The Heat of Summer

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The Heat of Summer Page 10

by Melissa Tereze

  “That’s the same thing, no?”

  “Well…” Prue cleared her throat. “I, uh…”

  “This is all too much for me.” Summer laughed nervously, trying to remain calm. “I just…you own a strip club.”

  “Does that bother you?” Prue really needed Summer to be on board with this. She understood that people had different opinions and interpretations of such places, but Prue would never allow any of her girls to come to any harm. “Me…owning the club.”

  “You allow women to be exploited, Prue,” Summer said, her voice void of any emotion or respect for the woman sitting beside her. “They work for you while putting themselves in danger.”

  “I’d never hurt them.”

  “And the sex?” Summer’s eyebrow rose. “Does that happen behind some curtain in a seedy back room?”


  “Sure it doesn’t.” Summer scoffed. “You turn women into whores.”

  “That’s what you really think?” Prue’s voice wavered. “That those women who choose to strip are whores?” Prue had heard this time and time again, but she thought Summer was different. She thought Summer could accept every part of her, but she was wrong. Summer remained silent, simply staring at Prue. “I guess this has just put a stop to everything once and for all, huh?”

  “I know I don’t know a single thing about you, but I didn’t expect this.” Summer lowered her eyes, devastated by this news. “Are you a mistress?”

  Prue laughed from deep within her belly, another question which she’d been asked before. “No.” Prue paused. “Summer… I know this is a lot to take in, and I know not everybody is accepting of that lifestyle, but I own the club. It’s not who I am. At least, not anymore.”

  “Not anymore?” Summer’s head shot up, worry evident in her eyes. “What does that mean?”

  “I don’t think it’s important right now.” Prue sat back, relaxing into the leather couch. “What’s important is that we discuss the fact that you’re here and willing to leave.”

  “I should.” Summer smiled faintly. “I don’t need to be in Spain.”

  “But you want to be here, don’t you?”


  “Then stay.” Prue reached out her hand, squeezing Summer’s knee. “Look, I know I’ve blown this with you. I could see it in your eye’s moments ago. But that doesn’t mean you can’t be successful here. I can disappear. I can get on with my life and allow you to do the same.” Prue’s words fell short of any emotion. If she brought emotion into it, she would be on her hands and knees begging Summer to see past the club, Rochelle…everything.

  “I have to be out of the hotel in the morning.” Summer shrugged. “And I really don’t have the energy to find somewhere to live.”

  “The annexe is still yours if you want it,” Prue said. “It will always be yours for as long as you need it.”

  “I appreciate that, but I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

  “I promise I won’t be around.” Prue’s heart weighed heavy. “As much as I don’t want this to be over, not that it ever started, I will respect what you want and the space you need.”

  Summer was torn. She hated what she’d learned tonight, but she still held a flame for Prue. How could she not? The woman had been everything Summer didn’t know she wanted since the moment they met. Respectful. Kind. Sweet. How was it that the very same person who’d made Summer’s heart flutter…owned a strip club? None of this made any sense. She knew Prue was in a different league to her, knew the woman oozed confidence and dominance, but this was a blow. One that had hit her with the weight of a thousand bricks.

  “Whatever you decide, I hope everything works out for you,” Prue said, sitting forward and taking her coffee cup. “I’ll get out of your way. You have some decisions to make.”

  Out of the way? Summer was sitting in Prue’s living room, yet Prue was willing to give her some space. Did the strip club really matter? In this moment, Summer wasn’t sure anymore. Fuck. She gritted her teeth, pissed off with the idea of once again not knowing if she was coming or going. She really had to get out of this mentality of being undecided, it only made her head hurt.

  “No, stay.”

  Prue stopped at the patio doors, one foot out on the stone floor.

  “I don’t know anything about you.”

  Her hand on the doorframe, Prue dropped her head on her shoulders. “I have no secrets, Summer. Anything you want to know, I’ll tell you,” she said. “Just…not tonight.”


