The Heat of Summer

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The Heat of Summer Page 23

by Melissa Tereze

  “You did good here.” Jade leaned closer to her best friend, resting her head on Summer’s shoulder. “I’m so proud of you.”

  “Thanks.” Summer rested the side of her face against Jade’s head, both looking out at the sunset over Tías. “See anything you like?”

  “Oh, only pretty much everything.” Jade smiled. “How cute are Pippa and Jack…”

  “Gorgeous kids,” Summer said, completely in love with Prue’s niece and nephew. “Prue loves them so much. I do, too.”

  “Everything really worked out for you out here, Summer. I always knew it would…but this? You’re living the life, my friend.”

  “It wasn’t handed to me.” Summer felt a familiar presence behind her. A perfume she could never mistake. “But I’m so thankful for what I have.”

  “May I steal my wife away for a few moments?” Prue’s soft voice flowed through the early evening breeze.

  “Of course you can.” Jade stepped back, turning to face Prue. “You two are so perfect for each other.”

  Prue leaned in, pressing a kiss to Jade’s cheek. “She wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you.”

  “Nah, Summer did this all by herself.”

  “Mm. Agreed.” Prue smiled, taking Summer’s hand. “Everything going as well as it should be?”

  “Better than I thought it would.” Summer wrapped one arm around Prue’s waist, guiding her towards the edge of the balcony she’d spent the last ten minutes on. “Pretty sunset tonight.”

  “I could watch them with you forever.”

  Summer laughed. “You remember the first time you invited me to the villa? You said you’d done it because of the sunset. That I’d appreciate it…”

  “Mm, I remember.” A soft smile played on Prue’s mouth. That memory seemed like a lifetime ago. “And you believed me…”

  “Well, I didn’t know why else you’d invited me there.” Summer shrugged. “I mean, were you even attracted to me at that point?”

  “Honestly?” Prue’s eyebrow rose. Elegantly. As it always did. “I think if I’d have known that we would be standing here together right now… I’d have told you I loved you that night.”


  “Truth,” Prue countered. “And, since my beautiful wife has had one hell of a successful day, I’m taking you out to dinner tonight. Just you and me.”

  Summer’s heart still leapt when she heard the words ‘my wife’. They’d been married almost six months, but Summer didn’t believe she would ever fully get over the fact. Twenty-eight. Married to a successful businesswoman. An entire life ahead of them. No. This was a dream, it had to be.

  A year after they’d met—their anniversary—Prue proposed down on the beach…the last of the summer sun shining down on them as she did so. Summer couldn’t believe what was happening. Prue Michaels, on one knee, proposing. It didn’t get much better than that. Their relationship had gone from strength to strength in that first year, a monumental amount of love between them clear as day for anyone to see. Summer knew what she wanted her future to look like in terms of Prue, but she didn’t ever expect her to ask that question. Was she wife material? Could she really make Prue happy? Could she provide whatever it was Prue was looking for? The questions swam in her mind, but when she looked at Prue, tears streaming down her face and a ring in her hand, she had all the answers. Summer could and would provide anything Prue needed.

  “Did I tell you how much I love you today?” Summer leaned in, placing a feather-light kiss to Prue’s lips. “Because I do. I really love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  “And this…” Summer looked around the gallery from the outside, blown away by the reception it had received. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”

  “I wouldn’t have wanted you to.” Prue wrapped her arms around Summer, holding her impossibly close. “I want all of your work on the walls of the new hotel.”


  “Couldn’t think of anything more beautiful…”

  “I could.” Summer smiled into a kiss. “But you’re taken and I’m not letting anyone get their hands on you.”

  “Oh, I’m all yours.”


  “Until the end, baby.” Prue pulled Summer out of view of her guests, their bodies shielded by an open door. “You’re happy, right?” Prue touched Summer’s face gently, caressing her skin. “With me? This.” Prue glanced between the sliver of space separating them.

  “Beyond happy, Prue.”

