Harem Reborn c1-297

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Harem Reborn c1-297 Page 117

by Author:Magic_

  "I know, but I just wish we could have more of you and my time," Mikota said with a downcast look that made my heart hurt.

  "Look, let's go drop off Kie with the others and check on how things are doing. Then you and I will go and spend some alone time, okay?" I asked.

  "Yes, that is okay!"

  Mikota's cheer returned, and we walked back over to Kie.

  "Are you two, okay?" Kie asked, giving us a worried look.

  "Don't worry, we just needed to talk about something. Are you ready to go and see Gix? I am sure he will be happy to have you back home."

  "Home? What is that? Was that like that place that our people are?" Kie asked with some confusion.

  Ugh, that hurt a bit inside. That would be one of the first things I taught these people, but maybe they had never had a home. I would change that.

  "Yes, that place is your home. I will teach you and all our people this and so much more, but for now, let's get you back home."

  With that, I picked up the ground underneath us. I lifted up and high into the air, feeling the breeze kiss my bare skin. It was time to go drop off Kie and then go spend some much-needed alone time with a person that I cared deeply for.

  Chapter 275: Not To Go Any Further [XXX]

  [Day 2/1825 on The Godless Green Earth A.I World]

  I floated back with the girls, both of them were sitting and chatting, so I decided to do the same. It was all fine to decide that I wouldn't wear clothes like everyone else, but the Gialazsaur didn't do a lot of flying.

  After a comment from Kie about how small I had shrunk, I'm a grower, not a shower, I had decided to sit down. Mikota had burst into a fit of giggles, and when I scowled at her, it only made it worse.

  I let the girls be and kept my eyes ahead. The farm should be close to completion, but when I could finally see it, there were still numbers above it.

  When I got closer, I could see that there were less than twenty minutes left. That wasn't bad, and by the time we had finished talking with everyone, the place would be done.

  "Gix! Come!" I called down, and a man with brown skin and blue stripes looked up, and then dropped the hoe he was using.



  I had to set us down fast, or I was scared that Kie was going to jump down. Gix ran over, stopping in front of her, unsure and looking at me. I nodded, and Gix wrapped Kie into his arms.

  Kazuya came over with Miala...holding hands, goddammit, a bunch of fucking sheep. I needed to nip this in the butt right now, but how to do it in a way that isn't saying not to do it.

  If I just told them not to do it, I was sure that they would just get better at hiding it. No, I wasn't trying to prevent this altogether, but I did need to set some boundaries until I could get them past the sheep stage.

  "Kazuya, can you grab Garry and Tali?"

  "Sure, what's wrong?" Kazuya asked in worry.

  "Nothing, I would just like to talk to the four of you about something that I have been noticing change since I arrived," I said while looking down at their hands.

  The two ripped their hands apart like they had only realized now that they were holding on to a viper's tail. I sighed, yes, I would need to be very gentle about this.

  When the four got together, I asked them to sit down. Since Gix and Kie were still holding one another, I decided that they should be part of the conversation as well.

  "Okay, so I can see that you are all taking after Mikota and me in the fashion of holding hands," I said, looking at each of the now worried-looking faces. "But, that is okay, you are pairs, couples, and I am not asking you to stop. What I would like to ask you is that you don't go any further until we can get a stable home built."

  The group looked shocked, and they were looking between each other in wonder, but then Kie spoke up.

  "This Home, what does it mean?"

  "A home is a place that you can go to feel comfortable and safe. It is a place meant to be permanent, and a place where your family is. Before you ask, you are all family, and yesterday, you accepted us into your family to help build a home."

  The group was silent, but they were all smiling. I could see that they understood what I meant, and I let them all get back to their jobs, but I kept Gix back.

  "How is Kia doing, have you heard?" I asked Gix after the other four had left.

  Kie was standing with him and holding his hand like the others were, so quick. Soon the whole place would be doing it, that wasn't bad, but I would still have to watch them.

  "She is doing good, she is up now and is talking with the elders about how you rescued her! The elders are very excited to talk with you!" Gix said with a big grin.

  "Do you think that you could tell them to wait till tomorrow? Mikota and I need to go and check on some other things."

  "Yes! Of course, I will go right…" Gix started to say.


  We all turned to the farm, and the timer bar above was gone.

  [Farm] Completed!

  [Passive Gi Production] Activated, 10 Gi per hour!

  Hey! Now that was something! I checked my Gi levels, and I had a max of one thousand, but only one hundred and forty-eight at my disposal.

  Nope, just short, and it would completely deplete me. It looked like I would get a different amount of Gi, depending on the size of the Gialazsaur.

  Still, this is what I needed, but is that all it produced? I looked over and a couple people were walking up the hilled rows in the farm field.

