End of the Walker (The Walker Series Book 5)

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End of the Walker (The Walker Series Book 5) Page 9

by Coralee June

  “Don’t be,” Patrick replied eagerly before giving Jacob a stern look. “Hell, I’d listen again.” I glanced at the playful Patrick just as he shifted in his seat. It was hard to see in the crowded transport, but I caught a glimpse of a growing erection straining against his pants. He grunted.

  “You all are incorrigible. We’re on a rescue mission, and all you can think about is sex,” I joked. It was all I could think about, too. Maverick was resting his head against the transport window while staring at me, a heated look in his dark eyes that made me squeeze my thighs together. He looked like he wanted to eat me up, and in my current state, I’d let him.

  It had been a while since we’d been able to travel alone. Usually, Tallis and Jules were with us. Now that it was finally just my men and me, everything felt more...tense...than before.

  “Fuck, make her stop looking at me like that,” Mav said while closing his eyes. He lifted the rubber band on his wrist and snapped it. It was like he wanted to snap himself out of the haze we were all feeling. I immediately was brought back to our time at the Dormas Clinic, and all playfulness fled my body. I didn’t want Maverick’s attraction to me to be something he felt he needed to be punished for. He’d been beating himself up his entire life. We were young, in love. We didn’t have to feel bad for wanting each other just because the empire decided to fall apart.

  “I want you too,” I whispered. My voice was soft, but the transport went so quiet that you could hear the shift in the air. Each breath felt like palpable tension, and we were suffocating on it. “If you touched me? I’d be wet. I’m dripping for each of you,” I coughed out, stumbling over my words. I wasn’t entirely confident. Though I was more experienced now and had the confidence I’d always been lacking, it didn’t mean that I was comfortable being so...brazen. My time at Madam B’s brothel had changed me, but I was still new to this—to us.

  “You are trying to kill me, little Walker,” Huxley hissed out, his eyes zeroing in on my chest, which was moving up and down in slow, steady movements. I was trying to heave in as much air as possible, but it still didn’t feel like my lungs were expanding. I rubbed my legs together on Kemper's lap and went still when I felt his hardness there. I debated on moving away to give him space but, at the last second, decided to rub against him again. And again.

  He gasped. “What a fucking way to go,” Kemper added to Huxley’s declaration before grabbing my thigh. “I can help you with that, by the way. My woman shouldn’t be left wanting.” Breathing was hard. Thinking was harder. All I could do was act. All I could do was grab Kemper’s hand and guide him up my thigh, leading him towards the spot that craved his touch.

  “Oh hell,” Patrick growled before leaning to stare at me from across the transport. Running hands through his short, dirty blond hair, Kemper bit his lip as he cupped me over my jeans, jerking my hips open for better access. I nearly fell out of my seat at the movement, but Jacob wrapped his arms around my middle to keep me still. Jacob started kissing my neck, tracing swirls of skin with his tongue until his teeth were nipping at my jawline.

  “Yes,” I whispered as Kemper started rubbing me over my trousers, making me a panting puddle of need in the fast-moving transport. I captured all of their attention, and I had to will my eyes to stay open so that I could see each and every one of their expressions. I wanted to save their hungry stares and lock it away in my heart.

  The friction was restrictive but still caused a dull ripple of a sensual thrill to travel up my spine. I wanted to ease these tight pants over my hips and grant Kemper access to me. I wanted his strong fingers stroking my clit.

  “That’s it! Stop the transport,” Jacob’s mindspeak said. We need to switch the fuel cells,” he said before reaching across the dash to put in a new destination. “See that abandoned farmhouse? We’re stopping,” his mindspeak added. I watched him adjust his pants while staring hungrily at me.

  Cyler laughed. “Sure that’s safe? Could be Walkers.”

  Jacob’s mindspeak replied. “I’ll do a fucking sweep.”

  Everything was so heightened that I wasn’t sure what the deal was. Around me, everyone else seemed to know what was up with Jacob’s erratic behavior, but I was just worried that I had done something wrong. “Don’t give me that look, beautiful,” his mindspeak said. “I just think if I don’t get inside of you this very moment, I’m going to explode.”

