One Ride (The Hellions Ride)

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One Ride (The Hellions Ride) Page 12

by Camaron, Chelsea

  “It’s okay, Doll. It’s a sign of respect. We’re in their territory, my colors don’t belong here.”

  His touch, his voice, send tingles through me. As pissed as I may be, I’m not immune to Tripp.

  Pulling up to the gate, I look up into the security camera. We all have them, nothing to be shy about. Get in, handle business, and get out. Normally, we wouldn’t be allowed to come along as females, but given the nature of this ride, I’m sure my dad has made them aware, Tripp can’t leave me behind. After a few minutes waiting, a huge man comes to the gate. He’s tall, taller than Tripp who is already over six feet. He’s got dirty blonde hair with some crazy design shaved into it on the sides. He is by far the wildest looking biker I’ve ever seen. He approaches. He’s got ink down his right arm that’s in a detailed design that I don’t want to take my eyes off as he’s moving around.

  As he’s opening the gate, he looks over all of us. Walking up to Tripp, “Hellions,” is all he greets glancing over at me and Sass with questions dancing in his eyes.

  “Kraze, this is Delilah. And that’s Savannah, over with Rex.” Tripp answers as he’s pointing to us.

  The gate is opened, and we pull in. Parking the bikes, we get off. Nervous energy consumes me. I’ve been to rallies, events, but never to another compound. Walking in, it reminds me of our clubhouse. The building is different, but the feeling is the same. Against a bar, I can see a couple making out, the little I can see of the woman, she’s an exotic beauty. Boys are off to the side talking, drinking beers. Everything is just as it would be on any random day at our clubhouse.

  “Dyson, Tripp’s here.” The guy referred to as Kraze calls out.

  A hand comes off the beauty’s ass, to lift up one finger. Well, that’s Dyson then. Still looking around me, I see a man with a stone cold look to him. He’s got that serious demeanor that Tripp carries around. After a moment, he seems to sense we’re no threat and walks off down a hallway off the back of the room.

  The room feels charged with a different kind of energy. It’s like they are following our emotions and sensing things because although watching us, everyone seems to settle quickly with our presence. It’s like they know something we don’t or they are that confident in the hold they have over the Hellions. My dad doesn’t give other clubs that kind of power, so I’m thinking they sense this visit doesn’t affect them negatively, that it’s business.

  A woman walks in with short hair that is brown on top and pink on the bottom. Her confidence rolls off her in waves. Her clothes are skin tight, hugging every luscious curve of her body. She’s a pin up model walking. She walks over to Kraze, who immediately grabs her waist pulling her to him for a kiss. This is common at our club too, but right now it nags at me. Clawing at my insides, to stand here and know that I’ll never have that. It’s obvious in the features and actions of these men, those women aren’t club whores. No, those are ol’ ladies. Club whores are man handled and wouldn’t just be kissed, by now they’d be on their knees sucking someone’s dick.

  The first couple take a breather, breaking apart. Taking in Dyson, it’s obvious he and Kraze are twins only his ink adorns his left side versus the right of his brother. Dyson nods to Tripp as his sign that he should make his way over. I don’t move at first, unsure of where I’m supposed to be to stay out of the way. Tripp takes two steps, when I don’t follow suit, he grabs my hand, lacing our fingers together. The act comforts me and pisses me off as he pulls me close to him.

  Never releasing my hand, he gives a quick greeting to Dyson. Rex and Sass are right beside us. The serious man comes back to the room, showing no signs of any emotion whatsoever.

  Looking to me, Dyson introduces, “This is my ol’ lady, Siofra. Stay out here with her and Nikki, they’ll keep you company.” He’s pointing over at the pink haired woman as she smiles over to me.

  “Dyson, this is Delilah and Savannah.” Tripp makes quick introductions, pulling me closer. Kraze walks over, as does the serious faced man, who is introduced as Thorny. The atmosphere and members of the Shifters Pack all remind me of home and my Haywood’s Hellions.

  “Let’s take this to the office.” Dyson says. The guys all start to move away.