  They all had hands outstretched to either side and they glowed that same blacklight purple, and I watched as plants started to sprout. I pulled a complaining Mikota over with me to the fence to watch them, but then she started to pull back.

  I turned back to her and I was getting glared at; I guess I could check on these in the morning.

  "Great work everyone! Thank you for all your hard work, now I want you to take time to relax and pat yourselves on the back. You all did a great job!" I shouted out to my gathered people.

  None cheered, but they all did look happy, and that was what mattered the most. I turned back to Mikota with a mischievous smile.

  "Ready to go, my love?" I asked, still holding her hand, and she turned up her nose at me.

  Oh, did I just want to grab her and tickle the shit out of her until she begged me to stop, but we were the role models. Still, the little shit was going to get it when we got out of sight.

  "Oh, now you're ready to go? Fine, I guess so," Mikota said looking down her nose at me and giving me one of those closed-mouthed self-satisfied smiles.

  I lifted us both into the air and we rose, and then flew toward the north, up the coast. I was squinting at her, but the nose was coming down.

  I watched as the princess act left like her audience, and now it was just the two of us floating away. I could feel the heat coming from Mikota stared at me with hunger in her softly glowing red eyes.

  I made sure that we went a long way up the coast, even to the point that it would take a skilled person half a day to get to us. I wasn't taking any chances, these people wanted to learn, but these weren't the skills they needed yet.

  I found a soft hidden groove that I set us down in, and Mikota immediately started to move to me. I took her warm body that I could feel slowly heat up into my arms, leaning down to press my lips into hers.

  I let my hands travel down her body and then gave her a good swat on the ass while biting down on her lip. Mikota let out a pouting moan, and pushed her body into mine, rubbing her breasts and erect nipples into my chest, making my pulse quicken.

  "More? I was a bad girl, please more," Mikota begged, and I slapped her ass again, making her cry out that ended in a moan, doubling my heart rate.

  I laid her down on the ground, but then rolled her onto her knees, slapping her ass again, but not as hard this time. That got a more sexual moan, and the excitement of penetration was almost more than I could bear.

  "Put it in, I want your hard cock deep insid
e me. Now, I'm so hot, I need you deep inside...Aaah!" Mikota begged, but stopped and started to moan as I rubbed my tip up and down her wet silt, and then pushed it in.

  Mikota's pussy took all of my hard shafts, and I moved my legs so I had one knee on the ground and my other foot planted with my knee bent. I collected her white hair in my hand and took a hold of it in my fist for leverage.

  I started to dig my cock deep inside of her, pushing it in as deep as I could, making her gasp between moans. Then, I let go of her hair, and pulled her arms behind her back, getting a better hold, and plowed her tight little pussy until her legs shook.

  I let go of her arms, and let her slide off me. Mikota turned around on her knees and I stood up. She licked up her juices off my shaft and then slid it into her mouth. She took my whole cock into her mouth and then moved up and down it while using her tongue.

  She moaned as she sucked on me making a slight vibration that felt amazing, and sounded hot. After she was done, I laid her back, and climbed over top of her, and pushed her legs apart, sliding my shaft back into her tight little pussy.

  I took her face into my hands as I slid my shaft into her, kissing her gently. As we kissed, I picked up speed and her moans became more chased, and my pressure and excitement was starting to fill me up to bursting.

  Mikota pulled from my kiss to cry out as I drilled my cock deep into her wet hole, faster and faster. Then the dam burst as I filled Mikota's tight slit with my hot juice, making her back arch.

  I held myself inside of her, still enjoying the feeling of her body twitch, sending more small waves of pleasure as her pussy would squeeze my over-sensitive shaft. I looked down into her beautiful smiling face and then kissed her.

  "Again? Mikota asked as I pulled away.

  Chapter 276: Making A Plan

  [Day 3/1825 on The Godless Green Earth A.I World]

  We decided to stay the night, and had more than our share of our fun, but I woke up feeling great. It was like I had been recharged, and Mikota was still sleeping so I pulled up some progress and status bars that I had been ignoring.

  [Guardian Summons] 30% completed!

  [Pregnancy] 60% completed!

  [Total Gi] 248/1000

  What the actual fuck? WHAT DID SIXTY PERCENT MEAN?! Wait… one, two… fuck. Learn something new every day.

  *Internal screaming*

  I gently lifted Mikota and myself into the air; I just needed to get some air, this was fine… ugh, why did I have to be having kids right now? Can't I just lead them? They can have the kids, man, like I don't have enough going on already.

  *More internal screaming*

  I will just think about how much easier I can move earth with more Gi, that was what I was going to do. Kids be damned! I would make sure they grew up in the five years, but I wish I didn't have to. This wasn't the way it was supposed to be, we all had a plan going in, and even if it got messed up…

  There was a saying, even the best-laid plans fell apart at the start of a battle, and I was living proof. We all agreed to do a quick run, no messing around, no kids. Get the girls put then in the Hall of Gods until the Zodiac worlds, then secure the first world and rush the last two worlds.

