The Sweet Touch

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The Sweet Touch Page 29

by Madelaine Grant

  With this idea firmly planted, Kate turned her attention back to those lesson plans.

  Marinated Mushrooms

  1lb small mushrooms

  1 tablespoon olive oil

  2 cloves garlic, minced

  1 tablespoon basil, minced

  2 tablespoons fresh parsley, minced

  Juice of one lemon

  Sea salt to taste

  Clean one pound small mushrooms and cut off ends. Heat olive oil in pan and cook garlic cloves for a moment, taking care not to scorch them. Add the mushrooms, basil, and parsley. Cook together stirring occasionally for about four minutes. Add lemon juice and cook another minute. Season with sea salt and serve either hot or room temperature. Good as an appetizer.

  Chapter 29

  While having dinner with his parents and Ethan, Dan had the strangest feeling that something wasn’t right with Kate. He didn’t understand what was wrong, but he felt a need to talk to her. When he arrived at his home later that evening, he hustled his son into pajamas and read him a short story.

  “Ethan, you’re getting old enough to read on your own when I tuck you in,” he said. “How about I give you a few books and you can look at them for a while? When you get tired, just put them on your night table and turn off the light.”

  His son chewed on his lower lip for a moment, as if thinking through the new ritual. “Okay,” he finally said. “I am pretty old now.”

  Pleased at his son’s response, Dan picked out a few picture books. “If you want more, you know where they are.” He bent and kissed Ethan good night and hurried to his office. Punching in Kate’s number, he waited for her to pick up.

  “Dan, this is unexpected.” She sounded pleased.

  “I just wanted to check on you. How was your visit to your dad?” He waited for her reply with a feeling of trepidation.

  After a brief pause, she replied, “Not particularly pleasant.” Then she proceeded to give him the details.

  “I’m not surprised,” he answered slowly. Should he tell her about his premonition? “While I was having dinner at my folks’ place, I had the nagging feeling something wasn’t well with you. I didn’t know what was happening, but I knew I had to phone you tonight.”

  “Wow, that is strange – almost psychic,” Kate murmured. “We must be on the same wavelength or something. Anyway, I’m glad you called. I’ve made the decision to think about all the positives in my life instead of dwelling on Stacy’s idiosyncrasies.”

  “Ah, you had an epiphany.”

  “You could say that,” she replied.

  “Good. It’s a big step forward.”

  “Maybe it’s about time. Now I can focus on our upcoming trip and organizing the work on my book.”

  “Alright. Just wanted to touch base with you. I know you’re anxious to get some shuteye. I’m planning on stopping by Thursday evening, at least for a short visit. Don’t fuss with food. I’ll eat on the way. I’ll phone Tuesday night just to say hello and hear your voice. By then I may have firmed up Thursday’s schedule and can give you a more exact time.”

  “I’ll look forward to hearing from you. Goodnight then,” she said softly. At least she’d see him soon.

  “Goodnight Kate.”

  ~ ~ ~

  When he phoned, Dan mentioned he’d plan to be at her home around seven thirty Thursday night. By seven on Thursday, Kate was ready. She’d decided to wear the brown silky nightgown and peignoir he’d bought her in Aspen. That might put him in a romantic mood – which was what she craved. Those passionate nights in Colorado were a great memory. She wouldn’t mind a repeat.

  Thinking about the passion they shared, Kate realized, a bit ruefully, that her life was beginning to center around Dan and their time together. What happened to the independent woman of just a few months ago? Had she completely disappeared?

  She glanced at the bathroom mirror to check her hair and overall appearance. Had she changed that much since she’d met Dan? Maybe a little. A glow in her eyes and a slight flush on her cheeks could be due to the anticipation she felt at seeing him soon. Was this a bad thing? Or was it simply a natural occurrence? Not knowing the answer, Kate decided to halt that whole inner discussion. The independent person inside hadn’t disappeared. She was in there somewhere and, when needed, could reappear.

