The Heat of Summer

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The Heat of Summer Page 3

by Melissa Tereze

  Wow, Prue thought. She loved honesty in a woman. Too many who’d been in her company over the last few years didn’t have that quality, but Summer did. Just as Prue had suspected.

  “And now I’m just going to leave.” Summer got to her feet, embarrassment sending her cheeks crimson. “Thank you for the cocktail.”

  “Don’t go.” Prue sat forward, aware that Summer wasn’t one to be pushed.

  “I should.”

  “I’d like it if you stayed.” Prue shifted forward again, dipping her head to meet Summer’s eyes. “What you’ve just said… I appreciate it.”

  That wasn’t the response Summer expected. Appreciation? Not good enough. “You appreciate it?”

  “It’s not often I come across someone so honest and frank, Summer.” Prue smiled. “You…you’re refreshing. Fun.”

  “Look, I’ve had a nice time here, but I’m not one for fooling around.” Summer backed up, shoving her hand in her bag. “I did this for you. Keep it or shred it. It’s entirely up to you.” She handed over the Manila envelope that housed the image she’d printed a few hours ago and turned on her heel.

  “Summer, wait!”

  Just keep walking. It wasn’t hard to do, but Summer found her legs defying her. She wanted to run, but instead opted for a fast-paced walk. Prue would never keep up with her in the heels she was wearing, and that right now was her saving grace.


  The sun beat down on Prue Michaels’ back, her tan rarely having the opportunity to fade. All morning, she had thought about going to the hotel, but something held her back. Five days ago, Summer walked out of her villa. Since then, there had been no sign of her at the hotel. She hadn’t checked out, Prue had already kept tabs with those comings and goings, but the beautiful blonde had avoided sunbathing by the pool…or on her terrace. Had she really offended Summer so much that she couldn’t truly enjoy her holiday any longer? Had she overstepped in some way?

  Prue had thought about obtaining Summer’s contact details, but she knew the issues that could cause. As much as she wanted to talk this through with her guest, she didn’t know where to begin. Prue Michaels wasn’t often lost for words, but this last week…she had been precisely that. Last night, as she took a walk around the complex, she contemplated knocking on Summer’s door. The place was illuminated, but she chose not to. Like a coward, Prue walked away…returning to her villa with zero answers as she had done the previous night.

  She sat up on her elbows, observing the canvas on the wall. When Summer left the villa suddenly, she found herself desperate to see what was inside the envelope in her hand. The image shocked her, how Summer had played with the lighting, ultimately choosing a black and white finish. Nobody had ever given Prue something so meaningful, and as she woke the following morning, she called a friend who offered to transfer it to a huge canvas. Some may call it vain on Prue’s part, but she found it beautiful. The attention to detail. The sharpness of every line. Exquisite is what it was.

  The woman behind the camera was intriguing, there was no doubt about that, but Prue would be a fool to ever think Summer would date her. From the moment the younger woman stepped through the sliding glass doors at the hotel, Prue found herself unable to look away. She knew she should, knew she should step back and keep to herself, but two weeks later…after spending every day watching Summer, she had to make herself known. Prue wasn’t stupid, she knew Summer had also been watching her, but with her brother and his kids staying at the hotel, she didn’t wish to make a complete idiot of herself. If Summer had turned her down, Prue would have crumbled.

  Ten years. It had been ten years since her last serious relationship. Prue didn’t need another woman in her life—she had more than got by without someone—but she did miss those days. Waking beside someone she cared deeply for. Sharing breakfast out by the pool. When Sarah walked away from their twelve-year relationship, Prue promised herself she would never commit to another. Her job, her business, it was the reason Sarah gave their relationship up. Prue wouldn’t put another woman through that…so she remained single.

  Now though? Now, Summer had her full attention. Whether this was a mistake or not, Prue needed to at least share dinner with Summer. Though Prue wouldn’t dream of taking Summer’s phone number from the records at the hotel, she had sneaked a peek at her passport copy they held on file. The beautiful blonde was twenty-six. Prue…forty-seven. I’m insane. Prue laughed, shaking her head. I’d be a complete idiot to chase her. While that may have been what she believed, it didn’t stop her from wanting to pursue Summer. To learn about her. To know her.

