Shattered: Paranormal Vampire Romance (Immortal Love Series Book 4)

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Shattered: Paranormal Vampire Romance (Immortal Love Series Book 4) Page 5

by Anna Santos

  “Yes, she’s there. My parents are arriving and some of our wolf friends are here too.”

  “It sounds terrifying,” I confessed.

  “I'll be next to you. It will be okay.”

  “Fine.” I surrendered, pulling the needle from my arm, which was pumping blood in me, and sitting on the bed.

  Eric lit up. He went for the chair and gave me his hands to help me out of bed and sit on the chair.

  I looked at my sleeping gown. I was not dressed for an afternoon near the pool. “I look terrible!”

  “No, you don't.” He was being indulgent again. “But you can't go outside in a nightgown. I’ll call a maid to help you clean up and get dressed. Anna brought you new clothes, and my mom also has tons of stuff she can loan you. She loves to shop! You'll need to do some shopping too. Once you feel better.”

  Tears prickled my eyes. “You’re so lucky.”

  “Why, honey?”

  “You have a mom and dad. Mine were killed a century ago.”

  “You have new parents now. A new family,” he said.

  His words warmed my heart. I hadn't thought about that. I was punishing myself so much that I had forgotten that finding my mate meant that I would have a whole new family, too. The happiness was short lived when I thought that Marie was my family and that she was no longer with me to share the new family I had. The same family that could be hers if her mate wasn't unwelcome and wasn't a psycho.

  “Who is Anna's dad if you are her uncle?” I asked.

  “Anna is the daughter of one of my older brothers.”

  “Where is he?”

  “He’s dead. But we have to get you ready to go downstairs and not to talk about sad things. I still want to show you the garden. You’ll see how beautiful it is.” He changed the subject as he pushed my chair out of the bedroom.

  “Did you call?” Anna asked, appearing in the corridor with a huge smile.

  His niece was beautiful. She had the same friendly and warm smile as Eric. And even if Anna's hair was dark as coal, she had eyes that looked like Eric's. I liked her, she had been incredibly kind to me.

  “I was going to call you,” Eric said. “Beth needs a bath and to put on new clothes to join us downstairs. Could you help her with that?”

  “Sure. It will be my pleasure to take care of her if you can let her go for a few minutes,” she said with a grin that made Eric furrow his brows. “She’ll be safe with me. I promise.”

  Eric nodded and placed his hand on my shoulder. “I'll wait for Beth in your bedroom, Anna.”

  “Outside uncle, a girl needs her privacy,” Anna said, pulling my chair inside another room and closing the door on Eric's nose.

  It was priceless. Too bad I knew precisely what he was feeling. I didn't want to be away from him, but I didn’t want him to see me naked either.

  Chapter EIGHT


  The sun was shining, the birds chirped, and the sound of laughter filled the air with joy.

  Eric’s friends and family were enjoying themselves in the pool. Anna seemed to be having a blast playing with her mate. They looked so cute together that I couldn’t help but smile. Others were also having fun with their mates and friends. There were a lot of werewolves—many mateless—doing silly pranks with their friends, like men do when they want to get a girl’s attention.

  Water was spilled everywhere, and there was a lot of girls chasing boys and vice versa. I wondered who those people were friends with. Anna seemed to know all of them as did Shane. I was just glad I didn't have to be introduced to everybody. They didn't seem to be too keen on meeting me either. It was as if I wasn't even there. I sat in my wheelchair, in the shade, like a spectator of other people's happiness. It was a sensation I was all too familiar with.

  My mate had been next to me and had even complimented the way I looked. Then, he left to talk with Shane when I told him I would be okay on my own. The truth was that I thought I looked boring and dull. I wore jeans and a top. I didn't dare to put on a bikini like the other girls were wearing. They all looked gorgeous and fit. I felt insecure next to them. Skinny and extremely pale. I lacked their happiness to give life to my body.

