Romancing the Soul

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Romancing the Soul Page 31

by Sarah Tranter

  Susie had had more than enough of Porsche Sutter-Blythe to last her a lifetime. Make that two! Prudence Argylle had forced her attentions on Freddie and now Porsche was daring to do the same with George. George’s lawyers were clearly not hands on enough. And whereas George might not feel able to deal with the woman as she deserved, Susie damned well could. In the absence of forks – fists and nails would do.


  Susie felt like she’d rushed into a brick wall and found herself temporarily winded. In fact a brick wall would have been less hard.

  She kept her glower fixed on Dick standing before her with legs apart, arms crossed over his chest, as she was hoisted backwards, Tom on one arm, Harry the other. How could she have forgotten them?

  Susie found herself deposited at her starting position. And she was seething. She wasn’t sure who to rant at first. Yes she was. Rachael.

  She hurled herself around, hands on hips, only to find the object of her livid focus, otherwise distracted.

  Rachael was looking towards the lake. ‘Oh. My. Giddy … Aunt!’

  Susie spun around to face the lake.

  And she just knew her mouth was hanging open but … And he was hers? How was that possible?

  But he shouldn’t be out in public like this. Definitely not. If she could drag her eyes away from him, past Rachael – she gritted her teeth – she knew for sure, every single female member of the crew, and more than a few men, would be goggle-eyed and equally open-mouthed. And that included the bitch! Her fists clenched tightly at the thought.

  And why was he wet? Soaked in fact. And he hated water! Oh George! Why was his previously billowy Darcy shirt, several top buttons undone, now sticking to every part of his torso? And his breeches or whatever they were called … She gulped and forced her eyes to return to his face.

  She imagined a water droplet falling from the floppy dark locks over his forehead, trailing down his nose to its tip and … the closer he was getting, the less she required imagination. And then there were the drips travelling down that indented central line of his chest. Warming against his skin on their downward journey. Getting hotter and hotter … as they went down, down … down.

  Oh God. And she thought she’d had an injection of neat need earlier.

  ‘How good am I?’ Rachael murmured. ‘Susie has demonstrated it’s not just the male in the Soul Mate species that reacts to protect their mate. George, by entering the water he so hates in order to escape Slutty-Blythe, has given serious clout to his Saint George labelling. His dash out of the water, and march in our direction, furthermore provides a most delectable demonstration of his need to keep his mate safe. And indeed, by provoking Susie into breaching the Tom, Dick and Harry perimeter patrol, I’ve undoubtedly ensured the recruitment of an additional battalion of reinforcements to protect her. Hopefully, within a setting that features no lake because her being here is insane! That was the goal of this little exercise. But, holy moly. Just look at that!’

  It was taking Susie far too long to absorb Rachael’s words. Her brain and body being somewhat distracted by the approaching George and— Shit! He didn’t look happy. She was meant to be doing everything in her power to reassure George, to not add to his worries, no matter how unfounded she considered they were. And now look what she’d done.

  Rachael’s words finally hit home. And Susie’s fury was such that she managed to snatch her eyes away from George, and fling herself around.

  ‘You cow! You total utter cow! You deliberately provoked me! I will never forgive you if he recruits any more bodyguards. You know how I feel about them. How could you. Stop looking at him! Look at me! I want you to be looking at me when I—’

  And he was there. Oh God he was there. She didn’t need to track Rachael’s following eyes to know he was right behind her. Her body was reacting to his proximity, the steamy warmth, his scent. He couldn’t possibly be any closer without touching her.

  ‘A word. Now.’ It sounded way too calm, way too quiet. But the accompanying fanning of his breath over the skin of her ear … She shivered all over.

  ‘I’m …’ She took a deep, albeit tremulous breath and attempted casual. ‘I’ll just finish Rachael off if you don’t mind. Then I’ll be right with you.’

  ‘Now!’ George growled into her ear. She found her arm hooked into his and they were walking. Fast.

  ‘Don’t think I’ve finished with you Rachael!’

  ‘He does smoulder. Rob was so right … although I really shouldn’t be thinking of Rob right now. Do you think … Matey is missing me?’

