Trek It!

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Trek It! Page 29

by Robert T. Jeschonek

  TWO and MCNALLY leave the rosebush and stroll to a plot of flowers. TWO crouches to caress and sniff the flowers.


  What is your own universe like?



  It is very beautiful…and completely unique. We have seen no other universe like it in all our explorations.

  TWO pauses. Smiling at memories of home, she touches the petals of a flower.


  There…matter and energy are arranged in forms that you would not recognize. These forms are like…intricate, delicate, interwoven strands…each with its own unique character, its own…texture and vibration…and these strands fill our entire universe. My people are pure thought energy, and we soar through this network of strands. We ride the currents of matter and energy…and the currents are never still, and we are never still…and occasionally, we collide with a strand pattern of such beauty, such complexity, that we are overcome with what you might call ecstasy…and we either die from it, or shatter into billions of fragments…each of which becomes a new consciousness, a new being. It is all…so beautiful. I cannot truly convey to you… how beautiful our home is.


  Do you miss your home?


  Yes. Oh, yes.

  TWO rises. She and MCNALLY stroll among some trees.


  And yet, each time that I find myself longing for home, I need only turn my attention to the new wonders around me, and the longing disappears.


  When will you return to your home?


  I do not know…but it does not matter. All that matters is exploration, climbing through the cosmos, experiencing each universe in all its unique majesty. Oh, Erin, the things I have seen! The marvels! The cosmos is indescribably beautiful…and my companion and I have only seen the tiniest sliver of all that is! When I think of all that there is yet to see, I am overwhelmed with anticipation!


  I sometimes feel the same way. Of course, my vision is limited to this universe…but I’ve seen a great deal, and I want to see so much more. Sometimes, I look out at the stars, and I’m thrilled beyond words to know that I’ll be among the first of my people to visit those distant places.


  You are an explorer, like me.


  I guess I am. First and foremost, I’m a doctor. I’m on this ship to care for the crew, to save lives and prevent suffering…but I wouldn’t be all the way out here in space if I didn’t find the unknown to be terribly exciting.


  You crave knowledge. You want to push back the frontiers.


  In a way, yes. I want to help push back the frontiers. I want to play my part…to help make it possible.


  And yet, you are restricted. You are held back with the rest of your people, because at this point in your evolution, you do not even have the ability or technology to travel beyond this one galaxy. You must move at a snail’s pace. You are confined to one tiny corner of one galaxy, when all around you, there is a multitude of galaxies, an infinite tapestry of universes, each vast unto itself.


  Well, that’s true…but it’s something we have to accept. We have to do the best we can with our current resources, all the while striving to develop the technology that we need to further our explorations. We have no other choice.

  TWO stares intently at MCNALLY


  Maybe you do.


  What do you mean?


  Maybe there are choices that you are not aware of yet.


  Like what?


  Erin, my companion and I want you to…

  MCNALLY’s communi-link beeps, interrupting TWO. MCNALLY activates the communi-link and responds to the call.


  McNally here.


  Doctor, we need you in Medlab. There was an accident in Shuttle Hangar 2, and we have several injured crewmen. We need an extra pair of hands up here.


  On my way.

  MCNALLY turns to TWO.


  Sorry, but I’ve got to go. We’ll have to continue this later. I’ll have someone show you back to your quarters.

  TWO is not pleased.


  Very well. Thank you, Erin.

  MCNALLY hurries off. TWO pouts and glares among the trees of the Botanical Deck.


  We will continue this later.




  RUDY and ONE stand on the bank of the brook. ONE is beaming with delight, gazing around at the environment.


  Rudy, this is stunning!


  I’m glad you like it. It’s a forest on the North American continent of the planet Earth. One of the prettiest places I’ve visited.


  Yes. It is beautiful. Of all the places you’ve recreated for me on this wonderful Vivideck, this is my favorite.



  Well, that’s really saying something, One. Since we came down here, we must’ve run at least fifty programs.