  “And with everything that’s going to come?” Prue’s smile widened, the thought of the next few months too much to comprehend. “I know it was a shock to us both, we didn’t expect it, but we’re more than ready.”

  “Prue.” Summer smiled. “I got those results and thought I could never give you what we both wanted. It broke my heart…but look at us now.” Summer took Prue’s hand, settling it on her belly. “It happened. I don’t know how, but it did.”

  “I’d do anything to give you what you want. Don’t ever forget that.”

  “And I’d do the same for you. I’m just sorry we went into it worrying. I’m sorry that I have shitty ovaries ninety percent of the time.”

  “Hey! Your ovaries are beautiful, just like you. They just don’t do what we need them to do on command.”

  “It was expensive but worth it.”

  “I’ve never felt as complete as I do right here, right now.” Prue’s voice broke, a reminder of how far they’d come in two years. Prue thought she had it all the first time she kissed Summer, the first night they spent together…but it felt nothing like this. Right now, this moment, this was truly having it all.

  Summer’s eyes lit up during the conversation they’d had over dinner, just six months into their relationship. Prue expressed her desire to have children, expecting to be shot down immediately, but Summer jumped at the idea. Though she hadn’t been ready to settle down with Bryony—other factors being involved—Summer explained that she had no intention of leaving Spain or Prue, and that she was ready to truly settle down when the time came to have further discussions.

  The problem was, both lay awake thinking about parenthood from the moment those words first fell from their mouths. Prue didn’t want to wait too long, her age being her main concern, and Summer just wanted to watch Prue become a mother. So, they got the ball rolling before anyone had proposed…only to be given the news that Summer suffered from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. She didn’t have many symptoms, that being the entire reason she didn’t expect anything to be wrong with her body and its functions…but once she went for further testing, it was confirmed.

  Yes, she suffered with irregular periods, painful too at times, but she’d always put it down to stress or whatever else she could come up with at the time. She also believed that every woman suffered those painful, foggy weeks occasionally. Believing that seemed easier than investigating. They’d discussed possibilities with their doctor—the likelihood that it would happen naturally—but it didn’t have a great outcome. It could happen, it was possible, so they decided together that they would give it three attempts. Rather than continue going through failed attempt after failed attempt, surrogacy would be less mentally draining if things weren’t moving how they wanted them to.

  Summer understood that Prue didn’t have the luxury of spending ten years trying with her through a clinic, so she put it to the back of her mind, prayed that it would work out for them, and now they were four months into the pregnancy life. A life they truly hadn’t prepared for. Both went into the clinic each time with a positive attitude, but inside…neither felt good about it. To be told that you may not be able to carry a child broke Summer’s heart in more ways than one. To see Prue sitting with a void in her eyes some nights at dinner…that hurt even more.

  Prue didn’t show her emotions too often—it was the businesswoman in her—but Summer could read her like a book. When she wasn’t sleeping, Summer knew why. When she sat pushing her food around th
e plate, Summer could feel the tension between them. It wouldn’t have broken them, they wouldn’t give anything the opportunity to do that, but it would test them. And it had. It had tested them to the point where they were ready to give up and look at surrogacy. With the wedding out of the way, and no baby in their future, Prue had been researching a plan during their last attempt.

  Summer sat on the bathroom floor, nine empty pregnancy test boxes scattered around her. Prue was in the office, once again wading through information about surrogacy. The last several months had been hard to digest—no likelihood of Summer falling pregnant—but Prue had been an absolute trooper throughout it all. They’d argued, cried, laughed. Neither knew if they were coming or going most days…but they’d handled it how they always knew they would—side by side, hand in hand.