  Prue woke to complete silence throughout her home. Her neck stiff from sleeping in an upright position all night, she felt a weight in her lap. Moving as slowly as possible, she glanced down to find Summer…sleeping with her head on her thigh. As much as she loved the vision she’d woken to, her heart didn’t feel the same way. Summer had made it perfectly clear last night that she abhorred Prue’s second business venture, the fear now that she would never possibly change that opinion. They’d spoken briefly last night once Summer had asked her to stay, not a lot said between them, but Prue couldn’t remember how they’d come to be in this position this morning. Summer cried, Prue did too, but waking together wasn’t expected. Yet here she was, with Summer Hastings in her home as the sun peeked over the volcanoes in the distance.

  Prue checked the time, squinting as she brought her watch closer to her face. Six am. She should move. Summer was likely to hit the roof when she woke up, but she never wanted this moment to end. In the weeks since she’d met Summer, this was all she’d wanted. Time together. Alone. Being with one another. Unfortunately, it was about to turn to shit like it had on every occasion they’d met. Prue didn’t know how to remedy this situation between them, but she knew Summer should be woken. She had a flight to catch, and Prue wouldn’t be responsible for her missing it. Regardless of how much she never wanted her to leave.

  “Summer…” Prue nudged her gently, tears in her eyes.


  “You have to get up now.” Prue shifted slowly, unable to bear the thought of saying goodbye to this woman once and for all. “Y-You have to leave for the airport.”

  “Shit!” Summer shot up, groaning as her body came alive. “What happened? Why am I still here?”

  “I-I don’t know.” Prue ran her hands down her thighs, blowing out a deep breath. “I think we just fell asleep.”

  “What time is it?”


  “Crap. I have to go.” Summer stood, brushing herself down, her clothing creased. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep here.”

  “It’s okay.” Prue closed her eyes, turning away from Summer as she backed up towards the door. “Safe flight, okay?”

  “Y-Yeah.” Summer’s voice broke. “And um…thanks, Prue. For being a friend while I was here.”

  “A friend.” Prue nodded, her heart shredding with every beat. “Yeah. You’re welcome.”

  Prue climbed to her feet, moving into the kitchen and preparing a pot of coffee. Summer was still in her home, she could feel her presence, but it didn’t matter. In a few hours, she would be on a flight back to the UK. In the next ten seconds, Prue would fall apart…she could already feel herself falling into the abyss.

  “I should go.”

  Prue refused to meet those soft blue eyes. “Bye then.”

  The tannoy system called for the nine am flight throughout the airport. Final call, Mr Brookes to gate two. People rushed around, suitcases catching the ankles of owners, mothers running on their final ounce of patience. Life…it flowed as it always did, but Prue’s didn’t. Since Summer had left her villa this morning, Prue felt as though she was falling apart. She had business to tend to, but she couldn’t bring herself to do anything other than seek Summer out. Before she left Tías, Prue had things she wanted to say. Things she should have said last night before she opened her mouth and made Summer aware of the strip club. To Prue, it didn’t matter. It was simply a business venture. Deep down, she cared more than that�
��but if Summer asked her to sever all ties with such a place, she would do it. Again, she had no explanation for that, but she knew she would.

  Prue checked the clock at the top left-hand corner of the departures board. Summer should be here by now. She couldn’t have missed her—Prue had been here since eight. If she had missed her, she would be booking her own flight to the UK. Prue didn’t like that possibility, but it was one she had to bear in mind. If Summer had already passed through her gate, Prue would have no other choice. She did the only thing she could: she called the hotel.

  “Vivian, it’s Prue.”

  “Miss Michaels.”

  Prue shifted from left to right, her heels and the humidity of the early morning warring with one another. “Did Summer Hastings check out yet?”

  “Yes,” Vivian said. “It must have been around an hour ago…”

  “O-Oh.” Prue frowned. “Okay, thank you.” She quickly ended the call, her mind now frantic with worry. The airport was only fifteen minutes from the hotel, so where was Summer? Prue couldn’t have missed her. She refused to believe it. “Damn it!”

