You for Her (The Edge Of Retaliation Book 2)

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You for Her (The Edge Of Retaliation Book 2) Page 16

by Bella Jewel

  Tanner follows close behind, growling through his release, his cock pulsing over and over inside me. When he slows me down and I come to a stop, I can feel every movement as his release is pulled from his body. Once it’s over, I roll off, tucking myself into his side, both of us panting. It takes a moment for us to catch our breaths, and when we do, I say, “That didn’t hurt, did it?”

  He makes a chuckling sound. “Could have my leg cut off and I’d still endure it to see you bouncin’ on my cock like that. You’re fuckin’ beautiful, Callie.”

  I flush and snuggle into him closer. “You’re not so bad yourself, even though you currently look like you’ve done three rounds in the ring.”

  He grunts. “Yeah, feel it, too.”

  “You should get some sleep, you’re exhausted. We’ve been too busy talking and fucking.”

  I go to move away so I can head back to my own room and get some rest too, but his arm tightens, making me stay where I am. “What are you doing?” I ask.

  “Don’t go,” he says, his voice firm, yet weirdly vulnerable.

  “Okay,” I whisper, getting comfortable again.

  Within moments, his breathing deepens, and I know he’s asleep. I smile, it’s hard not to. I don’t think I’ve ever fallen asleep in a man’s arms. I’ve always wondered how it would feel, and honestly, I like it. I like it a lot. I feel safe, like nothing in the world could touch me while I’m here. That’s a nice feeling to have, and one I’m not overly familiar with.

  Within moments, my eyes are dropping closed, too.

  My breathing deepens.

  Tanner’s breaths turn into light snores.

  And I can’t help but smile as the warm darkness takes me.

  This really does feel nice.

  I could get used to it.

  I really could.


  The pounding at the door wakes me up, and as I come to, Tatum’s voice becomes clearer. I rub my eyes and roll out of Tanner’s arms. He’s still dead asleep.

  “Tanner! Get up! Wake up!”


  Tatum sounds frantic. I reach over and shake Tanner by the shoulder until he slowly rouses out of his sleep. He rubs his eyes and grumbles something sleepily, then he hears Tatum’s voice and jerks upright in bed. Within a few seconds he’s standing and walking over to the door, opening it.

  “What’s goin’ on?” he asks, his voice still husky from sleep.

  “They’ve got Chase.”

  “What? Who?”

  Tatum walks into the room and stops dead when he sees me with a sheet wrapped around myself, sitting up in Tanner’s bed. Well, this is one way for him to find out what it is we’ve been doing in here.

  “Not even goin’ to ask,” he murmurs, then turns to Tanner and says, “I got a call from the guys you’ve been huntin’ down. They figured out who you are and your relation to Chase, and somehow they fuckin’ got hold of him. They told me if I don’t show up tomorrow with the cash you owe, they’ll kill him.”

  “Fuck,” Tanner growls. “I thought you had his name changed? How the fuck did they find him?”

  “I don’t fuckin’ know. Traced my phone? Traced yours? Followed us? How the fuck do I know. I had his name changed properly, so it fuckin’ beats me how they got to him so quick. Either way, they’ve got him, and they want cash for the goods you destroyed when you went in there on a fuckin’ rampage, not only that, they want you.”

  I glance at Tanner, concerned. They want him? This isn’t good. This isn’t good at all.

  “How much cash?” Tanner asks, ignoring the fact that Tatum clearly stated they want him too.

  “Ten grand, by tomorrow.”

  Tanner runs a hand down his face, and then murmurs, “Go and get the others up. We’ll head over there. I’ll figure something out.”

  “They’re goin’ to kill him, Tanner,” Tatum says, his voice concerned.

  “He got himself into this fuckin’ mess.” Tanner grunts. “But we’ll get him out of it.”

  “You got him into it by goin’ in and causin’ shit instead of coming to us and workin’ out a smart plan,” Tatum growls. “If anyone is to blame here, it’s you.”

  “You really want to get into this now?” Tatum fires back, fists clenched.

