Saving Sarah (Blissful Bets #2)

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Saving Sarah (Blissful Bets #2) Page 10

by Alaska Angelini

  “I think it’s too soon to mark her,” Gavin said, looking out of the window.

  “Why is that? We’re all bound together. The pull’s not going to lessen. We all might as well get it over with.”

  “You’re saying that, but do you know what that entails? Think about it, Devon. Are you ready? I think from the beginning you’ve known how I felt. You might be coming around, but can you go through the act?”

  Sarah watched Devon stiffen. “What’s going to happen? I don’t understand.”

  Gavin turned to her and tried to smile tenderly. “Don’t worry about anything,” he said, caressing his palm down her cheek. Her nipples instantly tightened at his contact. Shit, he was trying to be caring, and her body was screaming for sex. Sarah shifted as he went on.

  “The mark won’t hurt you. The way we’ll have to place it on though poses a problem. You see, for it to work, both marks have to be put on within a twenty-four hour period. That’s not the problem. It’s that we all have to be having sex to place it. And if we want the strongest connection, it really needs to be done together and not separate. I don’t know about Devon, but I want the mark as pure as it gets, especially since someone’s after you.”

  Sarah felt heat pour through her body. The headache, the tension, everything melted away and disappeared at the thought of both of them being in her bed. Wetness seeped from her pussy, causing her to continue to shift in the seat. The vibrations of the loud exhaust weren’t helping either.

  “Look at me,” Gavin said, easing her face in his direction.

  At his touch, a moan almost passed her lips. The need to feel him, to touch him made her unbuckle her seat belt. She was lost, lost in lust, lost in the pull, and mostly lost to the reality that they were driving down the middle of the small island’s main street.

  Chapter 14

  “Come to me.”

  The sound of Gavin’s voice sounded like the sweetest, most seductive music. Hypnotized, Sarah jerked up her skirt and straddled his lap. She rubbed her pussy against his cock, wanting to kiss him. The fact that his gaze rested on Devon and not her was the only thing that broke the trance.

  “Do you see how you react? Devon, seriously, watch the road.”

  She looked toward her tense cowboy and slid back into her seat. The fuzziness still clouded her thoughts, and her body vibrated with need. As they turned into the parking lot of the apartment complex, she sighed in relief.

  “So, are you ready? Can you handle it?”

  Devon got out of the truck without answering and walked to her apartment.

  “Gavin, he doesn’t want to watch me with you, does he?”

  “No, but it’s not your fault. I think it’s more the alpha in him. He doesn’t like to share, and he hates the fact that he has to. To him, you’ll always be his. I think knowing what we do and having to watch it are two separate things. Maybe we can convince him together.”

  Climbing out of the truck, Sarah held her arms around Gavin’s waist while they made their way inside. Devon exited the hallway as they walked through the front door.

  “All’s clear. Sarah, why don’t you go take a shower and relax while I have a talk with, Gavin? Is that all right?”

  “Actually, it sounds like a great idea.”

  Kissing both of them softly on the lips, she gathered everything she needed. A smiled came to her face. The sexy, black lace lingerie would do the trick. At least, she hoped it would.

  She turned the water on, giving it a few minutes to warm up before she got in. The moment the warmth pounded against her skin, she let her mind drift to thoughts about Devon. Would he stop them before anything even started, or could she get him to submit to her charms? If he didn’t, he’d probably be pissed, but it was something she knew she couldn’t prolong.

  Quickly washing her body, Sarah got out and began dressing in the sexy lingerie. The black lace slip dress was nearly see-through. She really hoped she could convince Devon to join her and Gavin. The thought of having both of them close left her heart racing.

  Pausing with her hand on the knob, she took a deep breath. She could do this. The mark needed to be in place so they’d all stop going crazy, and Tom would hopefully leave her alone. Plus, she wanted to do this.

  Sarah flung open the door and walked into the living room. The men’s eyes stared at her in awe. Devon’s mouth parted while he took in her body. Gavin bit his lip.

