Veso (VLG Book 4)

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Veso (VLG Book 4) Page 20

by Laurann Dohner

  “Enough.” Chaz gave his twin an annoyed frown. “My brother is the outgoing one and he likes to show off sometimes. We have more air support flying above waiting to go with us. I brought eight scouts for the nest. We left another six patrolling your territory for Decker. I hope that’s okay.”

  “Thank you.” Lorn approached the men. “We appreciate this.”

  “The master is using some humans. He took over their minds.” Veso would hate for innocents to get caught in the coming battle.

  “Got it.” Chaz reached up and pressed his finger against his ear. “Mind-fucked humans might be on the playground. Grab them if you see any and hold them until a VampLycan can get them straightened out.” He dropped his hand. “We upgraded to have better communications. We’ll bring you guys any humans we catch and you can see if you can wipe their memories.”

  “The new coms system is awesome. It beats yelling at each other,” Flay added, his skin returning to a normal texture and color. “One of our scouts carries a signal booster on his back. We brought you guys some. Go Team Dust Vamps.” He reached into a pouch attached to his belt and approached Lorn. “Just pop one in your ear and press to talk. You’ll hear anyone speaking.” He handed them out to the other men, including Veso.

  Veso glanced at it, figured out how it worked, and put it in his ear. A deep voice instantly broadcast through the tiny speaker. “Are we flying them to the location or following from above, Chaz?”

  Chaz touched his ear. “They’re hooking in. Not sure yet. Stand by.” He stared at Lorn, arching his eyebrows.

  “I figured we’d go on motorcycles and draw out any Vamps and soldiers in the woods. They’ll hear the engines and come at us.”

  Chaz nodded. “Good plan. We can swoop in and grab them before they get to you. This is a dust-and-destroy mission, right? Take no prisoners?”

  “That’s how I’d like it to go down. Will Lord Aveoth agree to that?” Lorn put on gloves.

  “This is your show, Lorn.” Fray grinned. “We’re under your direct command. You want them all dead, you got it.”

  “The nest needs to die,” Veso stated, staring at Lorn. “Glenda said they were holding other humans and feeding on them. They’ve harmed our human neighbors, possibly killed them.”

  Lorn held his gaze for a moment, then nodded at Chaz. “Everything with a need to feed on blood has to die.”

  Chaz nodded and relayed the order. “We’re all set.”

  “Cool,” Fray chuckled. “It’s going to be a blood-and-dust shower. I love those.”

  Veso eyed the GarLycan, concerned that the man might be a little mentally challenged.

  Fray winked. “Did I mention it was getting boring at the cliffs? It was. I’m so ready to kill some bad shits.”

  Veso could understand that. Sometimes being a guard had been tedious. He relaxed around the GarLycan.

  “Let’s go. This mine is eighty-two miles away and we need to drive on roads that will avoid humans but draw the attention from any hunters searching for Veso and his mate.” Lorn walked to the map, trailing his finger over it. “This is the route we decided on. We’ll arrive two hours before the sun comes up.”

  Chaz nodded. “That will work. It will give us enough time to take them on and fly home afterward. We’ll be your air support while you’re driving there. When we hit the mine, we’ll join you inside but I’ll leave some of my scouts in the air to take out any who might try to flee other exits.”

  “Good deal.” Lorn shook Chaz’s hand. “Thanks again.”

  “Lord Aveoth doesn’t like Vampires in this area either. They only have one reason to be here and that’s to fuck with us all somehow.”

  Glenda’s scent filled Veso’s nose and he turned toward the door. It wasn’t her though who entered the room. Kira did, carrying her clothing in her arms. It alarmed him.

  Kira walked closer, shooting him a dirty look. “Give me a break. I didn’t do anything to her. Glen’s in the visitor’s quarters taking a shower. My dad is guarding the hallway so she’s not down there alone. I gave her clean clothes to wear once she’s done but took her dirty ones. I thought you might like to take them with you because the Vamps might have memorized her scent to track.”

  Veso relaxed and accepted them. “Smart.”

