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The Heat of Summer

Page 18

by Melissa Tereze

  “I won’t be long. Don’t fall asleep without me.”

  Summer steeled herself, blowing out a deep, frustrated breath as she curled her hand into a fist. She needed to put a stop to this, but she couldn’t bring herself to knock on the door of the room she was renting. This was typical of Jade, making everything about her, but Summer was done with it. For the final time, Jade could get on board…or she could leave. It really wasn’t hard. Summer had spent too long bending over backwards for her best friend. When it was Summer’s time to shine, to do what was best for her, Jade always got in the way. As of today, it stopped.

  She knocked on the door, a dim light peeking through a gap in the blind. The door opened and Jade stood before her, pyjamas covering her body. It surprised Summer. Jade should have been dressed up for a night out. At least, that’s how it usually went.

  “Hi, uh…”

  “I’m heading to bed.” Summer stood with her arms folded across her chest. “Prue asked me to check if you needed anything.”

  “That’s kind of her.” Jade smiled weakly. “I thought it might have been Prue knocking to ask me to leave.”

  “She wouldn’t do that.”

  “No, and I’m starting to realise that.”

  “So, did you need anything?” Summer asked, tiredness beginning to set in.

  “Five minutes with you if you have it?”

  “I don’t have the energy to fight with you anymore.” Summer lowered her eyes. “I have no fight left. You have your opinion and unfortunately, it’s one I have to accept.”

  “Summer…” Jade started. “The way I behaved before was awful.” Summer was shocked to the core. Jade never apologised for anything. “Prue was right. I’m not her concern.”

  Summer stared in disbelief.

  “I see how much she cares about you and that’s what matters.”

  “But you still don’t support my relationship with her?”

  “No, I do,” Jade said. “I guess I was just being a bitch because I was jealous.”

  Summer frowned. “Of what?”

  “This.” Jade glanced around. “You starting a new life out here. Me…alone in the UK. Everything is changing.”

  “My life has been changing for a while, Jade.”

  “But meeting someone… I didn’t expect that. I certainly didn’t expect someone like Prue to show up and sweep you off your feet. I know you’ve been into her since the day you arrived in Spain, but even you can’t have expected this.”

  “No, I didn’t. But now that it has happened… I’m happy here.”

  “And I’m happy for you.” Jade stepped closer. “Forgive me?”

  “It’s Prue you should be apologising to.”

  “And I will.” Jade nodded. “First thing in the morning.”

  “I’d love you to be on board with this, but I need you to be honest with me if you can’t.”

  “You look so good together.” Jade tucked Summer’s hair behind her ear. “Better than you ever did with Bryony.”

  “I feel good with her.” Summer blushed. “Better than I did with Bryony.” She couldn’t say she’d never been happy with her ex-girlfriend—she had—but as it came to the end… Summer noticed a difference. Neither of them was happy. She just couldn’t admit it to herself. That meant their relationship had been for nothing. It meant Summer would have to admit defeat.

  “Can we start this trip again?”

  “Jade, I need you to know that I have something amazing here. I know it’s very early days, but I have a good feeling about this.” Summer’s shoulders slumped a little. “And maybe down the line you’ll have the opportunity to tell me ‘I told you so’, but—”

  “I don’t think that’s going to happen.” Jade stopped Summer’s rambling. “I think this is going to be exactly what you deserve.”


  “You know how I felt about Bryony. I didn’t like to get involved, but I saw how bored you looked with her. Like you were missing out on life. Maybe even missing out on this…”

  Summer shrugged ever so slightly. “Yeah.”

  “Go with it. Enjoy it.”

  “I am.” Summer smiled, her body relaxing as Jade pulled her into a hug. “As much as I’d love to spend the night telling you all about Prue and how gorgeous she is, I’d really love to get into bed.”

  Jade released Summer from their embrace. “Go and snuggle with your woman…”

  “You’ll be okay?”

  “Of course.” Jade smiled. “I’ll be fresh tomorrow. Maybe we could spend a few hours together if you don’t already have plans with Prue?”