  ‘Out.’ George somehow managed to get past his lips as he addressed the occupants of the large tent he steered Susie into. It was the underlying tone of his so quiet voice that ensured every last one of them scarpered.

  He released her arm and stood staring at her, forcing himself to take control of his breathing, while the last straggling evictees scuttled away.

  She met his eyes head-on, not flinching from what she saw there, and he felt himself slowly calming, his breathing becoming slower and less ragged. Although his heart rate didn’t seem to be slowing down much.

  She broke the silence but not the eye contact. ‘I’m sorry.’

  George swallowed, talk presently beyond him. They stayed like that for several moments before he managed to get another word out. ‘Why?’

  Not why she was sorry, but why she had nearly killed him by marching towards the water like that. All he had been able to imagine was holding Susie in his arms, lifeless … as Freddie had held Hannah.

  ‘I’m sorry. I couldn’t stand seeing her all over you and—’

  ‘You think that makes me feel better?’ He rubbed his hands furiously through his wet hair. ‘Have you any idea what you just did to me? You can’t have because you wouldn’t have done it if you had. You’re meant to be staying away from her. But instead … instead … instead you …’ He broke off to take more calming breaths.

  ‘I’m so sorry,’ she said.

  He just stared at her. How could anyone survive feeling this deeply for another person? It was pure agony because what if you lost them? How the hell were you supposed to be able to cope with the fear of that?

  ‘You promised me you’d honour the perimeter. You promised me you’d steer clear of Porsche and Michael. You—’

  ‘I think you’ll find I didn’t promise to steer clear of that bitch. I distinctly recall changing the subject and—’

  ‘Susie!’ He was shaking his head. ‘It’s no good. You’re going home. I can’t have you around a lake like this. Around Michael and Por—’

  ‘You can’t do that!’

  ‘What the hell else do you expect me to do? It’s an impossible situation and—’

  ‘You’d send me away? You’d want not to be with me? You’d want to—’

  ‘Of course it’s not what I want! I want you. Every second of every day. Even now. When I’m so furious with you I might just kill you myself. But I can’t take this.’

  I seriously can’t take this. I need you locked away somewhere, with trusted armed guards. Somewhere where I know you can’t come to any harm! Because God help me if something happens to you.

  ‘I won’t leave. Whatever you say. Just so you know that.’

  He’d known she’d say that. He looked at her pleadingly. ‘What if I need you to?’

  ‘It’s not going to happen. That’s not what you need anyway.’ She took a small step forward, closing the gap between them.

  George gulped. ‘Fine. I’m pulling out of the film then. I should have done it before. I never wanted this film anyway and with everything—’

  ‘You’re not pulling out, George. We’ve talked about that. We are not running.’ She shook her head and put her hand on his wet shirt, palm resting over his heart. ‘You’re trembling,’ she exclaimed,
immediately looking concerned. ‘God, you’re freezing. Oh George. What are they doing making you do a water scene in March?’

  Was he? Probably. Whether he was cold or not hadn’t crossed his mind. And currently, her hand on his chest was sending sizzling hot sensations right to his groin. Not that his groin needed any extra stimulation. Susie was before him, his senses full of her. And then there was that primitive stuff his whole being was crying out for. He took her hands, the one over his heart and the one currently running so distractingly up and down his side, and held them away from his body.

  ‘Towels. You need towels and …’

  He shook his head. ‘We need to sort out what I’m going to do with you because—’

  ‘Can we just look at what happened rationally for a moment? I walked forward a few feet and—’

  ‘More than a few damned feet! What the hell Tom, Dick—’

  ‘Okay. I walked forward a little way. But that was it. I encountered the wall with the nasty boils on top, but that was it. That’s all that happened, love. I was nowhere near the water. I was nowhere near Porsche. There was zero danger.’

  He could feel himself frowning as he tried to go back over events, but all he could recall was that rush of terror. Susie heading towards the lake. Susie about to drown. Intermingled with those horrific flashbacks. But when she said it like that, it didn’t sound … In fact …

  Bloody hell! He was like this … because she’d taken some steps forwards?

