Harem Reborn c1-297

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Harem Reborn c1-297 Page 110

by Author:Magic_

  [Game World 10] Paused!

  [Hall of Gods] Downloading!

  [Avatar] Original Dave Activated!

  Download Complete!

  [Hall of Gods] Activated!

  [Welcome Home]

  The last message pulled at my chest, and I grabbed for my heart and blinked. I was staring at my own hand, and there was that star tattoo on my hand between my thumb and pointer that Hyde always bugged me about. Memories didn't pour in, they came in like heartbeats, pulsing through my head.

  I was in a forest, and there was a large pool of water that led off into a small stream that had a path running along with it. I couldn't see father from where I was, but I could see a tall white mountain that stretched far about the clouds and my view. I looked down, and then behind me to realize that I was at the very start of the path, and it ran around the pond.

  I sat down, and then I laid down flat on my back. I just wanted to stare up into the blue sky for a little bit, I just needed to take it at the moment. Countless games and this was the end game goal, the ultimate destination, and I was here. The place that I had already sent so many different women and girls; it was just surreal, and I knew it was temporary, but that just meant I enjoyed it that much more.

  I got up and started down the path, walking around the pond, and then I started up the stream that flowed towards the mountain. This might be the ultimate place to be, but it looked like I was going to have a long walk from here to the mountain. I would have to have a talk with the guy that thought this up!

  My personal joke cheered me up, and the forest was just about to break up ahead. I was no longer an ugly eye, I was me, like real sandy blonde hair, kept short and a mess, not completely out of shape body. I was even in my white T-shirt and faded blue jeans, looking like a mess, with style!

  When I reached the end of the forest, I looked out on the landscape and my eyes were almost ripped out of my head.

  Chapter 255: R-Rated Kitties [XXX]

  After pulling my eyes back into my head I blinked. There were two girls laying face down and naked on a pair of towels. Both had tails and pointed cat ears and I started to get way too excited.

  I walked over slowly, but I wasn't quiet. I didn't want to sneak up on the girls, it felt so long since I had seen Sasha, and just as long since I have got to spend anything time with Tilly. Both girls rolled over as I got close, to expose large naked breasts and beautiful smiles spreading across their face.

  "It's nice to finally see the man of the house is finally home," Sasha said, standing to come over to me.

  "I told you we would get to be together again soon, I am glad things are still going really well for you. I think you deserve a little bit of a reward for all your hard work!" Tilly said, already walking over to me.

  Sasha pulled my shirt off as both girls grey and silver tails swished with excitement. Tilly unbuttoned my jeans and then I stepped out of my pants and underwear. Sasha started to move behind me and reached normal non-clawed hands to wrap around my chest as she started to kiss my neck.

  Tilly already had my hard shaft in her mouth and I could feel her tongue wrapping around making me moan out for more. I reached out to the side and summoned my four post bed from the Huntington house. Reality and I both groaned and Tilly pushed me into the back of her throat as the bed was spit out from the tear in reality.

  Sasha let go of me, and Tilly took me out of her mouth. The thin trails of saliva and the way she looked up at me with an open mouth and tongue out. That made me want to pull her back onto my cock, and fuck her face, but I was pushed back on to the bed.

  Tilly crawled up on me, then turned around, pushing her soaking wet kitty down into my open and waiting mouth. Tilly started to moan right away as I licked her pussy like it was a melting ice cream cone. As I did I could feel Sasha sit down slowly onto my rock hard cock, her soft lips made me slow down from licking. Sasha pushed her hot slit down to swallow my cock whole inside of her, and I heard bothe girls moans becoming muffled as they started to kiss.

  Both girls got up off me and then continued to make out, but Tilly gave me her ass as she fingered Sasha's very wet honey pot. I pushed into Tilly, watching as her pussy lips spread for my thick cock. Then when I had sunk deep inside of her, I grabbed her hips and started to fuck her roughly and she had to stop kissing and fingering Sasha.

  Tilly started to cry out in pleasure as I drove my cock deep and hard into her, with her tail being pulled off to the side. Sasha crawled over top of Tillys ass, faceing me, and then started grinding her pussy into the spot where Titly's tail connected to her ass. Tilly started to cry for more as Sasha and I both fucked her.

  I pulled Sasha into a kiss as I filled Tilly with my cock, and I reach around to start rubbing the same spot that Sasha was fucking. Sasha started to girl faster into Tilly until I felt her hot pussy juice leaked down Tilly's ass and my cock. Tilly Cried out at the same time as her body and legs started to shake from her own orgasm.

  I pulled out from Tilly and both girls fell to the bed, but I climbed on top of Sasha, kissed her neck. I guided myself into her wet slit, and then reached over to Tilly's pussy as she was still laying face down. I pulled back from Sasha's neck with my mouth, but she pulled my free hand with both of her to her neck.

