Harem Reborn c1-297

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Harem Reborn c1-297 Page 65

by Author:Magic_

  The girl was crying now and disappearing fast. I reached down quickly and helped guide myself into her wet slit. She gasped as I sunk myself into her and then started to moan loudly as I moved fast for a quick finish. It was still enough to make her cry out as I filled her insides.

  I could feel my remaining spunk being pulled out of me, and then there was a flash. A new message popped up with a new set of selections, but we hit the money this time!

  Evolution Armament Choice:{Legendary}

  {Light Armor}{Medium Armor}{Heavy Plate}

  {Light Armor}

  I needed mobility, so the light was the best choice for our team. Suddenly I remember that I was short two weapons and looked up. Then I looked back down with my face burning, oh so that's where they went.

  "Well, that was...umm, exciting? Interesting? Honestly, I'm at a loss for words, and I know it had to happen, but it was different to see how it worked from this angle."

  Sandra was trying to make light of the situation, but from the look I had seen on Aquina's face, she had a different view of this.

  "So is this what you came into the game for, Dave? You just wanted to be some dumb whore that saves women by fucking them?"

  Ouch, that hurt, but from their view, that was how it looked.

  "Insult me all you want; you joined and waited because it's worse out there, right?"

  "Yeah, Yeah, rub it in my face some..."

  "So, you wanted me to let her go with that pig? Were you not there to hear his little speech? Maybe you would have liked to trade places with..."

  //Delilah -Delilah.


  /Thank you, that is a pretty name

  Aquina opened her mouth again to speak, but she just gapped like a fish a couple of times before closing her mouth and crossing her arms.

  " I never asked for this, and I only just found out in my thirteen games that there was a lineup. Did you know I never got to pick my Genre or whatever you call it? I was thrown in this game with a friend. Since then, I have fought every game to get this line up of women into places of power to relax. I have been betrayed and backstab countless times, and I get that you have had worse happen, but I am not the enemy."

  I was almost short of breath after trying to get that out! I had stood up as I explained myself. My body's armor consisted of a shoulder plate with green tint and leather strap system, two arm guards, and a set of greeves. This armor was all good and pleasing, but I regretted not getting the medium armor for the sake of some pants!

  "So, you didn't choose to do this?"

  That was Aquina's voice; I had gotten distracted checking out Delilah. I looked up at Aquina, and maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me or did she actually looked less hostile. I tried not to give it too much thought after seeing the twitch in her eye; alright, she was trying; I will keep my thoughts quiet.

  "No, I thought I was just playing a game the same as everyone else, but I choose to use my wishes to evaluate women like you all to gods, just like Serina and Chelsea, who are now Destiny and Transformation. Both of them are watching us with many others I have rescued."

  "They are watching all of this?!"

  Chapter 148: Radio Silence Tsundere

  "Don't be a pervert! Of course, they wouldn't watch all of it! Did you watch what just happened?"

  "I...uh, no, I don't care anyways, stupid! Do whatever you want, idiot!"

  The Aquina ran and jumped at me, shifting back into a gun in a weird condensing light, and attached herself to my hip. Great, I couldn't even complain in my head; oh well, can't win them all. I looked at Sandra, but she just shrugged and smiled, but then came over and took one of my hands.

  "Aquina was abused pretty bad before, we both were, but it was harder for her. So, just don't take what she says personally, but for us, some of these things only happened a couple of days ago."

  Things started to click together now, but I still couldn't stop playing the game. I understood the point of the mini-games, trying to load up the teams for the next round. Before, there had only ever been one extra; why was I getting so many more each game?

  With Kierra and these girls, four-plus the seven girls, and Maxine was twelve and two wish a game. The math wasn't adding up, but maybe Tequila or Simon would tell me more.

  "I see where you're coming from; I will..."

  //Who is Tequila and Simon? -Aquina.

  Shit, I needed a mental wall in here to keep some thoughts to myself! Since you can hear me loud and clear! Tequila is the Program that gives out the wishes if you win, while Simon is in charge of the mini-games. Better?

  *radio silence in my head*


  "Would you like to go for a stroll with me, Sandra, until someone or thing tries to kill us? What about you, Delilah?"

  There was another flash, and Aquina stood by my side, holding my arm but looking away from me. I patted her head before taking Sandra's arm.

  /Sorry, Delilah

  //It's ok, I just had a bit of passion with you, so maybe you should take some time with her -Delilah.

  //Talk, think, or think talk, I CAN HEAR YOU! -Aquina.

  Another day another adventure in the Harem Hero's life, ugh. Though, it kind of had a nice ring to it!

  //You would think that! Stupid! -Aquina.

