Saving Sarah (Blissful Bets #2)

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Saving Sarah (Blissful Bets #2) Page 1

by Alaska Angelini

  Saving Sarah

  Blissful Bets, book 2

  Alaska Angelini

  (previously written as Jennifer Salaiz)

  Saving Sarah

  Blissful Bets, book 2

  Alaska Angelini

  (previously written as Jennifer Salaiz)

  Copyright © 2019 by Alaska Angelini

  All Rights Reserved

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is strictly coincidental. The scanning, uploading and distribution of this book via the Internet or any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal, and is punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.


  To all the woman with courage enough to fight and go after what they want. Or who they want…

  "I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they’re right. You believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself. And sometimes, good things fall apart so better things can fall together."

  — Marilyn Monroe

  Saving Sarah

  Blissful Bets, book 2

  Alaska Angelini

  (previously written as Jennifer Salaiz)

  Copyright © 2019

  Chapter 1

  The crowded Cajun restaurant grew louder the moment Sarah spied Evelyn, Julie, Melissa, and their newest friend, Natalie, walk in. For over a year now, the four of them, minus the new brunette, met here for lunch. It was the place where they could relax, be their crazy selves, and also the place where the game Bets came to life. The game itself blossomed into a whole new reason to look forward to the weekends. All thanks to Evelyn.

  Out of pure boredom, her genius friend came up with a way to distract themselves until the hot guys came to the island for Spring Break. Now, weeks later, and with the holiday over, Evelyn was officially tied down with two men. She’d conveniently replaced herself in their little game with Natalie, a girl Sarah didn’t know.

  Even though she had met the brunette on occasion, this technically was their first lunch together. The girl’s beauty made pretty sound plain, but she couldn’t be a day over twenty-five. At thirty-two, Sarah was the oldest out of all the girls. Melissa wasn’t that far behind her. For some reason, age had recently started to become a major factor in her everyday thoughts. Even Bets wasn’t helping anymore. What would the girls say if they knew she hadn’t completed a single one since Evelyn got shacked up?

  “I told you Sarah would already be here. How did the sale go, honey?”

  Hugging Evelyn, she smiled as they all sat down. “It went smoothly. The clients absolutely adored the house. How was your day? I noticed you weren’t in the office for very long.”

  Her friend’s pale face blushed before she quickly looked down. “Yeah, well, I had a trouble leaving the house once I went back to grab my phone.”

  All the girls started laughing, and Sarah couldn’t help but shake her head in humor. “I can’t believe they even let you out of the house. Brandon and Stephen pretty much have you locked down as their love slave.”

  “If I had two men that looked like that, I’d lock myself in,” Melissa said, laughing.

  “The usual, ladies?”

  Sarah turned to see the petite, blonde waitress standing next to her.

  “Natalie, they pretty much have us memorized here. What would you like to drink?”

  “I’ll just have what you all are having.”

  “All right, ladies, I’ll have your drinks and food out shortly.”

  They all watched the waitress leave, and, in sync, they all turned back to Evelyn. “So spill, earlier you said you had some interesting news. I want to know what it is.”

  A hint of a smile crossed Ev’s face. She brushed her black hair back over her shoulder while she leaned forward. “Stephen tells me some of his friends are coming in from out of town. Supposedly, Brandon knows them too, but from what I hear they’re very unattached. And, from the pictures Stephen showed me, they’re jaw-dropping gorgeous. Now, for the fifty-million-dollar question. Who wants first dibs?”

  Every hand at the table rose. “I’m the oldest,” Sarah said, smiling, “I get first pick.”

  “Okay, but don’t worry, ladies. From what I’ve been told, there’s a total of five.” Evelyn paused while the waitress placed the drinks on the table and walked off.

  “So what’s the occasion?” Julie asked, picking up her glass.

  “Wedding ceremony,” Evelyn said, beaming. “You all know my friend Nicole. Well, she’s kind of getting married.”

  “Kind of? To which one, Ayden or Trevor?” Sarah bit her lip trying to figure out her and her friend’s ménage relationships. She had no idea how they managed one man, let alone two.

  “Both, love. That’s why I said kind of. She’s marrying both of them, but she’s taking Ayden’s last name since they met first.”

  “Weird,” Melissa said, grabbing her drink. “No offense, Evelyn. I envy you. I just don’t understand the whole threesome thing. Isn’t there jealousy with the other partner? Do you have to plan around who and when they get time with you?”

  “Not at all. I’ve never been happier. And I’m ecstatic for Nicole.”

  The sound of Sarah’s phone ringing saved her from the fifty questions running through her mind. Looking at the number marked private on the caller ID, she quickly hit ignore and turned her phone on vibrate. There was only one person she knew that did that, and she wasn’t up for dealing with him right now. “Sorry, now where were we?”

  “Who was that?” Evelyn said, peering over.

  “No one, just a bet that doesn’t get the point. You know, I have no idea how he even got my number. How many times do you have to tell a guy no before he gets the picture that you’re not interested in going out again?”

  “Too many,” Melissa said, rolling her eyes.