  Prue’s phone buzzed on the table beside the pool. Reaching for it, she glanced at the screen. “Vivian, how did it go?”

  “Miss Hastings wasn’t in her room. I’ve left a note.”

  “That’s fine.” Prue smiled. “And the room you’ve upgraded her to?”

  “The suite,” Vivian, the receptionist, said. “Correct?”


  “May I ask…?” Vivian started. “Why you’re offering our best room up to a guest?”

  “You shouldn’t ask…but she’s booked her stay for a total of four weeks. That’s a high price, Viv. I thought I’d thank her by offering her a free upgrade for the remainder of her stay.”

  “That’s very kind, Miss Michaels.”

  “Just doing my bit.” Prue rolled her eyes at how ridiculous she sounded. She never ‘did her bit’. She was a businesswoman and she didn’t get to where she was right now by handing out freebies. “It’s coming up to fifteen years since I opened the complex. It’s about time we said thank you.”

  “Is there anyone else you would like me to upgrade?” Vivian caught Prue off guard with her question.

  “Oh, no. Not at the moment.” Prue inwardly scolded herself. Why couldn’t it just be as simple as upgrading someone…no questions asked. Because they know you’re a bitch. Prue sighed. “I should go. I have a lot to do.”

  “Of course,” Vivian said. “Will you be requiring a table for dinner tonight?”

  “Yes!” The words shot from Prue’s mouth a little too enthusiastically. “Usual. Seven. Thank you.”

  “Excellent.” Vivian tapped away on the keyboard. “Will anyone be joining you?”

  “No.” At times, Prue would invite a woman to dinner, but it only ever resulted in a one-night stand. “Just me.”

  “See you tonight.”

  Prue ended the call, reaching over and placing her phone back down on the table. If she left earlier than planned, she may catch Summer. It wasn’t likely, it hadn’t happened all week, but just a glimpse of the photographer would be good enough for her. If the chance presented itself to speak just two words to her…she would grab it and run.

  Prue stood outside the restaurant, her arms spread out along the glass balcony. The walk from home had done her good this evening, preferring her flats over her heels. Casual, that’s what she felt tonight. Her hair pulled up into a tight, high bun, a linen ensemble her choice of clothing. She could dress up, hope that Summer would notice her, or she could enjoy dinner alone and leave once it was over. She chose the latter. It wasn’t realistic to sit around hoping that she could catch her attention. Summer may have said what she said, her reason for being at Prue’s villa, but it meant nothing. It meant nothing because there had been no follow on from her admission. Five nights later…it was wasted.

  “Miss Michaels?” A Spanish server cleared his throat. “Your table?”

  “Sí.” She smiled, nodding. “Gracias.” She followed him inside and took a seat, her usual bottle of red already waiting for her on the table.

  “Evening, Prue.” Julie waved, crossing the restaurant. “Enjoyable day off?”

  “Actually, yes.” Prue sipped her wine, her eyes scanning the room. “Steady tonight?”

  “So-so.” Julie set Prue’s menu down. “We have a lot of rooms coming to dinner around eight this evening.”

  “Mm. There has been a lot on in the old town
today. For the kids. That usually means a later dinner for most.”

  “Well, I’ll leave you to sit for a moment. I’ll be back to take your order…”

  “Julie?” Prue cleared her throat. “Has, uh…room 207 been down for dinner yet?”

  “No.” Julie offered a small, sympathetic smile. “Perhaps later?”

  “Sure, yeah.” Prue’s eyes focused on the menu in front of her, her hunger suddenly dissipating. This wasn’t a regular occurrence for her. This feeling she had. Summer was just another guest; she would do well to remember that.

  Prue relaxed back in her seat, placing her phone down to the side and out of the way. Dinner alone was her usual planned night, but she wished it could be different. Even just to have a friend who she could share dinner with. Of course, having her brother, niece, and nephew here had been respite from the miserable lonely life she led, but they’d gone back to the UK and she wouldn’t see them until next year. Perhaps after Christmas if they got lucky and work didn’t stand in the way of either of them.

