The Sweet Touch

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The Sweet Touch Page 17

by Madelaine Grant

  She dressed carefully in a navy linen pants suit with a white jersey top for the demo in the afternoon and the meeting with her siblings to follow. She wouldn’t have time to change with all the washing up to do after the presentation. Forget running or biking, she’d barely finish planning her lessons after Greg and Stacy left. Why did life have to be so complicated? Besides all the regular things she did at school, the fundraiser for homeless families loomed. Hopefully she wouldn’t have to join Reid and Mark in planning athletic activities. Reid would nix that idea, although Dave Thorpe was a very persuasive and persistent man. Sighing at this last thought, Kate decided there was no use worrying about the situation until she was faced with it. Hurrying out the door she climbed into her van and headed to the New Earth Health Foods market.

  A good crowd bustled about the health food store. The owner, Lacey Newberry, a youngish woman dressed casually in black tights and a flowing white top, greeted Kate.

  “So glad to see you. I set up a table for your demonstration at the rear of the store. Extra electrical outlets are located there, which I know you’ll need.”

  Kate would’ve preferred a spot in the front but blenders and food processors needed electrical current. One of these days she’d research battery-operated equipment. “That’s fine, Lacey. Thanks for having me. When I’ve set up, could you announce the demo over the loudspeaker? That usually brings people over.” She’d met Lacey at one of her mall presentations. The woman looked years younger than her age which had impressed Kate. Lacey had been living a healthy lifestyle for over forty years.

  Kate had decided to prepare several desserts for this demo. The crowd at a health food store was different than those shopping at a mall. Therefore she planned a repeat of the chocolate pudding recipe made with avocados and bananas and the fruit cobbler. With her busy life it was easier to do recipes which didn’t need more research or tinkering. In the summer she planned to explore lots of new recipes to share with her newsletter fans and at demos and classes. Although she loved teaching children, she looked forward to ten carefree weeks of adventures in her kitchen and finishing her book.

  Several people stopped by to chat as she set up. Offering them a brochure, she continued with her preparations. Before long Lacey made an announcement over the loud speaker and the chairs in front of her table began filling up. She was pleased at the number of people interested in raw foods. This was an enthusiastic audience eager for information. By the time the demo ended, she’d given out at least fifty brochures and had many signups for her newsletter and classes.

  “How did it go?” Lacey approached her while she was in the process of packing equipment. “I wanted to watch but got sidetracked with a delivery.”

  “Really well! This is the perfect audience. I’d like to do another demo next fall. I’m booked for the rest of this season.”

  “I’m happy to schedule you again. People love watching someone prepare healthy food, especially if they can taste the product. Give me a call and we can discuss dates. We’re opening another market on the East side of town. I’d like to book you there as well. And thanks so much for coming in.”

  Driving home Kate thought about the demo at the health food store. She’d enjoyed the atmosphere and the knowledgeable people in the audience. Maybe she should concentrate on doing more presentations at those places. At least a dozen markets specialized in healthy fare within a thirty-mile radius. She’d do more research and make contact with them when her busy season ended.

  After lugging in all her equipment and washing everything in hot, soapy water, Kate was tired. She missed Dan’s assistance with the cleanup. He spoiled her. She’d better get back to reality and rely on her own capabilities. By the time everything was dried and put away, it was almost six. Determined to have a few moments to catch her breath, Kate brewed a cup of peppermint tea and relaxed in one of the living room chairs. Maybe things would go smoothly at the meeting. Vowing to be upbeat, she rehearsed some pleasantries to set the mood. Even if Stacy started acting bossy and mean-spirited, she wouldn’t take the bait. She’d just sit there with a pleasant smile and let the tempest blow over. Yes, that was the best plan.

  Promptly at six there was a knock on the door. Kate rose and leisurely strolled to open it. With a fixed smile she welcomed her sister and brother into her home. “I’m glad you’re so prompt. C’mon in and we can get started.”

