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by Robert T. Jeschonek

  Professor Moriarty – This holographic genius, now free of the constraints of holodecks, serves as a consultant on the ship. His true motives, however, are known only to himself. He is not above playing both ends against the middle to achieve his goals. (TNG: "Elementary, Dear Data")

  Ishara Yar (engineer) – Tasha's wayward sister regrets betraying Data and the ENTERPRISE and hopes to earn a place in Starfleet…but it isn't easy staying straight. (TNG: "Legacy")

  Guinan (TNG) – She has come to battle an unidentified traitor onboard the ship and counsel its black sheep crew. She's like a compassionate angel to the crew…unless they manage to drag her down with them.

  Vore – Vore is a walking, sentient universe…of evil. He is embodied in the form of a cute teddy bear-like creature and only makes his presence known to Guinan, who frankly isn't one hundred percent sure he exists. His motives and origin are unknown, though his advice sometimes leads to positive outcomes.

  Sito Jaxa (pilot) – This Bajoran woman, long thought dead (TNG: "The First Duty," "Lower Decks") has been through hell. Her innocence and charm are long gone, as is her hope and heart…so why does she find herself doing the right thing so often?

  Ocett (science officer) – This hard-headed female Cardassian (TNG: "The Chase") is obsessed with the mystery at the core of ROGUES…and will stop at nothing, absolutely nothing, to solve it.

  Jason Vigo (weapons officer) – He once believed himself to be the son of Jean-Luc Picard (TNG: "Bloodlines"). Now, he wants to follow in his "father's" footsteps…but he can't seem to do anything right and gets a little darker with each slip.

  Vessel – A Talosian whose own mind has been wiped clean to make room for an entire species consisting of self-aware neural impulses that live in his mind. The species, the Lethens, evolved in Vessel's head. They speak through him and have no filters whatsoever; they will make Vessel say literally anything that comes to mind. They also employ his illusion-casting powers to aid the team (when they feel like it). They are parasitic, amoral, potentially dangerous to other lifeforms, and claim that they want to prove their worthiness for Federation membership. The Lethens are always squabbling and conduct intermittent wars and genocides which are perhaps the only things keeping them in check. (These conflicts flare up at the worst possible times, just when the team needs Vessel's powers to get them out of a jam.) The Lethens love to use Vessel's illusion-casting powers unexpectedly to shock, torment, and confuse the other members of the team. Vore HATES Vessel and the Lethens, because they somehow limit him and curb his influence.

  COMPLICATIONS: One cast member has a fatal illness. One cast member is not at all what he or she seems to be. One cast member is secretly a traitor to the team.






  How can such a diverse group with conflicting motivations work together as a team?

  Why does Starfleet need another black ops team in addition to Section 31?

  Are the team's orders actually coming from Starfleet at all?

  How much of the team's experience is an illusion generated by Vessel?

  FORMAT: An ongoing series of stories, either full-length weekly installments or shorter, more frequent segments with a full-length capper episode once a month.



  The late, lamented Tasha Yar and K'Ehleyr return, alongside the humanoid manifestation of the Guardian of Forever and a woman who may or may not be the daughter of James T. Kirk…for a series of thrilling, thought-provoking, and surprising adventures onboard the timeship RELATIVITY.

  THE STORY: TIMEWARP will feature the adventures of the Federation timeship RELATIVITY, commanded by Captain Braxton (VOYAGER: "Future's End," "Relativity") and including such characters as Daniels (ENTERPRISE: "Cold Front," etc.) and K'Ehleyr (TNG: "The Emissary"), as well as all-new and exciting crew members. The crew of the timeship works to undo timeline contamination, correct paradoxes, solve historical mysteries, retrieve lost treasures, and contend with alien species who inhabit the timestream (e.g., the Devidians from TNG: "Time's Arrow). Encounters with familiar characters from the STAR TREK TV series and movies will be likely. Likewise, the crew of the RELATIVITY will make forays into alternate timelines, including those in which familiar events have taken extraordinary new twists. The crew's adventures take them to key moments in the histories of many species, Federation members and otherwise, and fall within an overarching mission of great significance.

  FIRST MISSION: To undo the "Yaradox"…the Tasha Yar paradox. How can Tasha Yar co-exist in both Federation and Romulan space after the events of "Yesterday's Enterprise"…and what happens if the two Tashas should meet? (One of the Tashas will go on to become a regular member of the crew of the RELATIVITY.)

  THE CREW (a sampling):

  Captain Braxton: He fell from grace in the VOYAGER episode, "Relativity," but he has pulled himself back together and returned to his old command post. He runs the ship with an eccentric style that borders on insanity, leading members of the crew to wonder if he ever fully recovered from an earlier breakdown. Once a stickler for the rules, now he plays fast and loose with the "Temporal Prime Directive." Guardian and Ayelborne claim that he will play a key role in saving the universe, but everyone else thinks he's losing it again.

