My Heart Belongs To...: A Novel of Age Play

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My Heart Belongs To...: A Novel of Age Play Page 17

by R. Greco

  Hell, I fucking well wanted Terri!

  Did I have a deeper self-esteem then most or was it that at the end of the day this man was coming home to roost with me, that he wasn’t going to take Terri in the classic sense (even if he wanted to) and that for all intents and purposes what was happening right then was exactly what I had hoped would happen for God knows near a fucking month?

  Or was it the beer fueling Terri and I?

  “I want you to spank her,” Jon said and I realized suddenly that no one had spoken for quite a while as I stood with my back to him and poor Terri stayed on all fours not knowing what the fuck was about to happen.

  “Good idea,” I quipped and turned to the couch as Jon stood from it.

  Terri had still not moved.

  “Let Kay get about midway there then get up and over her lap,” he said down to our guest.

  “Oh…ok ok,” Terri agreed, bringing her legs round so I could do just as Jon asked, sitting deeply into the center split of my couch cushions.

  I tried reading Terri’s long intent face for signs of where her head might be at but she was looking down the entire time, though would we have gotten to this point if she wasn’t nearly as hot as I to the prospect of all this happening. I was of a mind to go light an extra candle as Jon had managed only the kitchen light splash into the room, but Terri was over my lap without any other word as Jon just looked down at his two girls positioned on the couch, the younger and smaller of us wiggling what I could feel was a hot little mound down across my lap in the classic otk position.

  I did manage a solid stare directly at my man’s crotch though as I settled Terri and his cock was bulging.

  “Ok, nice and slow, start nice and slow,” Jon said, taking a few steps back and plopping himself on my cloth recliner.

  “Yes, easy easy, please Kay, please,” Terri squealed rubbing her hot pelvis into my knee.

  “SMAT” my open palm said bouncing off first her tight tan right cheek, then “SMATTA” it said when I bounced off her left.

  “Oh man, oh man,” the girl across my moaned and as Terri pushed down I piston up slightly.

  Besides being spanked in a thong, very much as it was spanking in a thong, the maddening heat and tease on one’s pussy was so delicious I was sure Terri enjoyed the confinement as much as I.

  Jon just sat back, spread his legs and watched us.


  I just went at the butt below me, rubbing and rolling as Terri did the same across me. I had neither the rush to or care to increase the severity of my smacks, preferring this simple sharp short rhythm and how Jon’s eyes simply widened each time I hit the girl, how she shucked into me and I tried not to undulate myself. It was a tight few minutes there of Terri’s ass nice and high, me spanking her to my man’s urging and Terri moaning into my couch’s cushions. If spanking this little beauty was all Jon wanted I’d be perfectly ok just smack-smacking her tight little buns back and forth and waiting the requisite time for the sting to register, watch her try to fuck my knee and feel my own pussy get wetter as the leather pulled between my puss-puss lips and I bounced my tits and rubbed myself up into the girl. This was new territory for all of us to be sure, at least this specific trio in the making, and I was all about treading lightly so we wouldn’t burn ourselves out at first or traipse across something that would make Terri especially feel uncomfortable.

  Besides, far be it from me to truly bruise such a perfect virgin ass.

  “Ok, I got to get some of ‘dat,” John snickered after about twenty swats and stood.

  “Mrmmm,” Terri moaned turning her head to watch him walk to us.

  “Both of you, down against the couch, on your knees, asses facing me.”

  So much for no ass bruising, I suddenly feared.

  Terri simply lifted off of me and we got on our knees as Jon told us to. I felt that all too familiar pang of crazy desire, felt my knees slack but somehow looking to my left and Terri then slightly smiling over at me settled me. I am not sure what I had been expecting here really, but with her next to me I found I didn’t have that usual feeling of tickling fear of what Jon might do to me-wonderful though it always was-but more like a calm, a nice high-level tremor of arousal, a safety-in-numbers sense of no safety, if that makes any sense.

  “Spread um girls, spread ‘um.”