  Both girls cried out as I made both girls orgasm again and I filled Sasha with my hot semen. I held tight on Sasha's neck, and then let go just as I finished, letting her red face draw in the sweet air. I pulled out, and cum slowly leaked from Sasha as he pussy pulsed from the orgasm still crashing over her body.

  I fell down between the girls and put my arms up about my head for a good stretch. That was come damn good sex, and both the girls cuddled into my chest inder my free arms. I dropped them and pulled the sweaty girls in close to me, their naked flesh making me feel completely at rest and relaxed.

  "So how long do I get to stay here?" I asked the girls after we had laid for a good rest.

  "Not long, but we won so we were the ones that got to have you!" Sasha's said with a smile, and leaning in to give me a kiss on the cheek.

  "What am I? The limited time special on the menu? How did you even decide?"

  "You're not the only one that plays games, and it can get boring without you around to get into trouble. We let up some different types of games and we played in teams. We will have to tell you about it another time, all you have to know is we are the best, and the ones that wanted you the most!" Tilly said, and both girls cuddled in closer.

  I hugged them both tight and then kissed them passionately.

  "Do you know what I am doing in this world? Like how much longer I have to go?"

  "The only thing we know for sure is that all the remaining girls are in one spot, you just have to get there," Sasha said.

  "First, let go to the top of the mountain where everyone is waiting, they all want to see you before you go back. Watch out, there will be some frisky girls up there waiting for you, and we are not responsible for anything that happens to you!" Tilly said with a laugh.

  Was I going to have to sign a waiver before getting on this ride?

  Chapter 256: Hall Of Gods [XXX]

  "What? All the way up there where I can't even see the top? Girl, that looks like a long walk!" I said as we started to walk after I put the bed away, might need that bad boy again!

  "It only takes as long as you think it does, if you want to go for a long walk, you just have to want to and the miles will stretch. If you want to get to a place, the same thing, and before you know it, we're here!" Tilly said pointing ahead.

  I had been distracted as we walked but all the culture surrounding me, bouncing as the girls walked. They had said clothes weren't needed, and would just get in the way, and I liked the sound of that!

  I looked away from Tilly's ample chest and gazed out across paradise. Even if you took all the beautiful naked girls out of the picture, there was everything you could ever want to relax. Hammock swings, lawn chairs, beaches, waterfalls, and t
iki bars that naked girls were just going to and grabbing a drink from thin air.

  There were more things than I could shake a stick at, and to list them all was impossible. Not only was there a limitless number of things to do, but the landscape was also constantly changing. The moment any area was abandoned for more than thirty seconds would shift and change into something else interesting.

  "This place is incredible! I could just stand here all day and watch everything change and then girls have fun!" I said with a massive smile, but my voice triggered something.

  Like I had just walked into a den of hunger lioness and shouted dinners ready, all the girls turned to me. There was a silence that fell over the mountain top, even the background had gone silent like it just knew. I felt Sasha and Tilly both let go of my arms, and then slowly backed away from me.

  That was the moment where the calm broke. My uncountable number of lives passed before my eyes as twenty-some naked women screamed my name, and rushed me.


  It had been a good life, and there were far worse ways to die than being trampled by a herd of beautiful and naked women.

  When the crowd hit me, I wasn't knocked over. No, instead I was absorbed by a sea of breasts being pushed into me. I was lifted and carried off to another shifting area that turned into a bed...my bed...four posters...silk ropes tied to each one...oh dear.

  I was tossed onto the bed and each pink ribbon tying itself around my wrist, yup, this was exactly what it looked like. I was about to have a train of pussy run over my cock, but I was hard and tomorrow never dies!

  It took three hours, and by the time they were done with me and the ribbons were taken off I couldn't walk. Like, not even a little bit; I couldn't even lift my arms, but the girls took turns cuddling with me while my strength was slowly coming back to me. Part of me thought it might just be best to play possum until I got booted out from here. I was going to have a crack pelvic bone from all the pussy and ass crashing into it, Gameworld Problems.

  "Did you have fun? I think you hit a new record today!" Grace said as she took Victoria's spot, we had just cuddled close, and in silence.

  "It was fun but I started to lose track of you all partway through and it felt more like a dream at the end. I think my eyes did a record number of rolls today from pleasure. I'm not saying it wasn't fun, but it would have been nice to spend alone time with each of you."

  "I know, and you will! You are doing so good this game, it will be another record time! Just think, two more worlds and then we can all join you in the Zodiac world. You will still have to collect us, but you're good at that, and then we can have more one-on-one time. You are doing great, we are all so proud of you for getting this far!" Grace said as she got up.

  I slapped her ass, now that my arms had started to get a little strength in them. Grace moaned loudly as my hand slapped down into her soft, naked bottom, and I see a drip of her juices rolling down the inside of her leg. Damn, I couldn't let a single drop go to waste while I was here, and I got a burst of energy.

  I jumped up and grabbed Grace's wrist, pulling her back to the bed, sitting up, and pulling my legs over the side of the bed. I bent her over my knee and Grace laid down, shaking with excitement. I owed this to hear and now it was time to pay up.