  Tripp pulls me to him, leaning down he brushes his lips against mine before sucking on my bottom lip. Frustrated, I fist his shirt at his chest. Normally, his cut would be there to grab, this feels so foreign. Pulling my mouth away from him, he brings his head down on my shoulder.

  Gritting my teeth, I whisper, “What the fuck are you doing?”

  His hand now rubbing my ass, he whispers, his breathing is heavy on my ear. “Tame it, Doll. Right now, I’m going in an office where I can’t watch you. The other assholes here need to know you’re taken. Behave yourself until I get back.” The last sentence ends with a pat on my ass.

  “Rex isn’t kissing Sass. You gonna pee on my leg to mark territory that isn’t fucking yours, Tripp?”

  Grabbing my head with both hands, he leans in forehead to forehead. “Tame it, Doll. I’ll be back. Don’t fuck around with anyone out here.”

  I push him off me and turn to Sass as he and the others walk out of the room and off to wherever. Siofra and Nikki are smiling at me when I turn to face them.

  “You can call me Fry and Nikki is Sparkles.” Siofra informs us, still grinning at me.

  “Fighting it hard.” Nikki says with an all knowing smile.

  “Nothing to fight. There’s nothing there.” Shrugging my shoulders, I try for nonchalance.

  “Tell yourself that all you want. When a biker sees a woman he wants, he stops at nothin’ to get her. And that biker wants you. With that small display of affection, he made sure none of our boys got any ideas while he’s tucked away. Whether you want to believe it or not, that one is claiming you.” Siofra says with a slight laugh.

  “He fucked some bitch just the other night in a hallway. He’s far from claiming anything other than a new piece of ass.” I retort, the hurt building back inside me.

  “He could fuck some bitch right here in front of you, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want you. It’s the world we live in. Until they know they have you, really have you, any willing whore is free game. Deep inside, you have to know this Delilah. Don’t kid yourself, there is something there whether you own up to it or not.” Nikki says walking to the kitchen to get a bottled water for each of us.

  Tripp claiming me, oh if she only knew what he really felt, or didn’t feel as it may be. We spend the next hour chatting. It feels like we’ve known each other for years, not just an hour. ‘Fry’ has been through a lot and came out on top of it all. There is a strength to both of these women that make them just as tough as the men of their pack.

  Seeing these girls happy as ol’ ladies solidifies that, yes, one day I do want this and I could have this. Would my dad be okay with me being with a Hellion? If Tripp really did want me, how would my dad handle that? Deny it all I want, part of me really does want something with Tripp, but I’ll never admit it.

  Walking back out to the common area, my chest tightens when I see Doll. She’s smiling and looking completely at ease here. This is what she knows, so of course, this is where she would feel most settled.

  A Shifter walks over to her and the other girls. He says something that causes her to playfully smack his arm. Jealousy, like I’ve never known before, courses through me. Picking up the pace in my stride, I wrap my hands around her waist from behind. Pulling her to me, her back to my chest, I nuzzle into her neck. Waiting for her to stiffen or reject me, I still. When she does neither, I rub my hand gently in circles over her belly.

  “Told you.” Siofra says to her and all four women fall into a fit of laughter.

  Dyson leans over Siofra kissing her, before taking her by the hand to pull her away. She stops quick enough to hug Sass. Doll pulls out of my arms to say goodbye to her new friends. I feel empty. Doll brings out things in me I’ve never felt before.

  The meeting with Dyson is cut and dry.
They have the details for the job and the payment. Another task on this trip is handled. Delatorre down, the tie in with the Mitchell bitch becoming clearer, the Shifter Pack paid, and Doll still safe.

  After the typical goodbyes, we climb back on the bikes and leave the compound. As soon as we cross the gate, I reach in my saddlebag and get my cut back on.

  Taking It All In Stride

  Tripp has a different look in his eyes now. He’s his usual serious self, but there is a void in his eyes when he looks at me. Something is going on back home because both Tripp and Rex are calling in more often. I wish they would give us an update, but even my dad hasn’t slipped me any information.

