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The Sweet Touch

Page 4

by Madelaine Grant

  While they waited for their food to be served, Dan explained what he thought would be the best approach for her presentation to his cooking staff. “I’ve selected people for your group who are knowledgeable and open to new ideas. Once these people come on board, they can influence others under their command. We’ll start with the desserts you presented last Sunday. They were marvelous, by the way. And, if time permits, I’d love it if you could demonstrate one of your raw food entrées. What do you think?”

  She considered his suggestion. “I could probably demonstrate one or two simple soups. That would take less time than an entrée.”

  “Okay, let’s do that then. If things work out, maybe we could obtain your services just for an entrée presentation.” He sent her a hopeful smile.

  She hated to disappoint him. “That’s a possibility.” What was she getting herself into? When that loaded question popped into her head, Kate had no easy answers. The surprising interlude in the greenhouse had not left her mind. Even now, sitting across from him, she was aware of currents of electricity sparking back and forth. And he hadn’t even touched her again. This did not bode well for a peaceful life.

  Tomato Basil Soup

  2 large tomatoes, cut into quarters

  2-3 stalks celery, cut into pieces

  1 cup loosely packed basil leaves

  2-3 tablespoons liquid (either water or broth)

  1 medium ripe avocado, peeled and cut into pieces

  Salt to taste

  Add all ingredients into the blender and blend until mixture is a good soup consistency. Add the avocado and blend until it is mixed in. Taste for seasonings and add a pinch of sea salt if needed. This soup can be served cold or warmed in a pot on top of the stove. For garnish, add a leaf of basil or some toasted pumpkin seeds.

  Chapter 4

  “What would you like for dessert?” Dan asked Kate as they perused the dessert menu. “Our chocolate mousse is one of my all-time favorites.”

  “To be perfectly honest, I’ll pass,” she replied. “A cup of herbal tea is all I have room for.”

  He closed the menu and placed it on the table. “Herbal tea it is then. I believe we have a good selection.” He motioned to their waiter standing nearby and gave him the order. “I think we’ve narrowed your choices down for the main entrées but for the veggie options, what would you select?”

  Kate was silent a moment as she considered her choices. Most of the vegetarian dishes she’d sampled seemed bland and rather ordinary but she didn’t want to hurt his feelings. “Probably the stuffed butternut squash or the vegetable lasagna would be okay.”

  He picked up on her less-than-enthusiastic reply. “Are you being completely honest? We can always design something special for your mother’s party, with your input, of course.”

  Dan was going out of his way for her. “I can always have a salad plate. Since I’m the only one in my family on this type of diet, why bother?”

  He leaned toward her with a serious expression. “I want you to be satisfied with your meal. That’s important to me. Besides, if we can add excitement to our vegetarian offerings, it’s better for our company. You may be in the minority now, but who knows what the future will bring.” His eyes locked with hers for a long moment.

  Taking a deep, indrawn breath, Kate strove for a nonchalant air. Dan was pulling out all the stops for her and she couldn’t help feeling pleased but also a bit wary. “Let me think about it overnight. Maybe I can come up with some simple possibilities.”

  He sat back looking satisfied. “Off the top of your head, what are your favorite dishes? The ones you prepare most at home.”

  “Well, I always have the ingredients for sushi handy and can make several different types of raw veggie rolls. I enjoy raw zucchini pasta with avocado and basil cream. And, since I do use some cooked items, I make a hearty soup as a main meal many evenings.”

  He nodded. “Sounds good to me. I’ve always enjoyed sushi. That would be an easy item to add to our menu. Maybe you could bring some of your recipes in tomorrow morning so that my chefs can get a better idea of the dishes you mentioned.”

  Their waiter returned with the chocolate mousse and coffee for Dan and a pot of hot water, mug, and box of assorted herbal teas for Kate.

  Sipping her peppermint tea, Kate watched Dan dig into his dessert. There was something boyish about his enjoyment, she thought smiling to herself.

  “Sure you don’t want to taste some?” he cajoled, lifting a spoonful toward her.

  Resolutely she shook her head. It was probably full of unhealthy sweeteners and made with whole milk. “No thanks. I actually make a chocolate mousse that you might enjoy. It’s easier to digest, too.”

  “I’ll look forward to sampling it,” he assured her.

  Now why had she proposed a thing like that? Tomorrow morning was supposed to be the one and only time she’d make a presentation for him. Somehow he’d persuaded her to more than she’d bargained for.

  Settling back in his chair, Dan studied her for a long moment. He wanted to know more about Kate’s background but some instinct cautioned him to proceed slowly. “Kate, how did you become interested in the field you’re in? Is this a recent passion or have you always wanted to teach people about nutrition and healthy eating?”

  She gave his question a few moments of thought while she decided how much information to give him. “I started cooking when I was allowed to use the stove, probably around eight or nine years old. I loved making cookies and puddings, nothing very healthy, if I remember correctly. When I was older, I worked for several restaurants, first as a waitress and then helping in the kitchen. I found I enjoyed experimenting with recipes and trying new combinations. Fortunately the cook in one particular restaurant encouraged my efforts and complimented me when something turned out well.”

