Harem Reborn c1-297

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Harem Reborn c1-297 Page 59

by Author:Magic_

  "Ara Ara Ara?"(Are you okay?)

  "Cough, Cough, yeah, I'm fine, just been a while since someone could connect with me, normally girls don't attack me. I guess that was my fault. Okay, kids, Open up those menus, and let's have a look!"

  I willed my EVOLVE sheet to open, and a new option was below the Current Evolution red bar at the top.

  Current Evolution: Basic Fox

  Evolution Choice:

  {Fangs}{Elongated body}{Scales}

  Current Combat Skills:

  [Rending Bite] 5s -Additional effects: Target starts to bleed and loses 1% of total health -per bite -over 5s

  [Hide] 1h

  Survival skills:

  [Track Berries] 5m

  [Track Rodents] 10m

  Mating Skills:


  "Ara Ara Ara Ara?"(What does this mean?)

  "You have to select the Evolution Choice and then make the choices. Each choice will change you and make you stronger. As you Evolve from battle, you will gain and lose skills depending on your evolution choices!"

  Okay, so I just had to select...WTF.

  The rabbit drew my eye when a massive pair of fangs burst from its mouth like a sabertooth tiger. Next, the body started to change, only getting a little bit bigger but gaining the ability to stand on two large and long feet. The last thing was the claws and finger on its hand got longer slightly.

  "Ara Ara Ara Ara?"(How do I look?)

  I gave the Were-rabbit a critical look and then replied.

  "Ara Ara Ara!"(Really scary looking!)


  I brought my screen back up and selected my option for evolution.

  Evolution Choice:

  {Fangs}{Elongated body}{Scales}


  I felt my body start to change, and my fur disappeared as a wave of scales covered my body. The effect made me shake my body that gave me a weird feeling, almost like being naked. I concentrated on the screen again and noticed an alert followed by the next choice.

  //NEW SKILL GAINED: [Hardened Scales](Passive)-Gain resistance to non-magical attacks

  Evolution Choice:

  {Medium Quadruped}{Light Biped}{Heavy Octoped}

  Oh? What is this? So that's how it was standing now, and there were two other exciting choices. Heavy spider sounded pretty cool, but not my style.

  {Medium Quadruped}

  My body started to expand, and my limbs got longer; there was no pain. It was an exciting experience to watch it happen first hand. The scales expanded, and the same new skill and selection popped again.

  //NEW SKILL GAINED: Exchange[Track Berries] and

  [Track Rodents] for [Prey Sense] 30M

  Evolution Choice:

  {Claws and Teeth}{Thicker Scales}{Speech}


  No thought there at all.

  "Trina, goddammit!"

  "Don't you talk about my mom that way, Dave!"

  I turned to Trina, but I noticed that the bunny had gone? Dammit, I got too wrapped up in myself there, and it got away. Well, I was a hairless wolf now, and it a bipedal sabertoothed jackrabbit, so maybe it was for the best.

  "Well, Trina, what do you think of my evolution?"

  "Do you actually want my opinion?"

  "No, your right; I'll settle for a mirror."

  "No mirror, but I'll just tell you. You're really ugly, like a big hairless dog with a dermatitis problem of the undead variety!"

  "I was just the cutest thing in the world to you! Now im a walking corpse with skin problems!"

  "Yeah, I know. Honestly, Dave, what happened? I want to lie to you, but I can't; we know each other too well."

  "Well, now what?"

  "Let's have a look at that sheet one more time."

  I willed the sheet open.

  Current Evolution: Scaled Wolf

  Current Combat Skills:

  [Rending Bite] 4s -Additional effects: Target starts to bleed and loses 1% of total health -per bite -over 7s

  [Hardened Scales](Passive)-Gain resistance to non-magical attacks

  Survival skills:

  [Prey Sense] 30m

  Mating Skills:



  "What's with the Mating Skill's about?"

  "Hoh, Hoh, Hoh, just you wait, my ugly duckling! you need to keep growing first, then we will get to that stuff when you can use it!"

  What the hell did that mean?

  Chapter 131: Are You The Harem Hero?

  Well, it was time to start exploring! Now that I was about seventy centimeters tall, I felt better about moving around, but all my stats were full. What had Trinity said? Fight, forage, or Fuck?

  Well, I do not need food or anything else to do with foraging, and Trina told me I wasn't ready for that yet. I think I got it now why I wouldn't want to try and have some kind of weird animal sex after mulling it over. I would just have to wait to do the fun stuff, so that just left the first option, and this was a game, so...

  "Is there an easy way to find anything to fight?"

  "If you have the skills for it, but for now, you're just ugly and can find lunch, which won't give you exp now since you are full!"