  (striding along bank of brook, gazing around)

  It is so…lush…so crowded with life…and yet, the life is arranged in a pleasing way… occupying the water and land without fighting it. It is…peaceful.


  Yeah. That one word sums up this whole place. Peaceful. I often come here when I need to relax.

  ONE crouches on the bank and runs his fingers through the water, smiling and staring at it contemplatively.


  This reminds me…of one of the most beautiful places that I’ve ever visited.


  It was something like this?


  The form was vastly different, but yes. It was like this. It was full of life…and it was peaceful.


  What did it look like?


  It was…it is difficult to describe.

  ONE thinks for a moment, then rises. He looks around, then looks at Rudy.


  Perhaps, I can show you. Would it be all right if I recreated it using the Vivideck?


  You mean you want to create a new Vivideck computer program?


  No no. I want to personally reshape the matter and energy matrix in this room. I would not need the computer.



  Are you serious? You could do that?


  Oh yes. My companion and I can manipulate matter and energy quite easily…as we did when we reshaped those Medlab tables into our new bodies. All that I need to start with is the current matrix in this room…and when I am done, I will return the matrix to its current form, this place on Earth. I will not damage the Vivideck in any way.


  Well, it’s hard to believe…but if you say you can do it, and it won’t harm any of the equipment, then give it a try.


  Thank you, Rudy. You will like this.

  ONE closes his eyes and extends his arms. The Earth scene melts away. It is replaced by an alien environment. ONE and RUDY are surrounded by what looks like a slowly flowing silvery fluid with a metallic quality, like mercury. Shimmering bubbles of various sizes and hues glide up toward the ceiling.

  RUDY gazes around in wonderment. ONE opens his eyes and looks fondly at his handiwork.


  Wow. This is…incredible.


  This is one of the universes that my companion and I have visited. I have a special affection for this place.


  What is this around us? Some kind of fluid?


  It is…a kind of plasma. That is the closest that I can come to describing it to you.


  Is this…on a planet?


  No. There are no planets there. This is the universe. Everywhere in the universe is this.


  No planets. No stars, either?


  No. It is all different from the structure of your universe…and yet, it is much like the Earth forest you have shown me. The essence is the same. It is so peaceful and beautiful…and it is full of life, and the life is in harmony with its home.


  What life?

  ONE points to the shimmering bubbles rising around them.


  There. That is life. Each of those is a living being.

  RUDY stares at the bubbles. He lightly touches one, and it swims around his hand, then resumes its upward course.



  This life. Is it intelligent?


  Oh yes. Its intelligence is vastly different from yours or mine, but it is definitely conscious, thinking life. It is perhaps my favorite life anywhere…so very, very peaceful.

  Two or three more bubbles flit around RUDY, further amusing and amazing him.


  And this is just one universe, huh? This is just one of the places you’ve explored?

  ONE becomes more excited, more intense. RUDY is finally touching on the whole reason for ONE’s display.


  Yes, Rudy. This is just one of a multitude of universes…each one as different from the other as yours is from this place. I have visited so many strange and beautiful places…encountered so many amazing lifeforms…that it would take years for me just to describe them to you…and, in many cases, it would be impossible for me to describe them in ways that you would understand.


  You certainly lead an incredible life, One. You’re lucky that you have the opportunity to experience so much.


  Rudy…you could be lucky, too.


  Well, I guess I have been lucky. Serving aboard the Infinitude, I’ve gotten to see more of the universe than most people do.


  No no, Rudy. What I meant to say was that you could be as lucky as I am. You could see as much of the cosmos as I have. You could…come with me.

  RUDY turns his full attention to ONE, aware of the new, serious tone of the conversation.




  You could accompany my companion and I when we leave this universe. You could join us in our explorations…experience things that you have never even dreamed of.


  How could that be possible? I’m not a being of pure thought, like you two.


