The Sweet Touch

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The Sweet Touch Page 7

by Madelaine Grant

  “I shouldn’t have stretched out on this lounge. It’s much too comfortable.” She struggled to sit up. Stretching her arms over her head, she attempted to rouse herself. “It’s been a busy day. Guess I’m not used to so much activity. Besides, I’m usually in bed by nine o’clock on a Saturday night.”

  “Really?” he teased. “Well since it’s only eight, you have another hour to go.”

  She smiled. There was something contagious about Dan’s humor. “Since I’m hungry I might as well take advantage of your expertise in the kitchen.” It was astonishing how comfortable she felt with him. They’d had so little time together but it was as if they’d been friends for years. Friendship was fine, she reminded herself. Now it was up to her to keep things just that way.

  Easier said than done, she thought, looking into his dark blue eyes. A surge of sensual longing spread from her core to the rest of her body. The memory of Dan’s arms holding her close only inflamed those traitorous recollections. Her heart beat fast and her pulses raced as her eyes locked with his. “This is what I was afraid of,” she whispered, more to herself than to him.

  “What do you fear?” he asked in a husky voice. Being so close to her was straining the iron control he was trying to exert. He saw the desire in those brown eyes and the way her body leaned toward him.

  “You,” she said with a crestfallen expression. Then looking directly at him, she amended, “Not you exactly, but my attraction to you. I don’t know how to handle this situation and protect my freedom.”

  “Why give up your freedom? Can’t you have pleasure and your own space at the same time? I’m not the possessive type. Remember that.” Dan’s tone was definite.

  Could she trust his words? “I hoped we could just be friends,” she murmured putting a hand on his shoulder. “But I don’t think that’s going to work.”

  For some reason her comments struck Dan’s funny bone and he started laughing. Pulling her into his arms he kissed the top of her head. “You’re making this so complicated. Just relax and enjoy the journey. I won’t lead you astray. I promise.”

  “Maybe I want to be led astray,” she said softly as she nestled closer.

  “Then you’ll have to take more of the initiative. I don’t want any regrets afterwards.” He ran his hand up and down her back with reassuring strokes.

  It was so comfortable resting against him. And it felt completely natural, as if she belonged there. Why fight the inevitable? But that small, niggling voice inside protested her capitulation. “Let’s have dinner,” she suddenly announced raising her head. “I’m hungry.” Better to change the subject, she decided.

  Acknowledging her decision, he released her. “I’m hungry too. And you’re much too sleepy to make any logical decisions tonight. I’ll wait until you’re wide awake and feisty.” His lips touched hers for a brief kiss before he stood. Holding out a hand he pulled her up.

  “So you want feisty?” she challenged.

  “Feisty is better than sleepy.” He tugged at her hand and led her to the patio table.

  “It’s your fault. Instead of sleeping in this morning you dragged me to do a presentation for your staff. Then I conducted a two-hour class, did an hour run and almost an hour of swimming. That’s enough to get anyone tired.”

  “I can’t argue with you. You did have a full day. Tomorrow you can sleep in. I won’t even phone early in the morning to say hello.” He sent her a solemn look but his eyes were dancing with merriment.

  “You’d better not,” she warned. Then appraising the repast he’d prepared, she said, “This looks delicious. Thanks for fussing.” She sat down on one of the comfy patio chairs.

  “Will this be enough for you?” He sat opposite and handed her a plate and silverware.

  “More than enough. Some evenings I just have a bowl of soup and some crackers. I tend to eat light meals and snack in between. Vegetarians call it grazing.”

  “Like cows?” he asked with raised eyebrows.

  She helped herself to the salad and spread cheese on a few crackers. “Most animals are vegetarians and yes, cows fit that description. I’ve found it a healthier way to eat. Most people tend to have their biggest meal at night, which isn’t the best thing.”

  He thought about that for a few moments. “Don’t tell too many people or I’ll lose my dinner crowd. But I do see your point. I usually have a substantial lunch and a lighter supper, unless I’m at a dinner meeting.”

  She nodded her approval as she continued eating. The silence between them was comfortable, not awkward. She didn’t feel obliged to fill in the empty spaces with idle chatter.

  “After we finish I’ll show you the rest of my place.” Dan eyed her speculatively as he made this suggestion. Would she suspect he had ulterior motives? Or would she trust him?

  “I’d like that. What I’ve seen so far looks impressive. Your pool is almost Olympic size, really fun to swim laps.” She took another cracker and put a slice of avocado on it.

  He relaxed at her words. Kate was direct and honest, traits he admired. She was also easy to be with and a pleasure to watch, whether swimming, talking to groups or eating here with him. He settled back ready to enjoy the rest of their time together.

  After finishing their meal, Dan took the tray of empty dishes back into the kitchen with Kate following on his heels. “I’ll wash the dishes since you prepared everything,” she offered.

  Smiling, he shook his head. “You’ve done enough for today. Since there are no leftovers, the dishes can go right into the dishwasher.” He proceeded to do that while she strolled about the spacious kitchen, admiring the way he’d designed everything for ease and efficiency. “This is a splendid room to prepare and cook in,” she declared. “You have so much counter space. I love the island with its wood cutting board at one end and another sink at the other. Very professional-looking.”