  “I thought I’d make this easier on all of us. Things might be a little rushed, but it is something we should just get out of the way. I originally planned to keep you two together until you got along, but it seems like that plan went south pretty fast. If you both will follow me, I’ll try to make everything as easy on all of us as possible.”

  Sarah looked toward Gavin and prayed this would work. “Devon.” She stood, holding out her hand to him. He didn’t come. With a pained, conflicted expression, he just continued to stare, taking in her body.

  Just when fear and disappointment began to leap into her chest from the endless seconds, he walked forward. With his large frame towering over her, she looked into his face. “I want you to focus on me the whole time. This will be hard, and I’m sorry for that, but please try not to stop.”

  Devon ran his fingers through his hair. “I’ll try. Gavin.” He turned around and looked into Gavin’s face. “If for some reason I…can’t…”

  “You will. Devon, you have to. Think of Sarah. She needs to be protected. Who better to keep her safe than you? I’m strong as hell, but you’re stronger. We’re all in this together. Don’t forget that. It’s not about you anymore. It’s about all of us. When you start looking at us as your own personal pack, things will get easier for you.”

  “Let’s go.” Sarah grabbed Devon by the hand and led him to the bedroom. Blood pumped furiously through her veins while she approached the bed. Not knowing what to expect made things worse. They said it wouldn’t hurt, but how did they know? Neither one could speak from experience.

  Trembling made the steps Sarah took toward almost impossible. Her confidence plummeted as she stared at her comforter. Could she really do this? Although she felt connected to them now, this was permanent, almost like a marriage, except there was no divorcing a mark.

  “Sarah, Sarah, look at me. Calm down. It’ll be okay.”

  She looked into Gavin’s face. He stood before her, Devon directly behind. The nearness of both of their bodies wiped everything away. “I’m okay, just pre-wedding jitters, no big deal. This is, of course, more eternal, so to speak. People get divorced every day, but there is no signing your rights over from this.”

  Before she could feel any more panic, she crushed her lips against his, cutting off whatever he meant to say. The pressure from his hands wrapped around her waist, pulling her closely into Gavin’s body, and she was surprised when he suddenly passed her to Devon.

  Locking her arms around his neck, she stared into the depths of his eyes. “Remember what you told me while we were in front of the mirror?”

  “Of course.” Devon nuzzled her nose, a small smile appearing across his lips. “I’ll never forget a single second we share together. And I sure as hell haven’t forgotten the words I spoke last night.”

  “Will you tell me how much you love me again, tonight?”

  “Of course.”

  The sound of the comforter being pulled down behind them drew her attention. She quickly turned back to Devon and placed her lips against his. He was always so passionate, and this time wasn’t any different. In slow strokes, he ran his tongue against hers, sparking cravings in her body she could hardly control. All uneasiness left until peace and the rightness of the situation settled in her heart.

  “Gavin, get on the other side. I’ll put Sarah between us.”

  The cool sheets pressed against her skin while he laid her in the middle of the bed. Weight settled on both sides of her, and she couldn’t help but notice the way her breathing deepened. The rise and fall of her chest slowed while a need so co
nsuming made her clit pulse. Both men’s eyes closed at the same time while they inhaled deeply.

  “She smells amazing, doesn’t she?” Gavin whispered.

  Devon’s gray eyes opened to reveal a darker shade, almost black. Sarah stared, captivated at the change in him. He lowered himself to her lips, kissing her until she was breathless. The taste of him left her gripping his neck tightly as he loomed over her.

  The light brush of fingertips trailed down her arm until Gavin reached her hand and lifted it to his lips, placing kisses along the pads of her fingers. With a soft nibble, she moaned into Devon’s mouth. Currents rushed through her core, and she couldn’t help but spread her legs wider.

  While Devon continued to tease her with his tongue, she could feel him pull down the small straps of her lingerie. The lace shifted down her ribs as Gavin’s hands helped bring the material down farther. Warmth from two fingers gently pulled at her nipple, making her juices increase. From that moment, she was lost. She wouldn’t have been able to turn back even if she wanted to.