  Dan arrived at Kate’s home promptly. With a surprised look at her sexy outfit, he said, “You look amazing.” He gathered her into his arms for a long embrace. “This is the way I like to be greeted,” he whispered, his lips finding hers for a heart-warming kiss.

  “Thought I’d put this on to distract you from all that travel and business stuff,” she murmured, pleased at his response.

  “If that was your intent, you’ve succeeded.” Easing away from her, he said, “if I had anything else on my mind except finding a comfortable bed, it’s gone now.” His darkening gaze skimmed her figure with unmistaken desire.

  Smiling with delight, she led him to her bedroom. “That holiday in Aspen spoiled me. I’m accustomed to sleeping with you.”

  “Good to hear that since I feel the same way.” Letting Kate make the first overture in raising their relationship to the next level was paying off, he decided with an inner smile.

  She slipped her hands under his sports jacket. “You’re wearing too many clothes.” Her fingers loosened his tie and opened the first two buttons of his pale blue shirt.

  Laughing, he stepped away from her a moment to rid himself of the jacket, tie and shirt. Pulling his white tee shirt over his head, he pulled her close. “Better?”

  Resting her head on his now bare chest, she nodded her approval. “Much better.” She felt the warmth of his skin and heard the strong beat of his heart. Half-closing her eyes, she relished the heated contact. Sighing with pleasure, her hands crept up to encircle his neck, her fingers sliding through the crisp dark hairs at his nape.

  Dan’s hands were also busy. They cupped her breasts, his thumbs slowly rubbing the taut tips. Stroking up and down her soft curves, he said, “I love this outfit but much prefer you naked in my arms.” With that he eased the peignoir off her shoulders and tossed it onto a nearby chair. Taking a few moments to admire the low-cut nightgown and how lovely Kate looked in it, he slipped the straps to her waist. His mouth found the nipple of one breast and he sucked on it before turning to the other one.

  Taking a sharp, inward breath, she felt heat blazing a trail from his mouth to a point low in her belly. Tingles of awareness zig-zagged like lightening streaks all over. When his mouth sought hers, she opened for him relishing the feel of his tongue dueling with hers.

  With a low groan, Dan eased her back toward the bed. Gently laying her down, he slipped the nightgown off and shed the rest of his clothing. The next moment he was next to her, holding her close. “This is better, much better,” he crooned. “Just the way I like you, warm and eager in my arms.”

  Much later, Dan held Kate close, wishing he could stay the night. He kissed the top of her head. “It’s after nine and I know you have an early bedtime.”

  She let out a rueful sigh. “I don’t feel like moving but I know you’re right.” Easing up on one elbow, she gazed at him with a wistful expression. “This is a little bit of heaven having time with you.”

  “Glad to hear it. And you know I feel the same way.” Sitting up against the headboard he pulled her onto his lap. “We’ll have Saturday night to ourselves. Ethan will be with my parents. Want to socialize with your friends?”

  “That would be nice. I’ll see if they’re available.” Kate didn’t care where they went as long as they were together.

  “Okay then. How about I stop by with Ethan tomorrow evening and we’ll head to the pier? He loves those taco trucks. I’ll bring stuff for us to eat too.” He placed a kiss on her upturned mouth. />
  “Sounds good to me.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Shortly before Dan and Ethan arrived at Kate’s home Friday evening, her brother, Greg, phoned. “Just wanted to check things out with you regarding mom’s birthday next week,” he began. “Stacy and I talked about giving mom a birthday card and enclose the information for the ceramics course we purchased. I wasn’t sure if you wanted to join us.”

  Kate heard the hesitation in his voice. “Thanks for checking with me. I’ll let you and Stacy handle the card and gift. Let me know the amount I owe and I’ll send you a check.” She paused a moment and continued, “It’s better if Stacy and I visit at separate times. Inevitably we argue and I’m tired of the whole thing. I’ll visit on my own and call beforehand.”