  “How did your parents feel about your career choice?”

  Before she could censor her words, she blurted, “I’d already shocked them with my early marriage. I think they were just pleased I decided to attend college. Whatever I studied was not an issue.” Now why had she revealed so much? Shaking her head in annoyance, Kate vowed to keep her mouth shut.

  Dan sensed he’d struck a sensitive area. Kate’s expression was taut as she glared at him. “So we do have something in common. Guess I’m not the only one who’s been divorced.” He sent her a somber smile.

  For some reason his admission calmed her. “I was much too young to marry. When you’re seventeen you think you know everything.”

  He couldn’t help laughing. “I remember those days. What wild schemes teenagers can dream up. My best friend and I decided to hitchhike to California the summer we were seventeen. At least, that was our intention.”

  “Did you carry out your plan? It does sound exciting.” She leaned forward, a glimmer of amusement in her eyes.

  “We managed to catch a ride to Tennessee before our folks got wind of the scheme. One of my younger brothers ratted on us and all hell broke loose.” He grinned, remembering those long-ago times.

  “Then you never made it to California,” she surmised, caught up in his story.

  “Not that year at least. The following summer when we graduated high school, we were given plane tickets to Los Angles. My father had a brother living there who promised to show us the sights. We did have a good time, but I’ll always wonder what would’ve happened if we’d managed to hitchhike across the country. Guess I’ll never know.”

  Dan motioned to the waiter who hovered nearby. “Could you see if Mr. Harvey has a free moment? I’d like to speak with him.” When the waiter left, he turned to Kate. “Scott Harvey is our head chef. I want to introduce you to him and then we’ll tour the facilities. Since you’ll be using these premises tomorrow morning, I thought you’d like to see our equipment.”

hat sounds like a good idea,” Kate agreed. She appreciated the way he covered all the bases for her presentation. A man as busy as Dan Brookhouse was going out of his way to make things easy for her. The reason why he was doing this had occurred to her several times, but she banished that thought from her mind. It was impossible to imagine that his attraction to her was the main reason. After all, they’d only met briefly last Sunday.

  A heavy-set man with a white chef’s coat made his appearance. He had a round, cheerful face with a head of thick, curly black hair.

  “Hi, Scott,” Dan stood and shook hands with his chef.

  “Good to see you, Dan. I hope everything we sent out met with your approval.”

  “You did a fine job. Scott, I want you to meet Kate Bromley. She’s going to be here tomorrow morning to present those raw food desserts I enjoyed so much. I want her to see our kitchen facilities so she’ll know what to bring.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Scott said with a ready smile.

  For the next half hour Kate had a complete tour of the Brookhouse restaurant’s modern facilities. “This is quite something,” she said in a low tone to Dan. “I probably won’t need to bring along much equipment.”

  “That’s why I wanted you to see what we had,” he replied.

  ~ ~ ~

  On the drive back to Kate’s home, Dan said, “Why don’t I pick you up tomorrow morning and drive you to the presentation? That way you won’t have to lug equipment back and forth. Also, someone from my staff can clean everything before you pack up.”

  It was a tempting offer. After viewing the spotless, modern facilities at the restaurant, Kate knew she’d have an ideal situation for her demo. With Dan’s assistance, the whole thing would be a breeze. Was there a hidden agenda? She couldn’t be sure.

  Sensing her hesitation, he said, “I want this to be easy for you, Kate. After all, I’m probably taking time you’d have spent on something important, like your upcoming book.”

  What a sensitive man, she thought. Stifling any doubts about his intentions, she said, “I wouldn’t mind your help. I’ll need about half an hour to prepare everything for your group tomorrow. Since you want to start at nine thirty, I should be there by nine.”

  “I’ll be at your house at eight thirty then,” he replied as he pulled into her driveway. “It’s been a wonderful evening, Kate. I’ll look forward to seeing you in the morning.” Walking her to the front entrance he paused while she took out her keys and opened her door.

  “Thank you, Dan. I enjoyed the dinner and seeing your facilities.” She waited with bated breath as she stood next to him.

  He brought her close and kissed her lightly. “Sleep well,” he said before leaving.

  ~ ~ ~

  After changing into a comfortable pair of pajamas, Kate spent the next hour preparing for the Brookhouse presentation. She printed a list of recipes she’d be demonstrating and also some main dishes Dan had requested. Then she packed the items she’d need for the demo. Reflecting on the evening’s events, she tried for objectivity. Basically, the time spent with Dan was mostly pleasant though she’d often felt flustered. If she were completely honest, that incident in the greenhouse had been unexpected and disturbing to her peace of mind. Not that she hadn’t enjoyed Dan’s touch and being held in his arms. That was the problem. She’d succumbed so easily to his advances.

  Why hadn’t she fought him? Or tried to extricate herself from his embrace? She’d done nothing but stand there and allow him to do whatever he wanted. And the reason for her lack of resistance was all too plain. She’d thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience. In fact, when he’d left tonight after that friendly kiss, she’d been disappointed. Damn the man. He’d already slipped under her defenses. How was she going to handle the next phase of their relationship?

