The Sweet Touch

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The Sweet Touch Page 1

by Madelaine Grant

  Table of Contents



  Chapter 1

  Chocolate Pudding

  Chapter 2

  Fruit Cobbler

  Chapter 3

  Tomato Basil Soup

  Chapter 4

  Veggie Rolls

  Chapter 5

  Cream of Cucumber Soup

  Chapter 6

  Chocolate Cupcakes

  Chapter 7

  Chia Pudding

  Chapter 8

  Raw Cashew Hummus

  Chapter 9

  Raw Zucchini Noodles (Zoodles)

  Chapter 10

  Carrot Tops and Basil Pesto

  Chapter 11

  Mock Tuna Salad

  Chapter 12

  Sunflower Seed Paté

  Chapter 13

  Grated Beet, Carrot, and Apple Salad

  Chapter 14

  Radish, Carrot, and Scallion Salad

  Chapter 15

  Corn and Potato Chowder

  Chapter 16

  Split Pea Soup

  Chapter 17

  Fruit Smoothie

  Chapter 18

  Apple, Carrot, Banana, Kale Smoothie

  Chapter 19

  Sweet Potato and Lentil Stew

  Chapter 20


  Chapter 21

  Stuffed Cabbage Rolls

  Chapter 22

  Chocolate Mousse

  Chapter 23

  Waldorf Salad

  Chapter 24

  Carrot, Parsnip, Potato Soup

  Chapter 25

  Spinach Avocado Soup

  Chapter 26

  Veggie Salad

  Chapter 27

  Veggie Soup

  Chapter 28

  Marinated Mushrooms

  Chapter 29

  Vegan Pancakes

  Chapter 30

  Mock Salmon Salad Pâté

  Chapter 31

  Zucchini, Carrot and Cucumber Salad

  Chapter 32

  Raw Chocolate Ice Cream





  New York




  Cover Design by Fiona Jayde

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, business establishments, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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  Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.

  Published in the United States of America by

  Soul Mate Publishing

  P.O. Box 24

  Macedon, New York, 14502

  ISBN: 978-1-68291-967-5

  The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.

  For my two beautiful granddaughters –

  Lisa Huberman and Sarah Ginsberg –

  who also like to create,

  whether in art or in the kitchen.


  I want to acknowledge my critique group – all members of the National League of American Penwomen – Judy Allen, Ellen Di Piazza, Alice Moerk, Dannie Russell, and Elizabeth Waterston. Their valuable feedback was important to the writing of this book.

  I also want to acknowledge the National Health Association (, an organization that encourages vegetarianism and healthy living, plus True North Health Center (in Santa Rosa, CA) where I fasted several times, regained my health and learned the secrets of staying young.

  Chapter 1

  Driving around the crowded parking area for the umpteenth time, Dan Brookhouse tried to find a spot at the newly-opened Westwood Town Mall. He should’ve sent Grace, his secretary, to the Apple store with his malfunctioning phone. Exploring the mall during lunchtime at the height of tourist season was demented.

  A small, bright-green Kia backed out. Dan gunned the motor of his much-larger black Lexus and charged in, leaving only a sliver of space on each side, but he wasn’t complaining. Exiting the car he paused to breathe in the cool February air. Striding towards the nearest entrance he noted the upscale stores and glitzy restaurant signs. Would the Brookhouse restaurant chain he headed thrive in this setting? Thinking it over he decided his stand-alone restaurants were busy and profitable. No point in changing a winning model.

  Hurrying along the crowded corridors he checked for directions to his destination. Not seeing the Apple store listed or any signage indicating where it was located, Dan took a right turn and headed down a long stretch of hallway. A series of small stores selling everything from sportswear and perfume to books and toys lined both sides.

  He paused a moment in front of the window display of the Nature’s Garden Toy Shop to examine an array of wooden puzzles. Ethan’s seventh birthday was approaching and he loved puzzles. Maybe he’d stop on the way out and pick up a few. Would Melissa remember to send her son a birthday card? Probably not. He brushed that unpleasant thought away and continued down the corridor. Rounding the next corner he stopped short. Two long tables were set up with several rows of folding chairs in front of them.

  What caught his attention and kept him rooted to the spot was the sight of a well-formed derriere. His gaze lowered to a pair of slender legs covered in sheer black hose. Black suede boots with a low heel completed the sensuous look. The woman was bent over rummaging in a large container. Her short, pleated black skirt decorated with white polka dots was hitched high on her hips revealing more than she probably realized, he thought with a grin. If the top half was as provocative as the bottom, she’d be something else. He decided to wait until she emerged with whatever she was searching for.