  “Hi sis.” Greg bent to kiss her cheek. He carried a large bag of popcorn and a carton of flavored waters. “Thanks for hosting our planning session.”

  Stacy followed with a laptop in hand. “We might need to do research on some of our ideas.”

  Kate sensed a challenge in her tone. “Good idea,” she said with a nod of approval. She noted a flash of suspicion in her sister’s eyes but it was gone so quickly she could’ve imagined it.

  Greg took a seat on the sofa and placed the goodies he’d brought on the coffee table. “I popped corn for us. No butter or seasonings. I brought them on the side. And the bottled water’s flavored with lime – no sweeteners or anything.”

  Before Kate could respond, Stacy blurted, “Who likes bare popcorn? It tastes like cardboard. You could’ve made two batches – a small no-frills one for Kate and a decent-tasting one for us.”

  “Hey, you can season the whole bag. I don’t care for popcorn anyway,” Kate retorted.

  Stacy turned to her brother. “See, I told you not to bother. She doesn’t like anything we eat. She’s too pure to stoop to our common ways.”

  Seething inside, Kate tried hard not to take the bait. All her sister wanted to do was argue. Well, she didn’t have time for that kind of conversation.

  “Can we get down to business? We’re here to discuss a present for mom’s birthday. Let’s stick to the topic.” Kate’s tone was firm as she sat down next to Greg.

  Picking up on her cue, Greg said, “Let’s brainstorm some ideas. I spoke with dad about what mom would really like and he mentioned some interesting possibilities. But before I tell you what he suggested, let’s see what we can come up with.” Looking at Stacy who was still standing, he said, “Take a seat and let’s get started. Okay?”

  “What about the popcorn?” Stacy moved to sit on a chair facing her brother.

  “Forget the popcorn,” he replied with a hint of impatience. “We can have it later. Here’s what I think: Mom has plenty of things like jewelry and clothes. Their house is filled with furniture and every kind of accessory. What I think she’d enjoy is a memorable experience.”

  “That’s a great idea,” Kate said enthusiastically. “You’re right about material things. She has everything she needs.”

  Greg glanced at Stacy. “We’ve discussed this before and I think you’ll agree something like a travel experience or maybe a class in something she loves to do. Dad mentioned she’s always wanted to try her hand at making ceramics. Maybe a series of classes at a local art center?”

  Opening her laptop, Stacy said, “Let’s check them out. Where do you think she’d like to travel? Maybe a trip to Hawaii would be fun for her. She does have friends there, you know.”

  Kate wondered how much a trip to Hawaii for her parents would cost. She’d had something more modest in mind. Stacy and Greg had much larger incomes and could afford to spend several thousand dollars each for a gift. Kate didn’t have that kind of leeway in her budget. Still, she didn’t want to be the one to throw cold water on the idea.

  “What about a cruise?” Greg inquired. “There are some neat cruises mom might enjoy. I know dad doesn’t want to go on a long vacation. He gets antsy when he’s not managing things at work. I’ve heard about five and seven day cruises to the Bahamas or Nassau. They’re not that expensive either.”

  With a third child on the way, Greg was probably not anxious to part with tons of money, Kate thought with relief. A short cruise might be manageable.
“That sounds like a good plan.”

  “Let me check it out.” Stacy huddled over the computer. “I still think Hawaii would be a better idea. Or maybe even Italy. Mom’s always talking about how much fun she and dad had in Rome. I’ll bet she’d love a trip there.”

  If Stacy had her way she’d send their parents on a trip around the world, Kate thought. Or was she just putting on an act? It was hard to tell. Glancing at Greg she wondered how he felt. “Do we have a budget for this gift? Or are we just winging it?”

  Stacy’s head shot up. “A budget? Why do we need a budget? This is an important birthday for our mother. I don’t think we need to skimp on a present for her sixtieth birthday.”

