The Sweet Touch

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The Sweet Touch Page 31

by Madelaine Grant

  “Your mother knows how to handle a crowd,” Kate said in a low tone to Dan.

  “You forget she ran a busy restaurant for years and raised three sons,” he reminded her.

  “That’s not an easy task.” Kate wondered if she could manage working full time and also take care of a family.

  “Don’t forget my dad was always there to help and they did have staff.”

  “I guess if a couple can work in a cooperative fashion it is possible,” she said thoughtfully.

  He nodded. “You’re right. We always knew my parents were there for us, even though they were busy at the restaurant. And all of us pitched in to help out when we were old enough. Thinking back, it was good training.” He paused a moment deep in thought. “That’s the kind of life I want for Ethan but I wonder sometimes if he’ll be able to cope. He still has problems in school and sometimes he can become persistent when he wants something. Maybe this phase will ease up when he gets older.”

  This wasn’t the time or place to get into a full discussion, Kate knew, but she could empathize with Dan’s concerns.

  “The meal was superb,” Kate told Sue before they left. “I loved the minestrone soup, and the salads were perfect for a warm night, especially the mock salmon salad paté. That was absolutely delicious.”

  “Thanks Kate. I combined several recipes and came up with a winner, I think.” Sue beamed at the praise. “Of course I had shrimp salad for the men. They’re not as much into vegetarian dishes yet.”

  “It does take a while to change habits,” Kate told her. “But your presentation encouraged people to try things. That’s quite an art.”

  Sue gave her an affectionate hug. “I appreciate your input and I love learning about new approaches to food. We’ll have to get together some time and experiment in my kitchen, just the two of us.”

  “I look forward to it,” Kate replied. And she meant it.

  Mock Salmon Salad Pâté

  1 cup sunflower seeds

  ½ cup sliced carrots

  1/3 cup sundried tomatoes soaked in oil for a few hours – some sundried tomatoes can be purchased already in oil

  ¼ teaspoon sea salt

  Juice of half a lemon

  ½ cup celery, chopped

  Process in food processor everything except chopped celery. Place mixture in bowl and add the celery. Adjust for seasonings. Stir well and serve on bed of greens or with crackers.

  Chapter 31

  “Let’s sit out on the balcony for a while,” Dan suggested when they returned to the hotel after dinner. “It’s a beautiful night.” He slipped off his loafers and opened the balcony doors. “Look at the stars. There’s even a full moon.”

  Kate followed him and breathed in the salty tang of the gulf waters. “This is pretty spectacular.”

  “That’s what I thought,” he said smiling at her. Taking her hand he led her onto the balcony to a comfortable chaise. “We can fit on one lounge. Much cozier.”

  Settled between his muscled thighs, her head resting on his broad chest, his arms holding her close, Kate drew in a contented breath. “I could probably sleep outside all night.”

  Glancing up at the myriad stars like tiny twinkling lights against an indigo velvet sky, Kate couldn’t remember a time when she’d felt so peaceful. “I used to know the names of the constellations. I think that’s Orion’s Belt over there, but I could be wrong.” She pointed a finger upwards.

  “When I was a Boy Scout I knew the names too. It’s been a while since I’ve had time to just contemplate the heavens.” He caressed the soft contours of her body and breathed in the fragrant scent of her hair. “We need more time for evenings like this.”

  Turning slightly Kate gazed at him. The idea of spending her nights with Dan floated through her mind like an errant leaf drifting in the wind. She couldn’t think of a single reason why they should be apart. “Dan,” she said tentatively. “Maybe we could experiment this summer, when I’m not teaching, and try living together at your place.” Was she being impulsive? For some reason this felt right.

  “That sounds like an excellent thought,” he replied. “Just hold onto it.” Having Kate make the first move was paying off. “You could use your home as your office and work there during the day.” He knew Kate loved her home. It made sense for her to keep it for her classes and any other work she did. Also, it would be a place to retreat, should living with his son prove stressful. “Everyone needs their own space. Since you already have it set up for teaching and working on your projects, it makes sense to always own it.”

  Raising up on one elbow Kate sent him a direct look. “Are you saying that if we get into a serious relationship I should still retain my home?” How did he know how much that house meant to her? “You are the most insightful and considerate man.” She leaned over and gave him a soft kiss.

  He pulled her into a close embrace and deepened the kiss. Easing away he said, “Glad you think so. There may be times when dealing with Ethan, or even me, could be difficult. I want you to have a place to go just to unwind and relax. Besides, I know you love your freedom. Between my housekeeper and my mom, there’s always someone to watch over my son. You don’t have to be totally responsible for him. I hope you know that.” He ran a finger tenderly down the side of her face. “And I want you to take good care of yourself, whether going out for a run, taking a nap or making something special to eat. That way you’ll always be the wholehearted, enthusiastic partner I want in my life.” He paused a moment to let his words sink in. “Actually, I’m being selfish here.” He smiled down at her.

  She thought about that for a few moments. “I can see your point. You lead a busy life and one of us has to be relaxed. So you’ve chosen me. Right?”

  He laughed and pulled her close. “You’re catching on much too quickly.”