  “No plans. Fancy a swim in the morning?”

  “Count me in.”

  Prue flicked through the film options on her TV, a small selection catching her attention as she scrolled. It appeared to be calm and quiet outside, neither Summer nor Jade at each other’s throats. As much as Prue hated how tonight had ended, she also had a friend back in the UK who behaved exactly how Jade did. The more Prue thought about it…they could have been sisters.

  Maria was the same age as Prue, both born late-November, but Maria lived a drink-fuelled lifestyle. There was never any concern for her own safety, and at seventeen she was found by a local dog walker…face down on a gravel path in the park. Alcohol poisoning brought on by a night of excessive drinking had left her in an unconscious state, but that didn’t stop her. Only two weeks later, Maria showed up at Prue’s door, insisting she should empty her parent’s drinks cabinet. Prue declined, but Maria found her alcohol elsewhere. She always did.

  Though they both had good upbringings, Maria’s parents had left her to her own devices, explaining that she would make her own mistakes and learn from them. Prue, however, was expected at church every Sunday morning for mass…her best clothes adorning her body. She’d been thankful for that upbringing once she discovered the mess Maria had got herself into…even if it did ultimately go against her when she came out to her mum and dad. Even though they didn’t approve of or accept her sexuality, they’d raised her how she should have been raised. To have respect for herself and those around her.

  Looking back, Prue was thankful in some way. By being kept on a tight lease, she hadn’t ended up like Maria. She was impressionable during her teens, always wanting to appear how her friends did. If her parents had similar views as Maria’s did, Prue likely wouldn’t be in the position she was in now. Of course, she learnt the hard way once she’d been thrown out of the family home, but she still made a life for herself. A life she wouldn’t change if she was offered the chance to.

  Fifteen years ago, Prue received a call from another friend in the UK. Maria had decided to drink and drive during a Christmas weekend away down in the south of England. Having had an argument with her boyfriend at the time, she’d decided to drive towards home, only to plough through a central reservation on the motorway, her car being hit by a truck on the opposite side of the road. Maria’s death taught Prue that regardless of the fact that her own parents hated her, they’d set her up for life with some very simple rules as a teenager.

  Until the day she turned eighteen, Prue was to be in the house by nine at night. Weekends included. It hadn’t done her any harm—in fact, it had protected her—but she still often thought about Maria and what could have been. Would she be married with children? Would she have her own business? Or would she be wasting away on her couch in a one-bedroom flat…surrounded by empty cans of alcohol? It truly could have gone either way, and unfortunately, fatality was the outcome.

  The door slowly opened, Summer quietly tiptoeing inside. Prue smiled, watching her turn the handle as quietly as she possibly could. “You okay over there?”

  Summer jumped at the sound of Prue’s voice. “Shit! You scared me.”

  “I told you I’d be here waiting. Did you think I wouldn’t be?” Prue sat up on her elbows, her impossibly long legs sprawled out down the bed.

  “I thought you’d be sleeping.”

  “Well, I know that now.” Summer rolled her eyes playfully.

  “How did it go?”

  “Better than I expected.” Summer slid her feet out of her flip-flops and shimmied out of her jeans. “I grabbed some shorts and a tank top while I was in there.”

  “You actually sleep with clothes on in Spain?” Prue’s eyebrow rose. “While it’s still what?” Prue checked the clock on her nightstand, the temperature displayed below it. “Twenty-seven…”

  “Guess so.” Summer shrugged. “Are clothes not allowed in this bedroom?”

  “Well…” Prue smirked. “I prefer less in here.”

  “Good to know.” Summer decided against putting her shorts on, instead climbing onto Prue’s bed in her T-shirt and underwear.

  “So, Jade?”

  “She’s mortified,” Summer said. “Usually I’d say she was just telling me what I wanted to hear, but she looked genuinely horrified by what she’d said to me. And you…more so.”

  “I’ve got thick skin, Summer.”