  Kate didn’t bother to answer her sister. Turning to Greg she said, “Did you have a figure in mind? I want to be clear on this point before we begin researching trips. I’d love to send our parents on a super cruise or holiday but I’d rather not break the bank. Can we settle on something that would be fun but not out of the ball park for my very average pocketbook?”

  Before Greg could answer Stacy exclaimed. “Stop claiming poverty to us. You just put a very expensive greenhouse in your backyard. Don’t tell me you can’t pay your fair share of a decent trip for our mother. I don’t buy it.”

  Her jarring words exploded Kate’s best intentions of remaining silent no matter what Stacy said. “That greenhouse was purchased to provide more teaching space for my classes. And it’s none of your business how much money I spend. I don’t ask you where you put your money. Maybe that fancy car you drive is important to your image.”

  Jumping to her feet Stacy cried, “I expected something like this to happen. You don’t bother visiting the family because you’re too damn busy and now you can’t even contribute your fair share for a present to mom. Well I don’t care one way or the other. Greg and I will just chip in and do it ourselves.” She glared at Kate, her mouth creased into a taut line and her eyes blazing with anger.

  “Hey, stop it, you two.” Greg’s tone was firm. “Stacy, sit down and behave yourself. I don’t want any more outbursts from you. Kate’s right about a budget. I can’t spend thousands of dollars for a trip and neither can she. Let’s settle on a reasonable amount and see how far that will go. Why don’t you look up five to seven day cruises to the Bahamas and see what they cost? Then we’ll determine if we can manage such a trip. We also ought to consider a series of ceramic classes at a prestigious art center for mom. She’d love doing something like that and it wouldn’t break anyone’s budget. You can research that too.”

  For a taut moment Kate was sure her sister would balk at Greg’s suggestion. Then with an indifferent shrug, Stacy sat down and concentrated on her computer. Letting out a relieved breath, Kate put a hand on Greg’s arm. “Thanks for coming up with a reasonable approach.” Glancing at the bag of popcorn she added, “I can put the popcorn and seasonings in a bowl for you to snack on while Stacy’s doing the research.”

  “Thanks Kate. Bring a few glasses and I’ll get these sodas open. Some ice cubes would work too.”

  Kate’s hands were shaking as she poured the popcorn and packet of seasonings into a large glass bowl. The scene with Stacy had taken its toll. Or maybe the fact that she was tired and hadn’t eaten supper yet added to the tension. Whatever it was, she couldn’t wait to be alone. She put the bowl and three glasses with ice onto a tray and brought them to the coffee table.

  Greg immediately took a handful of popcorn and started munching. “Great stuff, if I do say so myself.” Then he poured the bubbling lime soda into three glasses. “How about a toast to a wonderful sixtieth birthday party for mom?”

  Taking a cue from her brother, Kate picked up her glass. Stacy looked up from her computer with a bemused expression. She reached for a glass of soda and said, “Let’s drink to a great trip for our parents.”

  At least the meeting was headed in the right direction thanks to Greg’s cool head, Kate thought. But she couldn’t wait for it to be over.

  Promptly at seven Greg rose and said, “Let’s consider the five-day cruise to the Bahamas which would probably cost each of us about $700.00 or the ten-week ceramics class which comes in at around $250.00 a person and includes all supplies. Remember we still have to pay for the birthday dinner. I’m figuring approximately forty people will attend and most meals with drinks and dessert will average $50.00 or so. That brings the full amount to $2000.00. Each of us needs to chip in about $675.00. If we go for the clay class for mom our total for each of us would be under $1000.00. That sounds like something we can all handle. However, let’s sleep on it and I’ll check with each of you in the next few days.”

  “I don’t have to think about it,” Stacy declared. She snapped the lid of her computer shut and stood. “The cruise is definitely my choice.” She stared defiantly at Kate as if expecting her sister to raise an objection.

