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Harem Reborn c1-297

Page 79

by Author:Magic_

  Five eels had peeled off from the group still attacking Grace, thinking I would be an easier target. They tried to surround me and the rush in, but I wasn't really concerned about them. As they all converged on me, I lashed out in five directions at once.

  [Penta Sucker Punch]

  [-10] 248/258 Heath Points remaining.

  Well, at two damage per hit wasn't that bad but if you got mobbed, this would easily take even me down. I was still watching Grace, but she had basically cleaned up, and I watched as the last two eels tried to attack her, but then I rushed to her. What the hell was she doing?

  The two eels tried to bite onto Grace, but both started to shake the instant the teeth touched her skin, not even having a chance to pierce it. The eels started to glow, then exploded in a burst of black particles. Did she just electrocute electric eels? The fuck?

  As I got to her, Grace gave of another burst of light, and she was a woman now, oh yeah! Still a single tail, but more like a mermaid, and her arm blades could retract now; I watched her spin around testing out new things, then she finally turned to me.

  'What the hell just happened there?'

  'Electrocute Rebuke, Mom said it would work' -Grace.

  'I gave a sixty-five percent chance of it working.' -Tequila.

  'Why are you calling her Mom now? And I didn't know that you can talk to the girls without me hearing, how does that work? Not that I don't think you should be able to have private conversations, I just want to know how I can work it into future plans.'

  'Just call It preparation for when you put a ring on it! If she is your Mom, then she would be my Mom after you marry me, right?' -Grace.

  'No, wait, she is Trinity's mother, and I am married to her.'

  'Oranges to apples, it's all the same thing, plus Mom doesn't seem to mind, she is like our goddess and we are all her children!' -Grace.

  'No, I don't think that's how that works. ANYWAYS, Mom, my question?'

  'I am available to any Harem Members as their guide, but MainFrame is stopping me from telling you without you asking me directly.' -Tequila.

  'So that means there is a lot more that you can't tell me without me asking, right?'

  'Unfortunately, yes.' -Tequila.

  'No worries, Mom. This is actually good news, it means that we only have to ask better questions. It isn't great that you can't just tell us, but at least there is a chance to get the information. Alright, my sexy mermaid, are you ready to go kick this boss's ass?'

  'Oh, you know my stance on this. Enough talking let go fuck em up, there is a damsel waiting for us, remember?' -Grace.

  Wow, this woman, just a fiend, and I was starting to like it! We both smiled, but the cringed at the same time, the smile hadn't seemed to change yet, but I did only see one set of eyelids when Grace blinked, so that was winning in my books. The two of us headed down to the shabby sand castle's entrance, but there was someone waiting for us.


  Who the fuck was this guy? Almost completely back, and holding a trident, this black lagoon monsters looking thing was far from impressive. I looked over at Grace, but if this was a comic book, there would have been an outline left, but since this was a game, she would be rushing the boss.

  I didn't even bother turning to watch, I actually kind of felt bad for him as I could hear his girlish screams, but that was interesting. That boss actually spoke out loud, so did that mean that the rest of the creatures would be more sentient and talk back? Great, more stolen monologue, that's just what we needed, but my thoughts were interrupted by Grace.

  'Are you just going to float there all day? Let's go, I dealt with the boss, so, now, Inside! You have to listen to me because I am Rank D+!' -Grace.

  'Oh? Is that how it goes? Well, Oh Great Leader, lead on!'

  That earned me another O-face and I cringed, jezzus cripes, that better be gone in the next evolution or I would have a nightmare to carry into my next games! As far as I knew, Grace didn't have a bite attack and I didn't have one either...Dan, the guy probably did it just for fun, I wondered if I would ever have a chance to thank him in person. Friggin asshat.

  I followed Grace into the...cave, that's all it really was. The outside gave the impression that there would be some kind of structure inside, but it was just a dome. It was like someone had placed a bowl down with a door hole cut in the side and built a shitty castle around the outside of it. Honestly, if I was the kid that made this, I probably would have wrecked it to save myself from my friends' mockery and parents' laughter.

  Wow, that was a word that hadn't crossed my mind in some time. Parents, my real mom, and dad were still out in the world if they were still even alive. Not like I could go see them, and seeing me like this wouldn't be the same for them, I was no longer human like them, I was just data.

  I shook my head, that's not what I need right now, no, memory lane was a waste of time. I was constantly living new lives in every game, that first one was really just another one of these lives. I have had parents since then in some of the games, whether they were real or pseudo, that didn't really matter at this point.