  Prue shoved her phone into her handbag, tugging the strap up on her shoulder. She trained her eyes on the crowd around her, staying close to the gate she knew Summer would be at. Oh, God. I hope she’s okay. Prue’s mind went into overdrive, every scenario playing over. Was Summer hurt? Had she been involved in an accident? Prue knew it was unlikely, sure that she would have heard about an accident, but those thoughts still shocked her to the core. She needed air. Regardless of how humid it was outside, Prue needed to be out of the confines of the airport.

  Her phone vibrated in her bag. She took it in her hand, finding Vivian’s personal number flashing. “Hello?”

  “Prue, is everything okay with you?”

  “Of course, why?” Prue clenched her jaw when the tannoy sounded.

  “Are you at the airport?” Vivian asked. “Are you going somewhere?”

  “No, not at all.” Prue sighed. “Just had something I needed to see to.”

  “Did you find her?”

  “W-Who?” Prue didn’t like this. Her employees shouldn’t know about her personal life—that was her number one rule.

  “Miss Hastings.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Prue spat. “I was meeting someone for business.”

  “Prue…” Vivian cleared her throat. “I know you are my boss first and foremost; I understand that, but I would like to think that I’ve worked for you long enough to be considered a potential friend if you ever needed one…”

  “I’ve no idea where you’re going with this…” Prue weaved through the crowd heading inside the terminal, the sun almost visible.

  “I’ve seen how you look at her.”


  “Prue.” Vivian sighed. “You have been attached to this hotel since the day you bought it. We all admire you and respect you for that, but since Summer checked in, you’ve been different. Happy.”

  “You’re digging a hole, Viv.”

  “And you’re avoiding what I’m saying.”

  Prue’s eyebrows rose, the tone of Vivian’s voice startling her. Agitated. Annoyed. Sick of Prue’s miserable life. Join the club, sister. “Look, whatever you think you saw, you didn’t. I’d appreciate it if you remembered that.”

  “Okay, as you wish.” Vivian sighed. “But I’m going to give you my opinion anyway.”

  “Must you?”

  “Go and be happy, Prue.”

  Prue froze, her lips twitching into a smile not only from Vivian’s opinion, but from the vision further down the walkway. Summer was sitting alone on a bench, her luggage resting beside her.

  “I have to go…”

  “I know.” Something told Prue that Vivian was smiling. “I hope everything works out for you.”

  The call cut out, but Prue’s phone remained against her ear. She wanted to move, wanted to be by Summer’s side, so why didn’t her legs cooperate? And, why did she have tears falling down her face? Prue shook herself from her emotion, willing her body to move. So long as words came out of her mouth once she reached Summer, nothing else mattered.

  As Prue approached, Summer stood up, lifting the handle on her suitcase and turning towards the entrance.

  “Wait!” Prue quickened her pace. “Summer!”

  “W-What are you doing here?” Summer wiped tears from her face, shocked that Prue had come to say goodbye. This woman surely had better things to do. “Shouldn’t you be off in the sun somewhere?”

  “Without you?” Prue cocked her head, a smile forming, her face damp with tears. “I’m not sure I want to experience that without you ever again.”

  “You came here for me?” Summer’s forehead creased, a laugh falling from her mouth. “Why would you do that?”

  “I’ve never chased anyone. I’ve never wanted to.” Prue pulled Summer away from the double doors, a fear that she would run settling deep within her. “I want to know you. I want you to know me.” Prue took Summer’s suitcase from her hand, pushed it to one side and moved closer, their bodies colliding. “I don’t know why I feel so compelled to chase you, Summer. But I need to figure it out with you in my life, not in another country.”

  Summer’s eyes closed, a tear slipping down her cheek. In all honesty, she should have been out of tears by now. From the moment she left Prue’s villa this morning, they hadn’t stopped. When she arrived at the hotel, she was so distraught that Vivian checked in with her at her suite.