  /Can't you just focus on the forest? Maybe watch for threats while I look over your upgrades?

  //I will keep watch for you as well -Sandra.

  Well, as long as someone was watching. I opened up the screen and started to look over Delilah's stats and the new things the girls had changed.

  9.Current Evolution: Electric Fire Demon Wraith

  Current Weapons: [Aquina](Pistol)|[Sandra](Short Sword)

  Current Combat Skills: ]

  Survival Skills: ]

  Mating Skills: ]

  Weapon Abilities: v

  [Transform]: Activatable by user or weapon.

  Weapon Stats: v

  Name: [Aquina]

  Class: [Pistol]

  Class Points: [0] {Per Point}

  Rank: [Epic]

  Current Level: [4]

  Power: [105/1000] {+15|7/67}

  Accuracy: [85% -20m][-35% +20m] {+2m/20}

  Recoil: [35/100%] {-2.5%|14/40}

  Range: [Short]

  Rate Of Fire: [Semi-automatic][2.6s] {-0.1s|4/25}

  Reload Rate: [10s] {-0.5s/19}

  Clip Size: [6] {+2}

  Attachments: [2]{Points Per Skill}

  Scope: [Accuracy](+10m, does not affect max points)

  Poison Rounds: [Weapon Augment](Damage over time)


  Name: [Sandra]

  Class: [Short Sword]

  Class Points: [0] {Per Point}

  Rank: [Epic]

  Current Level: [4]

  Power: [60/1000] {+15|5/67}

  Accuracy: [65%] {+2.5%|24/40}

  Range: [Short]

  Swing Speed: [1.4s] {-0.005s|6/32}

  Parry Chance: [65%] {2.5%|24/40}

  Defense: [65%] {+2.5%|24/40}

  Durability: [100%] {+5%}

  Enchantments: [2] {Points Per Skill}

  Riposte: [Parry](+40%, [Parry] can not go past 100%)

  Ranged Refection: (35% Chance to defect incoming projectile, augmented by users reaction)


  Name: [Delilah]

  Class: [Light Armor]

  Class Points: [0] {Per Point}

  Rank: [Epic]

  Current Level: [4]

  Defense: [600/1500] {+15|40/100}

  Physical Resistance: [85%] {+2.5%|34/40}

  Magical Resistance: [55%] {+2.5%|22/40}

  Movement Restrictions: [None]

  Deflection Chance: [5%] {+2.5%|2/40}

  Durability: [125%] {+5%}

  Enchantments: [2] {Points Per Skill}

  [Thorns](Passive): Melee range attacks return 5% of damage.

  [Delaying Defense](Passive): Melee
range attacks cause attacker 5% movement reduction for 30s stacking x10.

  Aquina took power; she must not have had any good skill choices. Sandra was mostly the same, but she only dropped the one point into power and the rest into swing speed, which were good choices. Delilah was a different story because I hadn't seen her stats before this, but everything looked good.

  Seeing the Defense at six-hundred was lovely, and the resistances were high, but the skills, as usual, drew my eye. Thorns was a primary return damage effect, and five percent was a good number. Each hit would return damage back to the attacker, but only if it was at melee range. The second ability had the same melee restriction, but it was a far more useful skill; slowing an opponent with my frog senses was almost like cheating.

  I closed the page with a smile; if they edited how I got my weapons, this system was shaping up. I looked forward, and we were coming to a clearing up ahead. I couldn't see anyone around, but I think it was about to be showtime.

  The girls both changed at my thought, and I was holding them in my hands. The clearing had a twenty-meter diameter, so there was a fair amount of space to move around in, but nothing happened as I walked into the area. This area seemed like the type of place I would meet someone.

  //Maybe they are late? -Delilah.

  Late? A boss or a monster being late to a fight sounded fishy.

  Suddenly the bushes ahead started to shake violently, and I prepared myself by backing up from the bushes. As I did, an old man rolled out of the bush. I could see frazzled hair and a sheet with a hole cut in the middle over his head. I wasn't sure what to think of this little old bearded gremlin, but I took another few steps back, just in case.

  When the old man stopped rolling, he was in the center of the clear, but I think this was only because I had been back-peddling from his advance the entire time. The old man jumped up and waved at me.

  "Come with me right now, Dave!"

  Chapter 149: Mr. Datum


  "What?! Listen here, whippersnapper! I need to talk to you about some"

  "Don't mess with me, Simon, stop playing me for a fool. I know stranger danger, and you really bad at disguises. Is everything frozen?"

  The old man gave me a stern look and then sighed.

  "Just follow me, Dave; it's about what we talked about before, but I need you to come with me so I can show you."

