Tangled Innocence

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Tangled Innocence Page 11

by Carrie Ann Ryan

  Jace chuckled softly, sounding entirely too pleased with himself. Well, she’d just have to show him exactly what he’d done to her.

  She wiggled away from him, dropped to the floor, and pushed him so his back was to the bar. His eyes widened as she went to her knees and undid his jeans.

  “Nadie, what are you doing?”

  “If you have to ask, then I guess I just have to make sure I do it properly.”

  Jace lifted her chin. “I’ll let you put your mouth on any part of me. I just don’t want to come down that pretty throat before I come in your pussy.”

  She grinned at his words and peeled his jeans down his legs. He moved one leg then the other, helping her strip him completely. Her bear went commando—something that, for some reason, was freaking hot. His cock jutted out, right in front of her face. It took all within her not to grab on and lick him up like an ice cream cone.

  “You can do both, can’t you?” she asked, fluttering her eyelashes. “Aren’t big bad bears supposed to have an amazing recovery time?”

  Jace narrowed his eyes, even as his mouth twitched. He fisted his hand into her hair, pulling her closer. “I see I’m going to have to show you just how fast I can recover. And, darling, never tempt a bear by doubting his prowess.”

  She grinned up at him then took his cock in her hand, pumping his length twice before licking the crown. Jace’s hold tightened in her hair, and she let out a breath.

  “I’ve never done this before, you know.”

  Jace’s thumb traced her cheek. “I know, love. Just do what feels right. You don’t have to swallow it all.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I would choke, Jace,” she said dryly.

  He grinned again. “I do love it when you compliment me.”

  Nadie tightened her grip then took the tip of his cock and settled it on her tongue. Jace moaned, his hand in her hair pulling her slightly closer but not pushing. She swallowed him a bit farther then pulled back, rolling her tongue along his length.

  From Jace’s strangled moan, she figured he enjoyed that. She explored him with her hands and tongue, loving the way she could make him thrust and groan. When she cupped his balls, rolling them in her hands, he pulled back on her hair, and she looked up at him.

  “I was busy,” she pouted.

  “Do you want me to come down your throat or in you, darling?” he asked, his words coming out between pants.

  “Can’t it be both?” she asked as she squirmed.

  He pulled her up so she was standing then gripped her ass. She let out a gasp as he picked her up, crushing his mouth to hers. His cock lay between her legs, pressed against her clit, and she rubbed up against him, wanting to come so bad.

  Jace set her back on the bar, and she wrapped her arms around him, needing him inside her. Her bear held one hip while using his other hand to keep a firm grip on the back of her neck. He pressed his forehead against hers and let out a breath before he moved.

  With a gasp, she arched against him, his cock filling her in one stroke. He pulled out, her body shaking she was so ready. He pumped his hips, and she moved with him, needing him as close as possible. Their gazes never left each other’s, their bodies moving in sync as he fucked her on the bar top.

  No, not fucked. This was so much more, but she couldn’t breathe. He slammed into her once more, and she came with him. They both screamed out the other’s names as her succubus took over, pulling in Jace’s life force through their bond. She could feel her body warming, growing strong with her bear deep within her.

  Jace kissed her then, licking and sucking on her lips as they both came down from their high.

  “Again,” she whispered.

  Jace growled and pushed inside her, once, twice. “As you wish, my Nadie.”

  Nadie grinned and pulled her bear closer.

  Yes. This is what she wanted. Who she wanted. For a lifetime.


  Jace pulled himself off Nadie as she slept in their big bed for their afternoon nap. He moved to the window, looking out into the distance. He could have sworn he’d heard, or at least felt, something waking him from his sleep. It was as if someone was watching them, but who?

  It didn’t make any sense. No one knew they were there. There wouldn’t be a reason to watch them.

  Would there?

  He turned and looked at the woman who’d stolen his heart. He’d just have to keep an eye out and watch over her. He already knew this woman would be part of his future, and he’d be damned if he let anything happen to her.