  “I know you don’t like the business side of me, I don’t either, but I’m so much more than a strip club owner.”

  “I don’t care about that.”

  “You do.” Prue’s hand settled on Summer’s cheek, caressing it softly. “But you have every right to.”

  “No.” Summer shook her head slightly. “I thought I did. I thought that alone would deter me from ever wanting to see you again…”


  “But I’ve just sat out here for almost an hour wondering why I never kissed you. How I never kissed you. Why I never spent the evening in your arms.”

  “Yeah?” Prue’s voice broke. “And did you figure it out?”

  “I’m scared. Terrified, even.”

  “You have no reason to be scared, Summer.” Prue held Summer against her, pressing a kiss to her hair. “There is no pressure here. That’s the beauty of Tías. The beauty of me. Us.”

  “You have so much beauty…” Summer sighed. “So much that I honestly don’t know what I’m doing in your life.” It was time to be completely honest. “My fear is that you will see I’m not like you, I’m not successful or out there yet…and you’ll turn me down. If I fall for you Prue, I don’t think I could handle losing you.”

  “Oh, honey.” Prue pulled back, staring directly into Summer’s teary blue eyes. “I’m far from perfect, but I accepted that a long time ago. You, though? You’ve made me feel alive for the first time in far too long to remember. I’m willing to try…if you are.” Prue watched Summer for a moment, blessed to have made it to her in time. “Nothing in life is ever perfect, relationships included, but you’re so worth the risk for me.” Prue appreciated Summer’s concerns; they mirrored her own. “I have just as much to lose.”

  “How long has it been?” Summer asked, aware that she could be overstepping. “Since your last relationship?”

  “Ten years.”

  “No way.” Summer shook her head. “How could someone like you be single for ten years.”

  “The same as you,” Prue said. “I spent ten years being scared to give my heart away again.”

  “What changed?”

  “You.” Prue curled her fingers under Summer’s chin, tilting her head back. “You booked into that damn hotel and I didn’t know what I was doing anymore.” Without another word, Prue lowered her head, Summer’s laboured breath washing over her lips. “And I’m really done with wondering how you taste. How you feel. Who you are…” Summer’s lips p
arted, inviting Prue closer. Their lips slowly connected, the airport and the people around them disappearing. Nothing mattered in this moment. Summer was here, she was kissing her, and Prue could die happy today. “We should go.” Prue pressed her forehead against Summer’s. “Please?”

  “Okay.” Summer closed her eyes. “To where?”

  “Home, but first give me your phone.” Prue held out her hand.

  Summer frowned, handing it over. “What do you want it for?”

  “To add my number.” Prue glanced up momentarily before tapping away on the screen. “I still don’t have yours, but I definitely want it.”

  Summer stood in the doorway of the annexe, her suitcases standing beside the bed. It didn’t matter that she’d missed her flight. Prue had kissed her, her entire world crashing around her as she did. Prue’s lips were soft, not demanding. The perfect pressure applied, Summer could have melted to the floor in a split second. She’d imagined it, wondered time and time again, but no imagination could come close to the actual sensation of Prue’s lips on her own. Feather-like. Silk. Just like her touch.

  She should unpack. Summer hated leaving her belongings lying around unorganised, but she craved Prue’s lips. This was what she’d worried about all those weeks when they tiptoed around one another. That craving. The inability to function without another person. Summer had done well to recover from losing Bryony, but in this moment… Bryony was a distant memory. So distant that she wondered if they’d ever been together. Lived together. Shared a life. Prue Michaels was all she saw when she closed her eyes…her old life fading as the seconds passed. The life she didn’t want to remember. Summer rarely had regrets, but today…once Prue had kissed her, she wished she’d come to Tías a long time ago. The years wasted sitting around at home, she could have been here delighting in everything Prue was.

  “Do you need anything?” Prue appeared behind her, causing Summer to jump a little. “Toiletries, anything?”

  “No. I can go out tomorrow and top up what I’m low on.”

  “Are you sure?”


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