  “Okay,” I say, standing, keeping the sheet around my body. “That’s enough. Tatum, go and get the others. We’ll work something out. We’ll get Chase back and sort this out, okay?”

  Tatum glares at Tanner for a minute but turns and disappears out the door. I glance over at the clock, it’s six at night, which means we slept all afternoon. It works out well, considering we have to be where Chase is by noon tomorrow, that’s some driving we’re going to have to put forward in the next few hours.

  “What are we going to do, Tanner?” I ask, reaching for my clothes so I can get changed and we can get on the road.

  “Don’t stress about it,” Tanner murmurs, picking up his clothes and heading toward the shower. “I’ll work out a plan.”

  He closes the door and I exhale. I get dressed quickly, grab my things, and take them out to the truck. When I arrive, Ethan is leaning against it, arms crossed. I walk over and throw my things in, then I stand next to him and say, “This is a problem.”

  He looks over at me, his eyes running up and down the length of me, then he says, “Yeah, it fuckin’ is.”

  “Someone is going to get hurt here, I just know it.”

  “You’re right about that,” he agrees. “If we’re not smart that is. Tanner is too angry to be calling the shots here, but for whatever reason, everyone fuckin’ does as he wants. He’s goin’ to be the reason someone gets hurt.”

  “He’s not stupid, Ethan,” I defend. “He’s angry, but he’s not stupid.”

  “Isn’t he?” Ethan snorts. “Because he is the one that went after them, made them angry, and got then on the hunt for him. Now, they’ve got him right where they want him. They’re going to take what they want, because Tanner didn’t use his fuckin’ brain.”

  “Glad you feel so strongly about me, Ethan,” Tanner’s voice comes from the other side of the truck as he throws his luggage in and glares over at Ethan.

  “I’m tellin’ it how it is, Tanner. You know I’m right. You fucked up. Own it and let us help you make a plan from here, otherwise someone is goin’ to get hurt and it’ll be on you.”

  Tanner stares across the back of the truck, then mutters, “Okay.”

  He turns and walks over to Tatum’s truck, leaving Ethan looking rather shocked. I don’t think he thought Tanner would actually agree with him. I push off the truck, too, heading over to see Jo, who is just putting her luggage in. She’s tired, I can see it in her eyes. I’m guessing she probably only just got to sleep, judging by the fact that she looks like she’s dead on her feet.

  “Hey,” I say when I reach her. “You didn’t get much rest?”

  She shakes her head. “No, I didn’t. Where were you?”

  I glance at Tanner, and her eyes follow mine, then she looks back at me and says, “I want the details, but right now I need to get into that truck and sleep some more.”

  “How come you didn’t get much rest?” I ask her.

  She shrugs. “I have a lot on my mind, and Tatum ...”

  “Tatum what?” I question, narrowing my eyes.

  “Tatum came by and we got into a bit of an argument when I told him I need some space. He didn’t take it well, and ... God, it’s just so messy. How did I get myself into this?”

  I give her an understanding smile. “You’re doing the right thing, but that doesn’t mean it’ll be easy.”

  “No,” she murmurs, “nothing right ever is. I’m going to get some more rest, then I’ll come ride with you all for a while and you can tell me everything.”

  “Okay,” I say to her, watching as she climbs into the back of the truck, lying down and closing her eyes.

  I feel for her, she’s going through so much with me, all while trying to
deal with the problems she’s already got in her own life.

  She needs a break, she deserves happiness, she’s just having a hard time finding any of it.

  “Time to hit the road,” Tanner says to me as he passes.

  “Okay,” I say, glancing at Jo once more before going back to Tanner’s truck and climbing in.

  Once we’re on the road, Ethan pipes up from the back saying, “What’s the plan?”

  “Don’t have one yet,” Tanner tells him, “but Tatum is thinkin’ we use you and Garrett as back up, and we go in and get Chase back.”

  “You mean try to take them down?” Ethan asks.


  “There could be a lot of them, you’re not goin’ to know that until you go in there. I’m sure there is a better way than just going in, guns blazing, hoping for the best.”

