The Heat of Summer

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The Heat of Summer Page 15

by Melissa Tereze

  “Okay, stop.” Summer shot to her feet, shaking her head. “I’d never expect you to do that.”

  “I know. I’m just saying that I would, if you wanted me to.”

  “Why do you still do it?”

  “Pole dancing?” Prue arched an eyebrow. “Exercise. Keeps me flexible.”

  “So, you don’t dance at the club?” Summer placed her hand over her chest, relieved.

  “No, never. Only when it’s closed during the day.” Prue stood, stepping closer to Summer who looked as though she was about to panic. She took her hand, pulling their bodies closer. “I told you that wasn’t my life and I meant it. I’d never lie to you.”

  “No, I know.” Summer felt ridiculous for having a moment of worry. Prue was her own person, free to do as she pleased. “Just… I’d worry about you.”

  “That’s really very sweet, but I’m not a dancer, Summer. I haven’t been in over twenty years.”

  “I know. You said you still danced occasionally so I panicked. Just…never mind. I’m being ridiculous.”

  “Would it be an issue if I was still a dancer?” Prue dipped her head, meeting Summer’s eyes as she attempted to lower them. “Be honest with me…”


  “Okay.” Prue nodded. “Care to explain why?”

  “Seriously? You want me to explain why you being a stripper would be a problem?” A laugh fell from Summer’s mouth unintentionally. “I didn’t think we’d be having this conversation any time soon.”

  “Dancer.” Prue shrugged. “Enlighten me.”

  “It just would be,” Summer said. “I’d forever worry about you. I couldn’t sit at home knowing you were out there doing…that.”

  “Because it disgusts you.”

  “Because it terrifies me,” Summer corrected. “This conversation is pointless. If you were still a strip—dancer, I wouldn’t have ever met you, so it doesn’t really matter.”

  “Okay.” Prue held up her hands. “Just wanted to know how you felt about it. Relax.”

  “Sorry.” Summer blew out a deep breath, a sheen of sweat forming on her brow though it was a windy night on the strip. “I didn’t mean to offend you.”

  “Hey, I’m okay with you hating it.” Prue curled her fingers under Summer’s chin, drawing her into a kiss. “It’s not a big deal.”

  “You don’t disgust me,” Summer whispered against Prue’s mouth. “You’re beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” Prue caressed Summer’s cheek. “But that’s not what I asked you.”

  “Can we forget it was ever mentioned?” Summer asked, no longer imagining Prue in sexy lingerie while dancing in her lap. “Please?”


  “Glass of wine?” Summer pulled out of Prue’s embrace, taking her hand and tugging her away from the beach wall. “Then we’ll head back…”

  “A glass of wine would be welcome, but we don’t have to drink if you don’t want to…”

  “No, I’d like to enjoy a glass with you.”

  “Then I know the perfect place.”

  Summer tapped her foot, enjoying the soft sounds of the jazz band on the small stage in front of her. A slight breeze flowed through the hidden bar, only a handful of people dotted around her and Prue. She smiled, turning her attention to the elegant woman beside her. Prue had everything possible going for her in terms of looks, but it was her heart and her intellect that intrigued Summer more than anything. Of course, she would watch on in delight when Prue lay around the pool in her bikini, but it was hard not to. Prue Michaels possessed every possible power when it came to women and Summer wasn’t exempt from that. If she was being honest, she wasn’t sure she’d want to feel less of that control Prue emanated. It only made her all the more gorgeous every time she looked into those silvery grey eyes.

  Prue sensed Summer watching her. “Everything okay?”

  “Perfect.” Summer relaxed back, sighing. “Maybe we could order another bottle?”

  “You’re sure?” Prue leaned in, her hand settling on Summer’s.

  “I’m sure. This place is too good to leave yet.”

  “More wine it is then.” Prue smiled. “Unless you wanted to try one of their cocktails? They’re impressive.”

  “As impressive as yours?” Summer moved closer, her hand shifting to Prue’s barely covered thigh. She’d opted for a little black dress tonight, a little black dress that had Summer’s mind in overdrive.

  “Oh, I don’t know about that.” Prue pressed a kiss to Summer’s nose. “Be right back.”