  Shaking her head in annoyance, she endeavored to plan some kind of strategy to head him off. She’d had no trouble keeping Reid at a respectful distance. Why couldn’t she do the same with Dan? The answer came in a millisecond. Dan was nothing like Reid. And, more importantly, she felt drawn to Dan on so many levels — physically, emotionally, and even intellectually. She’d enjoyed the banter between them and the careful way he listened to whatever she said. He was the kind of man who would put the woman he loved at the center of his life.

  With this last thought Kate hung her head in distress. She could only hope he’d do something really gross that would put her off. What that would be, she had no idea.

  ~ ~ ~

  Kate rose early the next morning determined to project a different image. Short skirts and anything sexy-looking was out. She dressed in a mid-calf length dark brown skirt with a loose-fitting beige sweater. A simple gold chain, small gold hoops for earrings, and a longish brown cardigan completed the outfit. Surveying herself in the mirror, she nodded her approval. There was a definite mousy quality which suited her purpose - namely to discourage Dan Brookhouse.

  Protecting her freedom was another reason, she realized. It was all very well to be attracted to a man but quite another thing to act on that attraction. She had to keep reminding herself how precious and hard-won that freedom had been. Living every day with a man was completely different than the occasional date. She’d found that out pretty quickly. Men could become possessive and domineering at the drop of a hat.

  Sighing at this last thought, Kate’s mind went back to the early days of her marriage. She’d worked a full-time entry-level position at an office and then part-time in restaurants at night and on weekends. Jared was in medical school full-time and needed every spare moment to study. Forget equality. She was the one who cooked, cleaned, and did the laundry aside from her hellish hours of work.

  Sometimes she had the feeling Jared chose her for marriage because she was young and healthy and could hold up under the intense pressure of those early years. An older woman would never have agreed to such a harsh schedule. Then, when he’d finally graduated and become an intern, she thought her turn had come for an education. Remembering their conversation on this subject, Kate felt a surge of rage at Jared’s disrespect for her needs.

  “Why do you need more schooling?” he’d inquired. “As soon as I finish this year of internship, I’ll apply for a residency. Then we can start a family. Believe me, you’ll be so busy raising children for the next twenty years, you’ll have no time for anything else.”

  And he’d expected her to go along with his plans, she recalled with a grimace. Maybe men thought keeping a woman barefoot and pregnant was the way to keep control. Well, she was having none of it. She’d gone along for the next few months weighing her options, inquiring about scholarships at some nearby colleges and trying to keep from succumbing to Jared’s domineering plans for their future. When she’d finally confessed her concerns to her mother, she was already at the point of leaving her husband.

  “Kate, your father and I tried hard to keep you from making this decision so early in your life. We wanted you to go to college. If you had waited for Jared to graduate from medical school, your marriage would’ve had a good chance.”

  Kate knew her mother was right. It was a hard lesson to learn, one she would never forget.

  Veggie Rolls

  Carrots, scallions, peppers—or any combination of veggies you prefer, thinly sliced—enough to fill wrappers. I usually shred 1 – 2 carrots, thinly slice 2 scallions, thinly slice 1 red pepper and add a few leaves of thinly sliced romaine lettuce

  1 tablespoon chopped mint leaves

  Extra firm tofu - I usually add 1 to 2 slivers of firm tofu

  Cellophane noodles—these come in small packages in most supermarkets. You can use 1 to 2 tablespoons of these noodles when softened with warm water

  Spring roll wrappers (sold in most supermarkets) most packages contain about two dozen wrappers. The diameter of the wrappers I use is 9”. The frying pan to d
ip them in warm water needs to be at least 10” in diameter

  ½ cup peanut or almond butter

  ½ cup tamari

  2 tablespoons maple syrup or coconut nectar

  ½ fresh lime

  ½ teaspoon fresh grated ginger

  Cook the cellophane noodles by pouring boiled water over them and letting them sit a while in the water until softened. The veggies can be left raw or slightly steamed, whichever you prefer. Heat water and pour into pan large enough for the wrappers. I found a frying pan with a two inch lip was suitable. Water should be warm but not boiling. Take each wrapper and hold it in the water for about fifteen seconds. Place wrapper on flat surface (I used a wooden board) and smooth out wrinkles. Place veggies near the bottom of the wrapper, fold up from the bottom and then fold in the sides, and roll until all the wrapper is around the filling. You need to experiment to see how much filling you can get into the wrapper and still be able to roll it up. It takes a little practice.

  For an Asian peanut dipping sauce, combine peanut or almond butter, tamari, maple syrup, juice from one half fresh lime, fresh ginger in a blender, and blend until thoroughly mixed. You may need to add hot water if it is too thick. Adjust seasonings in case it is too salty or too sweet.

  Chapter 5

  In addition to packing her supplies for the presentation to the Brookhouse staff on Saturday morning, Kate prepared for the raw food cooking class at her home in the afternoon. Eight people were signed up and she needed to make sure everyone was well supplied with the necessary raw foods and utensils. At least she’d have time after the class finished for a long run. She’d need it.


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