  “If you’ve got a better way, by all fuckin’ means throw it at me, because I don’t have a lot of time to try and figure out what to do here.”

  “I have an idea,” I say, daring to glance over at Tanner.

  “What’s that?”

  “Well, they don’t know what Jo and I look like ...”

  “One of them does,” Tanner points out. “You spoke to one.”

  “I did, you’re right, but hear me out anyway. We find out where they hang out, there has to be a local spot of some sort, somewhere they frequent. Jo and I dress up, we chat to them, we flirt, we get them to take us home. When we’re there, we can do something from the inside, set something up, hell we can drug them, something ...”

  “Bad idea,” Tanner says. “It’s too dangerous and it’ll never work.”

  “I agree with Tanner,” Ethan says, “Way too risky. You’ll get killed the second they realize who you are.”

  “And they will realize because they’ve seen you,” Tanner points out.

  “They haven’t seen Jo ...”

  “You can’t risk Jo,” Ethan throws in.

  He’s right, I can’t.

  Still, it would work. It could be the best way for us to get in there. If any of them try to get in, they’re going to get killed before they even get the chance to fight. At least with us, we’re women and they’re far less likely to figure out who we are until it’s too late.

  “I think you should consider sending us both in, anyway, I know it’s risky but so is your plan and that’s far more likely to get someone killed,” I say. “We could get in there, have a few drinks with them, drug them and get Chase out.”

  “You’re assuming they’d keep Chase in the same location that they would take you, not to mention we don’t have time to research where they are and where they hang out. If we had time, it might work, but we don’t,” Tanner says. “Now, we’re not discussing it any further, you clear on that?”

  I huff and stare out the window, trying to figure out something else, something less dangerous.

  They’re not making it easy for us.

  “Don’t get upset with me,” Tanner says, and his husky voice makes my skin prickle. “I owe it to you to protect you, and I’m goin’ to do that. You’re not risking everything for the man that had my sister killed.”

  “No,” I say, still looking out the window, “but I would risk it for you.”

  He goes silent, so does Ethan.

  I turn and glance over at Tanner, and he gives me a quick look out of the corner of his eyes.

  “I don’t want anything to happen to you,” I say to him. “Can’t you understand that?”

  “I won’t let anything happen to me.”

  I hope so.

  I really, really hope so.


  WE ARRIVE AT OUR LOCATION around seven in the morning. We’re all exhausted and racking our brains trying to figure out how we’re going to work this. We don’t know how we’re going to get Chase back without causing harm to anyone with us. There seems like there are little to no options.

  I climb out of the truck at the motel we’ve booked and groan as I stretch my legs, lifting my arms high in the air and trying to let my body unwind. Tatum’s truck pulls up behind us, and everyone gets out. We all form a group between the two trucks, and I’m kind of hoping they’ve had more luck than we have at coming up with a plan that’s going to work.

  “Got good news and bad news,” Tatum says right away, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. “Good news is, Jo’s friend managed to track the cell and find us a location, so we have an idea of where they called from. Bad news is, there is a chance they’ve been watching us, or at least, know that we’re traveling in a group which means if any of us show up, they’re goin’ to know and call it out. However ...”

  He glances at Jo, and I know he’s going to suggest something similar to what I suggested. I know it right away. Only the problem with that is, I don’t know if I like the idea of Jo going in alone. It’s dangerous.

  “Jo has kept to herself quite a bit, she hasn’t been out and about, and I’m certain they don’t know her face. She could get in.”

  “And do what?” Tanner mutters. “One girl against how many fuckin’ men?”

  “Let me finish, Tanner,” Tatum growls. “She can go in and look around. Give us entry points, tell us who and what is in there, and then we can make our own attack. At the very least, we will know who and what we’re dealing with.”

  “That’s dangerous,” I say, glancing at Jo. “Are you sure this is something you want to do?”

  She nods. “We’ve spoken about it. I’ll go in.”

  I exhale. It sucks because it’s the only plan we have. I don’t love the idea of Jo going alone, I wish I could go with her, but I also know that we’re running out of time, and if we don’t get Chase soon, he’ll be killed.