  There was a brief pause. “I can’t say I blame you, Kate. It’s the best thing to do. You have a right to a peaceful life. One of these days, maybe Patty and I can have dinner with you and Dan. I’d enjoy that very much.”

  Letting out a relieved breath, Kate replied, “I’d love that too. And thanks for understanding.”

  Kate mentioned her conversation with her brother to Dan during their Friday night outing. “Glad you made that decision,” he told her. “When your father has recuperated and can handle an evening out, let me know. I’ll coordinate any type of birthday celebration you all agree on, either at their home or at the restaurant.”

  “Thanks Dan,” she replied. He was being more than cooperative. “By the way, I spoke to Laura and we’re set for Saturday night. We’ll stop at her place first for drinks and then head to one of their favorite places, a recently-opened Thai restaurant, which is great for my choices.”

  “Good. I’m looking forward to it.”

  ~ ~ ~

  During their jaunt to the pier, Ethan was eager to let Kate know about his new bedtime ritual. “I put myself to bed now,” he reported. “I read my own books and decide when it’s time to turn off the light, too.” He looked very self-important as he said this.

  “That’s pretty cool,” Kate replied, nodding her approval. “I’m sure you’re able to handle things on your own.”

  “I can also help myself to snacks. And dad lets me make the toast in the morning. Soon I’ll be able to cook something on the stove – maybe next year.” He puffed out his chest.

  “I’ll bet you can make your own eggs soon. Next time you’re in my house we can try making pancakes together. That’s lots of fun,” Kate told him.

  “Really? Can I really do that? I want to try. Can I?” Ethan jumped up and down in excitement.

  “Sure thing,” she said, holding in a grin. Glancing at Dan she added, “Making pancakes is really easy. Ethan can mix the batter and I’ll show him how to make a great fruit sauce to go on top.”

  “Can’t wait,” Dan replied, looking dubious. “I’m sure they’ll be delicious.”

  This would be the first time Kate was staying at Dan’s home with Ethan there. Since she’d spent almost a week in Aspen with Ethan and Oliver nearby, she didn’t give the matter too much thought. Still, she brought along conservative cotton pajamas to wear at night.

  Dan had mentioned taking a swim when they arrived home from the pier. She let him know she’d brought a bathing suit along. No skinny-dipping until they were alone.

  He’d laughed at her concern. “Ethan rarely wakes once he’s asleep.”

  “Never mind,” she replied. “I’m wearing a suit. You can do as you please.”

  “It’s no fun that way,” he teased. Seeing her adamant expression, he gave in. “Okay, I’ll wear a suit too.”

  Later in the evening Dan asked Kate to look at the plans for the Brookhouse Bistro. “I’ve been working with an industrial design firm. Next weekend when we meet with my brothers and my father, I’ll bring them along. But I wanted your input first.”

  Kate was pleased by his request. She wanted to help him with this newest project. When he spread the preliminary designs out on the desk in his office, she was surprised at the detail. “You’ve been hard at work.” There were swatches of color for the walls and fabric samples for window treatments and chair coverings. Even the lighting and tableware had been planned. She fingered the fabric with an approving glance. “Nice and soft.”

  “This is all preliminary,” Dan assured her. “Everything can be changed, and probably will be once my brothers and father give their input. But at least I have something to show them that we can discuss.”

  “I like the tropical motifs,” she told him. “Beach umbrellas and palm trees give the place an airy atmosphere.”

  “Glad you like them. I haven’t made up my mind about the building itself. I’ll hash that out next weekend. I think something with sand and water colors, like taupe and turquoise would work for the outside. What do you think?” He turned to her with an expectant look. Her input was important to him.

  She nodded her approval. “I can see a more open concept with large expanses of glass so people can see inside when they pass by. Remember that place we had dinner in Aspen? We could view the mountains and the sky from our table. Maybe you could situate these bistros near water or other scenic spots. That would be a big advantage.”