  “Doesn’t matter.” Summer held up her hand. “What she said was nasty and unnecessary.”

  “Believe me, I’ve heard worse.”

  “Yeah, well, that stops now,” Summer said, leaving little room for discussion.

  “You going to protect me?” Prue trailed her hand up Summer’s thigh.

  “Well, yeah.” Summer turned her head, finding Prue’s eyes. “Isn’t that how this goes?”

  “Hey, I’m not complaining.” She squeezed Summer’s thigh. “That’s actually quite sweet.”

  “Plenty more where that came from.” Summer inched closer, capturing Prue’s lips. Just being alone with her dissolved any worries Summer had. It was becoming increasingly evident that it would always be the case when they were together. “I think Jade would probably like to speak to you tomorrow.”

  “Available all day.” Prue pressed her forehead against Summer’s. “Whatever works for her.”

  “She was hoping we could spend a few hours together. Would you mind?”

  “You and Jade?” Prue asked. “Why would I mind?”

  “Wasn’t sure if you had anything planned that required me being there.”

  “Nothing springs to mind.” Prue leaned back, propping herself up against her headboard. “Just…if you don’t want to get into a heavy night with her, tell her.”

  “Yeah, I think she’s got the message.”

  “I lost a friend who liked to party. It isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.”

  “I’d take a night on the couch with you over drinking any day.” Summer snuggled closer, the idea of pizza not relevant at the moment. “What happened to your friend?”

  Prue settled against Summer, relaying Maria’s story and everything that came with her issues. Prue knew Summer would understand—she’d lost her own parents to drink.

  “Sounds all too familiar.” Summer sighed, shaking her head. “You know, I was thinking of starting up a project here about alcohol and the effect it has on lives…” Tías was full of drunken Brits anyway.

  “That sounds like a great idea. What do you need to get it going?”

  “At the moment, it’s just a thought. I need to get my dark room set up. I still work with film for the serious stuff. Just a preference.”

  “You’re extremely talented, Summer.” Prue took her hand, lacing their fingers together. “I did check your work out online and I’d love some of your prints for the hotel. Perhaps here too…”

  “You looked up my work?”

  “Of course I did.” Prue frowned. “Had to know what kind of woman I was falling for.”

  “Falling for?” Summer deadpanned.

  “Hard not to, baby.” Prue’s eyes shone with honesty. “I know you think you’re just you—nothing special. I felt that way in my mid-twenties, but you’re so much more than that. You’re considerate and respectful. You have honesty that most women wouldn’t dream of possessing. There isn’t a single thing I don’t like about you, Summer.”

  “Nobody has ever said that to me before.” Summer lowered her eyes, embarrassed. “But Jade did say something to me outside and I think she was right.”

  “About what?”

  “This is everything I deserve…”

  “Well, Jade and I agree on one thing at least.”

  “I was just going through the motions with my ex, but this? With you? I’ve known you for just a few weeks and I feel like an entirely different person. I feel happier than I have in a long time, even when we didn’t have this between us.”


  “I’ve always been a firm believer in being honest. I suppose I just lost my way with that at times over the years. First with Jade. Then with Bryony. Then I just carried it on with you.”


  “Our friendship has always been based on her taking and taking. She even tried to make this trip about her. But I’d had enough. Of her always wanting what she wanted. Always demanding we do things her way or no way at all. I mean, she tried to dictate my relationship with you.”

  “She’s just being a concerned best friend.”

  “No, she was jealous. She told me that herself before. And I get that, I really do, but that doesn’t mean you and I have to suffer.”

  “What exactly is she jealous of?”

  “Me beginning a life out here and getting everything I want.”

  “Well, if she’s the best friend she claims to be…she should be happy for you.”

  “She is.” Summer smiled. “We’ve just been inseparable since school.”

  Prue felt a slight sympathy for Jade. It didn’t excuse her behaviour, but she could begin to understand why she was concerned. “And she feels like she’s losing you…”

  Summer nodded slightly. “Seems that way.”