  "The we wander Pack Fairy! by the way, where is your pack? Or do I not get one of those this time?"

  "After I'm done, you will get one!"

  "You're done? Oh, shit, that's right, your a Helper! Sorry, I was wondering what happened to you in the first game."

  "Yup, I can only stay to get you set up. Later, I can drop in to help more or wait until the next game and play the whole game with you. You can choose, but you have to do it just before your third evolution, or I disappear and just come back halfway thought."

  "You can play a full game with my Trinity."

  "Wah? I told you have time still!"

  "You know me; I forget things, so I will just say it now. Is there something wrong with that?"


  I turned my head to Trinity, but she was gone. Great, you idiot, she just told me to wait till just before, and I messed it up. Now, I was alone, and I had no guide. On the up and up, next game I would get to spend it with the woman sized Trinity, and program or not, she was one good looking woman!

  I sighed, and now she was gone; I just need to move on and get moving. Places to go, things to eat, bitches to fuck, etc., but really what now?

  I looked around, and it was forest everywhere I observed. I was warm, so I picked a random direction and started to walk. Every direction looked the same, so it was just a matter of picking a direction and trying to walk straight. I scratched trees to mark them to prevent a funny walk around incident from happening because it would not be considered funny alone.

  The forest was pretty non-descript; maybe they didn't put a lot of work into the starting area. Suddenly, I caught the scent of something large and hairy ahead. I can't say how I knew that, but my nose translated the smell into a vague image in my mind. It was a large bear with great horns, oh yeah!

  Now, this was more like it; to hell with the details around me! The monsters and abilities were out of the world! I started to race forward, and my adrenaline started to kick in, and I felt my scales start to click into place like rows of dominos. I moved faster and soon located my target with my nose.

  The creature was something to behold. My nose couldn't tell me things like color or exact size, so I was pretty surprised to find a three and a half meter tall white polar bear with curling horns. The creature was trying to pull Pooh Bear and shakedown some honey but turned when I got and twenty meters away.

  "So, you are my first real contender?"

  The bear's voice was deep, and as he lowered himself, I could see the intelligence in his eyes. Was this another player like me?? Maybe I should try and talk to him, see what he knows about the game.

  "Wait, you're a player, right?"

  "Yeah, just like you, but in a different genre."

  "Genre? Sorry a vindictive little shit of a god w
iped me, and im still missing a couple of spots."

  "Oh? Yeah, those types of Gods are in all games. They get obsessed with a person and end up getting punished when they go too far. Genre's are like classifications for game types. We picked them before coming in. I choose Action Romance, do you know what you chose? I'm Keller, by the way; I know we are about to try to kill each other, but no point in throwing courtesy out the window, right?"

  "Hehe, I agree, I'm Dave! My classification, hmm? my goal is always to save lost souls, and I have a bunch that I have got as players and even made gods. I don't know what you would call that?"

  "BWAHAHA, Dave! Are you the Harem Hero? No way, you're a legend in other games, you know that? I am Valor, AKA Keller! This is crazy, and now I know what you mean about the little shit Fate! I heard he's on Ice, and dad was demoted!"

  "You know me? How am I a legend to people I have never heard of and in other games?"

  "I can't tell you too much, but I can give you more than the girls are allowed. All the world and gods are connected; as a god, you can participate in other genres. In your case, you're just too damn good, man! You are the envy of the servers, and there is a waiting list to get on your server!"

  "Shut the fuck up! The fuck have I been doing this entire time? Are you kidding me? Do you know Simon? That mother fucker!"

  I was livid, so this was all some big set up, I bet the world was fine, and Simon had everyone in on it.

  "Simon? Who is that? No, I get it about the lost soul thing but, you have to admit it's a cool gimmick! Your helping so many girls that normally wouldn't have a chance to get to godship a chance!"

  What? Wait, so he didn't know this was all a broadcast? What was going on here? This shit was getting crazier by the moment.

  Chapter 132: What Do You Want, Fox?

  "Well, this is a cool chance for me to be able to tell the girls I got to meet you! The Harem Hero in the digital flesh! Ha!"

  "How is Victoria doing?"

  "Ah yeah, Vicky! She's doing really good, finally able to relax; you do a good thing for these girls. We, as guys, can help each other out and get to a God spot easy right? Not the same for the girls, so everyone is thankful!"

  "That's good to hear, well you've given me a lot more to think about, but I think we need to get this show on the road!"

  "Let's do it! Valor vs The Harem Hero!"

  The guy's energy and his polar bear form did not match at all, and I swear he was smiling at me. The Harem Hero? Was I just a joke to the other male gods? Well, I'll send him back with a good story!

  "Let's go then, Keller!"