  As we cross another state line with no map, things are beginning to bug me. Okay, we fucked. I thought we had a deeper connection. Was I wrong? No, I didn’t misread what is going on between us. Tripp and I have an attraction there. Obviously, the thought of a long term relationship spooked him. Hell, up until I met Fry and Sparkles, the thought of a long term relationship would’ve sent me running.

  Tripp doesn’t want an ol’ lady. I get that. Why can’t we move past all this and be friends? I’m stuck on this ride with him. I don’t want to hate him and I’m sick of the distance between us. Fucking Carmine in the hallway was a good thing. It makes sure I have no illusions about a future with Tripp. He’s a good time, and this ride is a chance circumstance. When I get home, it’s time to settle down and get serious about my life.

  My dad will handle Delatorre. Once I’m safe, I can return home. Time to put my big girl panties on and have the talk with my dad we have both avoided. Can my dad accept if I want to be an ol’ lady? He’s chased away every guy I’ve ever brought home. It’s time he let go and realize I’m not a little girl anymore.

  Pulling in, I realize tonight we’re staying in Yellowstone National Park. If I could feel safe, this would be a nice stop. Road trips are always nice to take in scenery and such. On a bike it’s even more of an experience because you feel it surround you.

  I’m off the bike waiting for Tripp to finish his conversation with my dad. My worry must show on my face because he’s staring hard at me before he pulls me up against him.

  The smell of leather, gas, road, and Tripp mixes together in an aroma of comfort for me. His voice brings an ease over me, as he reassures me.

  “You’re safe, Doll. Things are being handled. Relax, that’s why we came here. Let the tension go.”

  With that, he pulls away. Grabbing my backpack while he grabs his bag from inside the saddle bags, I take a moment to breathe. Tripp will keep me safe. After the run in before, I know he won’t let anyone get to me. He takes my hand in his, interlacing our fingers, as we check in to the cabin we’ll be staying in.

  The cabin is small, more like a motel room, but in a separate building instead of wall to wall. Sass and Rex had to get their own cabin to share because the four of us wouldn’t fit comfortably in just one. The cabins are a basically one open room. Each cabin has one queen bed, a small living area, a kitchenette, and a bathroom in each. Not even a Jacuzzi tub, amenities may be lacking but the views are breathtaking. Immediately, I take a shower. Road grime does not feel good. I love the back of a bike, but the wind and air dry out your skin. Once I’m done, Tripp follows suit.

  We’re both in the sitting area. Tripp’s in the low slung sweat pants he usually sleeps in. His hair down and wet. His face is now sporting the rough look of days on the road without shaving.

  Rather than sit idle in awkward silence, I decide to do laundry. Going over to our bags, I remove the dirty clothes. There is a small stacked washer-dryer unit in the cabin, so I get started. Being on the road, I don’t know how often we will have access to washers so each stop that I can catch up, I do.

  “You don’t have to wash my clothes, Doll. I can do it when you’re finished.” Tripp says looking over at me.

  God, he’s hot. His tan skin, the dragon tattoo that wraps around his back and both his sides, they’re all screaming out to me. The dragon’s head comes up facing the eagle over his chest. The body coming across his back as the tail climbs up his ribs on the other side. The dragon’s body wraps under his Hellions insignia back piece. The eagle’s talon holds his heart and shield directly over his heart, but its large face and body come over his chest and shoulder. The intricate details leave a fierce look to the eagle’s eyes. It’s a look that draws me in. The longer I stare, the more I feel I’m drowning in the very being of Talon ‘Tripp’ Crews. Unable to take my eyes off him, I take in the tribal design covering his right shoulder and going all the way down his arm. Every piece is interwoven together, all protecting him in some way. Why, in all this time together, have I not taken the time to absorb the many details of the ink covering this sexy man? His left arm is covered in chains that are broken in places. The first broken place holds a baby rattle up by the eagle’s beak on his shoulder, the second broken place holds a pocket watch on his bicep, the third broken piece holds a heart with an arrow through it on his fore arm, and the final broken piece comes to the top of his wrist with a coffin.