  Jace crawled back into bed, pulling her into his arms. He needed Dante to come home safe and sound, and then everything would be all right.

  It had to be.

  Chapter Ten

  Dante stood outside his home, his hands fisted at his sides as the wind blew around him. It tangled his hair and stung his eyes. The storm on the horizon would be a vicious one.

  If only that were his only problem.

  He knew Jace and Nadie were inside, warm, worried, but utterly content in a way that Dante knew they had made love. He could feel them through the bond and had a feeling Jace could sense him outside but was letting him come inside when he wanted to. Or at least that’s what Dante hoped. Nadie wouldn’t be able to use those senses quite yet.

  That would be something Dante and Jace would have to teach her. It wouldn’t be safe for her to go unaware while the world shifted around her. He ran a hand over his face, frustrated as all hell at the utter feeling of helplessness surrounding him.

  He’d promised Nadie he would tell her everything and not keep secrets, yet he wasn’t sure how he was going to tell them that everything might slip through their fingers. Death or being torn away for five hundred years seemed to be the only two options on the table right then, and Dante didn’t have a particular need for either of those.

  No, the other two he needed were inside his house, waiting for him.

  He licked his lips and took a deep breath. He’d kept them waiting long enough. As it was, he’d kept them waiting too long in the grand scheme of things. There wasn’t a moment to waste, and standing outside and feeling sorry for himself wasn’t helping anything.

  He was a ten-thousand-year-old dragon—give or take a few years—not some teenage kid who needed to croon about his angst and put on guyliner. He already had the long hair and piercings, but he would go only so far into the whole look.

  Now he was officially putting off the inevitable.


  He looked up at the woman with the sweet, sweet voice who held half his heart and tried to smile but failed.

  “I’m home.”

  She frowned only for a moment before running to him. He caught her in his arms when she jumped, the utter faith in him at the action leaving him breathless. She nuzzled into him, squeezing him hard, and he pressed his nose to her neck, inhaling her honey and fire scent. He ran his hand down her back, cupping her ass, bringing her even closer. His dragon preened, satisfied with the attention that was its due.

  Nadie pulled back then punched him in the arm.


  He winced but didn’t let her go. “What was that for? Kind of a strange welcome.”

  “You left without saying goodbye,” Nadie answered, the hurt in her tone making him feel lower than low. “We’re going to have a talk about that.”

  “You’re lucky that punch is all she does,” Jace said from the house. The bear crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the doorway. “Get inside before the storm hits. Looks like it’s going to be a bad one.”

  Dante looked into Nadie’s narrowed eyes and let out a sigh.

  “That’s not the only storm we’ll be having, Dante Bell,” she warned, and Dante held back a smile. It wouldn’t be smart to kiss her then, but she was so damn beautiful.

  Sobering at the thought of what he could lose if he didn’t find a way out, he kissed her anyway. She melted beneath his lips, the little sigh escaping her going straight to his cock. H
e squeezed her ass, and she rocked against him, the sensation making his dragon rumble with need.

  He pulled away as the first drop of rain splashed against his cheek. Nadie looked up at him with dark eyes and swollen lips then brushed the wetness away from his skin.

  “Let’s go inside, and I’ll explain everything,” Dante said then started walking, not letting go of the woman and mate in his arms. She felt good there, right.

  She sighed and leaned on his shoulder. His dragon let out a small tendril of smoke through Dante’s nostrils, wrapping it around Nadie, claiming her in its own way. Jace moved out of the way when they got to him, his gaze never leaving Dante’s.

  “You’re okay?” Jace whispered, the worry clear and heart-wrenching.

  Dante nodded, knowing it wasn’t quite the truth. The bear would have noticed that as well, but let it be. They would talk about it shortly, and then Dante’s world would fall apart if he wasn’t careful.

  And Dante always tried to be careful.