  “You trained me well. I never had your keen sense of smell, but you could always track me wherever I went until I caught on about how you were able to do it.”

  “Thank you, Kira.” He accepted Glenda’s clothing, balling them up and shoving them under his arm.

  “You’re welcome. Do you know what would be better though? If I wore Glen’s clothes and rode behind Veso. They might mistake me for her.”

  “No way in hell,” Lorn snapped. “You’re staying here, Kira.”

  She sighed. “Fine. I’m not going to fight with you, especially in front of the GarLycans.” She smiled at Lord Aveoth’s two enforcers. “It makes him look bad when I win and he totally spoils me,” she whispered.

  “Kira,” Lorn warned.

  “Fine. Be careful, everyone. We’ll be waiting here. Doing nothing.”

  Veso felt a little envious as he watched Lorn kiss and hug his mate goodbye. Glenda was showering. He wouldn’t be able to see her before they left. Time was of the essence if they wanted to attack the nest during the night. And they needed to do that so no humans spotted their winged allies in the sky over territory that didn’t belong to the clans.

  “Let’s get going. Garson and Kar will have gassed the motorcycles and have them waiting outside for us.” Lorn led the way.

  Lavos walked next to Veso. “You up for this? You could stay here.”

  “You need me. I’ve been in that mine and the master wasn’t there when I left. I think he’s holed up somewhere close to the mine.”

  “You should probably tell our winged friends that.”

  Veso reached up, pushed on the earpiece, and relayed that information to everyone. He couldn’t wait to get his hands on the master responsible for kidnapping him and threatening Glenda’s future.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Movement caught Veso’s attention from the right side of the road as he drove. He glanced that way, seeing the source. One of the GarLycans had swooped down and grabbed hold of someone. Judging by the high-pitched shrieks, it was either a Vampire or a soldier. It flailed its arms and legs, being flown higher into the sky and above the treetops by the scout. A second scout flew closer and as he passed the first one, the three shapes became two. They’d dusted the thing in the air.

  He had to appreciate the way the GarLycans worked as a team. They’d located at least four enemies already, dispatching them in the same manner. There might not be too many Vamps or soldiers left alive to fight when they reached the mine if the bastards kept coming at them while they drove in that direction.

  “Nice job.” Lorn’s voice sounded in the earpiece.

  “Soldier,” one of the scouts responded. “That’s all we’ve killed so far. Duster, look to eleven o’clock. Spot it on the ridge? You’re closest.”

  “Got it,” a gruff voice replied.

  Veso glanced up, seeing one of the GarLycans break away from the group overhead and fly toward a hill. Veso couldn’t see anything up there since his main focus was on the road, but he kept glancing that way and saw when the scout grabbed another body, taking it up in the air. A second scout flew toward Duster, they crossed close together, and this time the third body didn’t disappear. It fell from the sky in one big piece and a smaller one.

  “Shit. New soldier,” Duster shared over the coms. “I’ll fly down and make sure the body and head are exposed to the sun.”

  “Thanks.” Chaz paused. “Watch him, Flay. Work in teams of two. That one was easy to spot since it was running but I don’t want anyone attacked if there’s a smart one being very still so we can’t see them.”

  “On it,” Flay responded. “I’ve got you covered, Duster.”

  Veso reached up and pressed against his ear
when he saw the first cabin he and Glenda had reached after leaving the mine. “We’re close.”

  “VampLycans lead the charge,” Chaz ordered. “We have the air and we’ll flank you from behind.”

  Veso sped up, driving in front of Lorn and Lavos, knowing exactly where to go. He stopped right in front of the mine. The truck was parked there. He turned off the motorcycle and removed Glenda’s clothing from under his shirt, laying it on the bike seat.

  “The master is here,” he announced to everyone.

  Lorn stepped up next to him. “He’s all yours. Anyone find him, let Veso be the one to kill this bastard. He’s owed that.”

  “Thanks.” Veso flashed him a grateful look.

  “I didn’t get to kill the one who attacked my Kira but I sure wanted to take his head.” Lorn shrugged. “Let’s go wipe out a nest.”