  Tasha Yar: Rescued during the first TIMEWARP story, Tasha takes her new circumstances in stride…at least, she seems to. Her upbeat, devil-may-care attitude masks a growing darkness, and she is drawn to a recurring enemy who is an agent of dark powers.

  Daniels: The Temporal Cold War may be over in Jonathan Archer's time, but Daniels' battle to preserve the timeline is far from done. Brilliant and dedicated, he will stop at nothing to save the Federation. As a result, his work is all that he has…at least until he falls in love with K'Ehleyr.

  K'Ehleyr: Worf's onetime lover and mother of his son, Alexander, K'Ehleyr was retrieved at the moment of her death and revived by the super-science of the future. She serves as first officer of the RELATIVITY, balancing Braxton's loose cannon with her own snarky and hard-headed attitude. She does not, however, enjoy living outside her own era, away from Worf and Alexander…and she is never quite sure exactly why she was resuscitated.

  Guardian: This avatar of the Guardian of Forever from TOS: "The City on the Edge of Forever" has left his homeworld to help the timeship team accomplish their overarching mission. He is also attempting to fulfill a personal quest: to locate the race who created him and learn the true reason for his existence. Guardian is stern and cold, yet childlike and naïve in some ways. He often clashes with Braxton when personal goals get in the way of RELATIVITY's missions. He knows everything about everyone onboard the ship, from how they were born to how they will die; naturally, this creeps out his teammates. (Some of them suspect that Guardian is the real cause of the problem at the root of their overarching mission.)

  Deeva Kirk: She might or might not be Kirk's Scalosian daughter, the product of his tryst with Deela in TOS: "Wink of an Eye." She certainly has a high-speed metabolism that suggests a Scalosian background, and she shares many of James T. Kirk's qualities, but she also exhibits other traits and abilities (e.g., control of localized time flow) that could be hints to other parentage. She seems to have an obsession with James T., but she never explicitly admits to being his daughter. She frequently lends her talents to the team, but she comes and goes as she pleases.

  Alt: An unpleasant and unexceptional timeform whose one distinguishing characteristic is the ability to trade places with versions of himself from alternate timelines. Each version has some extraordinary gift that enables him (or her or it) to save the day…and each versi
on is more likeable by far than Alt himself. Alt, meanwhile, has an inferiority complex inspired by the fact that his alternate selves are all superior to him. His teammates would probably prefer an alternate self to Alt, but he's the only one who can access the gamut of alternates.

  Ayelborne: This Organian, originally seen in TOS: "Errand of Mercy," is a powerful energy-based lifeform whose primary goal is to prevent an all-out war among godlike beings that is about to break out in the timestream.

  Before and After: Alternate versions of the same woman from alternate timelines, each dramatically different from the other. Before is mild, After is wild…and even their physiologies are different, as their species evolved differently in each timeline. Before is the RELATIVITY's helmsman, and After is the ship's tactical officer.



  Inspired by the crew of VOYAGER (seen in flashback), the inhabitants of the Delta Quadrant fight to establish their own proto-Federation in the wake of a Borg civil war…and in advance of a terrible threat to all life in the quadrant.

  THE SHIP: The JANEWAY includes technology from many species along with innovations inspired by VOYAGER. This ship transports the architects of the New Federation as they seek to forge new alliances and respond to emergencies on current and prospective member worlds.

  THE CREW (a sampling):

  Axum: Freed from the Borg Collective during the events of "Unimatrix Zero," Seven of Nine's onetime "dream lover" went on to lead rebel forces in a civil war that split and dramatically weakened the Collective. Returning from that conflict, Axum uses his status as a war hero and de facto president of his dead homeworld to launch an alliance patterned after the United Federation of Planets.

  General Korok: This Klingon fought alongside Axum in the Borg civil war and joins him now to forge the New Federation alliance. His warrior philosophies frequently clash with Axum's ideas of diplomacy, causing conflicts…but his loyalty is beyond reproach.

  Neelix: An expert in the ways of Starfleet and the Federation, Neelix at first refuses to join the effort to build an alliance. Circumstances force him to step forward and assume the role of statesman, advancing Federation ideals and uniting disparate species under a banner of cooperation and humanitarianism. Now, if he can just keep a dark secret from destroying him and bringing down the alliance in one fell swoop…

  Old Woman Kes: Ancient and running out of time at the age of eight years, Kes brings her Federation/Starfleet expertise to the founding of the New Federation. She also brings visions of the future which suggest that a terrible onslaught is unavoidable.

  Lyndsay Ballard: A member of VOYAGER's crew, Lyndsay died and was reborn as a Kobali (VOY: "Ashes to Ashes"). Though she has embraced her new life, she still has a soft spot for her Federation heritage and eagerly joins the effort to forge an alliance.