  He watched as she lifted a large food processor and placed it on the table. This must be a demonstration of some sort. The woman bent again and put several glass jars and then a number of metal trays on the table. He couldn’t see her face but her dark blonde hair was pulled into a twist and anchored at the top of her head. Several wispy strands of hair were loose around the sides, obscuring a full view of her face. Still intrigued, he wandered over and paused at one end of the long table.

  “Is there a demonstration coming up?” he inquired.

  Abruptly the woman turned and stared. He must’ve startled her but she quickly regained her composure and her expression turned cool and professional. Her features weren’t anything he would’ve noted in passing but what caught his attention were her eyes. They were a shade of brown he could only describe as melting chocola
te. Being a chocoholic, he was impressed. She wore a silky, long-sleeved white blouse that clung to her curves. A pleased smile spread over his face.

  “You’re a little early but yes, I’m making a presentation in about twenty minutes,” she replied.

  Her voice was crisp and concise but pleasing. “What are you presenting?” He was ready to be part of the audience even though he had a ton of work-related issues waiting.

  Instead of answering, she turned, picked up a brochure and handed it to him. “It’s a raw food demonstration. I’ll be talking about the benefits of converting to a mostly raw food diet. There will be samples to try as well. I’m making a chocolate pudding with avocados and cacao powder plus a few other ingredients.”

  “A chocolate pudding containing avocados? This I have to see.” There was nothing he loved better than a rich, dark chocolate whether in bar form or any type of dessert. His restaurants carried several chocolate dessert items. If her version was as tempting as the young woman herself, he just might ask her to demonstrate for his staff. He’d pay her well, of course.

  Curious now, he glanced at the brochure. The first thing he noticed was that the paper it was printed on had a hand-made look, not shiny as he’d expected. A note at the bottom told the reader it was printed on recycled paper. The large, bold heading gave the woman’s business name – Kate’s Kitchen – and then showed a variety of photos featuring tasty dishes made with raw ingredients. The bottom half gave information about the presenter, listing Kate Bromley’s education and experience in the nutrition field. Opening the brochure he perused more photos featuring Kate at various demonstrations. Several showed her with groups of children involved in gardening tasks. She didn’t seem like someone he’d associate with teaching children. She looked too stylish and sophisticated for that kind of work. Then again, he knew very little about her except for the fact that she turned him on. Maybe it was his initial view of her or the big brown eyes. She was probably attached to some lucky guy, although he didn’t see a ring on her left hand.

  Turning to the back page of the brochure he saw a photo of Kate garbed in running attire. She was an expert on fitness as well as nutrition. Kate participated in numerous triathlon competitions and believed that exercise was just as important as proper nutrition. That gave Dan food for thought. He’d been feeling like a couch potato lately. Maybe he needed to visit the gym more often.

  A few people arrived and approached the table. Kate gave each a brochure and invited them to take a seat. Within minutes the area was filled with a good crowd. The event had probably been well publicized. He took a seat before they were all filled and waited for the demonstration to begin. Looking around he noted several people with pads and pencils. Were they going to take notes? He decided to just sit back and enjoy the show. Besides, watching Kate Bromley move about was a treat in itself. She had a graceful, easy demeanor and seemed confident in her own skin. There was nothing awkward or self-conscious in her gestures. She commanded attention from the moment she began speaking.

  “Welcome everyone and thank you for coming,” Kate began as she smiled at the group of about thirty people. “First I want to give you a brief summary of the benefits you’ll find in converting to a mostly raw food diet.”

  For the next ten minutes Dan listened carefully as Kate talked about a raw food diet eliminating many allergies from foods like eggs, soy, wheat, sugar, and dairy. “In my own case,” she explained, “I found much more energy and better digestion once I changed to eating mostly raw foods. For those of us watching our weight, a raw food diet has great benefits. As an added plus, eating a raw food diet will eliminate chronic diseases like cardio and vascular illnesses.”

  Dan wondered where Kate obtained her facts. He’d never imagined raw foods could help serious conditions like heart problems. Then again, she did have an impressive background in nutrition.

  “Now I want to show you how to create wonderful desserts using only raw foods,” Kate continued. She held up an avocado. “I’m going to use several ripe avocados peeled and cut into chunks, a few ripe peeled bananas, cacao powder, maple syrup, and vanilla extract to make the best chocolate pudding you’ve ever tasted. All you need is a blender plus a plastic scraper to push everything down.” She proceeded to measure and prepare the ingredients and place them in the blender. After the mixture was smooth enough, she filled small paper cups with the pudding.

  “Here’s the fun part,” Kate said. “You get to taste the chocolate pudding. Do I have a volunteer to pass these around?” She glanced about the group.

  Dan and several other people raised their hands. “Okay, let’s have one person from each row come up and take a tray.” She pointed to Dan and two others. “There are small spoons for everyone.”