  I was sixty-two games into this and still hadn't set foot on a Zodiac world. Everyone else would be securing their first world before I could complete the final game world. Maybe there was another way, something to get me caught up, but then I needed the files.

  I was almost back, but Mikota was still sleeping so I stopped. I needed to think.

  I created this game, but while inside of it I was just another player, but I wasn't there right now, in Reborn. To complete the game I had to get the A.I. off the world by ascension if they just needed to reach a certain point.

  What if I could defeat MTK's race, the Galaxsor Techknowledge before they got here? Blank Summon.

  "Woah!" Gripton said with some surprise, waking Mikota.

  "Hey, how come the pervert is here?" Mikota asked while rubbing her eyes.

  "I summoned him, I wanted to do the disturbing this time."

  "You know I was watching you, not for that part, but I can't leave. I have been trying to get out to go talk to the others, but since you are in here now, it's like Reborn stopped and is locked."

  "And when did you plan on telling me this?"

  "Right now!" Gripton said with frustration.

  "Fine, but no more dicking around. You are going to help me complete this, and then once I have the file you are going to take me to The Eye Of God. From there, you are going to help me wipe the game worlds. These A.I. of your's do other things right? This is an RTS, they have to be able to do crazy stuff right?" I asked.

  "What are you trying to get at? You want to take the fight to them? The eliminator race we built together?" Gripton asked back in frustrated confusion.

  "Gah, Gripton, use your head! We don't have to fight them all, if we go to them and offer a challenge, they have to follow the program set, accept it. I am the leader of this race now, but I don't like your game plan. I had my share of killing yesterday, so today, you are going sit, stand, lay here with me until we figure out how to bring the humans under my control."

  "Your nuts, you have to kill the commander, in the heart of their central base."

  "Okay, good, that will be easier. Where is the base, and how can I get more maximum Gi? This shit makes me stronger right?"

  "Dave, wait! This is an RTS! You can't just walk into the head base and expect to be able to kill someone that easily!" Gripton tried to explain to me, but he was thinking too small.

  This whole thing was supposed to be by the rules that I created for this game, yet I had been playing Reginold's version since I started. I could get to The Eye Of God, then I could wipe the world completely. Then I could upload the original one that I made for myself, but I needed to do it without winning.

  "I am going to gather enough Gi to drop a mountain on them. Then we are all going to sing kumbaya and build a spaceship, and then I am going to fly it to Mars. When I come back you will have the file and we will be going to TEOG. Then we are wiping the first twelve worlds of Reborn, and uploading the original. Are you still with me?" I asked.

  "Yes...IF you defeat the Galaxsor Techknowlege, then I can get you to TEOG. You are right, honestly, I built this game to play like what we had talked about, so I only really saw you doing it the way I intended. This is a solid plan, and to do what you want, you just need to force your own evolution and over collect Gi."

  "Good, so, now you are going to stop playing invisible man and get to work. I will go talk to the elders, you will go find me more herds of Gialazsaur to absorb. Let me know when you find more." I said, but he had left already.

  "What crawled into your pants today? You seem itching to go now, so how are you going to rescue the girls now?" Mikota asked, rubbing her stomach, and then she looked down, blinking. "Hoo, I have a tummy already?! I'M GOING TO GET STRETCH MARKS!"

  I put my hand to my forehead and then shook my head.

  "You turn into a giant monster, you will be fine."

  "What, so now you think I'm a giant monster!" Mikota growled at me.

  "Hey! I didn't say that! Oye! What is this now!" But Mikota started to laugh.

  "Just kidding, calm down, or do I need to relieve some of that stress you seemed to have worked back up?" Mikota said with the suggestion turned all the way up.

  That helped, and she was right, I was just working myself up now. I had a plan, I just had to get it moving. As much as I would like to take her up on the offer, I could feel footsteps coming, so it would have to wait.

  "Dave! Are you over here!" I heard Kazuya call out.

  "Yes, we are over here."

  The group of four came over the hill and waved to us. I took Mikota's hand and walked with her up the hill, but I also lifted the hill. The group all threw their arms to the side to catch their balance, but they were fine when I started to move the hill.

  This was easier than
it had been to move a small amount of dirt before, so it might not take me that long to get to the mountain dropping point. This was good, and I needed more good news, and now if everything with all the new girls went well I could be on the zodiac would in no time.

  Again, this was provided that I could beat the MTK or whoever they sent, but I just knew that it would be him. Major Tim Knowles, originally part of a Special US military VR training program suffered cardiac arrest. Or so it was said after MTK threatened to send reports about the dangers of the helmets and elements in the helmets into the FEDs.


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