Harem Reborn c1-297

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Harem Reborn c1-297 Page 86

by Author:Magic_

  I was pushed onto my back, and suddenly Aquina's dripping pussy was hovering over my mouth and I could feel my underwear being pulled off. The warm feeling of her mouth felt amazing, and the warmth was heating up my urges. I grabbed Aquina ass and pulled her dripping slit down to my face and started to work my tongue into her folds.

  Aquina moaning was starting to get louder as she sucked on my hard shaft. I could feel her getting wetter as her nectar dripped down my chin and cheeks. Suddenly, Aquina let my shaft fall out of her mouth, and straightened up, grabbing her breasts and squeezing them as her moans became more urgent.

  Aquina put her hands down on my chest and started to grind her pussy into my face. I was caught off guard when the rush of her cum nearly drown me, but the erotic cries made me lick harder. Aquina fell forward and off to the side, shaking, but allowing me to get up and take a deep breath of oxygen as I swung my legs over the bed to sit up.

  "Are you okay for more?"

  In response, Aquina crawled to me and hung herself over my lap, bare bottom pushed up. I was sure my erection was causing her some discomfort, but when she looked back at me and spoke that single word, any thought in any shape or form was lost.


  I dropped my hand and Aquina cried, causing her pussy to leak clear fluids. After each slap, I pushed my fingers into her gash and fingered her until she squirted and shook. Only four more slaps and Aquina asked for me to stop and she crawled off my lap and back onto the bed on her hands and knees.

  "Oh? Now you want this?"

  I motioned with my eyes down to my throbbing shaft that was just aching to enter her dripping opening. Aquina smiled and gave her ass a wiggle and then pushed it towards me, and I needed no other incentive. I crawled onto the bed and moved behind her, taking both her ass cheeks and spreading them apart.

  Aquina reached back between her legs and guided my shaft...oh that was tight! I looked down to see Aquina's hand guiding me into her tight ass, but it was too dry so I slowly pulled out. I flipped her onto her back again and spit on my hand, using it to lube myself before slowly pushing my hard rod into her extremely tight little asshole.

  Aquina's eyes went big as I entered her, and her pussy was already leaking before I was all the way in. As I pulled back, more juices were leaking from her slit and down around my dick, lubing it more each time I entered. Aquina played with herself, working her pussy far harder than I had as I fucked her ass hard, causing her to spray me three more times.

  I could feel the pressure building and was starting to moan, with Aquina, but then she stopped and forced me out of her and pushed me on my back roughly. She started to suck me off harder than before, and the intense pleasure made my eyes cross. As my body tensed up, Aquina took her mouth off my shaft but continued to stroke it, making me cum up and into her face.

  That look she had was enough to make me want to do it all over again, there was even some cum stuck to her hair. I don't know what makes a girl look so hot when she has cum on her face, but I sure wish I had the stamina and time for more! I grabbed a towel from my bed stand that was conveniently where nothing had been sitting before and handed it to Aquina to wipe her face.

  As hot as it looked to see my spunk dripping down her face, the magic was wearing off as my sex drive did. After she cleaned up, the two of us went and enjoyed the last couple minutes sitting on the couch, holding hands, and whispering sweet nothings to each other. It's always a good day when everyone gets what they want!

  Chapter 200: The Plot Thickens

  "Are you okay Aquina! It sounded like Dave was hunting you, REALLY BAD!" Tenten said in his usual excited tone.

  "No, he didn't hurt me, Tenten. Don't ask me to explain either!"

  Aquina buried her face in my shoulder as she spoke, making me chuckle and pet her soft blue hair. I put an arm around her and pulled into a hug; her head only came to just under my chin. This made it easy for her to bury her face into my black T-shirt.

  This was my first time noticing my clothes, and I was also wearing camo pants that had multiple pockets. Though, when Aquina finally pushed away, I reached down to try one, but there was no texture there like the pockets were painted on. Pft, this is what I get for giving a shit about what I look like. The girls thought I looked good...most of the time.

  The seal's form I had before played through my head and gave me an involuntary shiver, as I followed Aquina who was following Tenten, the blind leading the blind, leading the blindest. We headed over to a door near my bed that wasn't normally there, and I didn't think it was there before. Though I was thoroughly distracted when I got into the room, and every point after that until now, so who knows.

  Aquina opened the door, and inside was the standard starting room, the same as the last two. Tenten allowed us to upgrade our guns, but I decided to keep my points, in favor of random goodness. Aquina, on the other hand, dumped all her points into Sally, her new toy, and after she was finished, she was able to easily hold the gun with one hand, so I gave her the Machete for her other hand.

  "Alright! Almost time for round three! Things you should know! There will be new monsters! Tacos Inferno is the new vending machine!" Tenten explained excitedly.

  "What kind of new monster is there going to be?" Aquina asked as she was setting her knuckle slots.

  "New ones!"