  “Then you two have to enjoy this trip together. I’m not going anywhere, you know that.”

  “No. She’s the one who decided to just book a flight without giving me any prior warning. If she wants to spend time with me, she can do it on my terms. We don’t need to go clubbing or sit at a beach bar until the sun is beginning to rise. We can hang out here by the pool, sober.”

  “Well, okay then.” Prue curled her fingers under Summer's chin. “Now if that’s the end of that, I’d like you to myself for the rest of the night.”

  Summer tugged her bottom lip between her teeth. “Wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”


  Prue yawned, stretching as she crept out of the bedroom. Summer slept face down into the pillow, her body splayed out in every possible direction. Prue smiled, closing the bedroom door and leaving her to sleep longer. It was only seven am—there was plenty of time to begin their day. She dragged her bare feet towards the kitchen, going about her usual morning routine of preparing coffee. As much as she loved waking up beside Summer, she would still enjoy sitting alone on the terrace for a few moments each morning. Summer wouldn’t mind—she didn’t appear to be someone who would enjoy this time of day regularly. This, the time, it was just Prue’s routine. It had been since she got into the business side of life. I’ll get my yoga in before she wakes.

  She poured her coffee and headed for the patio doors. The first thing she noticed was Jade sitting at the side of the pool with her feet dipped into the water. The second… Prue wasn’t dressed appropriately for company. She found a hoodie belonging to Summer draped over the arm of the couch. Placing her coffee down, she slid it over her head and admired the perfect fit. Snuggly. Smelling of her girlfriend. Taking a towel from the pile on the dining table, Prue opened the door, coffee in hand, and cleared her throat.

  “Oh, uh… good morning.” Jade swiftly climbed from the edge of the pool.

  “Here.” Prue offered a towel. “I’ve just made coffee. Help yourself.”

  Jade frowned. “T-Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome to join me once you have coffee.” Prue took a seat, turning her back on Jade. She wasn’t ready to talk yet
. She needed at least half a cup of caffeine inside her before she did. “Cups are next to the coffee pot. Help yourself to anything else you need.”

  “Thanks, Prue.”

  Relaxing, Prue pulled her feet up onto the chair beside her, turning side on and watching Jade nervously make her morning coffee. She could see the tension in the younger woman’s shoulders—the embarrassment too—but once the air had been cleared, Prue had no doubt that Jade would enjoy her stay here. After all, she had the run of most of the villa. Deciding not to watch Jade any longer, Prue focused on the sunrise over the ocean. The sound of waves crashing lulled her into her own world—they often did—and the sound of crickets within the grounds made her smile. This was her safe place. It always would be. One day, it would be Summer’s too. It had to be.

  “Are you sure you don’t mind me sitting out here? I can go back into the annexe if I’m disturbing you.”

  “You’re not… I hope.” Prue glanced over her shoulder, a look of apprehension in Jade’s eyes. “I’m joking. Sit down.”

  “Sorry, I’m just feeling really shitty about last night. It’s why I’m out here so early.”

  “Didn’t sleep well?”

  “Nope.” Jade sat down. “Not at all.”

  “If it makes you feel any better, Summer seemed to be okay when she came inside last night.”

  “Yeah, that’s probably because she had your company and not mine.” Jade offered Prue a sad smile but the pity party for one was lost on her.

  “You kind of only have yourself to blame, Jade.”

  “I know. I know.” Jade faced Prue fully. “I am so sorry for what I said last night, Prue.” Jade shook her head, tears forming in her eyes. “I don’t know how Summer forgave me, I really don’t.”

  “Because she’s your best friend.” Prue sipped her coffee. “We all say things in the heat of the moment. I’m sure she’s okay this morning.”

  “I hope so,” Jade said. “I’m just going to play it how she wants me to play it. She’s really changed…but for the better.”


  “She knows what she wants now.” Jade smiled fully. “I just hope I haven’t damaged us beyond repair. She was okay last night when she came to see me, but this morning could be different.”


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