  Prue placed her elbows on the table, her head now in her hands. I should really get out more. She had a few select friends out here in Spain, none to speak of back in the UK, but business often meant keeping people at arm’s length. Prue had been around long enough to know that trust was earned…and over the years, it was hard to come by.

  She lifted her head, sighing as she glanced at the door. The back of a familiar body took a seat in the window, short blonde hair glowing with a beach wave. Prue focused harder, willing Summer to turn around. Her plan was clearly to go unnoticed, as she never usually sat in that seat, so it left Prue wondering if even saying hello to her would be a mistake. Of course it would be. It was more than evident to Prue that Summer wanted zero interaction with her.

  The darkness provided an aspect of comfort to Prue as she sat outside close to the pool. Having chosen a dimmed section of the outdoor seating area, she sipped her wine, her eyes trained on the restaurant door. Summer, once again, had refrained from making any kind of contact with her. The more Prue thought about it, the less anything made sense. Did her choice of words some nights ago hurt Summer? I told her I appreciated her attraction to me. Prue scoffed, knowing full well that she could have handled that conversation better. Summer had opened up to her when she’d asked for her honesty…the least she could have done was return the favour.

  Prue held her breath as Summer left the restaurant, a sullen look on her face. Before it was too late, Prue opened her mouth to speak. “You’ve been avoiding me.”

  Summer followed the voice, squinting to make out Prue’s silhouette.

  “I’m sorry,” Prue said. “For whatever I’ve done.”

  “Y-You haven’t done anything.” Summer’s eyes softened as Prue sat forward. “And I haven’t been avoiding you.”

  “I thought you’d left the hotel,” Prue explained. “Only that I checked… I thought you’d packed up and gone.”

  “No.” Summer shook her head, motioning towards a spare seat. “May I?”

  “I wish you would.” Prue pulled out the chair, offering it to Summer.

  “I’m having issues with the flat I'm supposed to be renting.” Summer clasped her hands together on the table in front of her. “But I haven’t been avoiding you.”

  “What issues?”

  “It doesn’t matter.” Summer sighed. “I’ll figure it out. It’s just going to take me longer than I thought it would.”

  “Did you accept the upgrade?” Prue asked, knowing Summer had.

  “You shouldn’t have done that, but yes… I did, thank you.”

  “Do you need it for longer?” Prue’s eyebrow rose. “Until you find something permanent?”

  “Oh, I don’t think so.” Summer perked up, unclear about her future.

  “You don’t sound very convincing.” Prue leaned forward, her hand covering Summer’s. “If you need my help, you only have to ask.” She had officially gone insane. Offering to help a woman she knew nothing about…not her usual behaviour.

  “Can you provide me with an office and a dark room for my business?” Summer scoffed. “Preferably inside the flat I’d be renting?”


  “Funny.” Summer smiled sarcastically. “But not very helpful.”

  “What was funny about it? You asked me if I could provide you with what you need…and I told you I can.”

  Summer’s forehead creased, her head tilting as she tried to read the woman sitting in front of her. “You’re not serious…”

  “Very serious, actually.”

  “How could you possibly provide me with that?”

  “I have a separate area off my villa.” Prue shrugged. “It needs a fresh coat of paint and some furniture in it, but it also has an en suite, bath and shower, bedroom, living space, and a spare room.”

  “Right.” Summer’s hands grew clammy. “A-And, uh…” She didn’t know what to say to any of this. The woman she was trying to get off her mind had just offered her exactly what she needed.

  “Look, you don’t have to think about it right now.” Prue relaxed back in her seat, giving Summer the space she needed. “It’s not going anywhere, nor is the offer.”

  “And what kind of price would I be looking at? Monthly, weekly… I have savings that I could give you for an entire year’s lease?”

  “We don’t have to worry about that tonight, Summer.”

  “No, we do,” Summer said. “If I’m going to think about this, I need to know what I’m working with.”