  “Be careful. If you have any problems, call me. I’ll have Stephen pay him a visit. I’m sure a police officer showing up at the guy’s door will put a stop to it.”

  “Thanks, Ev. But I’m sure he’ll eventually get bored and stop.”

  The waitress walked up, delivering their food. Sarah immediately got lost in her thoughts. This guy was becoming a pain in her ass. This had gone on for months, and he definitely wasn’t getting the picture. Tom was one of her first bets, very good looking, but the last thing she needed was a relationship with an arrogant asshole. He carried himself well, could swim in the amount of money he hid in the bank, and completely turned her off with his overpowering personality.

  In a daze, she finished off her food, oblivious to her surroundings. It wasn’t until Evelyn nudged her that she realized everyone quietly sat, staring at her.

  “Sorry, what?”

  “We were asking if you were going to the Martini Bar tonight. You know, it’s Bet Night.”

  She looked at Melissa and tried to make herself smile. “Of course I am. Have you lost your mind? I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I’ve been looking forward to getting my hands on a good-looking man all week.”

  Laughing, they all stood and walked outside to their cars. Sarah ran her fingers along the roof of her red Corvette. A lot of people assumed things about her. No one knew the complete and honest truth about who she truly was. The girls thought she wanted some rich man to sweep her off her feet, but that wasn’t the case at all. A rich man taking care of her was the last thing she wanted. It was the whole reason why she had her friends tar
get them for bets. Did they really take her for a woman who needed a man to take care of her? No, she’d taken care of herself too long to allow that.

  Chapter 2

  Sarah stood in the bathroom of her small one-bedroom apartment, the same one she’d had for the last ten years. Silence filled the enclosed space, threatening to suffocate her. Her platinum blonde hair hung in waves to her elbows as she took in her reflection. Overall, she looked good. The short, sexy, black dress gave off the impression of what she supposedly would be looking for, but she’d kill to throw on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt.

  Out of nowhere, she started shaking. Panic penetrated all the way to her bones. Her mind was screaming for her not to go out tonight. The air even felt electrically charged while she continued to take in her five-foot-eight-inch frame in the mirror. This wasn’t the first time this had happened. The last week had been full of panic attacks.

  “It’s nothing. You’re going to be fine, Sarah. You worry too much, that’s all. Maybe you need this. What’s one guy? After tonight, you can take another break.” She looked at herself and laughed. “Great, now you’re talking to yourself. It’s only downhill from here.”

  She took one last look in the mirror and grabbed her purse. Tonight, she’d be fine. If she repeated that enough, maybe she would believe it.

  Not an hour, and two drinks, later, pop music died out and some song Sarah had never heard before filled the crowded bar. Smoke hung heavily in the air as she weaved her way through the crowds. Music pulsed through her body, courtesy of the increasing volume, but the vibrations from the bass weren’t the only things making her crave to be touched.

  The blond man dressed in casual jeans and a tight, fitted, black T-shirt was her mark, her bet, and for tonight, her ultimate salvation. He’d numb the needs she’d begun to feel, and his contact would get her through the next few weeks.

  Something about the way he stood there staring at her from across the room pulled her in his direction. From the moment he was pointed out to her, she knew she wanted him, had to have him. He’d be the first bet she took in weeks, and she couldn’t help but think the wait was well worth it.

  “Sarah, wait!”

  Quickly, she turned around to spy Julie running toward her. The blonde highlights scattered throughout her dark hair turned neon yellow in the black light. She looked gorgeous in a pair of tight-fitting jeans and a cute, sparkly tank top.

  “What? You haven’t chosen someone else, have you? I really like this one.”

  Julie looked toward the blond and smiled. “No, I haven’t changed my mind. Just thought I’d come up the stakes.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Sarah narrowed her lids. The blue of Julie’s eyes blazed mischievously. She let out a giggle, covered her mouth, and then turned to look at the table toward Stephen, Brandon, and Evelyn.

  Slowly, Sarah followed her gaze and caught the wink from the pale, dark-haired Brandon. The gold of his eyes nearly made her heart stop. Damn, Evelyn was lucky to have snatched the two hottest guys in the Port Aransas area. Despite Brandon’s good looks, she didn’t miss that playful look he had painted across his face. If he had anything to do with Julie’s sudden appearance, it wasn’t good.

  “Brandon said he’s got a bet for you. Blondie, plus,” Julie smiled even bigger, “him. If you can convince both of them to go home with you, he’ll buy your drinks for a year.”

  Sarah sighed. “Well, for one, Mr. Gorgeous isn’t part of our game so he doesn’t get to dictate who I decide to go home with. For two, I have no desire to take two men into my bed at this time. One is plenty and complicated enough to get rid of. Two would be impossible. I have no idea how Evelyn even puts up with the both of them. Too much testosterone if you ask me.”

  She turned to see the new guy in question and froze. Wide chest, taller than any man in the room, he was gorgeous and, heartbreakingly enough, her high school sweetheart. Devon was dressed in cowboy boots, tight jeans, and wore a cowboy hat to cover his dark brown hair. He looked nothing like the carefree rebellious kid she’d dated throughout her teenage years, the one who wore holey jeans and a leather jacket. She felt her chest shake from the rhythm of her heart.

