My Heart Belongs To...: A Novel of Age Play

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My Heart Belongs To...: A Novel of Age Play Page 15

by R. Greco

  Especially this man.

  “So ... what do we do now?” I asked taking the left hand exit to the two-lane road that led back to my house, a house I now knew I could share with somebody again.


  Not that budding love stops a wet pussy.

  Seated spread eagle on the very edge of my high-backed dining room chair, I wiggled slightly in my corset, once again “slirpttick”-ed my right heel cross the front of my chair and the fake cock in my lap wagged as another lick of candle wax splashed my inner right thigh from the candle I held poised over it. Phone in my left hand, I manipulated what would amount to a 15 second video of me in the exact outfit I had worn the night before when I fucked Terri’s ass, my pussy burning nearly as much as it had just a few nights previous when Joel had eaten me with such gusto, my tat pulsating and my mind alive with this private movie I was taking for Jon to show that I was still very much all I had ever been to him ... little girl, toy, mess, etc.

  The picture, clothes, accruements and the candle were all my idea as I stained the soft meat of my upper right thigh, wiggled my ass on the hard seat of the chair and shot my movie for a man I might be really starting something with three thousand miles away.

  The plan as we had left it after our phone of only an hour before had been that there was no plan, not yet at least. Jon was determined to get his ass out to me, at least for another visit, a longer one this time, where he could access his work possibilities or look for new ones. I had so many friends in town that if he wanted to find totally different work, part time in quite a few businesses, I could get him plenty to keep him busy and paid, at least until we both determined how we were going to proceed and if even we’d would start something on our own (I had some capital and lots of ideas, while Jon was truly ready to start a new life in all ways ... or so he had assured me). It’s funny, I had simply assumed he was an east coast guy through and through but he had said the idea of picking up and seeing a change in his life right then was such an attractive idea he wasn’t sure the next time he visited wouldn’t be the time he came to stay for good.

  “Hrmm,” I said out loud as that finger of candle wax tickled down the inside of my thigh, just about running to the hard covering over my crotch.

  I involuntarily shook the cock for the camera just as I hit the fifteen-second mark. I wasn’t exactly sure what made me pick torturing myself for Jon with candle wax, why I was videoing it and even if after I eventually masturbated if I would send him the movie, but I was horny – glowing in fact – and looking to do something extra special for my man this night.

  It was strange not having any trepidation to Jon’s visit, especially seeing as it was expressly for him to test the waters for being out here with me. I knew we’d get along, our kink wouldn’t dissipate and that we’d simply ease into whatever it was that would naturally come for us with him out here and us both open to the prospect of loving one another. The entire idea of setting up house with him was as easy to contemplate as it would be to out into action I knew, as quick and fun as me involuntarily coming to the word ‘punishment’ or secretly dressing in my corset when we went to that grocery Jon so loved.

  But then again maybe when you get a certain age all this kind of stuff was suppose to be easy.

  This next video might be hard to shoot, but I owed it to Jon and I wanted to watch it played back anyway.

  I stood, turned and aimed the camera so it faced down at the tat. With the strap of the harness pinching my cheek like that, my hip cocked, teetering on my heels I knew I was going to manage a nice fifteen seconds of silent footage of me videoing that tat and nothing else. When Jon and I watched the video back we’d get a nice long look we could both masturbate to, I thought.

  Finished with my naughty filming for the night I blew out the candle and clopped down my wooden hallway, past my office which I realized I might be soon sharing with someone, past the first bathroom that I had set-up for Jon and would again and into my bedroom passing my mirrored closed doors to catch my big-dicked reflection; I’d be taking out this baby again soon enough I knew, for Terri or even for Jon, as I had recognized his fascination with the idea the few times I had regaled him with nights going out packing and hearing how hot it had made him to suggest I was going to use the dildo on Terri. I had a passing second of nearly swooning as I imagined working Terri into my sexual scenario with Jon and realized I didn’t court a pang of jealousy thinking about another woman in bed between us ... though my confidence was probably as much born from the fact that Terri was simply too inexperienced for Jon as that he seemed to want to see her and I together to the exclusion of doing anything else with the girl!

  I managed the harness off myself then got at the corset while keeping on my heels. In no time I was naked except for my shoes and I skittled my wide butt across my bedspread, lay on my back and spread my legs. Running my right hand down to my inner right thigh I began to peel the dried wax dollop off my warm soft skin and was aroused by the pinging needle sting as much as when I looked down to see my heels still on. I’d call Jon soon enough but right then I wanted to roil the heat nice and thick up me, let the pain push me, let my body and mind settle to what was happening right then and what would soon happen.

  I felt as if I was glittering, as much from what I was just then as to what I was and would see reflected in Jon’s regard when he came out to me. But all the same, I snuck my other hand down myself and pressed my index and middle finger to the center of my meaty clit figuring there were a whole bunch of ways a jewel could shine.