  Ah, but your essence, your mind, is thought energy! We can extract that essence, maintaining the integrity of your consciousness, and take you with us! Your physical body would remain behind, unharmed and dormant, and whenever you want to return here…if you want to return… we could place your essence back into it and you could resume your life as before! Rudy, you could experience the glory of the cosmos as none of your people ever has! You could see other universes…and come back to tell of them!



  Why do you want me?


  Because I can see that you are special, that you can appreciate the wonders that we are offering to show you. Because you are an explorer, a kindred spirit…and you are good. You will thrive in the infinite beauty and variety of the cosmos.


  But why do you want anyone? Why do you want to take anyone else along?



  Because we are lonely. In our travels, we encounter many lifeforms…but we have no one who can truly share our experience, our perspective. We require a fellow traveler, one who could add new vitality to our journeys.


  Rudy, in the brief time that I have known you, I have come to think of you as a friend. I want you to come with us. Please come with us.

  ONE spreads his arms to encompass the mercurial universe.


  This can all be yours…and much more, so much more! You can see and experience things that you could never imagine! Come with us!

  RUDY is utterly dumbfounded by the offer.


  I…really don’t know what to say.


  Then think about it, Rudy…but remember one thing. You will never have this chance again. It is the chance of a lifetime…and it will come your way only this once. Ask yourself: could you live out the rest of your life knowing that you were offered the entire cosmos…and you turned it down?

  Slow zoom in to closeup RUDY’s face.





  RUDY and SYNTH are having drinks at a table.


  The information provided by One and Two could revolutionize the science of cosmology…and the subatomic sciences, as well. If, indeed, elementary particles within every atom contain distinct universes, our outlook on the structure of our own universe would change dramatically.


  (thoughtful, distracted)



  The problem, of course, is following up on this new information. In order to substantiate it, we will need instruments which are able to probe significantly further into subatomic levels than any instruments which we now possess. It could be quite some time before we can even come close to proving that there is an infinite regression of nested universes.


  Or, it could happen in no time at all.


  How is that possible, Rudy?


  I might be able to prove it through first-hand experience.


  How would you do that?

  RUDY sighs.


  One offered to take me along when he and Two leave. My body would stay behind, but One says that he can extract my mind, my essence, and carry it with him. He says that my consciousness would remain intact, that I would remain aware…and that my body would just be dormant and I could return to it when I was ready to come home.


  That is an intriguing offer. Have you accepted?


  I told him I’d think about it, but really, I could never abandon my responsibilities to the Infinitude…and I could never leave my friends here. Still, I have to admit, the offer appeals to me. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance…a chance to gain knowledge that we might not otherwise have for centuries, or millennia. If I could prove this infinite regression of universes, it would be a giant leap forward for science.


  You are correct. This could be a great opportunity to acquire knowledge.


  Not only that, but it would be an incredible experience, Synth. If only half of what One and Two have told us is true, there is so much out there to see…and I would be the first human being to see it!


  It could be dangerous, however. You would be entrusting yourself to beings about whom you know very little.


  I know…but the risks might be worth taking.


  One might be lying to you. Perhaps, he has a hidden agenda.


  Well, that has crossed my mind, Synth. He certainly seems open and trustworthy, but it’s possible that he isn’t being entirely honest.


  Counselor Athena did say that she believed that One and Two lied about the extent of their telepathic abilities…and she also claimed that they are concealing something important from us.


  Yeah, and whatever they’re concealing might have something to do with this offer.


  That is possible.


  Well, it doesn’t matter, anyway. I’m not about to give up my life on the Infinitude. I’ve worked too hard to get where I am. I’m doing what I’ve always wanted…and besides, it would be too hard to say goodbye to you and all the rest of my friends.


  Nevertheless, Rudy, it is probable that someday, you will have to say goodbye… that you or one of your friends will be transferred to another vessel or assignment in Astrofleet.


  You’re right, Synth…but I guess I’d like to put that off as long as possible. No use rushing things.


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