  Summer continued to blink at the tenth test in her hand, the others sitting in a pile beside her. “How can it still say the same thing?” she muttered to herself. “Just fucking how?” Tears streamed down her face, her head shaking with the inability to comprehend what was going on with her body. She’d always looked after it. Eaten the right food most of the time. Drank as little alcohol as possible. Why did it choose to mess with her head? “I don’t understand…”

  Prue removed her glasses, rubbing at her temples in an attempt to stave off an almighty headache. She needed paracetamol and a good night’s sleep, but she couldn’t tear herself away from the computer. She needed to find the right person, the right plan. Summer deserved the chance to become a mother, and so did she. She’d worked hard, made a living for herself…so why when it was time did the universe insist on shitting all over everything she dreamed of with Summer?

  A knock on the door pulled her away from the screen, turning in her seat to find Summer standing in the doorway. “Hi,” Summer cried. “I just… I thought I’d do one more, then another, and I somehow ended up using the entire lot you picked up from the store yesterday.”

  “Baby,” Prue offered Summer a small, heart-breaking smile. “It’s too early to even check.”

  “I know,” Summer sobbed. “But I wanted to check. I wanted to put myself and you out of this misery once and for all so we didn’t get our hopes up anymore.”


  “There are ten of them.” Summer held the tests in the open palms of her hands. “Ten, Prue.”

  “It’s okay. I can pick up more. The doctor said we should wait a month, at least, before checking.”

  “No, you don’t understand.” Summer shook her head. “Take them off me.” Summer’s hands trembled as she stretched out her arms. “Please, just take them.”

  “You’re putting yourself through unnecessary torture, baby. This isn’t good for you and I hate seeing you like this.”

  “They’re all positive. Every last one of them.”

  “W-What?” Prue’s brow creased. “What do you mean?”

  “The tests. They’re positive.” Summer sunk to her knees, bracing her hands against the floor. “I’m pregnant, Prue.”

  “O-Oh.” Prue’s heart constricted, her brain unable to catch up with her mouth. She dropped to her knees in front of her wife, pulling Summer into her arms. “Baby, look at me…”

  Summer’s blue eyes shone, glistening and damp from her tears. “It’s happening.”

  “You’re pregnant?” Prue held Summer’s face in her hands. “We’re pregnant?”

  “We’re pregnant.”

  “This looks cosy.”

  “Oh.” Prue pulled her hand away from Summer’s belly. “David, hi.”

  “What are you doing to my sister?” He winked at Summer, a smile similar to Prue’s gracing his mouth. “No naughtiness out here, you two.”

  “N-No.” Summer cleared her throat, aware that they’d almost been caught. “We were just winding down after the excitement of today.”

  “It’s been great.”

  “Thanks, David.” Summer moved back into view of her guests. “The kids loved it.”

  “Anything that involves Auntie Prue and Auntie Summer…they’re all over it.”

  “Yeah.” Prue smiled. “Where are they?”

  “Jade is feeding them ice cream from the shop next door.” David shrugged. “They’ll sleep tonight with the excitement of today, so I’m not too worried about the sugar.”

  “Summer…” Prue turned to her wife. “About those dinner plans tonight?”

  “What about them?”

  “I thought maybe we could invite David and the kids over… Jade too?” Prue gave Summer a knowing look. “You know?”

  “To the villa?” Summer asked, gaining a nod from Prue. “Whichever you prefer. Dinner at home would be nice. My feet are killing me…”

  “David?” Prue turned to her brother. “Can you come over tonight with the kids? And can you bring Jade in the taxi with you?”

  “Sure. Is everything okay, sis?”


  Summer lay on the couch, her feet up as she watched pointless television. Her eyes continuously flickered closed every couple of minutes, but their guests would be arriving soon, so she didn’t have time to nap. She yawned, checking the clock on the wall. Just after seven in the evening, the temperature outside perfect. “Babe?” she called out. “Can you come here a moment?”

  “What’s wrong?” Prue was at Summer’s side in a matter of seconds. “Do you feel okay?”

  “What?” Summer frowned. “I’m fine, why?”

  “Just…worried you may have done too much today.” Prue sat on the floor next to the couch, relief washing over her face when Summer laughed. “Sorry, I know I’m being a nightmare.”