  ‘Don’t you think this is all getting a little out of hand?’ She retrieved a hand from his to gently stroke his face. She moved her thumb to follow one of the darkened areas under his eyes which make-up had yet to tackle. ‘You’re worrying so much. You’re not sleeping and that can hardly be helping. But together we are invincible, George. We are. I promise not to do anything like that again. Let’s get through this together, yeah?’

  She always succeeded in calming him down. Reassuring him. Making him believe for a moment there was nothing to worry about. But his fears invariably resurrected themselves.

  He angled his face to kiss the palm of her hand. At this precise moment he needed to absorb himself in her … sink himself into her.

  ‘And do you honestly think I’m going to leave you alone up here with the rampant Porsche? You worry about me around her, but it’s you she wants and is hell-bent on getting. If anyone’s in danger here, it’s you. There’s definitely no sex scene with her is there? You won’t be …’

  George couldn’t help the incredulous chuckle. He rested his forehead on hers. ‘How good an actor do you think I am? And don’t be so sure the kiss will happen either.’

  ‘You might not have to kiss her?’

  He looked into those stunning eyes of hers. ‘My favourite option is changing the ending.’ He watched her eyes widen. ‘I’m lobbying Francis and he hasn’t ruled it out.’

  ‘You can’t change the ending of Pride and Prejudice!’

  ‘I’ve a new take on it.’ He moved his lips to brush against her neck. God she smelt glorious. ‘It wouldn’t take much re-editing to turn it into a Gothic – or Regency – Horror, even.’

  ‘A …?’

  He grinned against her skin. ‘Think about it. All that simmering pent up stuff going on with Darcy. It could be more to do with his need to kill, than to rut. I’m looking to have Darcy throttling Elizabeth in the final scene.’

  He moved his head back to take in her mirth. She took his face in her hands. ‘I love you so very much George Silbury,’ she said with a giggle, before breaking off with a frown. ‘You’re still so cold!’

  ‘Then warm me up, sweetheart. Warm me up.’

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  ‘Flaming … Oh Flaming …’A gulp replaced the rest of Rachael’s words as she entered the former ballroom of George and Susie’s eighteenth-century country-house hotel, now home to a highly contemporary party, evidently in full swing. She’d not a hope of missing the gargantuan ‘Congratulations George and Susie’ backdrop, resplendent with love hearts. It was a far cry from that crooked strung-up banner you’d get down the local, but provided much the same effect – if you multiplied it by a thousand.

  No provocation they’d agreed. No provoking Michael and Porsche. No making them feel compelled into action! George had even told Michael to scrap his release on the engagement. That things between him and Susie were moving too fast. And that he was to fill George’s forward schedule up because work was his priority!

  A loaded food tray hovered before Rachael’s face. She scooped up a handful of … mini cupcakes? She rotated them in her hands suspiciously before shaking her head incredulously. They were iced with ‘George 4 Susie’ and ‘Susie 4 George’ – Hollywood – or was it footballer-wife – style?

  ‘Whose deranged idea was this?’ she spluttered.

  Cassie, at her side, was silent, completely and utterly silent as she took in the extent of the celebration taking place. There were hundreds of revellers and evidently not just film crew, but also the A to Z of the A list. ‘Dear God,’ she finally managed. ‘It … it—’ She broke off, looking frantically around the room, seeming to see things afresh. She then stared at Rachael aghast while she struggled to get the next words out between her intermittent gasps for air. ‘We’re in a ballroom! A ballroom! That night … That God awful night! … A ball … that became a celebration of their engagement!’

  ‘Cassie …’ Rachael said feebly. ‘We are in so much …’ But she had got distracted. They could not be serious? A life-size ice sculpture in the style of Rodin’s The Kiss depicting the happy couple!

  ‘We can thank the studio,’ Cassie choked. ‘I couldn’t get much sense out of George when he called. And no wonder! They’d just sprung this on them – an impromptu surprise party – and he was beside himself, trying to remain calm but failing dismally. Apparently Francis the director overhead George telling Graham of the engagement and this is the result! George needs us to help get Susie the hell out of here!’