  Lost in my thoughts and taking in the details, I don’t take in what Tripp is saying as he once again tells me not to do his laundry. He gets up and walks over to me. His pants hanging low, show the words that adorn each side of the ‘v’ of his legs and hips. His right side says ‘take chances’ with the left saying ‘no hesitations’. The words catch me off guard. Before I realize it, Tripp’s in front of me, his hands on my hips. I shudder at his touch.

  “Doll, about the hallway...with Carmine…I’m a jackass.” His eyes look directly at me as I gaze up to meet his stare. They hide his many emotions, and I wish I knew what was really going on in his head.

  “Tripp, it’s okay. I overreacted. We had a good time. We’re not in a relationship. You’re free to do what you want.” I manage to get out in a whisper.

  “Are we good? Friends?” He asks.

  “Friends.” I confirm with a small smile.

  He backs away and goes back to the small couch. We spend the evening chatting like old friends. He tells me about being a kid and going hunting with his grandpa and Rex. He never mentions his mom or dad, but talks about his grandma and Aunt Jolene. Before we realize it, we’re both yawning and trying to stay awake, as it’s after midnight. Going over to the bed, I climb in. Tripp is way too tall to fit comfortably on the couch.

  “Tripp, come get in the bed.” I invite turning the covers down on the other half of the bed.

  “Doll, that’s not a good idea.”

  “Why not? We’re friends, Tripp. You need sleep, real sleep, not tossing and turning barely resting. Your legs hang way over the end of the couch. Quit being stubborn and bring your ass to bed.” I smile over at him, as he gets up and makes his way to bed.

  At some point in the night, Doll ends up wrapped in me. I’m not sure if she climbed over me, or I pulled her onto me. Either way, I wake up with her blonde hair spread across my chest, as I lay on my back. Her arm is wrapped around my torso, her leg entwined in mine. I have one hand on her back and the other on her bare thigh from those damn short ass shorts she sleeps in, with the scrap of fabric that one might call a tank top.

  We agreed to be friends last night. Waking up like this, friendship is the last thing on my mind. I want my cock buried balls deep in her tight little cunt. Fuck! Tame it, Tripp. I’ve got to stop thinking of how good she felt, how tight she was, or how her body molds perfectly to mine.

  Shifting slowly out from under her, I get up. Taking a cold shower, I’m awake and my dick is only semi hard now. To get her mind off Delatorre and the drama, we’re going to spend the day taking in the sites here at Yellowstone, then head out tomorrow.

  Checking in with Roundman, Tank is stable, but still in a coma. The two others didn’t make it. The club is making arrangements to provide for the families of the four lost brothers, as well as the service arrangements. From what I gather, it was not easy to get to Delatorre and blood was shed on both sides
. The blow back seems minimal as Oscar Delatorre comes to terms with his son’s transgressions. Roundman has the Amy Mitchell chick in one of our safe houses, unsure as to what to do with her. Getting off the phone, my orders are to take my time coming home. Take Doll out to see some sites before we head back to allow more time for any consequences to come down before the girls return.

  Feeling Comfortable

  Spending our day on the trails, we were able to take in the geysers and all their natural beauty. Everything about being out with Tripp, Rex, and Sass today, felt so normal. We all laughed, joked, and had a good time. Putting aside the reason we’re here, it was as if we were four best friends on vacation together.

  Seeing Rex and Tripp together in a relaxed setting is fun. They razz each other much like brothers do and challenge one another in everything. The close bond the two share is obvious.

  After dinner, we head back to the cabins for an early night. Once we’re inside, Tripp brings in another bag from the bike. I’m sitting on the bed when he opens the bag and brings over a large clasped envelope. Handing it to me, I stare at him in confusion.

  “Open it.” He commands with his hands on his jean clad hips. His black t-shirt is stretching tight across his chest where his cut is resting comfortably.

  Doing as I’m told, I open the envelope. Dumping out its contents, I find the maps for Nebraska, Montana, and Wyoming. Tears prick behind my eyes, but I refuse to cry.

  “We can’t be predictable, Doll. We can’t make it a habit of stopping at each visitor center or at each state line somewhere. I know the maps are your thing, so I picked them up at the gas stations when paying for our gas while you used the restroom. I’m an ass, but this means something to you. I’ll always make sure you have what’s important to you.”


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