  Gegen: This Voth scientist (VOY: "Distant Origin") has led a faction to break away from his close-minded, authoritarian people. Gegen's enlightened Voth are among the first signatories of the New Federation charter. Of course, his more old-fashioned brethren from back home are joining forces with the opposition…

  Donik: Enlightened by his contact with the crew of VOYAGER, this Hirogen hunter has become a true believer in the ideals of the Federation. Unfortunately, his reputation as a hunter/killer precedes him and torpedoes his credibility. Can he overcome his dark past, set aside the ways of his people, and become a voice for positive change in the Delta Quadrant?

  Annorax: An obsessive manipulator of destiny in another timeline (VOY: "Year of Hell"), this version of Annorax is a scientific and political genius who starts out with the best of intentions…only to allow himself to be seduced by greed and ambition into subverting the fledgling alliance from within.

  Ozog: Ambassador of the nucleogenic lifeforms who terrorized the EQUINOX, Ozog is on a fact-finding mission among the architects of the New Federation. He seeks to determine if his people will be best served by joining the New Federation…or destroying it. His utterly alien point of view makes it nearly impossible for those around him to convey the true intent of their actions…and prevent the violent outbursts to which he is prone.

  Kashyk: An official in the Devore Imperium whom Janeway once outsmarted (VOY: "Counterpoint"), Kashyk now pretends to support the New Federation while secretly undermining it and plotting to snatch its power for his own.

  Kurros and the Think Tank: A team of mercenary problem-solvers whose plans were foiled by the VOYAGER crew. The Think Tank goes to work for the Federationists…all while working for opponents of the New Federation and advancing their own hidden agenda.



  Throughout history, immortal Flint (TOS: "Requiem for Methuselah") battles his eternal enemy: the body-snatching essence of evil known as Redjac (TOS: "Wolf in the Fold"). Along the way, Flint encounters famous historical figures, other figures who are not so famous (but just as pivotal), and ancestors of the crew members of TREK series and films (e.g., Frank Kirk in the Old West and Michel Picard in Europe during the Great Plague). The historical action takes place in the context of a framing story set during "current" TREK, in which Flint must track and battle his own son, who himself has been possessed by Redjac.



  Flint: the immortal

  Rayna Kapec: a copy of the android who "died" in TOS: "Requiem for Methuselah"

  Bard: Flint's son, possessed by the spirit of Redjac

  M-12: Flint's robotic servant, the latest version of M-4 from "Requiem"

  Redjac: the eternal spirit of evil from TOS: "Wolf in the Fold"

  Maeve: one of the Prophets of Bajor

  Shell: Flint's daughter, whose sole purpose is the capture and containment of Redjac

  OKLAHOMA, 1876 A.D.

  Flint/Wyatt Earp

  Frank Kirk: a member of the Lighthorsemen Indian police

  Noah Sisko: also one of the Lighthorsemen

  Bass Reeves: legendary African-American marshal

  Redjac/Bill Dupree


  Flint/Father (Saint) Roch: possessed by Redjac, he spreads death among the lucky survivors of the bubonic plague epidemic.

  Rayna Kapec: the original woman upon whom the Rayna android was based

  Michel Picard: Rayna's guardian

  GREECE, 460 B.C.


  Apollo: the same godlike being encountered by the ENTERPRISE crew in TOS: "Who Mourns for Apollo?"

  Phobos: the dark force that will someday become known as Redjac

  LONDON, 1888 A.D.

  Flint/Mr. (Dorian) Gray: in yet another identity, Flint continues his war on Redjac

  Samuel Janeway: professor of history

  Redjac/Captain Lewis Reed: disgraced navy man

  Liam O'Brien

  Madame Blavatsky: a psychic enlisted to help snare Redjac



  Star Trek meets JAG and CSI. A crack team of JAG counterparts investigates high profile crimes involving Starfleet personnel. Tormented, eccentric team leader Sebastian Ramsay is an altered human gifted with amazing abilities (and a terrible curse) by an alien species that only he seems to remember ever existed. While investigating cases, he seeks to solve his own personal mystery: what happened to the alien species…and his wife, who disappeared along with it. Ramsay's team includes a female Cheron, a reptilian Xindi security specialist, a telepathic Melkotian, Khan Noonien Singh (Mirror Universe style), and a reengineered tribble that just might be the team's secret weapon. Their cases take them to exotic locales (some new, some familiar) and many dangerous and bizarre situations.



  One man wages a war against the power structure of Starfleet and the Federation. His methods, motives, goals, and identity rem
ain a mystery, even as he raises havoc on one planet after another. He calls himself Prometheus, and Starfleet sends an elite special forces team based on an advanced starship of the same name to stop him. Clues point to multiple possible identities, each one linked in one way or another to famous figures…but Prometheus' real identity, when it is revealed, will be even more shocking than anyone imagines.



  Stories set during favorite episodes of any Trek series, either featuring the primary characters in noteworthy scenes not included onscreen, or new or minor characters involved in the central developments in a peripheral way. These would suggest the "deleted scenes" found on DVDs, but each will in some way tell a complete story, advancing one or more characters and providing new insight into familiar events.



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