Big Man’s Claim

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Big Man’s Claim Page 11

by Wylder, Penny

  “Melody, your vows,” the justice of the peace says.

  “Branson, I always wanted to find love ever since I was a little girl. I watched my parents and all the love they had for each other, and it made me dream of the day I would find my Prince Charming. Then I met you. You stumbled into my life right when I needed you most. You weren't just a prince; you were my hero. I fell in the love second you swept me off my feet. . .” Pausing, I smirk. “Literally.”

  The small crowd laughs together, and I giggle with them.

  “You make my heart full; you make me enjoy thinking about the future, and where we'll be. I love you, and I'll always love you.”

  The justice smiles and says, “Do we have the rings?”

  “The ring bearer does,” Jenna says, picking them out of the small pocket on Troy's suit and handing them to us.

  Slipping the ring on each other's fingers, Bran barely waits for her to tell us we can kiss. He grabs my face, yanking me in and kissing me like he'll never have the chance to kiss me again.

  The crowd stands, clapping and hooting. We turn to face them, and I hold my bouquet high as we head back down the aisle to the hall for our reception.

  The reception is amazing. We dance and eat. I toss the bouquet and Bran decides to pull my garter off my thigh with his teeth. Everyone seems to be having an amazing time.

  But I can't stop noticing that Bran keeps checking the time. Every few minutes he's checking his watch.

  “You got some place else to be?” I ask with a grin.

  Bran wraps his arm around my shoulders, pulling me in and kissing the top of my head. “Maybe,” he says.


  “I have something I want to show you.”

  “Oh really. . .” Drawing out my words, I move my hand up his thigh toward his dick. “Is it what I think it is?”

  “You'll have to wait and see.”

  After another hour, we say goodbye to all our friends. My brother and Jenna head home with a very cranky baby. Bran helps me into his truck and hands me a blindfold.

  “Here, you need this.”

  “For now or later?” Licking my lips, I wiggle my brows.

  “I was just thinking for now, but by all means let’s save it for later, too. I could have some fun with that.” Closing my door, he climbs in the driver's seat. “Is it tight?” he asks.

  “Yeah, I can't see a thing.”


  The truck lurches forward, driving me to some secret location. Bran won't tell me anything no matter how many questions I ask. Normally I can bug him enough with my questions to get a little hint, but not today.

  I'm actually impressed with his reserve. “You better not always be this good at keeping a secret.”

  “This one is different.”

  The truck starts to bounce and buck, hitting deep ruts in the road.

  Throwing out my arm, I clutch the dashboard. “Where the hell are you taking me? The road sucks.”

  “You're going to love this.”

  The truck rolls to a stop. Bran gets out, and I sit in silence, waiting for him to come get me. Opening my door, he takes my hands and helps me out. Sweeping me off my feet suddenly, he has me in his arms.

  Walking forward, he carries me a few feet and then stops. “Okay, you can look now.” Bran unties the bow in the blindfold, peeling it away.

  Blinking my eyes open, I'm met with a sight that takes my breath away. My hands fly to my mouth as I start to cry.

  There's a huge tent set up with strings of fairy lights wrapping all the posts and across the seams of the canvas. It looks like a million fireflies flicking in the darkness of the valley.

  “When did you do this?” I ask. “How did we get here in your truck?”

  “This is my wedding present to you. I spent the last few months clearing a wide enough trail through the east side of the forest so we can drive here. Now, it won't take us half a day to get here. We can come any time we want.”

  “This is amazing, I'm speechless.” Wiping my eyes, I sniffle.

  Bran turns me to face him, running the pads of his thumbs under my eyes. “I'll do anything for you, you're my angel.” Holding my face, he kisses me softly.

  Lifting me back up, he carries me over the threshold of our forest home and sets me down gently on a thick down comforter. He strikes a match and lights a fire in the small pit he made from rocks in the center of the tent.

  Looking up, the top of the tent is partially open so I can see the sky. It's so clear tonight. The stars sparkle like gems, and the vast darkness look endless.

  Bran slowly climbs up next to me and traces the faint swirls that decorate the fabric of my dress. He moves his finger across the heart-shaped corset, then slips his finger between my breasts.

  “So,” he says. “Do I need to know a special trick to get this dress off you? Because I don't even know where to start.”

  Giggling, I sit up and point at the back. “Just pull the string.”