  Prue disappeared to the bar area, slipping behind it with ease and talking to the bar owner. Taking two glasses from the shelf, Summer watched her meticulously prepare cocktails for them both in the shaker ready and waiting on the counter. Whisky, Malibu, various liqueurs and juices… Summer wondered if she’d still be standing by the end of the night. Prue glanced her way, winking as she poured the liquid into long glasses. Saying something to the owner, she rounded the counter and approached Summer, refreshing drinks in her hands.

  “Okay, are you trying to get me on my back?” Summer asked, taking a glass from Prue.

  Prue smirked. “Wouldn’t be hard.”

  “I saw everything you put in these.”

  “Just try it.” Prue smiled into a kiss. “You won’t be disappointed.”

  Summer sipped her cocktail, the tang of the orange and pineapple juice overpowered by the whisky and run. “Phew. Jesus!”

  “That, beautiful…is sex on my face.”

  “Oh, my God.” Summer’s eyes widened. “That’s the cocktail you told me about the night I came to the villa.”

  “It is. I knew I’d get one down you eventually. What do you think?”

  “Actually, I love it.”

  “Mm, the drink…” Prue paused. “Or the idea of the title?”

  “Both?” Summer quirked an eyebrow. “I mean, both would be hard not to love.”

  “You should probably drink up.” Prue squeezed Summer’s thigh, setting her body on fire. “I have somewhere to be, and so do you.”

  “Interesting.” Summer sipped, moaning as the burn travelled down her throat. “I think it’s going to be hard to top this drink, babe.”

  “Is that a challenge?” Prue crossed her legs, inserting her dominance as her posture straightened. “Because I love a challenge.”

  “Maybe it is.” Prue noted the playfulness in Summer’s eyes, enjoying it more and more as it became a common theme between them. “Just hope I’m not disappointed.” Summer sighed, a smile twitching at her lips as she turned her head away from Prue.

  “I’ll never disappoint you.” Prue brushed Summer’s hair from the side of her neck, inhaling the soft scent of her shampoo. “Never.” Tugging Summer’s earlobe between her teeth, a low moan rumbled in Prue’s throat. “Tonight… I’m going to make you feel the best you’ve ever felt.”

  “Y-Yeah?” Summer’s eyes closed, arousal pooling between her thighs.


  “N-No,” Summer stuttered. “Just… God, you’re something else.”

  “We should really leave soon.” Prue squirmed in her seat.


  The tip of Prue’s tongue trailed up the outside of Summer’s ear, her voice painfully low. “Because if we don’t, I’m going to fuck you under this table.”


  Summer stumbled up the gravel path, one of Prue’s arms wrapped around her for support. She wasn’t drunk, not at all; she’d just purely enjoyed fantastic company in a relaxed, calm environment. With Prue, she would happily share drinks a few times a week. It wasn’t the kind of night where shots had been almost rammed down her throat, the pressure to have a ‘good night’ with Jade—it had just been quiet. Pleasant. The sound of keys jangling only helped to grow Summer’s impatience. Prue had been teasing her for the last hour, relentlessly, and Summer was more than done with waiting. Things had gotten heated in the pool earlier after dinner, but they’d somehow managed to contr
ol themselves. Tonight, Summer had zero plans to ‘manage’ anything at all. She wanted Prue, there were no two ways about it.

  The door opened and Summer lost all of her senses. Pulling Prue against her, their lips met in a fiery dance of passion and complete want. Both tongues fought for dominance—hands too—but Prue won on that front, kicking the door shut and pinning Summer’s hands above her head against it.

  “You really think this is going to go your way?” Prue smirked, sucking Summer’s bottom lip into her mouth, releasing it with a pop. “No way.”

  “Babe, please.” Summer took full advantage of the fact Prue’s thigh was between hers. “Fuck, I really need more.” She ground down, disappointed when Prue shifted away from her slightly.

  “And you’ll get more.”

  Prue dragged her away from the door, her grip remaining around Summer’s wrists. Backing her up against the kitchen counter, she stripped Summer’s dress from her body, taking a moment to watch her ample chest heave.

  “No underwear?”