  * * * *

  Devon broke his lips from Sarah’s long enough to remove his shirt. Surprisingly enough, the fact that he just witnessed Gavin caressing Sarah’s breast didn’t affect him the way he thought it would. No anger filled him, only the need to please his soon-to-be mate. Just the thought of making her his forever filled him with a sense of satisfaction. She was beautiful as she lay there, heavy-lidded with passion. He wanted to see her like that for the rest of his life.

  Lowering his mouth to her neck, Devon trailed down the soft length, teasing her with his tongue. Sarah’s body trembled beneath him, a moan filling the room as he lightly bit the junction between her neck and collarbone. The urge to sink his teeth in deeper taunted him and turned his blood into fire. The length of his cock ached with wanting to be buried inside of her.

  “You’re doing great, baby.” He whispered the words feeling her shiver at his proximity.

  The sweet taste of her skin filled his senses while he worked his way slowly down to her breast. Taking her tight nipple into his mouth, he pulled it between his teeth gently. Sarah’s fingers laced through his hair pulling him in further.

  “Devon, Gavin, please, I need…”

  Lifting his head, he looked toward Gavin, who was taking off his shirt. For moments that seemed to last an eternity, neither moved, but they held eye contact. This was it, the ultimate test, and Devon knew it. He looked toward Sarah and then back to Gavin.

  “Gavin, you go ahead.”

  He nodded and smiled. “I’d love to.”

  Instead of Gavin touching her, he settled on the bed, lying between Sarah’s thighs. Devon watched while he lowered his mouth to her pussy. The first brush of his tongue against her folds brought Sarah into a semi-sitting position. It was all Devon saw because Sarah’s arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him down to kiss her.

  The image vanished with her taste, but not before he realized how turned-on the vision made him. Hungrily, he kissed her, taking off his pants at the same time. The awkwardness was over. Something happened between him and Gavin when they locked gazes. A strange feeling of peace and understanding had filled his heart, calming him, and suddenly Devon knew everything was going to be fine.

  * * * *

  Sarah’s essence filled Gavin until he could feel fire behind his eyes. Heat raced through him, demanding he show it attention. While his mind tried to force him to hurry, he fought it and took his time thrusting his tongue. Fuck, she tasted so good. The sweetness teased him. With as much as he loved her juices, nothing compared with the flavor of her cum.

  While he trailed his tongue down her slit, so many emotions poured inside of him. He took extra care not to get carried away. Devon took to this a million times better than he thought possible, but the bond was responsible for that. Something, an understanding, passed through them when Sarah needed attention. The fact that the cowboy gave in and let him tend to her needs not only shocked him, but also sealed the deal.

  Flicking his tongue over Sarah’s clit, she jumped from the sensitivity. He eased the connection until his tip barely brushed against the nub. She let out a loud moan as her hips began to rock into a faster rhythm. Sliding a finger inside, he pushed deep. Continuing the action, he took off his pants and slowly caressing his cock.

  Mere moments passed, and then tightening drew Gavin from his thoughts. Looking up from between her thighs, Devon sucked on her breasts, his breath coming out in pants. Unfortunately, this first time needed to go fast. There was always time to go again but putting the bond in place was crucial.

  Easing another finger into Sarah’s tightness, he felt her buck and scream through the spasms. As her scent filled the room, both men looked at each other. He didn’t wait. Gavin moved up on the bed.

  “Devon, you make love to her first. Sit up and let Sarah straddle your waist. When you’re about to mark her, let me know. I’ll be behind, waiting for you to tell me when.”

  Easily, Devon picked her up and placed Sarah on his lap. Slowly, she eased down the length of his cock, moaning as he filled her completely. Gavin grabbed his own length and began stroking it again while he moved in, inches away from her smooth skin. Surprising him, she leaned back against his chest and stared up at him.

  “Kiss me, Gavin. Let me taste you.”