  Bran unties my dress, helping me out of it. His eyes are so amazing. I love the way he's looking at me right now. It's as if this is the first time he's ever laid eyes on me.

  “Wow.” Bran runs his fingers down the outside of my arm. “You're so damn beautiful.”

  “You act like this is the first time you're seeing me.”

  “It is,” he answers, planting a delicate kiss on my shoulder. “You're not my girlfriend anymore. Today you're my wife.”

  My eyes flick between his as his words settle in my chest, smoldering like hot ash. My heart is so full because of him.

  And as we make love under the stars by the fire, I realize this is my heaven.

  He's everything to me. I don't care where I end up in this world, as long as I have Branson by my side, I'll be happy.



  Nine months later

  The birds are loud today, chirping and chattering as I walk the path. My back and ankles are killing me, but I won't give this up for anything. Not for the cold snowy day it is in December or the fact I'm pregnant.

  My boots crunch over the thin layer of snow that fell last night, creating a winter wonderland. The trees are glazed in white, and the ground looks untouched. There's a single trail of deer tracks that cross over the path, but that's it.

  Rubbing my belly, I stop for a second, trying to stretch my muscles. I'm taking it easy, though. Only going for light hikes near the house, and I always let Bran know exactly which trail I'm taking.

  Just in case. This baby is coming any day now. A week ago would have been preferred.

  I'm five days overdue. I read in a book about pregnancy that walking can help bring on labor. Unfortunately, it's not working.

  “Come on, little lady, I know it's cozy in there, but Mommy and Daddy would really like to hold you.” Talking to the baby girl in my belly, she kicks me hard, possibly hitting a kidney.

  I swear she's going to be just as stubborn as me. I can feel it.

  Holding my lower back, I keep moving. Bran took the time to clear the paths around our house so I don't have to climb over any fallen trees or get caught in overgrown briers.

  Looking between the tree line, I can see the cabin only a few hundred feet away. Smoke is pouring out of the chimney, and I can smell the ash in the air.

  Bran is outside chopping wood. He’s grunting like a wild man. His voice echoes around me making me smile instantly. I can see Buttercup sitting in the snow beside him, just relaxing in the snow.

  Stopping at the edge of the trees, I watch Bran for a moment. He's bundled up slightly because it's cold, but I can still see his hard muscles bulging under his thermal. Despite the chilly air, his skin glistens with a thin layer of sweat.

  That's my man. He's all mine. Biting my bottom lip, I nibble it gently.

  Emerging into our backyard, Bran looks up and smiles. “Hey there love, how are my ladies this morning?” Resting on his ax, he wipes the sweat off his forehead.

  “I know she
's good, she's all warm and cozy in there. But my back is killing me, I'm starving, and I think I need a nap.”

  He swings the ax and secures it in the stump at his side. Pulling the gloves off his hands, he throws them down and walks to my side.

  “Well, let's get you inside then.” Scooping me up, he starts to carry me toward the house.

  “Bran,” I say laughing. “I'm too heavy for this. Just put me down, I'll walk.”

  He looks down on me and smirks, carrying me anyway. Despite my protest, I actually love this. I love how he still holds me just like he did the first time we met. Protective, secure, and strong.

  These last nine months have been amazing. And our little honeymoon baby will make life even better as soon as she decides she's ready. Who knew you could still get pregnant on birth control?

  Bran sets me on the couch, pulling my boots off my feet. Massaging my feet, he moves his fingers up my calves and digs into the muscles.

  “Does that feel better?” he asks.

  “Yes, it feels incredible.”

  “Roll onto your side, I'll do your back too.”

  “Oh my God, I love you.” Turning over, he slides in behind me, working my shoulders and lower back. I close my eyes and moan because it feels so good.

  “You're so beautiful, you know that?”

  “Even though I'm as big as a cow?”

  His hand smooths over my side, moving across my belly. “This is my baby in there, our baby. This belly on you is so damn sexy. I love the curves, I love seeing this bump, I love knowing that we created this little miracle.”

  “Really?” I ask, my eyes tearing up.

  I can't help it. I'm so emotional lately, my hormones are going nuts. I cry when I'm happy, I cry when I'm annoyed or angry or frustrated. I cry when I see commercials for diapers and the cute infants are snuggling with their mothers.