  "Anything else, oh Great Dispenser of Knowledge?"

  "Oh, yes! This time instead of looking for parts you will have to find the person holding them!" Tenten explained excitedly.

  "The person? What do you mean? Stop being vague!"

  'He can't help it, the game imposes more restrictions on him as you progress further to the end of this game.' -Tequila.

  "Sorry, Tenten. Mom told me about the restrictions, thanks for telling us what you can."

  Tenten made a big smile fill up his entire screen, and did a loop in the air. I guess I was forgiven for my transgressions, but I had almost forgotten that I had Mom to help us.

  "Who is Mom?" Aquina asked with a puzzled look.

  "Her name is Tequila, you met her at the end of last game, remember?"

  "The big angel wish lady that gave us all a free pass?"

  "Yes, she is the one! You can talk to her as well, you just have to talk to her in your head and she will respond. She can help us with things, but she is restricted in some ways like Tenten. We have to ask certain questions to get answers about some things, and some stuff she's just not allowed to tell us, because of MainFrame."

  Aquina paused for a moment, I assumed to try and talk to Mom. Her face lit up in a big smile but then faded to a blank look, then to a partial smile. Something just happened there, I don't know what, but that range of emotions said she was really excited about something, and then she was shot down, but then mollified by whatever Mom had said.

  "Okay, let's go."

  "What did you talk to mom about? You seemed like you were excited, but then…"

  "No, it was nothing. Come on, time to go."

  Like that was suspicious as fuck.

  'What did you girls talk about?'

  'That's between us.' -Tequila.

  And the plot thickens, but now I was like a kid at Christmas time, I had to know! That was the moment the door opened and Aquina smiled at me after running out. That almost felt planned.

  "Dave! You can't sit in here all game! Aquina will get all the points, and you will be useless next round!"

  "Yeah, Yeah, I am going!"

  I cracked my knuckle as I ran out, bringing out the FN FAL, reloading it, and then taking a good look at my surroundings as I ran to catch up. We were on a farm with a small white house, big red barn, and it was surrounded by cornfields all around us. The place was giving me the creeps, I was getting some sci-fi vibes from the cornfield, an Aquina yell confirmed my suspicion.


  "Little green men are coming from the cornfield!"

  Great, aliens; I was already missing the dirty piles of milk pouring off of th
e cracks. I pulled up my gun and took aim, emptying a clip into the closest one's head, but I didn't go down. I dropped the gun and cracked to get the Ripperess out and sprayed half a clip to finish it off, nope.

  My first two guns were all but useless, maybe I should have been like Aquina, but I had faith in the piss tank Russian to hook me up. I dropped the SMG, and both of us started to backpedal, constantly looking back to make sure none were flanking us. I summoned my inventory and started hucking grenades as fast as I could pull the pin and toss them.

  The green men scattered when I thought the grenades, and they were slow to go off, but I used this to my advantage. I corraled them with the first there and by the fourth one, the first one went off, stunning them briefly, but it was enough. The next two made the fourth and fifth throws into the groups that were still trying to get up short work.

  After the last two went off, Aquina and I rushed the last five, cracking to bring out Rip. Aquina was the first to come in range and took out two before I was in range. Then I unloaded an Explody shell into the middle of the three and watched for the brief moment where the shell lodged itself into the little green man's chest area.

  The monster looked down and then was ripped apart into a showed of black particles. Both other aliens were sent flying and burst the same as the first once they smacked into the ground. I gave a quick look around, but the aliens had stopped coming.

  [0:59 seconds until next round]

  "Do you hear that?" Aquina asked as she was moving closer to the big red barn.

  I hadn't been paying attention, but now as I followed Aquina over I could slowly make out the sound of a familiar voice. It was coming from inside the barn, and I ran past Aquina to open the barn door. As I opened it up, I was assaulted by the loud voice of my favorite drunk Russian.


  "Hay is for horses, straw is cheaper, and the grass is free. Horses eat it, so why don't we! What do you want? Do you have a new mission for us? Maybe a useful weapon?"

  "Are you a fucking child now? What took you so long? Did you squeeze every last drop out of that little honey with all the extra time I gave you?" Ivan asked the last part in a low tone, but Aquina was standing right beside me, with some burning cheeks.

  Oh boy, this was not going to turn out well.

  Aquina raised her gun to the radio Ivan was making his stupid comments from, but I quickly got between them.

  "Cha, chi, chi, cha, don't be like that! You can shoot him after I am done getting my weapon!"

  "Ho, hoe! Sorry, misses, I didn't know you were in the room! You know my eyes aren't as good as they normally are, and that little piss ant of a Tenten is keeping out of my range to jack his monitor!"

  "Can it, you old drunken dinosaur! We will meet face to face one day, and I have a bullet with your name on it!"

  "Oh? I like them spicy!"