  As we did so I suddenly was struck by the fact that Jon hadn’t used my name the entire time here. It was as if (could it be, was he consciously making it so?) Terri and I were simply two women for him to punish equally? Or asses high, cheeks halved, him easily spying our covered pussies from behind and his high vantage point.

  “Fuck,” I said and began to buck and come right there scooted-up against the couch.

  “Mmm, baby baby,” Terri cooed, not sure all of what was happening but aware I was losing my shit for some reason.

  Jon was a smart guy, he’d know well the small specific elements of this that would get to me. If he planned not speaking my name knowing it would illicit this response I’d ask him later…and probably come all over again just in the asking no matter his answer.

  “Get them in the air, nice and high, spread those knees further,” Jon said as I continued to come, flooding that tight leather pouch in my crotch as heard my man unloosen his belt.

  I knew Terri heard Jon removing his belt and had I time to consider her fear at the realization that she was about to be spanked with something other than an open palm would have made me squirt in my tight thong even more but Jon flapped the looped end horizontally “SHATTATA” at my right cheek then to some spot on Terri’s ass with a “SPITFIT” too swiftly for either of us to do much but react to the hit.

  “Noooooooo,” Terrie wailed but I bucked to the slice as I seemed to all but begin to convulse I was coming so hard.

  “SHIPPA” Jon managed a return arc of the cut of the belt, as Terri was hit first then me ever so slightly.

  I looked to her as she fucked the space between the edge of the couch and her hot little covered pelvis, stayed kneeling and bent and took Jon’s firm yet softer-than-he-had-ever-hit-me belting. Of course my girlfriend not moving out of position yet gulping to the slices made me keep coming.

  Jon managed more cuts, but this time it was four, one each cheek as he vertically flicked his wrist downward catching that damned looped end “STAT” dead center of Terri’s left cheek, then he got closer, raised his hand back and “STAT” hit her right cheek the same way…I admit I watched over my shoulder, ‘feeling’ those swats as much as she. I clenched, calling out a hearty but hollow “No Daddy!” then felt those hot quick snaps myself, left then right cheek.

  I had stopped coming but was pretty much unhinged.

  This was so damned good, Terri’s first time with us and Jon was belting us. He was treating us both equally and nobody was protesting or even hesitating.

  “SHATTA” I heard and felt cross my ass dead center horizontally, then “SPITSHA” I heard Jon land the same way against Terri. This time she didn’t even moan. “SCICTA” I watched him backhand at exactly the same spot on my companion as he had just connected to and then “SHAT” seconds later the belt cut me dead center again.

  Jon got up to a good rhythm then, smacking Terri and I/Terri and me back and forth, front hand and back hand for what I counted was a full ten times complete each of our asses. I wasn’t as much looking behind me or even over at Terri as I was bouncing my ass, undulating with the connecting as I sensed Terri doing the same.

  “I’ll leave you with those for now,” Jon said what seemed only seconds later; “I mean it is our first time after all.”

  I looked over my shoulder and he smiled at me…then turned and left the fucking room!

  “Uh ok?” I squeaked pushing up to Terri’s bare right thigh, nearly lying atop her as I ran my fingers through the back of her short hair. Of course I felt responsible, needing to be the comforter as the little pale girl under me collapsed her chest to the couch all but sprawli
ng across it.

  Even though Jon certainly used a light touch on us, the first time an implement is used on you, even if a hand spanking you’ve gotten might have been harder and heavier-as the hand spanking I had given Terri minutes before had been-it’s sometimes hard to reconcile. I didn’t specifically know all of Terri’s sexual past but I had to assume a belting wasn’t her usual…hell, it wasn’t mine even! But I also wasn’t so worried knowing this girl could have simply stood up, spun and stopped the proceedings at any time had she wanted to.

  “Fuck Kay, what the fuck?” she said turning her pretty little cheek to me. I was glad to see she was smiling and her light eyes were alight. “Is that the way you guys always play?”

  “Not always,” I said and lean in to kiss her cheek. Before I knew it our lips had found one another and we were making-out there kneeling against my couch, or asses on fire just like our pussies.