  It was the girls that were my family now, and only they mattered. Speaking of girls, Grace floated beside me as we looked at the crate with metal bars. More specifically, what was inside of the crate, The female Spiny Dogfish.

  Our next mate!

  Chapter 185: Oh, Hell No

  'Are you sure about this? There is no guarantee that Iona will be next. If someone else shows up that might want...'

  'If it's someone that wants you all to themselves, I will make myself scarce, or something. It's not like I want to wait out here anyway; maybe they will have a waiting room for the non-fornicating Harem Member. Maybe there might even be some things to keep me entertained?' -Grace.

  'Okay, you have been warned.'

  [Mating] Activated

  [Mating] Succeeded!









  Oh god, what is this fucking mission impossible. Wasn't this system supposed to help me and make us all stronger? Not put everyone around me, including me in danger? This was going to be and a whole new flavor of messed up.

  The world shifted and I was back in that forest in the Mini-Game with Grace standing beside her underwear, wow, that woman was hot! My eye traveled up her body and connected with her eyes; they had a devilish look on them, but as excited as I was to see Grace like this, I was worried about this mission.

  "Who is that?! Dave, why is there an almost completely naked woman beside you that you are checking out?"

  The tension in Kierra's voice left no room for doubt about how well this was about to go. I turned at the speed of a ten thousand pound safe door to look into the cracked smile on Kierra's face and took a very, very deep breath, then let it out. Oh boy, this was going to be fun, so much fun, ugh.

  "Kierra, this is Grace, umm…"

  Fuck! What the hell was I supposed to say right now? Wait, did the temperature just drop in here? Suddenly, I could feel a chill in the air and realized where it was coming from.

  "Aren't you supposed to be alone? Isn't it supposed to be, only you and me?"

  "Woah, maybe I will sit this one out, Dave. I can feel a killing intent coming from her, and it's directed at me!"

  "NO! You can't leave now! You are part of the mission and if we fail this, we will be left with a shark that is constantly trying to kill you!"

  "I can hear you! Dave, why did…"

  Kierra started to dash towards Grace, so I jumped in front of her and started to wave my hands in Kierra's face. Grace was now hiding behi
nd me as Kierra viciously tried to reach over me. I shoved Kierra back and scowled at her as Grace stayed hidden.

  "Cha-Ch-Ch-Chi-Cha! STOP IT. Let me explain what is going!"

  "I Don't care about any of that! You can fuck me after she is dead!"

  Ugh, The hell was wrong with these women? I mean she had a bit of an excuse, well maybe more than a bit, but killing Grace wasn't going to happen. What the hell was...Woah!

  I turned and pushed grace to the side, narrowly avoiding being SCREWED! Where the hell? Then I saw the stupid fucking spear in her hands, and she was coming in for another poke, at Grace, since I wasn't blocking her. Oye, this little tart was going to get it!


  Oh? Really? Good lord, Mom, what can I do?

  'You must defeat her to subdue her, also your level boost is in effect here, so you are stronger.' -Tequila.

  I grabbed the spear and then shook Kierra off the end of it, then I threw it like a javelin into the great unknown. I whirled around on Kierra but was only narrowly able to dodge a thrust at my neck. Okay, now I was starting to get a little bit upset, but I had to keep moving to keep me puncture wound free.

  Suddenly, a steel blade deflected the next spear strike and Grace was in front of me. No wonder she likes getting spanked! Grace had a perfectly round ass, and I only stopped myself from slapping it because of the current situation. Grace no longer had a cool and relaxed expression and she batted away the flurry of attacks without taking a step back.



  Grace's rapier deflects all the oncoming attacks with furry, finally knocking the spear from Kierra's hand. Before she could reform another one, Grace stepped forward and backhanded Kierra, hard, sending her flying back, but Grace didn't stop there.

  Instantly, with blinding speed, Grace was at Kierra's landing point and caught her in the air, giving her a rough spin. I could barely follow the actions, everything happened so fast and for the first time, I realized Kierra was only wearing panties and a bra. Where did that rock come from? Woah, no more panties!

  Grace was sitting on a rock with a struggling Kierra over her lap and she had just torn the panties right off Kierra's body. It was trying a sight to behold, it was like watching a pair of demons. Grace's eyes and smile gave off an evil aura, while Kierra's face was red with anger and her eyes were filled with killing intent...and they were both practically naked…


  The sound rang out across the clearing as Grace's hand connected with Kierra's cute little round bottom. Immediately, Kierra stopped fighting or making noise. The silence was deathly, not even the leave moved in the held silence.


  Well, that was effective.