  “What were you supposed to pay with the flat you were looking at?” Prue tapped her manicured fingernails on the table, business mode approaching. She didn’t want it to be this way, but it was apparently what Summer needed.

  “Five-seventy-five a month. Euro, I think.”

  “Okay, so we round it down to five-hundred and everyone is happy.”

  “Can I sleep on it?” Summer asked, apprehension in her eyes. “Just for tonight?”

  “Take all the time you need.”

  “Thank you.” For the first time in five days, Summer felt a weight lift off her shoulders. “Seriously.”

  “Stay and have a drink.” Prue motioned towards one of the servers who quickly rushed to her table. “Can I have another glass please, Román?”

  “Sí.” The young Spanish waiter smiled. “Inmediatamente.”

  Summer studied Prue’s eyes, seeing nothing but sincerity in them. They’re definitely silver. Summer smiled. “Just one drink.”

  “You do realise…” Prue leaned in closer, shifting her seat. “That I’m capable of keeping my hands to myself.”


  “I’m joking.” Prue’s hand settled on Summer’s knee, squeezing it. “You really have to learn to relax around me. I’ll use it to my advantage otherwise.”

  “R-Right, yeah.” Summer’s eyes landed on Prue’s hand and where it was positioned. God, it felt good to have the other woman touching her. Her attention on her. Just sharing this space. “I’m sorry I disappeared the other night.”

  “Me too.” Prue offered a sympathetic smile. “But as I said when you arrived, if you don’t enjoy being in my company…”

  “I do.” Summer’s hand suddenly landed on top of Prue’s. “I do like being in your company.”

  “Good.” Prue’s eyes switched from Summer’s to her lips, the intense blue too much for her to take having not seen Summer all week. “Really good.”

  “About that drink.” Summer cleared her throat. “I could really use that extra glass right now.”

  “You and me both.”

  “So, uh…”

  “Have dinner with me tomorrow night.” Prue rushed out the question, afraid that she wouldn’t ask it if she was given too long to think. “Please?”

  “Okay,” Summer agreed. It was the least she could do after what Prue had just offered her. “What time?”

  “Seven. My place…not here.”

  “Why not here?” Summer as
ked, contemplating the idea of Prue not wanting to be seen here with her guest.

  “Because I can’t give you my full attention here, Summer.” Prue smiled fully. “And I want to do exactly that.” Her fingertip ghosted across the back of Summer’s hand. Her skin so soft. “No work. No business calls. Just you and I sharing dinner.”

  “Just you and I,” Summer murmured, her eyes trained on Prue’s. Those eyes…she could get lost in them for the rest of her life. “Sounds…nice.”

  “It will be.” Prue lifted Summer’s hand, placing a kiss to her knuckles. “I promise.”


  Summer stopped the taxi a short walk from Prue’s villa. All day, her heart had beat hard in her chest, the prospect of spending time alone with a particular hotel owner the cause. There was no denying that she was attracted to Prue, but something felt off about her. She seemed too blasé about everything, often teasing and joking whenever they spoke. Summer would like to believe that it meant something, but she also couldn’t rule out the potential of Prue wanting a night of heat and passion. As much as Summer wanted in on that possibility, she wasn’t sure she could give Prue that…only to walk away at the end of the night. If something happened tonight, Summer would grow attached. It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, not really, but the thought of touching Prue, hearing her moan…and never having that again with her, it hurt. Nothing had happened but it still hurt.

  Summer was getting her hopes up, that much was clear, but she would share dinner with Prue tonight and then go back to the hotel. It wasn’t hard to do. Perhaps while she was here, she could take a look around the space she was offering Summer. It made sense if she was going to take her up on her offer.

  This morning, she’d spoken to Jade briefly, explaining what was on the table. Jade told her she would be stupid to turn it down, and in her heart, Summer knew she was right. She could continue to look for a run-down old flat on the strip, or she could enjoy the incredible views from the grounds of Prue’s home. She probably wouldn’t be around that often anyway; Prue was always at the hotel, so it wouldn’t be like they would be stepping on one another’s toes.


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