  “No. You’re concerned, and I love that about you.”

  “I’m going to drive you insane. I know it.” Prue ran her fingers through her hair. “I mean, it’s only four months in and I’ve already finished the nursery. That was supposed to keep me going until you went into labour.”

  “You’ve finished it?” Summer’s eyes lit up. “Can I see it?”

  “If you want. I’ve only painted.” Prue climbed back up to her feet, tugging Summer from the couch. “If you don’t like it, you have to tell me.”

  “I’m sure I’ll love it.” Summer leaned in and up, kissing Prue. “You know what you’re doing. I trust it looks amazing.”

  Prue guided Summer towards a door, stopping at the one next to their own bedroom. With one arm securely around her wife’s waist from behind, Prue turned the handle. “Eyes closed.” She kissed the side of Summer’s neck. “And no peeking until I say.”

  “Okay, okay.” Summer sighed. “Just hurry up.”

  “Excuse me?” Prue nipped her wife’s earlobe, smirking. “This new demanding side of you could become an issue if you’re not careful…”

  “Oh?” Summer moaned, pressing her back against Prue’s front. “Is that a promise?”

  “Could be.” Prue’s voice low, it reverberated through Summer’s entire being. Becoming more sensitive and aroused as the days passed, the little things Prue said to tease her only heightened her every emotion. Summer arched her back, lifting her arms and wrapping them around Prue’s neck from behind. “Baby…” Prue paused. “Don’t start something we can’t finish.”

  “But I’m really feeling like I need something tonight…”

  “Fuck.” Prue dropped her head to Summer’s shoulder, slim fingers grazing her scalp. “Please, you have to stop doing that.”

  “Tonight?” Summer asked, whimpering when Prue’s hands landed low on her stomach. “Can I have you tonight?”

  My wife is going to end my life. Arousal pooled between Prue’s thighs. Summer could have her any time she wanted her. Needed her. There was no doubt about that. As much as she wanted to push her against the wall and take her right this very second, she couldn’t. David would be arriving with the kids, Jade too, and Prue didn’t need to entertain them with images of a naked Summer in her mind.

  “I promise…”

  “Mm, okay.” Summe
r lazily dropped her arms from around Prue’s neck, pushing the nursery door open. “Oh.” The light flickered on automatically, surprising Summer. “Wow, babe. This looks great.”

  “You like it?” Prue’s arms remained around Summer’s waist. “I wasn’t sure about the colour at first, but I think it goes well now that it’s finished.”

  “I love the colour.” Summer nodded, the subtle shade of sage painted on two walls, a very slightly grey accompanying them. “It looks really great.”

  “I’m just waiting on the furniture to be delivered and then I’ll get it set up completely.”

  “I love doing this with you.” Summer turned in Prue’s arms. “I don’t think I’d have ever done it with anyone else…”

  “Thank you for choosing me to spend the rest of your life with, Summer…”

  “Thank you for loving me.”

  About to embrace one another, the security system alerted them both to the fact that somebody had just entered through the gate. It would be David with the kids and Jade in tow. A chaste kiss on Summer’s lips, Prue smiled and ushered her out of the nursery. “Come on, before they see what’s going on in here.”

  “Well, you did invite them over so we could tell them…”

  “I know, but I suddenly don’t want them here a moment longer than they need to be.” Prue shifted, aware that her underwear was damp with arousal. “If David sees an unfinished room, he’ll have all kinds of ideas.”

  “Yeah, probably best if they don’t stay too long.” Summer gripped Prue’s wrist, tugging her backward. “I’m very sensitive tonight.”

  “Yeah?” Prue’s smile beamed, unsure how long was an appropriate amount of time to wait before they had sex. “And you’re feeling okay?”

  “I’d feel better with you on top of me,” Summer whispered against her wife’s mouth. “Inside me…”

  “Stop.” Prue took her bottom lip between her teeth. “Please, for the love of God…just stop.”


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