  ‘This is impromptu?’ Rachael said, then in an urgent hiss, ‘Michael in deep cahoots with Porsche at three o’clock.’ She turned slightly, so Cassie could see for herself.

  ‘God only knows what they’re saying. I have such a bad feeling,’ Cassie said.

  Rachael would second that having taken in the wild look in Porsche’s eyes and the way she knocked back a full glass of champagne in one, and immediately started on another.

  ‘It’s different,’ Rachael murmured. ‘We might be in a ballroom celebrating their engagement but it’s different! Remind yourself of that. Comfort yourself with that because that’s what I’m frantically doing right now.’

  ‘We’re out of time here!’ Cassie said desperately. ‘We’ve got to do something! We’ll get Susie out of here but … but …’ She held Rachael’s eyes and said in an anguished whisper, ‘If the only way to stop this playing out is to remove Michael and Porsche from the equation … permanently remove them … then I’ll do it. I’ll do it Rachael. I’ll do anything to stop this ending how it did before!’

  ‘We’ll do it,’ Rachael corrected, meeting Cassie’s now determined look with one of her own. ‘We’re out of options. If it comes to it, we will do it. But …’ She shook her head. ‘You’re forgetting we are out of the equation this time around and it’s still playing out. Removing Michael and Porsche is no guarantee. Not if it’s Fate. Not if it’s destined to repeat no matter the obstacles. Then it will happen whatever we do.’

  But they can’t have the same fates! They can’t! Please don’t let it be that!

  Rachael took a deep fortifying breath and continued, ‘Look, the cycle might break tonight. It has to break tonight!’ She attempted to repress the panic that was sounding in her voice. ‘Things are seriously different! We’re onto them, so there can be no luring away and there’s Tom, Dick and Harry, too, thank God. And we’re
not near the lake and everything in the hotel grounds is boarded up. George saw to that very efficiently. Though I’m amazed he’s not had her locked away somewhere …’ Rachael re-met Cassie’s eyes. ‘We need to get her locked away, Cassie!’

  Cassie nodded. ‘Let’s get her out of here. And if he won’t lock her up, we will. Both of them if necessary! And then we’ll tackle Michael and Porsche …’ She swallowed audibly. ‘With where we’re at right now, it’s the only way. And I’m up for it. I really am. I’m up for anything!’

  ‘Anything?’ Susie asked, emerging to stand next to Cassie, glass of champagne in hand. She shot a look at Rachael that promised revenge at the first opportunity. ‘That sounds fun. Can I join you? Because I’ve finally got my get out of jail card. Tom, Dick and Harry are currently indisposed, stomach bug or something. I should feel guil … pity, but it’s such a liberating sensation, I can’t bring myself to feel anything but glee! I am going to make the most of it.’

  Susie ignored the look of horror on Cassie and Rachael’s faces. It was too similar to that which George continued to display in his unguarded moments. The three of them were managing to completely freak each other out.

  She made a face of her own at George’s words sounding in her ear, interrupting both her thoughts and her liberty.

  ‘Reinforcements are already on the way.’

  She shook her head self-pityingly, but nevertheless couldn’t resist leaning back into the arms that wrapped themselves around her waist and surrendering one of her hands to be held in his.

  ‘It had better be an army. When do they arrive?’ a pale-faced Rachael pressed.

  Susie glowered at her.

  ‘Not nearly quickly enough,’ George murmured before muttering, ‘they would appear to be stuck in a twenty mile tailback on a motorway that has just been closed.’

  Rachael’s face paled further and Susie didn’t need to look at George and Cassie to know what theirs would be looking like. Give her strength! ‘You are so ex, Rachael, I can’t tell you. But at least by morning it won’t only be me that sees you for what you really are. You see, I know what you’re all thinking – know it – but nothing, absolutely nothing is going to happen tonight. Ooooooo. Spooookkky. An engagement party in a ballroom. Oooooo. Must mean Susie’s going to drown in a non-existent lake in the grounds! Tonight you will be exposed, Rachael. And the only other thing I want to say to you is this. If you ever again look at—’


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