  Chapter Six: The Master’s “Little” Angel


  When your kneeling at the front of your couch, bent hard at the waist, your bare ass shucked slightly high and quivering, aroused and embarrassed-or one because of the other-your relying as much on what you hear as on what you might be able to spy over either shoulder. It was for this reason that I was as delighted by the short tight retort Jon’s open palm said smacking Marcie’s chocolate buns as I was wet with Terri consistently brushing up against my other side. Having seen, tickled, fucked and yes smacked Terri I knew her ass to be tight little high and round but the most I had seen of Marcie’s was in the long peasant skirts she usually wore.

  “God, I’m so glad I moved here,” Jon said and knelt behind me, lean his thick lips to my stinging right cheek and as he puckered I heard him ‘smat smat’ the asses either side of my own.

  With Terri and Marcie our stable was now complete.


  “So far so good?” asked Lisa as we sat managing a good drink/munch with a plate of Mother’s/Momma’s/our local watering hole full nasty nachos and a sweaty cold pitcher.

  The best spot in town for fast cheap drinks this tavern was also the place my buddy Jack and I went to for filling non-nutritious eats and the one place I knew I could call the girls together for a quickie. I guess I could have been blamed for not getting out sans Jon all that much in his first two weeks here, but truth be told my man and I had been as much been enjoying one another’s company as we were working through some heavy shit.

  Jon had managed out here, quite quickly both of us had thought but were still as thrilled by, lighting-out the three thousand miles to my coast for what he reasoned would be this initial three months vacation/sabbatical/pre-setting-up-a-life-here look-see and he and I had been managing not only some fantastic sex but quite a few heart-to-hearts. That we could hash-out our hopes, dreams and ideas verbally as much as take leave of our senses in the kinks we were still managing made me truly love the guy but him being here now beyond a week was a whirlwind to get used to. In setting-up a place for his office in my home office, in maneuvering round one another for a temporary space for his clothes (at least the ones he had brought with him so far), in just trying to find a comfortable schedule between us it felt we were either at the beginning of something or pushing the limit on what we both thought we wanted…or maybe a little of both.

  Jon had as much bade me go out with
my girlfriends for this Monday drink and gab fest as I had been considering it; this was what we both so needed after our good-natured, often times arousing as much frustrating tug-of-war of the past fourteen days.

  “Yes, and we’re doing fine.”

  “So is it just another visit or something really starting here?” Terri asked, pretty much getting the gist of it.

  “In the middle of the two, I think,” I replied, shucking another filled nacho into my maw, “Butrm’s arn gnnnd, arnnn grnd.”

  “Well that’s good,” Marcie said.

  We munched and sipped and I tried to avoid Lisa’s eye. She was split down the middle about Jon possibly moving in for good, as happy as she was for me and what she had known was a true budding love affair I could now enjoy fully as she was sad she had finally lost me. It wasn’t so much that Jon was a competition but now Lisa couldn’t have me completely for her own exactly when she wanted me and this was the way our friendship flourished ever since my divorce and really the only way Lisa wanted it. She hadn’t even noticed lately we hadn’t been as close or that I was taking my leave of her…or maybe she did and blamed it all on Jon and as long as he was here would continue to, I had no idea.

  My ex best friend was smiling but I knew with no fear of sounding egotistical in my ruminations that she wasn’t enjoying herself as much as her big toothy grin and bouncy boobies made it seem.

  Along with Lisa and Terri, as had always existed on the periphery of the group, there was the ever-smiling perfect chocolate beauty of Marcie facing me, eyes wide to even the most oft-handed quips I offered and Angie hanging on Lisa’s every word. Somehow we had managed to all get out on such short notice for a school night and I was damn happy for it.

  “Whatever happens, I really do wish you two the best,” Terri said and prompted us all to lift our mugs. Despite what she and I had been through, might actually still be going through, I knew her wish was genuine; Terri was a good egg, she really was.

  It might have been the beer talking, just being out like this or me being still tingling from the hard Roggering Jon had managed to “send you out with the girls tonight” but when I happened to look suddenly across the lip of my sweating mug then I once again saw Marcie smiling my way. I always sensed that this lady was the only one among this group who had sussed-out Terri and my ‘trysting’ and though I really wasn’t sure where I came down on my belief in gay-dar (and in this case technically it would have been bi-dar) I did sense that in some ways Marcie knew more than Lisa and Angie-which was nothing at all I knew-about how deep (in many senses of that word) Terri and I had taken our friendship.

  This made me feel warm and self-conscious at the same time.

  “Least you’re getting laid now on a regular basis,” Lisa said and as had been the case with her lately, what sounded like a compliment just as easily sounded like a dig.

  “Lisa!” Angie scolded but we were already lifting our mugs again.