  Something felt off, but when I walked forward, but all my weapons and armor stayed in place, and I walked right through them. That was different, but Simon might have had an upgrade; I just couldn't put my finger down on what was bothering me about this. I decided to follow him out of habit; Simon always seemed to have a good reason for his cloak and dagger skits.

  I was led back to a cave not far from the clearing and followed Simon inside. I was surprised by the Lumimoss on the wall and started to tense up, but relaxed once we reach a cave filled with gems. It was three meters tall and about five wide, but the Lumimoss made the gems sparkle whenever I moved my head.

  "Sorry for having to bring you all the way down here, but this is the only place safe to give you this."

  [Harem System Activated]

  [Tequila NAV Activated]

  [Pause Disabled]

  The three messages popped into my screen, and I was surprised how fast he worked! I can't even think how fast he must have been! All the systems he told me about weren't there, but the NAV and the Pause Disabled functions are going to be useful.

  "Even though they say they are active, they will not trigger until the mini-game is over. Complete the boss fight and I will fully activate them when we meet again. Don't worry about questions; I will have plenty of time to explain then. Everything will make sense after we meet."

  Suddenly, I was back in the clearing, standing in the center where I had noticed Simon roll out of the bush.

  //Dave...are you okay? -Sandra.

  /Yeah, I think so; why?

  //You have been standing here like an idiot for over five minutes, and your mind has been blank. Honestly, you just dropped another five ranks in personality for me -Aquina.

  /Oh? I have a rank? How many other men are in front of me on this list of yours?


  Oh! Saved by the monster roar! I turned to the sound and started to backpedal when I saw what was breaking down trees as thick as me.

  A T-Rex? A T-Rex...a fucking three storying tall, can't scratch my nose, mini-van full of teeth sized head god damn dinosaur! The girls laughed at my loss of calm, but I was seriously excited to give these Game Masters a piece of my mind when I got all the power!

  //I think you should try to avoid taking melee attack from this target -Delilah.

  I was trying to do that as I slid under the tail that swung over the top of me. I slashed up and cut the tail with Sandra, sinking deep and then rolling to run again. The great beast turned its head towards me, so I switched directions, heading back to the cut tail.

  I jumped and started to run up the T-Rex's back, then I leaped and plunged Sandra deep in the spine. The monster tried to fling me off, but I kept a tight grip on Sandra while pumping round into the back of the T-rex's head with Aquina. It finally went down after two clips, crashing to the ground and sending me flying as Sandra ripped from it's back.

  The landing was painless; my resistance to physical damage was more significant than what the ground would deal with. I got up as I watch the massive house sized predator disappeared in black particles.

  //Is that it? What happens now? -Sandra.

  //We probably have to scr... -Aquina.

  Her voice froze in my head, and I looked up to see a smiling but stressed-out Simon. I looked like he was being held to getter by strings and the smile looked fake.

  "Dave, I don't have much time; I have some of the System; I'm going to activate them."

  Simon sounded panicked now; what was going on? I just talked to him about the system, and he had given me part of it. He had also said we would have lots of time to talk, but why was he now in such a rush?

  I wanted to stop him as he opened a screen from his wrist like in the random world, but then my world went red.


  My vision was red from the warning, and I could barely see the frozen Simon in front of me. Suddenly a light appeared, and a red-robed Game Master stepped out. The light closed and disappeared behind him as the person stepped forward.

  "We meet again, Dave."

  "Who are you, and what do you mean meet again? Also, do you mind dropping the alert window; I can't close it."

  I probably should have felt more panicked, but my mind was putting everything together, and I had hardly any brainpower to spare for trivial things like panic. I looked at the man again, and he dropped his hood. Shit, I knew that face.

  "What are you doing here, Mr. Datum?"

  "Well, almost thirteen short lifetimes, and you still remember my face, haha."

  My emotions were mixed at this point, and I was at a loss for words after my initial question. Mr. Datum had helped Serina, and I get ready for the dive into Reborn along with many other kids. He had always been caring and kind to me and everyone else; this entire situation was messing with my head. Finally, I was able to speak.

  "Mr. Datum, I have a lot of questions for you."

  "And I have answers."

  Chapter 150: The Code Pt 2

  Suddenly, I was in the coffee shop from the past life Fate had tortured me in. I immediately began to look for Chelsea or Victoria as I called her here, but she was nowhere to be found.


  My eyes snapped forward at the sound of Mr. Datum's voice, and I was startled to find him there. I had just seen him before coming here, but he hadn't been there when I started to look for Chelsea. His hood was down, and he still wore the same Game Masters robe.

  Then I looked down at my own hand, and it was a normal human one. After giving my body a once ov
er and seeing that I was back in that old body, I looked back to Mr.Datum.


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