  “N-No.” Summer shuddered, the sensation of Prue’s fingertips across her lower stomach only tipping her arousal over the edge.


  “Thought I’d make it easier for you.” Summer watched Prue’s eye colour change, her pupils dilated.

  “Sit down.” Prue motioned towards a dining room chair, surprised when Summer immediately cooperated. “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes.” Summer didn’t hesitate. She couldn’t. “I trust you.”

  “Good.” Prue leaned down, placing her hands on the armrests of the chair, and kissed Summer softly.

  “Why am I sitting h—?”

  Prue silenced Summer, placing her finger against pink lips. “You’ll find out.”

  Prue disappeared, leaving Summer alone and wary. Shifting, she felt the wetness between her legs. The teasing back at the bar had been the cause of it, but Summer wouldn’t complain. She’d never been this aroused. It was just another thing to add to the growing list of what she loved about Prue. How she didn’t hold back. How she communicated exactly how she felt and what she wanted. If Summer hadn’t backed off in the beginning, she may have experienced this side of Prue sooner…and much more.

  Heels slowly clicked against the marble tiled floor, Summer’s heart stopping momentarily. She held her breath, anticipating Prue’s next move, but she came up blank. She had no idea what this woman was about to do, but it wasn’t fear she felt—it was unimaginable pleasure.

  “Arms behind.” Prue bent down behind Summer, bringing her lips to her ear. “Please…”

  Summer did as she was instructed, Prue’s perfume sending her dizzy. A material was draped over her wrists. Soft, velvet-like. As it tightened, it was a comfortable tension. If she could have possibly mistook her arousal for something else before, this moment had just confirmed exactly that. She’d seen the restraints attached to Prue’s bed. She wasn’t blind and she certainly wasn’t stupid. It was no secret that Summer had perceived Prue to be dominant, but she was now thrilled that she’d read her right. Something had always attracted Summer to strong, powerful women, but she hadn’t ever imagined she would be tied to a chair in the home of one.

  The sudden sound of R&B played around the villa, low, sensual beats luring Summer deeper into Prue’s world. When Prue appeared in front of her, her hair falling down her back like silk and sexy black lingerie covering her body, Summer’s breath caught in her throat.

  “I saw that look in your eyes earlier this evening.” Prue suddenly straddled Summer’s legs, arching her back and grinding in her lap to the beat of the music. “You can deny it, but for a split second, you thought about this moment.”

  “Holy shit.” Summer took her bottom lip between her teeth, her eyes fixed on Prue’s striking cleavage as she rolled her body against Summer. “Fuck, you’re amazing.”

  “This…” Prue reached behind her, unhooking her black bra. “…is only for you. It will only ever be for you.”

  “Babe.” Summer looked up, meeting Prue’s eyes. “As much as I absolutely love this moment, you don’t have to do this.”

  “I’ve never done this for anyone else. What does that tell you, Summer?” Prue’s lips trailed Summer’s neck.

  “That you want to.” Summer instinctively pulled at the material holding her wrists in place. “God, I want to touch you.”

  “No touching.” Prue pressed her forehead against Summer’s, moaning as she forced her centre down against her. “Not yet.”

  Prue knew exactly what she was doing. A few more minutes of this and Summer would beg her. For anything and everything. The more she dragged it out, the harder Summer would come. As they sat in a cosy bar this evening, it was exactly how Prue wanted her night to end. She had doubted this outcome once on the way home, but Summer knew she would never hurt her. There was no hesitation in Prue’s mind about that.

  “Please?” Summer stared directly into Prue’s eyes, leaning forward as much as the restraints would allow. If she couldn’t touch Prue, she at least needed to kiss her. “Babe.” Summer sighed when Prue pulled away.

  “You’re going to need a little patience around me, Summer.” Prue shifted back in her lap, the flat of her tongue gliding over Summer’s nipple. Prue felt her quake, Summer’s thighs trembling when she repeated the action, only to suck the bud into her mouth.

  “Oh, fuck!” Summer’s head fell back on her shoulders, the inability to move freely both frustrating and hot. Prue had her right where she wanted her, a quivering mess locked away in the villa. Yes, this was definitely frighteningly hot. This wasn’t Summer. Bound to a chair. Completely naked before another woman. Feeling free. Of course, she had fantasised about being tied up—she was sure most people felt the same—but this hadn’t been in her plans. No way.