  “Hey, are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost. I think your tan just melted off.”

  “What?” She looked at Julie but didn’t truly see her. All she could see were memories and images of the two of them. Visions that haunted her every day.

  Stop this, Sarah! Just pretend he didn’t stomp all over everything you’re made of. But she couldn’t ignore what happened between them. The fact that she and Devon shared such an intimate past couldn’t be overlooked. At seventeen, she’d lost her virginity to him, got pregnant, and then tragically lost the baby when she was only three months along. Too many “what-ifs” plagued her every moment, awake or asleep.

  “Are you all right? Geez, what in the hell is the matter with you? You’re getting paler by the second. Here, come sit down. If you faint, there’s no way in hell I’ll be able to lift your tall ass off the floor.”

  Dizziness escalated the longer she stared at Devon from across the room. Aching in her chest quickly turned to anger. Where exactly had he been? The day after she lost the baby, he disappeared. She’d never heard a word from him. Had everything they shared meant nothing ? How could someone be so heartless?

  Julie led her to the table. Numbly, she sat down across from Evelyn and her men.

  Without thinking, she picked up her martini and drank it in one swift motion. “All right, Sarah. Who’s the guy?”

  “You know Devon?” Brandon asked, leaning toward her.

  “She can’t know him. He just moved here,” Stephen said, looking in the direction of the tall cowboy.

  “That’s Devon? The Devon?” Evelyn reached across the table and grabbed Sarah’s hand.

  “Honey, look at me. Is that him?”

  The tears threatened, but she looked up. “Yeah, that’s him. Listen, I think maybe I should go. I can’t…”

  Evelyn squeezed her hand. “Wait, let me explain before you leave upset. He’s one of the guys here for the wedding. I’m so sorry. I didn’t know. I’ll make sure your paths don’t cross again. I can’t imagine what you’re going through.”

  “What did he do?” Stephen asked.

  “Later,” Evelyn whispered.

  “I have to go. Sarah leaned over toward the wall to grab her purse. She knew she shouldn’t have come out tonight. Something kept nagging at her. Why didn’t she listen to her intuition? What was she going to do now? Could she avoid him long enough for him to return to wherever he came from? All she knew was that she needed to flee, and fast.

  “If he hurt her, I want to know,” Stephen said with a low growl from across the table.

  Stunned, she looked up. “No, it’s not what you think. It wasn’t like that at all, not what you’re implying, anyway. We went to high school and dated for a while. Let’s just say things didn’t end well.”

  “I’m sorry. If I would have known, I never would have said anything,” Brandon whispered.

  “It’s fine, really. I have to go.”

  Sarah stood up swiftly, only to stand eye level with a very large chest. She didn’t even have to guess who it might be. “Fuck,” she whispered shakily to herself. She closed her eyes, slowing her breathing. She would not show him how scared she felt.

  “Hello, Sarah.”

  A rough finger brought her chin up so she stared directly into Devon’s eyes. The light gray color penetrated into her very soul until she thought she’d surely break into a thousand pieces. Renewed pain fluttered through her chest. He looked so different, yet not. The soft features of boyhood were long gone, transformed into the most gorgeous face she’d ever seen. The thought of what he’d turned into made her heart break even more. She’d missed it all.

  Angry at the sensations filling her body, she slapped his hand away from her face. Words wouldn’t come, but he didn’t have a problem figuring out t
he unspoken thoughts running through her head. He immediately put his hand down.

  “You look more beautiful than I remember. How have you been?”

  The hoarseness of his voice somehow invisibly caressed her skin. Her traitorous body leaned in his direction until they weren’t more than an inch away from each other.

  “I’ve been great. Never better. You?”

  A pained looked passed his features only for a split second, but it was enough to make her stomach flip multiple times. She couldn’t ignore how she wasn’t the only one affected by their past.

  “Fine, I guess.”

  “Great.” Sarah put on a fake smile, trying to find her way around him. “Well, have fun tonight. I was just leaving.”

  “Don’t leave,” he whispered. Softly, his hand wrapped around her arm, immobilizing her. Heat rushed to her very core. Trembling immediately took over her body. The panicky feeling rushed back through her until she couldn’t breathe.

  The sound of glass breaking caused everyone to spin around. Melissa stood there, staring at them angrily. Sarah wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry. Melissa, being closer to her age, was the only one who personally knew Devon and their situation. And the girl was a force to be reckoned with when she was pissed.

  “You son of a bitch.” She stalked forward, her red hair flying out behind her. “Get the hell away from my friend. Don’t you think you’ve hurt her enough? Do you have any idea what she went through when you just disappeared?”

  Her friend barely came to his upper stomach. With her hands, she pushed him back, and embraced Sarah.

  “Stay the hell away from her, or…or, I’ll kick your ass myself.”

  Brandon stood up, but Devon put up his hand for him to sit down. “You were always a feisty little thing, Melissa. I’m sorry about what happened with Sarah, but I didn’t come back to cause trouble. I’m actually moving back.”


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