  He let Nadie down so she stood by him. Before she could move away, he took her hand, needing the connection. She blinked up at him, and he knew she had a feeling something was wrong but couldn’t quite voice her thoughts.

  Her inner succubus must be trying to scent and feel out all the undercurrents, yet Nadie hadn’t firmed the connection with her paranormal yet. That would come with time, but right then, Dante had more pressing matters.

  Namely, the Conclave and the big pile of shit they were all in.

  He sank onto the couch, pulling Nadie into his side. Jace paced in front of them before sitting on the coffee table. Their knees touched, and the man looked as though his bear was ready to break out of his skin.

  Dante leaned forward and brushed his lips against the man, needing the connection as much as Jace clearly did. Jace’s shoulders eased slightly as Dante pulled back.

  “I needed that,” Jace said, licking his lips.

  “You might need more soon.” He said it as a sensual promise, but the darkness that threatened them outweighed the light. Jace narrowed his eyes, the need still there, but masked with the same fear Dante held.

  “Tell us, Dante,” Jace ordered. “Sitting on whatever you have isn’t helping anything.”

  “And tell us why you left without a goodbye,” Nadie added.

  Dante kissed her temple and took a deep breath. “I didn’t say goodbye because you were sleeping, and I thought you needed more sleep.” He cursed and shook his head. “No, that was only part of it. I was fucking scared about what I was doing and didn’t want to scare you. I know I promised to tell you everything, but apparently not keeping all my secrets close is going to take a little while to get used to.”

  Nadie cupped his cheek, and he turned his head so he could nuzzle her palm. “I forgive you, my dragon. The fear, I think that’s what I scent, coming off you tells me that my petty insecurities need to be washed away right now. Tell us what’s frightened you.”

  He leaned down and kissed her softly, needing the connection once more. “Never think your worries are less than mine.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Right now, I think your worries are our worries, so get to it. Stop procrastinating and tell us.”

  “The Conclave has asked me to join its ranks.”


  Jace quietly stood, his whole body shaking. The other man’s eyes glowed gold, the bear close to the surface. Shit.

  “You’re going to take it, aren’t you?” Jace said, his voice straining for control.

  Dante blinked. “What the fuck? Why would you think I would take it?”

  “You’re a dragon, Dante. This is the ultimate in positions in your realm. In all realms. Why wouldn’t you say yes?”

  Dante stood slowly, not believing the words coming out of Jace’s mouth. “You’re serious. You actually think I’d take the appointment?”

  “Wouldn’t you? Even if it isn’t to be in charge, as a member of the Conclave, you could be real help to the realms. You could do what you’ve been quietly trying to do for eons—make our realms work in peace.”

  Dante’s dragon clawed at him, wanting to go at the bear for thinking so much less of him, of their newly bound relationship.

  “You think so little of me?” he asked, his voice a growl.

  Jace curled a lip, his hands fisting. Dante raised his chin, ready to fight the man he loved because there was no one else to fight.

  Nadie stood quickly between them, her small hands on each of their chests. “Stop it. Both of you. You’re fighting over nothing. Just words and careless thoughts that aren’t worth the tension and heartache. Jace, let Dante explain what he means. It’s hard enough as it is, and I don’t even know all of the logistics and details I need to. Dante, don’t harp on Jace for being scared out of his mind. You both are lashing out because you’re afraid of what you think is coming rather than actually saying what is going on around us. Explain, baby, please.”

  Dante immediately calmed at her words, his Nadie quickly growing into her inner succubus and standing up to a bear and dragon without a second thought. He could feel some of the tension leaving Jace’s body as well, and the two men sat down finally. Nadie stayed standing between them and put her hands on their shoulders.

  “Now, Dante, what does it mean that the Conclave wants you to join their ranks?”

  He could taste the fear on her words and cupped her hip, soothing.

  “Two members from each realm form the Conclave.”

  Nadie waved her hand. “I know all of that, at least the basics. Jace explained it to me while you were gone.” She blushed. “We, uh, talked about a lot of things.”