  I slapped Grace's ass hard as I sunk my fingers into her dripping slit. I used to finger to hammer her pussy until she would squirt all over my hand. Each time she squirted I rewarded her with another slap, but that usually made her hot juice squirt more, so I would spank her until she stopped, but now she was looking up at me with a red-stained face.

  "Hurry! Fuck me one more time before you have to go! I think your time's almost up here!

  When Grace got off my knee and turned to sit on my cock, I got a good look at my hand marks that were stark red on her white skin. I stood behind her and drove my shaft into Grace's fully lubricated slit. I grabbed her breast and then her nipples, squeezing them hard as I pushed myself deeper until I was just about to…

  I blinked. With all eight of my eyes. FUCK!

  Chapter 257: Gialazsaur

  I blink my eight eyes a couple more times, hoping that this was just a dream that I was in because I had fallen asleep pounding Grace. Fat chance, no, I was back...somewhere.

  I was still in my six-meter tall golem, but I was in a forest of tall trees, even to me.

  "You're a big bugger, aren't you? I knew they were going to send help, but wow, a golem with eyes! Now I have seen it all!"

  The voice came from around my feet and there was a man with a good of wagons and some other people, all men. There were about five wagons in total and there we were all packed with armor and weapons. I spotted the little old man at my feet who had called up to me, but I was using my other eyes to get a feel for the area.

  This was a very tall forest, but there was a paved road, and they were using wagons...where these people Amish? The clothes the people wore reminded me of what was worn out in the real world or the earth here in the gameworlds, but they were modern. The horses and wagon with swords and armor were not modern, making me wonder where the hell the game had taken me this time.

  "Hey! DO-YOU-TALK?!" The old man yelled up to me.

  "Yes, you old whippersnapper, I am just trying to get a feel for the area. I will assume that this is an escort, but where are we going?"

  I wanted to ask more about the roads and horses, but I would let him explain this first.

  "Hey! There is someone in there! Good! We need an escort to Fort Sequoia, and the giant monsters along the way will stop at nothing to get us. My name is Herman, and I am the leader of the caravan, we need you to keep us safe until we get to the Fort."

  "Why are the monsters so hellbent on getting you?"

  "What? They are monsters and there is hardly any game left in this forest, the monsters have cleaned it dry. Now, anyone that travels needs some kind of escort, but this place is the worst, but the place needs supplies! And they have things that we need, so it's a working relationship," Herman said while pounding his chest proudly.

  "Why do you use horses, that's my last question, but it seems like you should be able to use vehicles and guns with the style of your clothing and the condition of the roads. Sorry, think of me as a new person to this world, I was transferred here from another place, and my wires are a bit crossed."

  "Horses? Well, you really are out of the loop! Well, the boys are getting things ready so I will give you a quick rundown of the last hundred years, starting at 2028. The world blew itself up! Maybe shaking itself apart would be a better description of what happened. The world was not quite the way we had always pictured it, and when a group of people wanted to try and harvest the magma from the mantle, they ran into a problem. There was no magma."

  "What do you mean? What was it then? Solid rock?"

  Now I was curious, I wonder what hair-brained scheme I hate thought up this time? I would have to be something I thought of, but then again it could be from one of the other people trapped in Second Life. Regardless, I was interested to hear what was down there.

  "Nothing, at first. The drill was five meters wide and at the point where they should have hit magma, the drill broke into an open area that was not hot or cold, but a very comfortable twenty degrees celsius. The drill-down gave us no indication of it being like this. We had to change the drill four times just to get through the last fifty feet because of the heat, but when we broke through, the heat disappeared, then all hell broke loose."

  The old man held a dramatic pause before continuing. Keeping me at the edge of my proverbial seat. Herman must have told this one a couple times, hehe.

  "The crust cracked, sending the world into a global earthquake that emptied three-quarters of the world's water to fill the mantle. The world was completely torn to shred, most of the population killed in the first week, not over a hundred years later, 2135, the humans are slowly starting to gather again. The biggest problem left from this mess was what crawled up from t
he mantle."

  "You mean the monsters? They came from the depths and now roam the world?"

  "In a nutshell, but I think it's more than that. You will see, the monsters aren't normal, I mean they are monsters, but they are geometric in shape rather than the rounded forms we have and they glow purple at the joints. The first time we saw them, we thought they were some kind of alien, but they aren't all bad."

  "What do you mean they aren't all bad? Don't they attack and try to kill you? That seems pretty bad to me!" I laughed as I said the words.

  "Yes, well that part does make them seem pretty bad, but the purple light from their joints makes plant life grow faster. It's like a blacklight but, like if the sun was a black light...I don't know how to describe it properly, but you will see!"

  It looked like everyone was ready to go, and the old man was done with his tale. I was excited to see what the giant monsters would look like and to see this purple light in action. I mean, I had seen magic and systems make things grow, but a monster that could make plants grow didn't actually sound that monstrous.


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