  Four GarLycans landed behind them. “Are we plotting more are just going in?” Flay drew his short sword.

  “We’re going in.” Veso unleashed his claws and fangs, storming toward the mine opening.

  Two soldiers rushed at their group about fifty feet inside. Lorn took out one while Veso beheaded the second. He inhaled, searching for the scent of the master. It was one he remembered well. The blond bastard wasn’t going to get away. He smelled him and turned left at the first split in the wide shaft. The teams divided in half. Lorn glanced back, seeing Lavos, Flay, another GarLycan scout, and Kar with him.

  Another soldier came streaking out of the dark. Veso lunged forward, right at it, and ripped his claws through its throat. It dusted an instant later and he kept on going.

  “You could save a few for us,” Flay called out.

  Veso nodded just as three more soldier came running at him from ahead. He obligingly shoved past them that time, letting the rest of his team dispatch them. He had the scent of the master and it was getting stronger. He also picked up fresh human blood, a lot of it. He snarled and rushed forward, not carrying if the others kept up.

  The tunnels split again and he turned right, tracking the master and the blood. He came to a doorway with some light spilling through the side cracks. Veso lifted his foot, kicking in the ill-fitting wood that had been placed over it for privacy since it didn’t have an exterior lock. It went flying inward and he winced over the well-lit scene that waited.

  Candles were lit in the rounded cavern that made up a room. A human was tied down on the hard-packed earth, her blood saturating the floor and her body.

  The master had been drinking from her chest but he jerked his head up at the sound of Veso’s violent entry. Shock widened the master’s eyes. He must not have heard them coming, too focused on gorging from his victim.

  Veso snarled, glaring at him. “I’m back, you bastard.”

  The master leapt up, rushing for a dart gun placed on the floor behind him. Veso moved just as fast and caught him by the back of his shirt, impaling the Vampire with his claws at the same time. The master hissed in pain.

  Veso wasn’t done. He spun, slamming the bastard face first into the rock wall, then did it a second time just to hear bones break. He flung him down and dropped on his back.

  “No more drugs,” Veso growled. Grabbing the Vampire by his hair to keep him in place, he turned, staring at the human on the floor. Her eyes were open, staring back at him. No fear showed but she looked pretty out of it and close to death.

  Sound by the door had him glancing that way. Lavos and Flay entered, both of them grimacing over the woman.

  “She’s still alive. Get her out of here,” Veso ordered.

  It was Lavos who pulled off his shirt, removed it, and covered the woman. Flay slashed at the bonds tied to the stakes to free her wrists and ankles. Lavos lifted the woman, cursing. “She’s lost a lot of blood.”

  “I can fly her to a hospital,” Flay offered, opening his arms.

  “I don’t think she’ll make it.” Lavos shook his head.

  Another scout entered the room. He had jet-black hair, very tan skin, and dark eyes. “Give her to me.” His gruff voice revealed his identity. It was Duster. “I can save her.”

  “She’s too far gone,” Lavos whispered.

  Duster approached and just tore the woman out of Lavos’s arms. “I can save her, VampLycan.” He turned, striding out of the room fast.

  Lavos went to follow but Flay caught his arm. “Don’t. He’s right. He has a chance of getting her to a hospital in time. He can fly faster than any of us. There’s a twenty-four-hour emergency clinic about twenty miles from here. We know where all of them are located since sometimes humans trespass and the bears get to them before we do.”

  The master began to fight Veso, bucking to get free. He focused on him as he leaned in, snarling. “I have something to say to you, Charles.”

  “I am King Charles!”

  “You’re an asshole. Glenda will never birth anything for you. She’s safe, and you’ll never cause her harm.” Veso dug his claws into the master’s scalp, drawing blood.

  Charles screamed and shrieked. Veso wrapped his other hand around the bastard’s throat and used his claws to slowly cut into him. The Vamp didn’t deserve a fast, merciful death. He wanted him to suffer and know he was about to die.

  “Glenda is mine. Not yours. You should never have come after a VampLycan. We’re wiping out your entire fucking nest.”

  “Hold on!” Lorn rushed into the room.