  “Glad you like it. If I had more time, I’d experiment with recipes and try new things. I’m hoping Ethan will take an interest in cooking when he grows up. Right now he’s too active to sit still for any length of time.” Dan wondered if he should reveal more about Ethan’s hyperactive nature. Then again, he didn’t want to discourage the relationship before it even had a chance to begin.

  This was a dream kitchen, Kate thought, glancing at the dark granite countertops, high-end white cabinets, and open shelving. There were stainless steel appliances and great recessed lighting. The flooring was a pale oak and the adjacent breakfast nook was light and airy with floor to ceiling windows overlooking the gardens.

  “I wanted as much natural light as possible. Since we have no near neighbors, I opened up the rooms with lots of windows. As you’ll see, I have little need for shades or drapes, mainly in the bedrooms,” Dan explained. “Let me show you the rest of the house.” He reached for her hand and tugged her close. “I could use some advice on the family room as far as furnishings. Actually, I’d like to make changes to most of the rooms, which is a major job. I’ve pretty much left it the way Melissa, my ex, decorated things. I’m just not sure what I want though.” Would she offer to help? He hoped so.

  There was something appealing about his need for advice. She did love decorating and making color choices. “How long has it been since you’re on your own?” she asked, curious about his life style.

  “It’s been three years since Melissa left.” He wondered if he should fill her in on the details. It was a subject he tried to avoid.

  She was silent as she thought about what he’d said. Meanwhile they walked through the long hallway to the large foyer and entranceway.

  “We’ll start here. I situated the master bedroom, my office, and a den on one side of the house. There are rooms at the back for my son, guests, and a family room. The other side has the living room and dining area. The family room, kitchen, and hallway have doors opening ont
o the pool. Let’s begin on this side.” He led her into a huge living room with a stone fireplace taking up most of one wall and vaulted ceilings.

  Kate looked about, noticing the traditional furnishings and glossy finishes. It was definitely not her taste. He’d said he wanted to change things. But what exactly did that mean? “What would you like to see here?” she questioned.

  “Something similar to your place, more airy and tropical-looking. My ex-wife’s tastes were more conservative. The furnishings look heavy to me and frankly I rarely use this room. Which is a shame since there’s a great fireplace here.” Frowning, he thought about the past and the many times he’d given in to whatever Melissa wanted just to keep the peace.

  Sensitive to his change of mood, Kate said, “It shouldn’t be too difficult to lighten the space up.”

  Dan brightened immediately. “You think so?”

  She nodded. “It’s fun to rearrange and transform things. You could probably keep some of the furniture and use different fabrics to reupholster pieces. The walls can be painted in a lighter shade depending on the fabrics you choose. And I’d put hardwood floors down instead of this dark carpeting.”

  “That doesn’t sound too difficult. With help I could probably redo one room at a time.” Would she agree to such a project? It could take months to revamp the whole house.

  Tilting her head to one side, she gave him a direct look. “Do I detect an ulterior motive here? This is a long-term commitment.”

  Laughing he brought her close as he whispered, “You’re too smart. Do you know that?” Releasing her, he said, “It’s entirely up to you. I know you have a busy life and I certainly don’t want you to do anything that would add to your load. But I love the way your home looks and I’d appreciate any input you could give me.”

  Put that way, she was flattered. “Let’s try modernizing the living room and see how that works. If you’re pleased we could do another room.” It wouldn’t take long to do one room, she rationalized. Besides, it would be a fun project. She enjoyed his company and, as long as they kept things on a friendly basis, she was okay.

  By the time they finished the tour Kate knew many changes would be necessary. The whole place, including the master bedroom and the guest rooms, needed modernizing. The only bright spot was Ethan’s bedroom.

  “You don’t have to do much here,” Kate exclaimed glancing around. “This is a typical boy’s room. I like the bold colors and there’s plenty of storage for his toys and books. You might want to add a futon at some point so he can have friends stay overnight.”

  Dan thought about that for a moment. “I’ll wait until he’s a little older.” Two little boys running around all night would be pretty annoying. One hyperactive little boy was all he could handle.

  “You’re probably right. My mother let me have a sleepover when I was ten or eleven. I think girls tend to be more mature than boys at that age.” She smiled, reminiscing about those long-ago times.

  Dan wondered when boys caught up to girls. Probably by their mid-teens. He had a long way to go with Ethan.

  “How about tea and some dessert?” Dan asked. The salad and crackers were not exactly filling. Images of a rare steak kept dancing in his mind.

  “Tea would be fine. And if you have any fresh fruit that would be nice.”

  “Let’s see what I can come up with,” he replied as they headed back to the kitchen.

  Dan put together a fruit salad while Kate brewed two cups of tea. “How about yogurt and some nuts with the fruit?” he asked.

  “Sounds good to me. You must be hungry after just a salad for dinner.”

  “That was the appetizer as far as I’m concerned. Maybe I could get used to smaller meals and grazing but it might take a while. I keep fantasizing about a juicy steak. Pretty bad, huh?”