  Dante grinned, despite the rising tension in the room. “I bet you…talked…quite well.”

  Jace snorted. “Don’t think talking about sex is going to get you out of this, Dante.”

  Nadie blushed even harder then moved to sit on Jace’s lap. She faced Dante, same as the bear, and they both looked at him, pleading in their gazes.

  “Alexander, a very old dragon, and that is something considering my age, wants to, for lack of a better word, retire. He’s chosen me as a replacement. While other places would give you an option of saying no, the Conclave doesn’t work like that. What the Conclave says, goes. Meaning I don’t have a choice.”

  Nadie sucked in a breath. “What would be so wrong in joining the Conclave?” she asked then held up her hand. “Jace and you both know something I don’t when it comes to this, I get that, just explain it carefully for me. It’s a lot to take in.”

  Dante gripped her knee while Jace kissed her temple. He met the other man’s gaze, knowing what he said next would hurt. “The Conclave would force me into their care for ‘training’ for five hundred years.” Nadie gasped while Jace growled. “I wouldn’t be able to see either one of you for that time. I’d be forced away from my mates, my life, and everything I’ve built to do what the Conclave says.”

  “And if you say no?” Nadie asked, her voice a whisper.

  “Then they kill me.” It hadn’t been said in the Conclave chambers, but it had been heavily implied. “They gave me time to make my decision, but we all know it was just a smoke screen. I’m going to use this time to figure out what the hell we’re going to do because there is no way I’m leaving either of you. You’ve got to understand that. I just found you. I’m not losing you.”

  Nadie threw her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her and Jace. “We’ll find a way. We figured out how to save Lily, Jamie, and Becca, as well as their mates. We can do this.”

  Dante smiled at her earnestness. If only it were as easy as a djinn, angelic, demonic, or wolf war.

  “Yes, we will, Nadie. I’m not giving up.” His dragon refused to even think it.

  “Why would they even bother to give you time?” Jace asked, his voice carefully neutral. Too careful.

  Dante met Jace’s gaze. The three of them would have to talk soon. “I think it was because of two of the newest members of the Concl
ave. A fae and a wizard. They are both extremely young, each less than a thousand.”

  “A thousand years is young?” Nadie asked.

  Dante leaned forward and kissed her soundly. “I’m ten thousand years old, my sprite. That doesn’t mean I think you are young, far from it. I was only saying, in terms of what I know about the Conclave, they are young. I wouldn’t think anyone younger than five thousand would be part of the decision making.”

  “Things are changing then,” Jace said, his voice ominous.

  “Yes, but I don’t know what direction this will take them. This is all something to think about and discuss, but first, we need to find a way to get me out of this commitment. I’m not leaving you two, despite what you thought.”

  “Dante,” Nadie admonished.

  Jace grinned. “We’re alpha, Nadie darling. We’re going to fight and butt heads.”

  Nadie growled, the sound so cute his dragon wanted to eat her up—not that Dante would tell her either of those things. He wanted to live after all.

  “I might not be alpha, but I’ll fight for what I want too,” she said.

  “Honey, you’re not beta if that’s what you’re thinking,” Jace said, laughter in his voice. The sound made Dante relax. “If you’re not alpha now, you will be soon. That succubus inside you damn well knows what she wants.” His eyes darkened, and the two of them shared a look telling Dante they had explored some of her powers.

  Good for them.

  His cock ached, and he shifted on the couch. A twinge of jealousy knotted in his belly before it dissipated. He would have both of his mates soon—together, separately, and everywhere in between. He just had to be patient.

  Dante could do patient.

  He was a dragon after all.

  A cell phone rang, and Nadie stood up. “Crap, that’s mine. I’ll go put it on silent.”

  Dante shook his head. “Answer it. There’s not much we can discuss right now until we have time to form a plan.”

  She nodded then went off to the other room, cell phone in hand.


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