  Eric, on the other hand, looked striking. He was not in a swimming suit either. Apparently, he wasn’t planning to sunbathe or get wet. My mate was there to be next to me and to show me the garden later. So, he was wearing a blue marine polo and a pair of jeans that complimented his legs and butt. He would often catch me staring at him, drooling. I would glance away and blush like a silly teenager with a huge crush. Still, I had all the right to blush. Eric was drop dead gorgeous, and he had an aura that made me shiver and sigh. I knew what lust felt like, what attraction was. With him, it was one hundred times worse than I've ever felt before. It was like other men, as gorgeous and sexy as they were—and there were plenty of them here—seemed boring and uninteresting next to him. I couldn’t help but think that all of that was mine and mine only. I wished I had the guts to be able to claim him.

  My attention was stolen by the arrival of a sexy, curvy, and blonde doll. She was beautiful beyond words with oceanic eyes, straight hair, glossy, plump lips, and a body to die for. She was texting on her phone while cat-walking her way to the pool. The moment she dropped her phone in her bag, and she saw Eric, she shrieked with happiness and ran to his arms. My mate smiled back and opened his arms to embrace her.

  I saw red! A jealousy monster overtook me. Before I could understand what I was doing, I was in front of the blonde chick, grabbing her neck and choking her.

  “Do not touch my mate,” I growled.

  “Beth, let her go,” Eric begged.

  Then Anna screamed. “Grandpa, no!”

  “Who the hell is she?” I snarled as I looked at my mate and noticed the horror in his eyes.

  “She’s my mom!” Eric replied.

  My grip faltered as I looked at the woman. “But she’s not a vampire.”

  “Release her,” he requested.

  His hands grabbed mine, and I let the woman go. I bent forward, filling my lungs with air. That was when I noticed an attractive, tall, and mad as hell vampire next to us. He looked frozen since he seemed incapable of moving. He was also looking at me like he was going to kill me. Then I saw that the blonde woman’s hand was up facing her left, while her other free hand was holding her throat that I had bruised.

  I was mortified at what I had done. That vampire was Eric’s dad. They looked alike. And I had just attacked his mate. If Eric’s mom hadn’t stopped him, with some sort of magical power, he would have ripped my head off.

  Eric held me before I could fall on the floor. I was feeling sick and weak again.

  “How can she be your mom? She’s a human witch girl!” I protested, fully aware of the consequences of my mistake. I had just infuriated the king and harmed my mate's mother.

  “Second reincarnation,” the girl clarified as if it all made perfect sense.

  “Your dad wants to kill me,” I whimpered.

  Eric's mom laughed as if I had said something funny. She should be mad at me. Why was she laughing? Why wasn't she hurting me back?

  Her hand on her throat glowed, and after clearing her voice, she spoke to the frozen vampire king that was clearly annoyed for being frozen. “My fault, honey. I was going to touch her mate.”

  “You are his mom!” he growled. The witch had just unfrozen his head so he could speak.

  “Beth didn't know,” Eric retorted. “I won't let you hurt her.” He held me tighter. I didn’t complain. His dad frightened me. “You'll have to take me down to touch her.”

  I looked at him with widened eyes as terror flooded my body. He was defying his own dad, the king, to protect me! Was he crazy? It was my fault. His dad had every right to hurt me. Besides, I didn't want him to hurt Eric.

  “It's my fault,” I whined. “Please, don't hurt Eric. I'm sorry if I hurt your mate. I didn't know.”

  All eyes were on me. It was odd to be once more the c
enter of attention.

  “Fine,” he growled.

  “Now, say it like you mean it,” the blonde teased the king.

  I thought she was pushing her luck. However, if he was her mate, he wouldn’t harm her. Or at least I used to think that. Now I was not so sure. The jealousy attack I had was … insane.

  My thoughts froze with the epiphany. Only then could I begin to understand a small percentage of the jealousy and craziness Marie felt each time she witnessed her mate with another. With me.

  I wanted to run and hide. Scream out loud and destroy everything in my way.

  “Calm down, sweetie,” Eric whispered in my ear, caressing my hair.

  My body tensed with mixed feelings of fear and bliss for being close to my mate. By then, the vampire king already had the gorgeous blonde in his arms, seeming the less frightening person in the world.