  Hypnotized by her beauty, he complied, lost the moment his tongue swept against hers. A feeling of completion swept through him as they all connected. This was the way things were meant to be. He knew it deep down in his soul. Moans poured from all of them, and like nature taking its course, he knew it was time.

  * * * *

  Sarah clutched the sides of Gavin’s face as pleasure exploded throughout her entire body. She could feel herself jerk from the current connection they formed. Something told her the time arrived for them to become one. The feeling was in her bones, in her very being.

  Gavin pulled his lips back from her mouth, and quicker than what she could comprehend, a slight pain raced into the back of her shoulder, and right above her breast. The bites coming from both of the men quickly turned from pain into instant ecstasy.

  Sarah screamed as her pussy tightened around Devon. A twinge began to run through her limbs while a feeling she couldn’t even begin to describe seemed to push against her heart, surrounding it in a warm cocoon. All previous pain, disappointment, and sadness vanished, leaving her feeling like a completely different person.

  Devon’s lips separated with a groan while he began to thrust into her repeatedly. The warmth of Gavin’s tongue ran across her shoulder as he pulled her back against his chest. Looking up, she connected with the greenest eyes she’d ever seen. They were so bright they almost seemed to be illuminating even in the light.

  She pulled his lips to hers, needing to taste him. Letting his flavor fill her mouth, she suddenly needed more. Her orgasm was so close, but it eluded her, and she knew exactly what she needed to make her lose all control.

  “Gavin, let me lie back,” she whispered against his lips. “I want you in my mouth.”

  Easing her to the sheets, he scooted back until she looked up to his thickness. With the tip of her tongue, Sarah traced the length of him. Devon’s cock pushed deeper, making her moan. She glanced down and noticed how Devon watched what she was doing. The fact that he seemed to enjoy what he was seeing made her continue eagerly.

  Wrapping her hand around the width, she eased the tip into her mouth, tasting the pre- cum that slid across her tongue. Gavin’s fingers gripped tight to the sheet next to the side of her face while she took in more of his length.

  “Fuck, Sarah. That feels so good.”

  Gavin pulled gently at her nipple. Urgency forced Sarah to take his cock deeper inside her mouth. She applied suction with her lips to taste more of him, to have him share his distinct flavor with her.

  A load groan echoed off the walls, and greedily, she stroked his length faster with her hand. No longer could she hold off the building orgasm. Devon t
hrust hard as he swelled inside of her. The effect made her orgasm burst from her body. Feeling the warmth fill her, Sarah heard the sheet tear while Gavin tried to break away from her mouth, but she wouldn’t let him.

  “Sarah, I can’t hold off any longer.”

  “So, don’t,” she whispered, sliding him back inside.

  Warmth coated her mouth. At his essence sweeping through her senses, she heard herself moan. He tasted better than anything she’d ever consumed. She hungrily held onto his thighs until she felt sure she’d savored every last drop.

  Devon’s body dropped back toward the pillows, while Gavin fell to the bed. Heaviness settled over her, and before she could go over everything they all just went through, she sank into the darkness.

  Chapter 15

  Sarah awoke to the sound of banging. Groggily, she reached for her pillow trying to bury herself underneath, but as her hand felt around blindly for the feather fluffiness, it was nowhere within reach. Her fingers came in contact with a leg, and she suddenly recalled the events like a tidal wave.

  Bolting to a sitting position, she took in the two nude bodies sprawled out on the bed. Gavin was practically hanging off the end of one side while Devon was more curled around the top.

  Smiling, Sarah eased from the bed and grabbed her robe. Gavin sat up slowly and another round of banging brought both of them to full consciousness. The clock read nine, but the light still poured through the windows. Confused, she took her watch from the bedside table and checked the time. Devon threw on some clothes and headed out of the room.

  “It can’t be the next morning. We all couldn’t have slept that long, right?”

  Gavin rubbed his eyes, looking around just as perplexed. “I don’t know. I wouldn’t think so, but what happened was pretty amazing. I don’t even remember going to sleep.”


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