  It's terrible. A beautiful sunrise draws tears, a loving look from Bran draws tears, I don't have any control over it.

  Bran pushes up on his elbow, kissing away the tears. “I love you no matter how you look, Mel. One day we'll both be old and wrinkly. And even then, I'll still see you for how beautiful you are.”

  “How did I get so lucky to find you?”

  “If I remember right, I found you.” We both laugh out loud, then Bran's eyes pop open wide. “Oh, I wanted to ask you. Do you want to see something I'm working on?”

  “Of course I do.”

  “Wait right here.” He jumps up from the couch, darting to his workbench. Coming back, he's holding another small statue.

  Instantly, I lose it again. This man never ceases to amaze me. Bran holds out the statue in his palm. “What do you think?”

  It's almost an exact replica of the first one he made for me, only in this one, I'm pregnant. I'm standing on a leaf, holding my pregnant belly, wrapped in a rose petal.

  “I love it.” The words come out broken and ragged between heavy tearful breaths of air. “It's beautiful.” A heavy kick from the baby causes me to groan uncomfortably. “Now if only she would actually come, then we could really all be together.”

  Bran sets the statue down on the table and kneels next to the couch. Rubbing my stomach, he kisses me. “I think I know a way we can hurry it along.” He wags his brows, biting the very tip of his tongue and smiling.

  Taking both my hands, he helps me off the couch, and pulls me up the stairs to our bedroom. I'm not sure if this trick of his will work or not, but I welcome the distraction.

  At the top of the stairs, he spins around, pressing his lips against mine. His kiss is hungry and wild. Splitting my lips apart with his tongue, my head tilts slightly, giving him more room to kiss me deeper.

  My body reacts easily. This man does things to me I can't even explain. One touch and I'm melting in his hands.

  Bran's hand comes up and holds my neck, his thumb pressing against the underside of my chin. He moves his lips down my neck, his breath hot as he exhales between light kisses. My skin prickles with need instantly.

  Grabbing the edge of my shirt, I rip it off. My breasts are swollen and full, spilling over the edge of my bra. Palming my breast, he keeps moving his mouth lower. Between my tits, over my ribs, around my stomach, until he disappears beneath the giant bump and I can't see him anymore.

  Bran yanks my pants down. Digging my fingers into his shoulders, I step out of my pants and kick them to the side. Blowing cool air against my pussy, he plucks my panties with his teeth and growls like a wolf.

  I love that sound. It turns my insides to liquid fire and makes me weak in the knees. Moaning, I run my fingers through his hair, and pull at his roots. “Mm, Bran.”

  Flicking my panties to the side, he runs his finger up my slit. I can hear him breathing heavy as his lips softly tease my entrance, so wet already. He's kissing me, gently licking the edges of my lips.

  I can't take anymore. I need him.

  Gripping his hair, I pull his head away. “Take me, Bran.”

  Standing up, he moves behind me, and pushes my shoulders forward slowly. With open palms, I lean on the bed, spreading my legs wide. The sound of his zipper rings in my ears, making me excited.

  He doesn't wait. He doesn't tease me anymore. He wants this just as badly as I do.

  Slamming his length deep inside me, he grabs my hips and holds me steady. His shaft is like steel as it hits me so hard, my knees buckle. But he doesn't let me fall. Bran holds me up and fucks me until I'm screaming from the orgasm that crashes through my body.

  Moaning hard and loud, Bran thrusts his dick inside over and over until he comes. His cock throbs as his fingertips bruise my skin. Resting his face on my back, I can feel his chest rising and falling as he breathes.

  He stands up and pulls a shirt out of his draw and hands it to me. “Here, I know how much you like sleeping in my shirts. You can throw this on and take a nap if you want.”

  “Thanks,” I say. Slipping the shirt over my head, I feel something warm trickle down my legs. Looking down, there's a small puddle forming at my feet. “Uh, Bran. . .”

  “Yeah?” he asks as he pulls on a pair of gym shorts.

  “I think my water broke.”

  His trick worked. Rose is finally ready. Our winter sunshine will finally be here.

  Tears spring to life as I look up at him. “Our daughter is coming.”

  Bran smiles, his eyes glistening with tears of his own. That's when I see it. I see the man he wants to be. A lover, a husband, and now a father.

  Branson James is a dream come to life.

  And I get to live this dream every single day.

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  -- Penny


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