  I looked at my own mate with pain in my eyes.

  His words caressed my face. “You don't need to be scared. I'm here. He won't hurt you.”

  I nodded, still analyzing my reaction to the other woman trying to touch him. “I don’t know what has gotten into me,” I confessed. I was clenched to his chest, feeling good and safe, but conflicted. Eric smiled. “Why are you smiling? It's not funny at all!”

  “You like me. You called me your mate,” he explained, killing my bad mood and making me sulk with reddened cheeks. “No one will touch me but you. No matter how long it takes for you to heal.” He lifted me in his arms in a bridal style and took me to my chair.

  “And if I never heal?” I asked with gloomy eyes when he sat me down and crouched by my side.

  “I'll wait for the next reincarnation to meet you. But, please,” he added with sadness in his voice, “don't you die on me. Give me a chance to heal you.”

  I shivered. It was hard to think straight when he looked at me like that. He always said the right words to warm my heart.

  “But your parents hate me now!”

  The need to cry surfaced again. I’d acted insane.

  “Of course not, they can't possibly hate you. You are my mate. You just have to spend more time with the others. We could dine together with them today.”


  “Yes, we gather at dinner time. The wolves eat, we drink. Sometimes we eat undercooked meat or even actual cooked food for the fun of it. Mom always brings or makes sweet desserts for us to taste.”

  He seemed happy to talk about that. It actually sounded fun. “How old is your mom in this new form?”

  “Twenty-one, I believe, but don't be fooled by her age. She remembers a lot from her past life, so she seems older, much older, most of the times.”

  “Your dad seems like your age. Shouldn't he look older, since his mate was killed and … I don't know. I’ve never heard anything like that before. How can she even remember? Is it because she is a witch?”

  “Oh, that’s such a long story! I can tell you all about it while we go for a walk in the garden,” Eric said, with a soft smile and hopeful eyes.

  I nodded in acceptance. Talking about his family might help me forget my own problems, temporarily.

  Chapter NINE


  I couldn’t remember the last time I’d stared at the irregular forms of the clouds above in the blue sky. I used to stare at the horizon, longing for freedom and wishing for an escape. Staring at the sky without a care in the world had become unfamiliar to me. Still, there I was, lying down on a blanket over the green grass. The sun caressed my skin as I breathed in the fresh air of the afternoon. Next to me was the one the gods had created to complete me. Eric was my soul-mate. Despite all the horror I’d endured, being next to him gave me peace of mind and made me feel safe.

  “What are you thinking?” Eric's question disturbed the silence and brought me back to reality.

  I sighed and turned to my right so I could look at him. Eric was still gazing at the sky, and his figure made a bubbling sensation arise from my stomach to my throat and tickling me to smile. It also made me want to touch him, but I didn't dare. Instead, I kept my hands together, tightly folded against my stomach.

  Eric turned his face to watch me. “Are you bored? We can join the others by the pool if you wish.”

  “I'm fine here,” I whispered, freeing my left hand to scratch the blanket close to his arm. My finger followed the patterns in the tissue and rubbed inside a white square. “I was thinking that it was nice to be outside.”

  “I'm glad you’re feeling stronger.”

  Sighing deeply, I decided not to contest his affirmation. The sudden rush of adrenaline due to my jealousy had flickered something inside me, igniting my vampire side.

  Meanwhile, Eric moved on the blanket to make himself more comfortable. “It’s nice to see some color in your cheeks.”

  I gulped and covered my face with my hands.

  He chuckled. “Let me see it. Don’t hide from me.”

  “I’m mortified for what I did to your mother.”

  “I should have warned you, but I didn’t think you would be so jealous toward me.”

  “I’m not normally like that.”

  “No one got hurt. Just forget about that and let us enjoy this moment together.”

  I turned to look at him and smiled when I noticed his eyes on the sky and his head resting over his folded arms.

  “It’s peaceful here.”