  I rush him head-on, he was bigger, but I was faster. Keller dropped his head and rushed to ram me; I jumped, turning my self sideways above him.

  [Rending Bite]

  I locked onto his neck, thanks to my aerial maneuver, I landed on his large back. I let go, but Keller roared and then reared back, toppling me off. Keller turned and reared up to smash his head and clawed paws down on me.

  [Rending Bite]

  I jumped for his throat without thought, the skill automatically locking and completing the action before the bear could. I toppled him backward, but he grappled me and clawed at my scaly skin, but it had minimal effect.


  Keller wrapped me in his arms and started to crush me.


  I just needed a bit more, but this damn bear... was strong! I could feel myself start to slip, but then the skill was green and refreshed.

  [Rending Bite]

  I gouged the same spot, and the pressure started to lessen as I tore foam out and red juice covered me. Soon, Keller stopped struggling, and his grip around my body fell away. I stood up from him and hopped down; I turned to see he had a smile on his face, even in death, maybe he wasn't mocking me...

  Suddenly, Keller's body burst into white particles, not like a monster, but he had the same golden core. It floated momentarily, then shot into me.

  "Hooo! That was so cool! You were all jump and spin, then bite, bite, bite! Ugly or not, your still a beast! Let's see how much uglier you can get!"

  Ugh, this woman was a brat. Yes, I know she is a cute little fairy right now, but she was actually a computer program represented at the same age as me. This little cutesie act was all for the viewers; I could remember that we had been alone in the past, and things were different.

  I ignored her comments and open the page and select the Evolution options.

  Evolution Choice:


  That last one, Brute; Was that just pure strength? Why not?


  I felt my body start to grow again, and my muscles became tight and stiff like steel; yeah, now I was a rock! A new ability pooped up, and I tried to contain my excitement, but my scaled tail was wagging. Luckily, no one was here to witness my man child escape.

  //NEW SKILL GAINED: [Hammer Fist]2s

  Disregarding the fact that I had no fists, this was going to be fun. The next choice made me make what I was sure a gruesome wolfish bloody grin as I looked over the next selection.

  Evolution Choice:


  Ugh, how do you pick? Were-wolf or whatever a dragon wolf was. Where was Trinity when I needed her? Oh, ya, on a vacation that I sent her on! Pff, whatever, I can do this! A werewolf was super cliche, so let's pick the only real choice!


  Woah! My body started to stretch and elongate! What the hell was this? When the process was over, I wasn't sure if I should laugh hysterically or curl up like a snake and cry.

  I was now a Chinese-style dragon...with a wolf's scaled head... A new skill window popped, but I all but ignored it, looking for the next evolution choice. There was none; I looked back to the skill and studied it before closing it and opening up my sheet.

  Current Evolution: Wingless Wolf Dragon

  Current Combat Skills:

  [Chomp] 4s -Additional effects: Target starts to bleed and loses 3% of total health -per bite -over 10s

  [Hammer Tail] 20s

  [Hardened Scales](Passive)-Gain resistance to non-magical attacks

  Survival skills:

  [Prey Sense] 5m

  Mating Skills:




  Hammer Tail was not a fair trade for Hammer Fist! Dammit, I should have gone with the Werewolf! Now, I just looked ridiculous, no horns or whiskers and a skinny little head!


  Now what? The sun had started to set, so that shelter would be the best bet. I struggled for the first five-hundred steps or so. Trying to figure out how to walk with a slinky body was next to impossible. There had to be an easier way, think, Dave!

  It a dragon without wings, but there was a green dragon from an anime I watched in the real world before coming here. That dragon could fly without wings, but how? Do I need to want to fly...I'm floating; wow, really? And to move for...yup, okay, never mind, this is bangin!

  After some cruising above the trees, but no higher, I had found a cave, but I wanted to look around. I was like my body was just not meant to go higher than this. It wasn't like I wanted to go up there anyway, the sky was starting to fill fast with a heavy and wet feeling fog, so I headed to the cave I had found.

  I dropped down and floated into the cave, but there was something inside the cave. My eyes adjusted to the dark, and I was surprised to find a sleeping Bunny girl, well more bunny than girl, but still kind of cute from behind. I moved closer, floating through the air, but the froze as long claws hovered at my eyes. She had heard me, and now I was going to die.

  "Ara Ara Ara, Ara?"(What do you want, Fox?)

  Chapter 133: Sporpodile

  No way, this was the same scary little bunny form before! She, ya, that was a female over there, no doubt. There wasn't any naked flesh yet that wasn't covered in fur from what I could see around the claw blocking my view, but she had the right curves.

  "I don't think I would like you to poke out my eye. Do you mind putting those things down?"


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