  Kate was silent. She put the empty soda glasses and popcorn bowl on the tray and brought them over to the kitchen sink. Turning back to her brother and sister she said, “I’ll wait for your call Greg, and sleep on it as you suggested.”

  “Good.” Greg strode over to Kate and gave her a hug. “Thanks for hosting the meeting and I’ll give you a call, probably tomorrow evening.”

  Stacy didn’t bother to say anything. She walked out of the house with a stony expression.

  Feeling an inexplicable sense of relief, Kate prepared a blended tomato soup for dinner. With crackers and cheese it would be a simple repast. Reflecting on the meeting, she wondered again at her stressful relationship with Stacy. No matter how hard she tried, her sister was sure to push her buttons. No one else in her life had that effect. She and Jared had disagreeable fights from time to time, but there was never that knife-edge of poison between them. With Stacy, Kate always felt as if her sister would do almost anything to trip her up or embarrass her. Draining was the best word she could think of to describe her encounters with her younger sister.

  After dinner she tried to focus on planning the rest of her lessons but her mind was on overdrive. Maybe she’d put that task aside for Monday night. She needed a quiet hour to recuperate. Putting on some meditative music, she began a series of relaxing yoga poses. Before long she stretched out on her back. Closing her eyes she savored the delicious sense of being completely alone and relaxed - a blissful experience.

  Dan mentioned he’d call around nine. Kate hoped he’d phone earlier. She was ready to hit the sack and it was only eight thirty. Yawning she walked into the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face. She changed into pajamas and crawled into bed. Maybe reading a recent best seller would keep her awake.

  When the phone rang Kate woke with a start with the book upside down in her lap. Reaching for the phone she tried to wake up. “Hello?”

  “Kate, hope I’m not calling too late,” Dan said.

  Glancing at the bedside clock she saw the time was nine thirty. “It’s not your fault, but I’ve been tired for the last few hours and just dozed off. Did you have fun at the zoo?” Just hearing his voice sent pleasure coursing through her.

  “We had a fun day and I spent time with my brother which I don’t often do. And you’re not the only one tired. How did the presentation go? Was the health food store a good location for you?”

  “Yes, definitely a great choice. I may try to focus more on health store outlets for next year. People are much more knowledgeable and appreciative of what I’m showing them. I did miss your help with the cleanup,” she admitted with a laugh.

  “So I was missed. Good. How about the meeting with Greg and Stacy?”

  She was silent a moment. How much to reveal about that encounter? “Let’s just say we resolved some stuff but it wasn’t a pleasant scene. I’ll tell you more about it when I see you.”

  “Ah, I get it. Wish I could spend time with you before next weekend. What does your We
dnesday schedule look like? Can we meet for a quick dinner out? My housekeeper can keep an eye on Ethan for a few hours. I can pick you up around six?”

  She did want to see him and the weekend seemed so far away. “Why don’t we have dinner at my place? I’ll prepare something simple and we can dine in the greenhouse.”

  “Great. How about I bring the fixings? You have little time to fuss with your busy schedule. One of my chefs can prepare some gourmet vegetarian recipes for us.”

  That was so sweet of Dan. “If you insist, I won’t argue with you.”

  “See you soon then. Goodnight Kate. Pleasant dreams.”

  Fruit Smoothie

  1 banana

  1 small apple, peeled and cut into chunks

  ½ cup frozen raspberries

  ½ cup almond milk (or any non-dairy milk)

  Handful of ice cubes

  Blend together all ingredients until smooth. Any type of fruit such as peaches, kiwi, mangoes, pears, or berries can be used.

  Chapter 18

  By the time school came to an end on Monday, Kate still had not heard from Dave Thorpe as to whether she was expected to join Reid and Mark on their sports activity group. Figuring no news was better, she breathed a sigh of relief as she walked to her car. Maybe her esteemed principal had a change of heart after talking to Reid, which was just as well.


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