  “Good thought,” he agreed, making notes on a nearby pad. “Or else we could plant interesting gardens with man-made waterfalls for customers to view. That’s always a possibility.”

  “Like the gardens and waterfall you have here,” she said. “That’s a great idea.”

  He heard the enthusiasm in her voice and was pleased. “Glad you’re on board.” He brought her close for a long kiss. “How about a late night snack before we head for my big, comfy bed?”

  “I’ll keep you company, but a few strawberries are enough for me.” She smiled up at him. “That bed sounds pretty tempting. It’s been a long day.”

  “Okay, sleepyhead. Let’s forget business,” he laughed, taking her hand and heading to the kitchen. “Tomorrow we’ll do some relaxing things around the house before we head to my parents’ home for lunch. I’ll put out the croquet set and we can try the game. I’m sure we’ll take a swim as well.”

  “Sounds good to me.” She tried to stifle a yawn.

  He handed her a large strawberry. “Eat this and then you can get into bed. I won’t be far behind you.”

  ~ ~ ~

  On the drive to Dan’s folks place the next day, Ethan kept up a steady stream of conversation. “Grandpa’s taking me out on the boat later. We’re going fishing. Do you like to fish? Did you ever catch anything, Kate? I caught a big one, only it got away. I’m going to get a really big one today and this one I’m going to eat. I really am.”

  “I’ve fished a few times but I never caught anything really big,” she told him. “I caught some little ones but I put them back so they could grow older.”

  “That’s what I do,” Ethan cried. “Grandpa says you never eat the little ones ‘cause they’re too small. They have to grow up first. Maybe we can go fishing sometimes. Can we? I’d like that. Maybe today? Do you think so?”

  Dan interrupted the conversation. “Not today Ethan, but maybe in the next few weeks we’ll all go out together and try our luck. There’s nothing as tasty as fresh-caught fish,” he told Kate.

  “As long as you bait my hook,” she replied. “Those worms are squishy.”

  Ethan laughed. “I can put on my own worms. It’s really easy. I’ll do it for you.”

  “Good. I’ll count on it.”

  When they arrived at Dan’s parents’ home, a warm welcome greeted them. Kate received hugs from both Ed and Sue Brookhouse. “So glad you could visit us,” Sue said with a broad smile. “C’mon in, lunch is on the table.”

  Kate gazed at the appetizing spread. There were colorful dishes with a half pineapple on each plate filled with berries, mangoes, and papaya. An assortment of sal
ad greens surrounded each pineapple. Small cups of toasted nuts, dried fruit, and yogurt were placed about.

  Kate’s eyes opened in surprise. “This is so beautiful,” she exclaimed.

  “That’s only the beginning,” Ed announced, a twinkle in his eyes. “Sue’s been shopping and experimenting all week with vegetarian dishes.”

  “I hope I didn’t put you to too much trouble,” Kate said. “Any kind of salad is usually fine with me.”

  “I’m having fun with this,” Sue insisted, her cheeks flushed with excitement. “There are so many possibilities and I’ve found all these great places to shop. It’s been a learning experience.” She turned to her son. “You know how much I like trying new recipes. This gives me a chance to find another way of eating, too.”

  Dan put his arm around his mother’s ample waist. “Thanks for fussing, Mom. Everything looks delicious.”

  “I like all the berries, Grandma,” Ethan said. “Can I start now? I’m really hungry. Can I sit anyplace I want? Can I?” He held onto a chair and swiveled from one foot to the other.

  “Grandpa’s sitting on one end and your father’s on the other end. You can choose any seat in between.”

  “Okay.” Ethan scurried into one of the side chairs and picked up a huge strawberry.

  “Ethan, mind your manners,” Dan told him. “Let’s wait until everyone’s seated.”

  “It’s okay,” Sue said. “We’re all sitting down now. Remember, this is a first course.”


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