  Veso snarled, glaring at him. “He’s mine to kill.”

  Lorn came to a halt and nodded. “I just want to ask him one thing first.”

  Veso eased his grip on the master’s throat. He was choking, bleeding. He dug his claws into the bastard’s back instead, hurting him more. “Fine.” He lifted up, yanking the Vampire to his feet with him. He held him up with his claws dug into his back.

  Lorn came closer, staring at the master. “Where is Decker Filmore?”

  “Fuck you,” the master choked, blood running out of his mouth.

  Lorn shifted his gaze to Veso. He understood the importance and nodded, twisting his claws and causing the master to shriek from the pain. He gripped him by his arm with his free hand, squeezed hard, and bone broke. “Answer him.”

  The master screamed again but then went silent.

  “Answer him,” Veso snarled. “Otherwise we’ll tear your limbs from your body and wait for you to heal enough to wake up before we start again.”

  “That sounds fun.” Flay grinned. “I call right leg.”

  “I’ll take the left,” Lavos offered.

  “Answer him,” Veso hissed. “You’re going to die but I’ll make it faster. Your choice.”

  “With the council in Chicago,” the master wheezed. “They’ll make you pay for this! I was under orders to come here from them. You have to let me go!”

  “What were your orders?”

  The Vampire glared but answered. “They wanted someone to come here and kill some VampLycans. We were to set fire to your homes and cause as much damage as possible.”

  “Why?” Lorn’s voice deepened, his anger growing.

  “I didn’t ask,” the master hissed. “I saw an opportunity.”

  “To drug one and breed me to Glenda?” Veso dug his claws in a little deeper.

  The master screamed, “Yes!”

  “That’s all I needed.” Lorn backed up. “Verification. Decker is working with these bastards. He’s the reason they are here. End him.”

  “With pleasure.” Veso leaned in, snarling next to the master’s ear. “Be a king in hell.”

  He released Charles’s arm and grabbed his throat again, slowly ripping into the soft flesh in front. The Vamp tried to scream but choked on his own blood. It took a few adjustments with his hand but he beheaded the bastard, his body turning to dust. Veso backed away, wiping the blood from both hands on his pants.

  “Bet that felt good.” Flay spun. “Let’s go hunting. I’m sure there are more of them down here.”

  “Fucking Decker,” Lorn rasped, fury in his t
one. “I’m sure he sent them to punish us for not fighting to keep him here and agreeing to slaughter the other clans.”

  “It doesn’t matter, my sometimes-furry friends. We’ll kill them all,” Fray called out as he left the room.

  Veso followed them out. They wouldn’t stop until everyone in the nest had been disposed of.

  * * * * *

  Glen woke, startled by the door opening. She’d fallen asleep on the couch in the small living room of the guest apartment.

  Bran stepped inside, carrying a brown bag and a mug with a lid.

  “Sorry if I woke you. I figured you might be hungry.”

  “Thank you.” She sat up straighter. “Have you heard anything yet?”

  He shook his head and placed the bag and mug on the coffee table in front of her. “Do you mind if I open the windows and let in some sunlight? It’s so gloomy in this basement.”

  “Sure. Go ahead. It’s morning already?”

  “It is.”

  He crossed the room to the high windows along one wall, pulling back heavy drapes. Light came in from the outside, brightening the room a lot. She leaned over and turned off the lamp on the table.

  Bran turned, staring at her. He didn’t move to leave so she figured he might want to say something to her or maybe get to know her. Veso had stated he wanted to mate her. As his father, Bran might have questions. She could totally understand that.

  She hadn’t been alone with Veso’s father until that moment. Kira had told her he’d stayed behind though at the lodge to help protect them. He’d avoided her all night. Now, his face didn’t give away any of his emotions as he silently regarded her. She noticed again how young he looked. If she hadn’t known he was Veso’s dad, she’d have sworn they were brothers, only a few years apart.

  “Do I frighten you? There’s no need for that.”

  “I’m sorry. Am I staring? You look so much like Veso, only with longer hair. Too much so.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “You don’t look old enough to be anyone’s father unless they are really young.”


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