  "Enough, stop flirting with my woman or I'll send the next pod backfilled with grenades! A weapon, now, take all my money. Then mission, and reward, fast!"

  We were on a timer and this was wasting time we didn't have. Ivan agreed to take all my money and I heard the sounds of the pod dropping from the heavens. Next, Ivan quickly explained the mission, and reward.

  "I need you to find a long copper tube that will look like a spring, two shiny metal pots, and a bag of potatoes."

  "You do know this is a corn farm, right?"

  "I don't make the missions!" Ivan half-heartedly protested.

  "Oh, really? So, it is just a random mission to send you all the parts to make your own vodka distillery?"

  "Ah, well, you know…"

  Ivan's voice trailed off, but that was the time the round clock hit zero, and a siren went off. The two of us ran outside and rushed to the smoking silver tube in the center of the farmyard. As we ran over, I looked at the place where the aliens had come out before and groaned loudly.

  There were bigger aliens this time.

  And they had guns...great.

  Chapter 201: Things Dave Needs To Figure Out List

  I ran over to the smoke silver tube, and reached inside, grabbing the gun out. It had a sleek feel that fit into my arms well, and I didn't feel restricted by the weight while holding it. I didn't really look at the stats for very long, just enough to know that the thing was a Sam Sammich, and it had Stopping Power, whatever the hell that was.

  The nice thing was this time, there were only six of them, and they didn't really aim with their guns. Instead, they just shot in our general direction, so both of us split apart, I headed for a small green tractor and ducked behind the wheel. I quickly set my new gun to a knuckle slot and then looked around to see Aquina.

  She had got behind the bar and was firing at the aliens, but none of them had gone down yet. I got and tried to stick my in the steering wheel to fire, but an invisible wall got in my way. In frustration at the game, I backed up and raised my gun to aim through the area I was blocked from, and then squeezed the trigger.

  Everything went wrong from there.

  I had not read all the stats of my gun, full auto, being the main problem. Three shots were fired off before the first one ricocheted back and hit me, followed immediately by two more. The impact from the bullets knocked me back three-meter, and I was only still on my feet because of game mechanics.

  "Are you alright? Who shot you?" Aquina yelled over.

  My vision was pulsing red and the shock of almost killing myself was finally wearing off enough for me to start functioning again. Wow, what a kick! Note to self, if the gun doesn't go through it, neither will the bullet. On top of that, for the first three shots, there was a heavy recoil, so I would have to keep a tight grip on my gun if I wanted to hit anything.

  "I'm fine, just a ricochet. Don't ask, I will tell you after."

  With that my vision was now pulsing a light pink, so I ran around the side of the little green tractor. There were only four left now, but they were a lot closer now. I brought my gun up in a planted stance, keeping a tight grip on my Sam Sammich, and unloaded into the big ugly aliens.

  As the bullets started hitting, they were pushed back and each time they were momentarily stunned. Aquina rushed from the barren throwing two grenades in quick succession, into the area that my bullets were pushing them. As soon as the grenades were about to hit the ground, I did a fast switch to Rip, pumping two slugs into the centermost alien.

  The explosions went off at the same time to my eyes, but when the smoke cleared, I still had no points.

  "Sorry! I guess mine went off just after yours and got the kills, maybe I can upgrade yours if you give it to me?" Aquina asked as she jogged over.

  It was a fair question and after I had finished reloading, I tried to hand Aquina Rip. As her hands looked like they would touch the gun, they passed through the gun like it wasn't there. That made sense, I guess, but it was still shitty for me.

  [09:59 Remaining until next round]

  Well, at least there was more time to look around this time, so we had better not waste it. We still had to find the person that had the parts for the Tacos Infernos Machine, and the parts for the distillery. That reminded me, that damn Russian never told us what we would get as a reward, not like that would make me find the parts any easier.

  "I think we should go and take a look inside of the house, I think that's where most of the parts will be."

  "Why not finish out here first? We didn't look around the barn that much, but I didn't see an exit for the game, so we should check their first so we don't have to backtrack, right?"

  "You are a smart cookie, lead on! It's nice to have someone take the lead, hehe!"

  Aquina turned to walk to the barn but then looked back, then gave me a sexy look, and an air glasses adjustment.

  "Then follow me private!" Aquina said in a deep and throaty voice.

  "I'm going to get you, and your damn privates!" I yelled, chasing after her with the full intention of tickling her half to death.

  The two of us raced i
nto the barn before I caught up to her. I settled for some light tickling, and a kiss, before starting to look around. We had shit to find, and women to save, and maybe I was gonna get some more free time!

  The barn only had one large open area, with a single level, and no farming equipment. That left the center wide open and decreased the number of places we had to look. We each took a side and started looking around the workbenches, and shelves lining the walls.

  And look was all we could really do; invisible walls blocked me from touching the bench or its tools. I started to walk along, looking around until something caught my eye. There was a silver pot that seemed to have a bit more detail than everything else.


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