doors to get inside the entrance or small halls, so a vehicle was pointless.

  This place, though, was perfect for it, a large straight sandy canyon with one thin stream of magma running down the middle, making it a comfortable place to drive this beast. We had also mount Mikota's clones guns to the side and gave them an upgrade since they could just reform if destroyed while we were safe inside.

  I turned to Mikota to see her swe
at dotted brow and a big smile as she put her arms down. I put an arm around her shoulder, and she head against mine. I guide us over to where the other girls were sleeping and woke Tilly and Iona up to keep watch for three hours.

  Both girls were shocked and filled with questions about the Mega-Buggy, but I told them to wait until we slept some. I thought it best to let Tama sleep through this, considering her near-death experience earlier. I leaned against the canyon wall with Mikota and slid down, passing out shortly after that with Mikota's head in my lap.

  When Tama woke us up, I still felt a bit groggy, but I did some stretches and shook it off. A few hours was better than nothing, and the Mega-Buggy was going to help get us to move much more comfortably than if we walked. Mikota and Tama did the stretches with us, and then we headed over to the vehicle where Tilly and Iona were waiting for us.


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