  “And safe.” He looked at me, and his hand reached for my cheek. My heart jumped, and I evaded his touch. “I love the way the sun shines on your hair and how your skin looks like porcelain.”

  “You don’t need to lie. I know I look pale and skinny. These past years … It hasn’t been easy.”

  He frowned but didn’t try to touch me again. “For how long were you trapped? Do you know?”

  “For four years, I believe.”

  “Weren't you allowed to go outside? Did you live in the dungeons for all that time?”

  The concern in Eric's voice made me shiver and gulp. I knew that he would eventually ask me about what happened. I had to tell him something, at least, tell him my version of what happened to me. But I needed to take baby steps.

  Trying to indulge his curiosity, I opened up. “At first, we lived in the dungeon. Then he moved us to separate bedrooms. In the dungeons, we were together, in the bedroom ... I was all alone. He would let us starve for days. The windows had bars. When he gave me to Vincent, he moved me to a bigger bedroom. There was a balcony there with a view to the sea. However, they didn't let us leave the fortress.”

  “Did you ever try to escape? Or grab a cell phone and call someone?”

  Clenching my jaw, I raised my head and narrowed my eyes. “And call who? 911? And tell them what? That we were trapped in a place, that we had no idea where it was, by cruel and vicious vampires who had other girls imprisoned. Even if they believed me and they could track the call, they were as good as dead. And he would hurt my sister. Plus, we didn't have any other family. Our parents were long dead, and we had moved to the United States several years before. No one missed us when we were taken.”

  “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you, Beth. I was in that place, I saw the security and the number of men he had with him. It was impossible for you to escape on your own.”

  I pouted my lips and watched the movement of my index finger, nervously trying to dig a hole in the blanket.

  My voice came out soft and fragile at the same time. “I often stood on the balcony staring down at the ocean ... thinking about jumping and being free from all the pain ... But if the fall in the ocean didn't kill me ...”

  “He would hurt you more?” Eric tried to guess.

  “No, he would hurt my sister, so I wouldn't try again.” My voice faded away with the pain and my eyes stung with tears.

  “What do you mean? How could he ... I'm a fool for thinking that he wouldn't hurt his mate, am I not?”

  I nodded, noticing how his face grew closer to mine. His hand grabbed mine and chased the fe
ar away. I instinctively recoiled but immediately relaxed and felt the lump in my throat softening when he remained in his spot.

  “Hurting your sister meant that he was hurting himself,” Eric said.

  “He didn't care. He liked the pain. I couldn't hurt him either because I would be hurting Marie.”

  “I see.” Eric nodded, easing the tension on my fingers by rubbing his thumb against them.

  “Watching the person you love the most in the world being tortured ... isn't something that I wanted to repeat. So, I ... just let him win. I pretended that ... I was submissive. I learned not to cry, not to complain of the pain and pretend not to ... hate them.”

  “You did what you had to survive. I'm not going to blame you for that,” my mate said. Slowly, he raised his hand to touch my face. Since I didn’t recoil, he placed it over my left cheek. “You are safe now. I want you to feel safe. I want you to heal. I'm going to stop asking questions that will make you reminisce about the darkness in your past.”

  I nodded and let my back fall on the blanket, away from his closeness. “Who takes care of the garden?”

  “We have gardeners for that.”

  “My mother had a summer garden. She had pride in her orchids. I was never too big a fan of getting my hands dirty. I would rather spend time with dad in the library. He would write his books about civil rights, and I would be practicing my piano lessons or my ballet dancing.”

  “Ballet?” Eric's interest piqued. “And piano? Mom used to play the piano. Now I don't think Jessie even cares about that.”

  “Do you play?”

  “I had time to learn. I can perform music from Chopin or Liszt. But I like to work with my hands. I like to sculpt and carve. I also like restoring old buildings and furniture. I like architecture, planning, and designing new structures out of the old ones while maintaining the ancient façades. Am I boring you?”

  “No,” I assured, captivated by what he was saying. “I love Liszt, and I love old buildings. The new ones are so impersonal, they lack soul.”

  “Nowadays is a lot more about functionality than beauty.”


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