  She grinned back at him. “Maybe I like that idea.” She narrowed her eyes thoughtfully. “Runs, naps, delicious snacks. Can’t see any down side to those goodies.”

  “You forgot the best part,” he said with a serious air.

  “What’s that?” Her eyebrows rose at his words.

  “Long nights of passionate lovemaking.” He looked smug.

  “Ah, so that’s your game.” Then she broke into giggles.

  Dan rolled onto his side and brought her along. Nipping at her ear lobe he whispered, “We could start tonight, in fact. Have you ever made love on a balcony before?” He kissed the side of her neck and worked down to one tempting breast. “Could be interesting.”

  “Mmmm,” she murmured, enjoying the feel of his mouth nibbling through the sheer fabric of her tee shirt.

  “We just have to shed some clothes.” His deft fingers found the zipper on her jeans.

  Her fingers were also hard at work. “That goes for you, too. Do you think we have nosy neighbors?” She raised her head to look around.

  “Nah, there’s nobody in sight. Besides, our lounge is in the shadows. We can manage except we’d have to be very, very quiet.” He kissed her soundly. “Can you do that?”

  “Sounds like the way I talk to Ethan when we’re in my greenhouse,” she chuckled.

  “Hmmm, that would be an interesting place to make love too,” he said thoughtfully. “We’ll have to try it sometime.”

  “You’re a real pervert,” she said softly. But she loved the feel of his hands as he found her most sensitive places to stroke and arouse. Before long her jeans and panties were on the floor as well as her tee shirt and bra. His clothes followed the same path. Snuggling close, he sighed with contentment.

  “Can’t think of another place I’d rather be,” he said softly. “It’s a glorious night, we have privacy, and there’ll be no interruptions. What more could anyone want?”

  Kate could completely agree.

g to their bed later, Kate and Dan slept soundly. They had the morning hours to themselves since Dan decided they’d accomplished all the business details necessary the day before. “We don’t need to discuss this new venture further,” he told his brothers and father. “I’ll be in touch with all of you soon. Let’s plan to meet for brunch at the hotel before Derek leaves to drive back to Tallahassee.”

  After checking out of the hotel, Dan, Kate, Doug, and Sophie drove back to Ed and Sue’s home to spend the afternoon. Dan took Kate out on their boat, which she thoroughly enjoyed. The children played on the beach and later Sue prepared a simple picnic dinner for everyone. When Doug, Sophie and their children left to fly back to Jacksonville, Dan, Kate and Ethan took off for home too.

  ~ ~ ~

  The next few weeks passed quickly. Kate was busy preparing for the homeless fundraiser at her school. The Brookhouse restaurants had agreed to sponsor a booth for the event and Dan and Ethan planned to attend. Kate visited her parents about once a week and phoned a few times to check on her father’s progress, which was going nicely. With the extra time, Kate was able to put her book in order and begin experimenting with the recipes to be included. She met often with Laura, who began photographing the finished dishes.

  By the time the Homeless Fundraiser was over and declared a success, there were only two weeks left of school. “Can’t say I’m sorry,” Kate said to Laura as they met the following week during their lunch break. “I’m ready to relax and sleep in once in a while.”

  “I hear you,” Laura agreed. “Now that Dan wants those paintings for his new Bistros, I’m busier than ever. But I’m thrilled to be part of this new venture.”

  “You’re a super artist and your work is perfect for the tropical feel that he wants. I’m so pleased for you.” Kate was happy Laura had another outlet for her talent.

  “So when are you leaving for your trip to California?” Laura inquired.

  “The weekend after school ends. I can’t wait. We’ll travel through some beautiful country in Northern California. I haven’t visited that part before.” She took a sip of iced tea with a thoughtful expression. “Dan wants to stop at several vineyards and some well-known restaurants to sample the wines and cuisine of that area. I think he’s seeking inspiration for the Brookhouse Bistros.” She nibbled on a zucchini, carrot, and cucumber salad with tahini dressing. “Did I mention I’m moving in with Dan after we get back? We’ll see how that works out. But I’m keeping my house, whatever the future holds. That was Dan’s idea and it relieves my anxiety about the move. I’ll use my house as my office or just to relax in. Dan wants to be sure I don’t get stressed out by Ethan’s hyperactive ways. It’s one of the main reasons his first marriage didn’t last.” Kate had figured that out.

  Laura nodded in agreement as she munched on a sliced chicken sandwich. “That makes good sense. I wonder if marriages aren’t much improved if each person has their own space and the couple gets together for most things that are important, like sex and meals. Maybe I’ll give that idea more thought and see how Tony reacts.” She laughed as she thought about it. “Wouldn’t that be a surprise if he agreed?”

  “Maybe we’re on to a new trend,” Kate remarked.

  “Maybe so,” Laura nodded thoughtfully.

  ~ ~ ~

  A few days after Kate returned from her Northern California trip, she packed several suitcases and, with Dan’s help, brought her things over to his place. Ethan was waiting to greet her as she entered the house.

  “Kate, are you gonna be my new mommy? Are you? I want you to,” he exclaimed, skipping along with her as she brought some of her things to Dan’s bedroom.