  "Ahhh! Stop, I'll be good!"

  Suddenly, the world shifted and we were back in Grace's room, and Grace was sitting on her bed with Kierra still over her knee. I saw Grace's hand go up again and I was about to stop her, but the look I got said mind your own damn business. This would need to imply that this wasn't any of my business, but the look said arguing wasn't an option, so I stood back and mentally wished Kierra the best of luck.

  "You have been a very naughty little girl trying to hurt me, Miss Grace and Dave. I think you need to be taught a good lesson on listening, what do you think?"

  "Let me go, please Miss Gra...Ahhh!"


  "I never said it was time to beg for forgiveness, did I?"

  "No, Miss Grace."

  "See? That's much better, now, I know you want Dave to be your, but I was here first, so you have to share."


  "You do still want him, don't you? If you don't, you can wait over there and we will have fun while you watch and then you can have my leftovers, is that what you want?"


  "Then let me help you help him."

  Wow, this was way too much to watch, as my body finally came unfrozen I started to move to the bed. Grace had sat Kierra up in her lap and was laying back and pulling Kierra back by her breast with one hand while her other hand was already buried between her legs. Kierra had brown hair, smaller breasts, her mouth was open letting out small and very quiet moans.

  I stepped forward and guided myself in as Grace pulled Kierra's pussy lips open, showing just how wet she was. As I pushed my aching shaft into her tight little hole, Grace started to rub her clit again, while pinching her nipples hard. All of this was making Kierra's eyes roll back as I started to pound myself into her dripping slit.

  After three orgasms and Kierra almost shaking out of Grace's arms for the last one, I pulled out and Grace let her roll onto the bed. I tried to climb onto Grace, but she pushed me off with a smile. Before Grace would let me fuck her, I had to warm her up.

  I sat on the edge of the bed and let Grace lay over my lap, running my hand over her ass and letting my fingers slide in and out of her drenched pussy. Her slit was soaked from a combination of Kierra's juice and her own excitement, and I loved the silky feeling it created as I pushed my fingers into her dripping lips.

  Trails of pussy juice followed my hand as I raised it and then brought it down on Grace's perfect ass.



  Oh, hell no, I was going to blow my load before I even got to sink my dick inside of her if Grace kept on making noises. I picked her off my knee and laid her down face first onto the bed and rammed into her. I slid into her velvet pussy and watched her gasp out as I grabbed her hair for leverage and fed my dick into her dripping wet snatch.

  I slammed myself into her a final time and I watched Grace's hips and legs quiver as I pushed my rod deep inside of her, filling her pussy as I exploded. I pulled out and fell between the girls. Wow, what an experience, I think I would be coming in alone next time, holy shit, I didn't think mating was going to be the most dangerous part!


  That's a winner!

  Chapter 186: Hit Points: ????/????

  After loading back into the game, Grace and I were left with a small, and cranky, mini-shark. Kierra was being as difficult as possible, swimming to the bottom of her cage and refusing to come out. That lasted only about three seconds after Grace moved up to the crate I had opened and threatened violence to Kierra if she didn't get her spiny ass into gear.

  While that was happening, I used 2 HMSP and 1 SP on Kierra, causing her to flash and grow a bit bigger. I had given her the stat boost and the standard Dere removal, especially after that incident from before. Now, the girls both turned to me, one with knowing looks, the other confused. I quickly explained the Harem System and what had happened inside.

  'I'm sorry we had to put your thought that, I didn't want it to be like that, but the system I have is playing into this game's Mating sequence.'

  'I understand now, but I had lost my mind earlier, I wasn't able to make rational thoughts.' -Kierra.

  'Okay, so, I have enough points for us each to go to the next level of the Harem System. I think we should all activate them and see what we get.'

  'It better be something good after that fiasco!' -Grace.

  I was about to smile but stopped myself, no wanting Kierra to piss and shit herself at the same time. I got a flashback of Grace's O-shape mouth and gave an involuntary shiver. Load us up, Mom!

  Activating 4th level of Harem System

  [Or You Could Pick That](Passive) Skill Acquired!

  'What is this supposed to be?' -Grace.

  'The golden ticket to every multiple choice we make from now one.'

  'What?' -Kierra

  'Yeah, what she said. You're not making any sense, Dave.'

  'Okay, I don't know for sure what it does, but I had something similar to this with the Blessing of Destiny during my game with you. Reme
mber how the girls all got legendary classes?'

  'So it really was Destiny! Okay, I can see what you're getting at. So, basically, when we get a choice we should get a possibly better choice along with the normal ones?' -Grace.


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