  It was Kate’s turn to laugh. “It does take time to transition to mostly raw food. I’ll bet you could do it though.” She sent him an encouraging glance.

  He wasn’t so sure but if it strengthened the relationship it might be worth it. He brought the fruit, yogurt, and nuts plus some dark chocolate bits to the breakfast nook.

  Kate carried two mugs of tea and joined him. “This is cozy,” she exclaimed. “I like the way you’ve lit up the garden. Even at night you can see the flowers.”

  “I had a wonderful landscape designer. The outside areas work well with the way the house is situated. Next time you’re here you’ll see the small pool with a waterfall he built. I have a collection of fish swimming in it plus several turtles. Ethan enjoys watching them swim around. At least he doesn’t try to catch them the way he did a few years ago.”

  Kate helped herself to the fruit salad and put a dollop of yogurt and a few nuts on top. She ignored the chocolate bits. “This is a real treat,” she murmured. “I love berries of all types.” The salad had blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries as well as pineapple and kiwi.

  “I couldn’t resist the chocolate,” Dan admitted reaching for the tasty bits.

  “It’s okay. Don’t apologize,” she replied trying not to laugh. “Sometimes I use chia pudding instead of yogurt. I’ll have to make it for you one of these days.”

  “Chia pudding?” He raised questioning eyes. “What is it made of?”

  “Chia seeds and coconut milk, plus a few other ingredients.”

  “Can’t wait,” he grinned. “Sounds really different.”

  Changing the subject, he said, “Kate, how long did your early marriage last? I know you mentioned you were only seventeen at the time.” He was curious about her experiences with men. Evidently this marriage must have left a bad taste in her mouth since she didn’t date. Or perhaps there’d been several other men in her life who’d turned her off. He stirred his raspberry tea and took a drink. Not bad, he thought, although he wasn’t about to give up coffee.

  “Five years. The first few years were pretty good although I worked so many hours there was little time to do anything else. Jared was attending medical school and had a brutal schedule too. The marriage probably would have lasted if he’d supported my desire to finish my education. But he didn’t. He couldn’t understand why I wanted to go to college.” Kate’s mouth tightened into a thin line, recalling their arguments about that touchy subject.

  Dan looked puzzled. “That doesn’t make sense. Your desire to go to college is perfectly normal. Did he feel threatened by that?”

  Kate had never considered that point. “I really don’t know. He wanted to start a family and didn’t know why I wasn’t ready. I was only twenty-two when he finished his internship. Maybe the fact that he was five years older was a factor.” She sipped her tea thoughtfully.

  “I’m probably a good deal older than you,” Dan confided. “I’ll turn forty-two this summer.”

  “Really? That’s pretty old, I guess. I was thirty-three a few weeks ago.” She gave him an appraising glance. “You look younger than your age.”

  “It’s all those good steaks I consume,” he commented with a serious air but his eyes lit with amusement. “At least you’re not twenty-five or younger.” That was a relief.

  “Hardly.” Dan was several years older than Jared but he didn’t have that pompous air. Every time she bumped into her ex he made a point of enumerating all his recent accomplishments in the medical field. Was he trying to make her regret her decision to seek a divorce? Perhaps, she couldn’t be sure. But she’d never been sorry she’d left. Her only regret was marrying him at that young age and working her tail off to put him through medical school. Coming back to the present moment she said, “I’m getting sleepy again. Guess you’ll have to drive me home. You should’ve let me take my own car.”

  “No way, especially not if you’re tired. C’mon, leave everything. I’ll clean up when I return.” He was sorry the evening was ending but at least she’d promise
d to help redecorate the living room. That boded well for a continuing relationship and gave him needed time to forge a strong bond between them. At least he hoped it would.

  Chia Pudding

  1 can coconut milk

  1/3 cup filtered water

  ¼ teaspoon vanilla

  ¼ teaspoon cinnamon

  5 dates cut into small pieces

  ½ cup chia seeds

  Blend together water, coconut milk, vanilla, and cinnamon. Then add the cut up dates. Pour into bowl and add the chia seeds. When mixed, pour into dessert dishes or small mason jars. Refrigerate for several hours before eating. The chia seeds make the liquid ingredients turn solid.

  Chapter 8

  Dan halted his car in front of Kate’s home, turned off the ignition, and turned to her. “It’s been a real treat to spend today with you. Thanks for a great presentation to my staff and the class this afternoon.” He paused and ran his fingers down the side of her face. Cupping her chin he leaned over and gave her a gentle kiss that increased in intensity as she responded to him.

  Kate couldn’t help that response. She’d been aware of the electricity flowing between them all night. It would be so easy to invite him in to spend time with her. They’d definitely end up in bed. Did she want that? How would she feel in the morning? She’d only known him a short time. A war raged within as she considered the situation.

  He was aware of her wavering mood but decided it was best to call it a night. “Kate, I know how tired you are and I’m not going to take advantage of that fact.” He came around to her side of the car and helped her out. Drawing her close for one last embrace, he said, “I’ll be on a business trip for a few days this week but expect to be home by Thursday. Can we have dinner Friday night? I’d like that. Why don’t I call you Thursday evening and we can discuss what you want to do.”


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