  “Ethan,” Dan exclaimed in an irritated tone, as he followed them carrying two of Kate’s bags. “I told you not to bring that subject up. Kate’s planning a long visit with us. We’ll see how that goes. Okay?”

  Kate put her bag down on a chair in the bedroom and turned to the boy. “Ethan, let’s be good friends first and have fun together. Then we’ll see how everyone gets along. I know you want a mother, but you have to be patient a while and let your dad and I figure things out. Do you understand?”

  He looked at her for a moment and then nodded. “I understand but I do want you to be my mommy someday.”

  He looked wistful and Kate impulsively gave him a big hug. “We’ll work on it,” she promised him.

  Later that night when Ethan was in bed, Kate and Dan had time to sit and talk quietly about Ethan’s expectations. “I know how he feels,” Kate told Dan. “All his friends probably have mothers and fathers and he wants the same thing. It’s perfectly natural.”

  Dan put his arm around her shoulders and brought her close. They were sitting in his den relaxing after all the busyness of the day. “I know what he wants, but at the same time I don’t want you to feel any pressure from him. He’ll have to learn to back off and let things work themselves out.” He blew out a frustrated breath.

  “Changes are difficult for children, so let’s cut him some slack. I’m just glad he enjoys being with me. And to tell the truth, I enjoy his company too,” Kate confided, leaning her head on his shoulder. “This is really special, being here with you and knowing we’ll be together tonight.”

  He smiled down at her. “If you’re happy, that’s all I want.” It was true. With Kate settled in his bedroom at least for the summer, he could begin to think about ways she could fit into his daily life. An idea of having Kate be a consultant in his new business venture was starting to form in his mind. He’d have to give it time to simmer before talking to her about it. Yes, a future with Kate was beginning to become a reality, for which he was grateful.

  ~ ~ ~

  A month after Kate moved into Dan’s home, contracts for the next year’s teaching assignment were in her mailbox. Looking at them, she realized she wasn’t ready to make a commitment to a five-day teaching schedule. Did she want a full-time job if she decided to live with Dan on a permanent basis? He’d been urging her to join his company as a consultant. Thinking about the idea brought a surge of excitement. She wanted to be part of this new venture.

  “What exactly did you have in mind?” she asked him one evening after a relaxing swim. Ethan was visiting his grandparents and they had the weekend to themselves. “I just received the contracts for my teaching jobs. I’ll need to sign and mail them back within the next two weeks.”

  “Kate,” he said in a serious tone, “I know you love teaching and if you decide you want to do it full-time, I’ll support your decision. But I would love to have you work alongside me on the Brookhouse Bistro venture. Would you consider teaching two days a week? I could use your assistance with menu ideas and also an advertising campaign that’s different from our Brookhouse restaurants. There are many aspects of the new business that you could work in. Of course you’ll be compensated for your time. You have expenses at your home and I know how independent you are.” He waited a minute for her to absorb his words. “Besides, I’d like your company on long weekends when we scout for new locations for the Bistros. Could you arrange to teach in the middle of the week and keep Mondays and Fridays open?” He was looking forward to traveling with her and combining business with pleasure. The trip to Northern California made it clear how well they worked and played together. Dan wanted this relationship with her on a more permanent basis.

  Kate could tell this meant a lot to Dan. And the idea of working on this project was a real challenge, one she welcomed. “I could probably teach at Briarwood Elementary on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.” She was more attached to that school than the others.

  He smiled in relief. “Great. That’s great, Kate. I want you to come into the office with me next week and meet some of our personnel.” Things were definitely going in the right direction.

  Kate’s first visit to Dan’s office was an eye-opener. “This is quite a layout,” she exclaim
ed as they toured the main offices of the restaurant chain. The offices took up several floors above one of the Brookhouse restaurants. “I didn’t expect it to be this spacious,” she confided. Besides Dan’s large office there were other executive offices all on one floor. The Publicity and Marketing departments took up another floor while Human Resources and Advertising were housed in a separate area. There were also areas for employee training and recipe testing.

  “We started out with just one floor above the restaurant and before long we were adding other departments,” Dan explained as they walked about. He introduced Kate to several of the department heads as well as his personal secretary, Grace Cole, and then steered her back to his office. “I have more than enough room here, as you can see. There’s also an adjoining conference room. I thought we’d get you started with your own desk in one corner of the conference room for the time being. Then we’ll see about getting you your own space. How does that sound?”

  She nodded, still bemused by the impressive scale of the restaurants’ business. “Dan, exactly how many Brookhouse restaurants are there in this chain?”

  “Let’s see,” he said slowly as he sat down at his enormous teakwood desk and started up his computer. “I can’t keep exact count, but I believe we have about one hundred and fifty-seven at the moment.” Turning to her he added, “We’ll start slowly with the Brookhouse Bistros, opening just one or two at the beginning to see how they work out. I have high hopes we’ll soon be able to expand quickly once we’ve ironed out any glitches.” Standing, he walked over to her, “We’ll be scouting for good locations shortly. I’d like you to be with me on these excursions. We’ll combine business with pleasure, the way we did on our California trip. What do you think?” He hoped she’d like the idea.


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