  “Why don’t we call their bluff?” Ethan mutters. “Why are we risking our lives for Chase, a man who put himself in this position?”

  Tatum gives Ethan a look that could kill, and growls, “That’s my brother.”

  “Know that, Tatum, I also know that we came here to get justice, and now somehow it’s turned into a fuckin’ rescue mission where people could get hurt, and for what? He is the reason Celia is dead. I say leave him there.”

  My mouth drops open, of all the people I thought would say that out loud, it certainly wasn’t Ethan. I mean, I had the same thought driving here. I thought about Chase, I thought about what he had done, I thought about the things he let happen to Celia, and then I got angry that we’re all about to risk everything to get him back.

  Then I thought I couldn’t live with myself if we didn’t help him.

  I couldn’t sleep at night.

  Not just because he owes me and everyone else an explanation, but because he’s a human being and I’m not a monster. I’ve made sure in everything that’s gone down I have stayed true to myself. I’m not about to change that, even if deep down I did have that thought.

  “I understand what you’re saying,” I decide to throw in, before Tatum pounces on Ethan. “I feel the same way. The whole drive here, I thought why are we helping this man, when he has caused nothing but problems? But then I remembered who I am. You know who I am, Ethan? Not a person that leaves another person behind. Chase might be that person, and he might not deserve our help, but I’m not that person. Neither are you.”

  Ethan stares at me, and then exhales and mutters, “I’m taking a walk.”

  He disappears from the group. Tatum glares at him as he walks away. Garrett stands with his arms crossed and Tanner studies me, like he’s seeing me in a whole new light. His eyes are soft and welcoming, his body language welcoming instead of defensive.

  “When am I doing this, then?” Jo asks, crossing her arms. “We’re running out of time.”

  She’s right, we are.

  “Shower up, get changed, and then we’ll go over the plan again,” Tatum says, nodding at her. “We’ll get settled and then go over it so we’re all on the same page.”

  I nod, and then follow Jo into the room we’re sharing. Once we’
re inside, I turn to her and say, “Are you sure about this, Jo?”

  “Not really,” she admits, “but it’s the only plan we have. You are right, we can’t leave him there. Someone has to do something, that someone is me.”

  “You could get hurt.”

  “I could,” she agrees, “but Tatum assured me he’s going to be waiting, and if I don’t come out in a certain amount of time, he’s going to come in, no matter what. I believe him. I have to trust that you will all take care of me.”

  “I will go in guns blazing for you, Jo,” I say to her.

  She smiles and hugs me, and then we proceed to shower and get changed. Once we’re done, we meet everyone at Tatum’s room and sit down as he goes over the plan.

  “All we need to know is who is in there, what weapons they’ve got lying around, how many entrances and exits there are, and if Chase is in there. Once you’ve got what you need, you get out and we will go in. I’ll organize weapons, we’ll be swift.”

  “Wait, weapons?” I say, my eyes widening. “You’re going to ...”

  “Leave what we’re going to do up to us,” Tanner says, his voice gruff. “Those men are the reason Celia is dead. They will suffer.”

  I give him a hurt look, and then glance away. He’s going to take someone else’s life to make himself feel better? How is that going to work out in the long run? When cops come after him, or more people from the group seek revenge. He’s making the situation so much bigger than it needs to be.

  “You’re angry,” Tanner says, obviously directing his question to me.

  I look to him. “I think you’re making a mistake. I think hurting someone else to make yourself feel better is opening a whole new world of problems. We want to get out of here clean, not even filthier than we already are.”

  “Then what would you propose we do?” Tanner snaps, crossing his arms.

  “Call the cops, Tanner. Have them deal with it.”

  “The cops will do fuck all.”

  “Actually,” Garrett says, standing. He doesn’t say a great deal, but whatever has him excited, is enough to get his voice roaring to life. “I have an idea. I know people, won’t say how, run drugs and guns. We get Jo to plant those drugs and guns, then we call the cops, they’re all goin’ to go down, big time. You can guarantee that they’re already on the cops’ radar, this would be all it would take for them to get put away.”


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