  If they only knew-even Terri didn’t really suspect-that while yes, Jon and I were of course fucking in the literal sense of the term and certainly with him here now more than ever before (a good slow deep humping built less on our usual sense of desperation and that clawing ache that we wouldn’t see one another for a while after it was over and more on a budding intimacy of something that might actually be permanent) Jon and I fucked a lot less than we engaged in other forms of nastiness to get one another off. For both he and I, from the second we had met right up to right then, it seemed sex was less the actual insertion of cock into pussy (though to be sure that felt good and we seemed quite compatible when we got to it) but more the full expression of our mind-set: Jon spanking my ass until I nearly convulsed under his strong swats or him just telling me he was going to as I squirted so much juice across my bed I was changing sheets daily; me sucking his cock and either inserting a couple fingers up his ass or massaging his balls (or both) when doing so; me dressing in old fashioned girdles and bullet bras while Jon jerked-off onto my various variety of super girly-girl shoes just prior to him getting up under the girdle with that fantastic mouth of his and eating my pussy until my clit burned; me on all fours having to follow him around the hard wooden floors of my house as he made me moan and bark while I kissed his feet and felt my orgasms literally piss out of me as I crawled; Jon calling me ‘mommy’ as I lie next to him and jerked him nearly to orgasm then stopped, shifted to get up, turn and squat my ass in his face, came on his chest, then went back to edging him some more…

  Well, you get the picture, a vanilla sex couple we were not.

  Damned, if Marcie wasn’t staring and smiling at me still or again!

  We have all had those moments that I know we dare not ever admit when we have a passing flutter of a sense that someone close to us might be actually reading our minds and this is the way I felt under the pretty girl’s gaze then. As I smiled back at her and Lisa droned on about something that was specifically about her, a seed was planted in my head then, something that would gestate to monumental proportions, as much deciding Jon and my sexual fates as my own sense of self.

  I crunched another nacho and wondered suddenly that given that Marcie’s creamy complexion was so flawless really, was her ass as smooth creamy chocolate?


  “Not even once?”

  “Not once, hell Kay I’d admit it if I had gone on, I just haven’t.”

  “I just find it odd, a guy as kinky as you and you haven’t even had so much as a little look-see.”

  “Have you?”

  “Well, yeah, I mean, right after Paul and I divorced, I told you how I hit the sites; I guess that one was in the mix, yeah.”

  “You have one of those nicknames, listed your hetero-flexible status?”

  “Sure, doesn’t everybody?” I quipped.

  By all accounting ours had been a rather fast courtship and Jon and I both knew there was still a ton we needed to learn, a bunch of things he and I had to hurtle, as much about our pasts as getting through our now. As I stood in the kitchen cooking for us, Jon and I were managing an easy conversation about what we had and hadn’t done looking for a partner online.

  Though I’d like to think our kinky wily ways were merely a part of our life not all of it, it wasn’t so farfetched to assume that Jon might have run through some of the more specifically playful sexual social networks, God knew I had….shit, we had met online after all! I wasn’t ashamed, nor would I brag, I was ‘on’ Facebook intermittently, mainly to keep up with my spread-to-the-four-winds family (Jon wasn’t at all) but of late I wasn’t hitting any site looking for a date, certainly not places like Fetlife or CollarMe (and I had only ever made a profile at Fetlife) and especially now I had even less interest.

  “You know me enough by now to know that the public thang is not so much my thang,” Jon said to my back. “I’m not so good with exposing my fetishes to a social network.”

  “You seem to like the public ‘thang’ wanting to turn me out though, having a witness…and less you forget enjoying me playing with Terrim” I snickered into the pork loin.

  “Yeah, well, all within limits baby, all within limits,” he quipped and I turned to him.

  “So no kinky trios in our future? Not going to go in for me lining up a few extra asses for a marathon spanking session?”

  “Well, now there’s a thought.”

  Jon and I had not discussed the actual parameters of our sex life now but seeing as the man had moved clear across the country to be with me for the next three months and knew that if and when I was in relationship I rolled in the style of one guy occupying my puss-puss at a time he had to assume that at least until he was here I was committed to only fucking him. Yes, in the past few months I had dabbled with Terri, indulged in my usual fun with Fred and Joel and fucked Jack, but now that I was living with Jon for what could possibly be a test drive for a future between us I hoped he knew I’d be faithful to him as I hoped he’d want to be the same.

  Thinking about the possibility of
maybe considering another woman or women into Jon and my kinks though did not in any way impinge upon my assumed monogamy with the man. If/when/where and how Jon and I added someone into out play, a third or fourth girl (and certainly it was only women we were considering here and only women I’d want) fucking might be out of the question-or at least out of the question for me-but much of everything else was within limits, I reasoned. Yes, call this a grat big fat rationalization but I knew what worked for me and what didn’t.

  The food was ready so I turned back to it and Jon helped me to the table with some of the hot plates. We took a good few minutes to settle in, butter and salt (more me him, Jon never used salt I noticed) reach and pass and then began munching.

  “Ok, so you got girls in mind for this theoretical threesome?” Jon asked finally coming up for air after ripping off and masticating a few bite-size portions of the loin.

  This was another thing I loved about having this man here: I got to cook for somebody who truly enjoyed eating, which for the excellent cook I prided myself on being was a godsend.


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