  “Mm, I need more.” Prue travelled down Summer’s stomach, dropping to her knees and gripping her thighs. “Spread for me, baby.”

  Summer obliged, eagerly. If doing as she was told meant that Prue could touch her, she would happily follow instruction.

  Prue worked her mouth up Summer’s inner thigh, delighting in her sweet scent. She was no stranger to women, or their anatomy, but Summer was the best she had ever tasted. The greatest she had ever felt. Everything that led to this moment had been worth it, that was the complete truth. Summer Hastings would be forever imprinted in her mind. On her skin. On the tip of her tongue.

  She separated velvety, swollen folds with her thumbs, blowing gently against Summer’s clit. The gasp Prue received encouraged her to repeat the movement. Gripping Summer’s hips, she pulled her ass closer to the edge of the chair and lifted her legs over her shoulders.

  Prue plunged her tongue inside Summer, arousal coating it as she hummed her approval. “Fuck.” Prue rested back on her knees, gaining a little oxygen. “You taste like heaven.”

  Summer remained speechless, her chest heaving and her mouth open. She had nothing to say to Prue—she was all out of words. This life she was currently living had her struggling for an explanation most days, but Prue had just taken things to a whole other level. The intensity in the room was almost too much to take.

  Fingertips trailed up and down Summer’s thigh, Prue returning to her position between her legs. Once again, they trembled. Summer was unable to control her arousal, her impending orgasm. She wanted to. She wanted to keep going all night long for Prue, but the desperate need to feel her release was becoming too excruciating. If she complained, Summer knew Prue would edge her all night long. If she so much as hinted at coming undone, it wouldn’t happen.

  A single finger dipped inside her, curling and hitting the spot that would have her coming in the next five seconds. No sooner had she felt it, it disappeared again. Prue was teasing—she was incredible at doing so—but Summer needed more. She needed to be taken harder than anyone had ever taken her.

  “P-Prue,” Summer panted, two fingers now buried deep inside of her. “F-Fuck, yes.”

  “Mm, feel good?”

  “O-Oh.” Summer’s head fell back once again, the sensation of Prue’s fingers and tongue forcing her closer to the edge. “P-Please…” Summer cried. “Please let me come.”

  Prue’s entire world shattered. Nobody had ever begged her to allow them to come. Nobody had ever been so exposed in front of her. Prue wanted to draw this out, she wanted Summer to feel an immense amount of pleasure, but she couldn’t do this to her any longer. This wouldn’t be the end, not by a long shot, so Prue did what she really wanted to do. She climbed to her feet, braced one hand on the dining table behind Summer, and sunk deeper inside of her.

  “Of course you can, beautiful.” Prue set a steady pace, the sound of sex filling the villa as Summer moaned…her wetness more than evident. She placed her thumb against Summer’s clit, her rhythm impeccable and in line with every rock of Summer’s hips. “Mm, just like that.” Summer’s walls clenched Prue’s fingers. “Fuck. Come for me.”

  “S-Shit.” Summer’s world turned black, Prue’s every move sending shockwaves from the tips of her toes straight through her entire being. “O-Oh.” Summer’s body slumped, her arms still tied behind her.

  Prue remained buried inside Summer, reaching behind the chair and tugging the velvet tie from Summer’s wrists. Expecting Summer to need a moment, she slowly slipped out of her, backing away only to be caught by the hand.

  “Not so fast.” Summer pulled her down into her lap, Prue now once again straddling her thighs. “You think you’re walking away from that?”

  “Well, I hoped I wouldn’t be.” Prue blushed, unexpectedly.

  Without another word, Summer gripped the hem of Prue’s underwear with two hands, pulling it until it tore. Surprised by her own behaviour, Summer’s eyebrows rose…but the shock only lasted a second. Cupping Prue’s mound, the heat radiating from her told Summer everything she needed to know. Prue needed a release, too.

  “I’m so wet for you, Summer.” Prue gripped the back of Summer’s head, drawing her into a heated kiss. The temperature in the villa rose with every nip, with every moan. “So wet.”


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