  We sat as best we could back on our haunches, Terri all but trying to get up on me, rubbing her pelvis against my knee. God what a picture we made I thought, two topless wanton red butt-ed women in only thongs and heels wrapped up into one another on my floor. Whether Jon assumed we’d be getting to this, whether he was just then jerking-off even, I had no choice but to roll with what was happening, let Terri get up on me and when I managed my hand into and down the front of her thong she threw her head back and began to fuck my fingers.

  “Kay, Kay Kay!” she said piston as I got my index and middle finger down deep and under what I was finding to be quite a gloppy hole at that point. I inserted just the first digit of my middle finger up in her, held the rest of her pussy solid yet calmly in her thong and reached down to suckle her right nipple.

  “Ah God ah God ah God…” the girl in my lap bucked, slid forward and fucked my hand for as much as I would give her.

  “Ah God, Ah God, Ah God,” she mewed and I simply caressed the little girl, suckled her breast, and circled my finger inside Terri’s vag.

  “Ka…Ka…” poor Terri tried as she began to come and I just held on to her.

  Managing my other hand down and under her hot right ass cheek I did give it a squeeze.


  “I just figure if one is good, but why wouldn’t more be better?”

  “You’re talking about building a stable.”

  “Yes, I guess I am.”

  “And this Marcie chick could be into it?”

  “I think…yeah I think so.”

  “Into it?” Jon repeated and slipped just another inch of his cock up my ass.

  “Fuck, oh fuck,” I gulped with the widening reminder of his extra hard cock in my holiest-of-holies.

  The times I had attempted anal prior to Jon’s plundering had been either with a toy or with my ex…and one blessed time only. Paul had simply been too big for this enterprise and while yes, to look at his tree trunk of a swinging dick made me wet instantly after the pain resultant from him trying to fuck my ass our one and only time-and him hesitant to do so that entire time-I really never gave much thought to having a live warm dick up my ass again. But as with everything else Jon and I managed he was easy when needed, firm when I hesitated and oh so loving at times when he was taking me in ways most women would feel was them at their most submissive.

  I had been on the verge of multiple orgasms the entire time Jon ate my ass, than lubed his cock from a gloppy bottle of new lube we had just purchased and was riding him then so slow as he eased into a close spooning with me, inserting just slow inches of himself up me. That we had come me spilling the beans on wanting to introduce Marcie to Terri as we lie there sweating, clutching and quivering wasn’t a surprise as Jon and I could talk a good game anywhere, anytime.

  We had managed by then three more sessions with Terri in the two weeks that followed the first and Jon had raised the bar on the kinkiness. The last time Jon had had me meet Terri by myself at Sansho for some sushi and me showing her I was packing under my skirt. By the time we got back to the house Jon was on my couch with all the lights off. He softly talked me through every step how he wanted me to strip Terri completely naked-this was the first time she’d be so for Jon, the first three scenes he had let her stay dressed in a thong-and proceeded to instruct me to slowly enter the girl. Poor Terri had been so unnerved the entire time she was pretty much whimpering from the second she realized I had a cock on under my skirt in the restaurant-and knowing Jon was going to watch me use it on her-to her pretty much mewing and crying as I fucked her face-to-face and Jon paddled my ass as I did so.

  I had enjoyed that last time with Terri the most I had yet, something about Jon spanking me while I got up and in close with the girl, looking into her eyes as she reconciled and opened her cunt more and more to my plowing.

  Somehow though the subject of another woman had come into the conversation here now as he fitted his hard dick up my ass and I was aroused admitting to this man that yes, there was another woman I thought we might add to our scenes.

  “She’s hot, right?”

  “Darling; perfect dark skin, wide smile, kinda big tits.”

  “Mmm,” Jon said and pushed a smidgen more of himself into me. He managed his hand up around me and up to my neck and then pulled almost all of what was in me of his cock all the way out swiftly.

  “Oh fuckkkkkk,” I screamed as he kept just the head of his dick poised in me.

  “I love how that makes you react,” he said and slowly pushed another inch back up me, “Mmmm.”