  After making sure all the people in his row were served, Dan took the last paper cup of pudding and handed the tray back to Kate. He took his seat and tasted the chocolate concoction. Wow, she was right. This was one delicious pudding. And it had to be healthy with all those ingredients she’d put in the blender. He wondered what other tasty desserts she’d create.

  “Well, how did you like the chocolate pudding?” Kate asked looking around the group.

  “Pretty darn good.” One of the women in the first row replied. Others around her nodded their heads. “Beats the packaged variety anytime,” a man in the back row called out.

  Kate looked pleased. “I’m glad you all enjoyed it. Now I’ll put together a raw fruit cobbler. For this one you’ll need a crumb topping which uses shredded coconut, walnuts, dates, and a pinch of salt. We’ll put everything in the food processor except the dates, which we add one at a time.” She proceeded to prepare the topping. “Then we’ll combine our raw fruit, either blueberries, cherries or strawberries work well, pitted dates, lemon juice, and cinnamon.”

  When Kate had all the ingredients ready, she filled small paper cups with the fruit mixture and put the crumb topping on last. “You can use a baking dish at home and do the same thing. Just put the filling on the bottom and sprinkle the crumb topping on last. If you refrigerate it for a few hours, it’s even tastier.” She proceeded to hand out trays to the same volunteers who passed the samples to everyone.

  Dan tasted the fruity dessert and nodded with satisfaction. This was a winner too. Now he was determined to have Kate do a demo for his staff.

  ~ ~ ~

  Kate Bromley’s antennae picked up vibes from the tall, rugged-looking man in the first row who’d volunteered to pass around the samples. The intensity in his deep blue eyes pulled her in like a magnet grabbing a hairpin. She’d felt it from the first moment he’d spoken to her. Although not conventionally handsome, his features were strong and his dark brown hair was thick and well-groomed. Dressed casually in khaki pants and a denim shirt with his sleeves rolled up, he exuded an air of purpose and confidence.

  Kate noted these things and the unexpected heat that spread in her body when she glanced his way, but she was not about to initiate anything that would encourage the man. She’d spent the last ten years building a life which did not include depending on any man for her happiness. Hadn’t she given up five long years married to Jared Wilson, nurturing his career while neglecting her own? She was not about to repeat that mistake.

  The presentation ended with Kate distributing printed copies of the recipes she’d demonstrated. “I’m in the process of putting together a book about raw food with a selection of recipes for preparing everything from soups to main dishes to desserts. If you’re interested in being on my mailing list, please put your name and email address here. Also I’ll pass out my schedule of upcoming classes in case you want to know more about creating these types of dishes.” She indicated several clipboards with sheets of paper attached. “I have a newsletter which I will send to you if you check the appropriate box.”

  While the clipboards were circulating, Kate began cleaning up and
placing items in the storage containers she’d brought along. She noticed the man in the front row sitting and watching her. His gaze made her uncomfortable in a tingly kind of way but she was determined to retain her composure. Most of the people signed the mailing list and left. A few lingered to ask questions. The man rose and walked toward her, waiting until they were alone.

  She straightened from placing the last of her equipment away and looked directly at him. “Did you want to ask me anything?” She hoped her voice sounded strong and indifferent. Inside those tingles were spreading all over. He was one sexy-looking hunk.

  His blue eyes had a devilish look and his mouth quirked as if something amused him. “Yes, I do. By the way, that was an excellent demo. Very professional.”

  “Thank you.” She couldn’t help feeling pleased although still cautious. His forceful glance seemed to penetrate the sheer fabric of her blouse causing her breasts to swell and her nipples to pucker. She could only hope he wouldn’t notice.

  “Okay, I’ll get to the point.” He came closer to the table. “I own a chain of restaurants specializing in steaks and ribs. Nothing remotely health-minded, you understand. But we’re trying to introduce alternative things like locally grown organic veggies and smoothies, too. Our dessert menu could use a lift and your raw food concoctions are really tasty. I’d like to hire you to demonstrate a few dessert ideas to my staff. This would be a paid presentation, of course.” He paused as if waiting for her to digest his proposition.

  She sent him a tentative smile but frowned at the same time. No way would she consider working with him. Much too disturbing. “I’m pleased at your offer but it just wouldn’t work. I have a full-time position which requires me to be at several schools teaching nutrition and gardening classes. In addition, I have private cooking classes at my home. And I do demos on the weekends. The cookbook I’m putting together has been months in the planning and I need to finish it soon. I really can’t take on any more jobs, but thank you.” Would he take the hint and leave? She fervently hoped so. There was something in the determined set of his jaw that bothered her.


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