  I was panting, quivering my big broad back into his hairy chest, trying so hard to hold back the wave of an orgasm roiling up my spine.

  Sometimes in the middle of sex, and I know this is the way it is for all of us, I not so much as fantasize (though lots of us do that, I know) as much as often create little subtexts to why I am either doing what I am doing or why I might be encountering something from a partner. This works especially well to center my mind when I am the submissive and though Jon usually filled my head with a good reason why he might be spanking me or certainly his softly whispered suggestions would normally spin my mental wheels, just then I was as much teetering on him spreading my asshole as I was a reason why he was doing so and that reason I convinced myself was me ‘paying’ for my desire I had to add Marcie, who Jon had never met, into our kinky moments with Terri. I liked a reason, even by proxy, for my comeuppance, even when the comeuppance felt as good as this and Jon had placed his hot hard dick up my ass well before we even began to talk about Marcie.

  “So…do…do I ask Marcie, is that what you want?”

  “Yes, ask Marcie,” Jon said and I felt him slightly brace himself, “ask her if she wants to…” and with this Jon pushed up inside me all the way-God all of his cock!-as I growled and hit my forehead to my pillow.

  “Fuck Jon, fuck!”

  “Yes, ask her, ask her.”

  He was up and laying on me then, his full weight, full cock, full desire on me. I could only lie there and take him, I couldn’t even really come though I felt leakage and my stomach clutching with what I knew would be a big crashing wave of an orgasm. Jon was piston-ing in me, running up high and deep and I could feel such a round tube of heat up me I didn’t know when it was me expelling and retracting as when it was just his cock pushing through the rope of my rectum holding on for dear life.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I cooed trying to get my hair away from my cheek, breathing through it as the man in me fucked me in a way more ardently then he ever had my pussy.

  I felt a good thick pool of wet below me, not sure how much was the copious amount of lube Jon had applied running down the crack of my ass, how much was my pussy juices or if I was adding to it ejaculating. This was an altogether different stimulation then I was used to, for all intent and purpose actually too painful if truth be told, but I was working through it knowing the last thing I wanted was for Jon to leave my ass and aching, truly hurting with an ache so deep I had no idea where it originated from or why I was even thinking it, to have him come in my ass, to o
wn me that way with the wet of himself.

  “Yes,” Jon said and inexplicably he placed one palm down on each of my ass cheeks, brayed back and bulls’-eyed my hole almost as if my anus was a thing he was holding onto separate from me.

  I guess this did it for me, less the sensation of his thick planting that hadn’t really abated in the last half minute but him posing like that. I truly began to lose my shit (no pun intended and suddenly thought I might, a thought that scared me as much as thrilled me) and as I cried into my pillow I felt Jon quiver hard, press down on both my cheeks and felt his hot come squirt up into me.

  That’s when I came.

  It’s amazing what a good ass-fucking, an old movie on T.V. and Chinese take-out will do to shake the snow globe flakes across your sensibilities around.

  Too fucked out to go out or cook, Jon and I ordered take-out Chinese and settled in for an old black and white noir film on TMC. It was a nice warm time, huddled close, both of us fresh from a shower, my bottom not hurting per say but certainly reminded. We crunched egg rolls, sucked a few spare ribs and shared vegetable fried rice. I felt about the best I had yet with Jon here and with the best often as it is with all of us, comes the worst (at least after you’ve come a half dozen times) or a quick considering of it.

  I managed too-much-for-my-own-good staring at this-too-old-too-be-pretty-anymore-but-still-kinda-was-still curly-haired guy. But beyond liking the way Jon looked I took, would take but most importantly had been taking these moments-sitting on my couch, grabbing us a pitcher at Mother’s, rolling a super market wagon (certainly swatting or fucking my ass)-and tried not to reconcile it all with him staying beyond another month here. It hurt me as much to imagine the guy here as it did him leaving for good or maybe just to continue the bi-coastal thing and the idea of our budding foursome, or more precisely or desire for it, suddenly stung me as much as him passing me a fortune cookie and smiling at me.


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