  More fire bloomed within me as the transport came to a stop. The guys filtered out one by one. Huxley and Cyler went to inspect the house while Maverick and Patrick helped Kemper unlatch the heavy fuel cells from the roof to switch them out. Jacob swept me up, bridal style, and carried me to the abandoned farmhouse. It had a wraparound porch, white chipped wood, and green shutters. He toted me up the steps as I wrapped my arms around his neck. “This is crazy. You’re really going to stop the transport for...sex?” I asked with a laugh. He set me down and pressed me against a post holding up the roof.

  “He-hell yesss...I-I am,” he said. My mouth dropped open in shock at his stuttered words, laced heavily with lust. He then pressed his lips to mine, stroking his velvet tongue in tandem with me as footsteps approached nearby.

  “Jacob?” Huxley called. I expected him to break our kiss, but still his lips didn’t part from mine. His mindspeak answered.


  “Place is clear. Even laid out a blanket for you. I’m not sure if this will make your constant thoughts about Ash worse or better but…”

  Jacob didn’t give him a chance to finish that sentence. He broke our kiss and pulled away with a devilish grin before picking me up again and carrying me past the chuckling group of guys as he went. The moment we passed the door, he kicked it closed and started looking around.

  “This isn’t good enough for my girl,” his mindspeak said.

  I grabbed his cheek and turned his gaze back on me. “It’s perfect,” I whispered back.

  “Thank fuck.”

  He spotted a nearby kitchen table and walked me over to it then kissed me deeply while running his hands up and down my legs as his mindspeak continued to ramble. “You know how many times I watched you cook in our kitchen, imagining sitting you up on that table and eating you out?” He unbuttoned my pants and shoved them over my shaking thighs. “I bet if I touched your pussy, it would be dripping.” His fingers grazed the outside of my underwear, and he smiled. “You’re so wet. I can feel your heat, Ash.” Hooking his fingers behind the band of the material, he then pulled them down with the rest of my clothes.

  The moment my pants and panties were gone, he extracted himself from me to undress, moving so fast that I couldn’t even take in the time to appreciate the show of having his body revealed to me. “You sure don’t waste a single second,” I observed before taking my shirt off.

  “Time is a luxury we don’t have. I don’t want to waste this, Ash.” He stalked closer while grabbing himself. “Part those legs for me a bit wider,” his mindspeak instructed. I was so caught up in the moment that I did exactly as he said. We once joked that the mindspeak would be a hindrance in our intimate moments, but in actuality, his steamy commands and the hard line of his mouth was making everything electric.

  He stood between my legs then brushed my hair out of my face before leaning in for a kiss once more, this time his lips crawled over mine in a leisurely pace, contradicting his sense of urgency. “So soft,” his mindspeak said. His teeth idled on my bottom lip, slowly sinking into them before tugging it. He then swept his warm tongue over mine, and I was consumed with the taste of vanilla. “This mouth is mine,” his mindspeak affirmed. Once again, the monotone voice was making the moment more intense. Hearing his reactions to me live-time emboldened me to scoot closer on the table and press against his hardness.

  The moment our hot flesh touched, he reached up to rip out his mindspeak just before it let out a string of curses and a final, “Better take this thing out before I completely lose control.” I smiled against his lips and arched my back as he set the
device on the table beside me.

  Cupping my cheeks, he looked into my eyes and mouthed “okay?”

  I nodded. With my permission, Jacob then moved his hands to grip my hips and sunk inside of me, letting out an appreciative hiss in the process. My lips parted, and my eyes widened. I felt so full.

  Wrapping my arms around his back, I held him as close as possible to me, so that I could feel every last inch of his skin on mine. Droplets of sweat coated our skin as we moved, and each thrust had the old table creaking and shifting towards the wall. We peered deep into each other’s eyes as he pushed in and out, steady and hard.

  Pleasure like an earthquake deep within me started building and building. With a gasp, ecstasy started to shoot from my solar plexus to every single cell in my body. There was nothing I could do but ride out the long, steady wave of bliss until I was thoroughly spent. And just before I relaxed on his shoulder, he finished, too. I gave him a lazy smile as his lips parted and eyes squeezed shut. He was so handsome, and so mine.

  Jacob cleaned me up and cared for me like a gentleman. He cuddled me close on a blanket on the ground, without his mindspeak. We just traced our fingers along the grooves in each other's skin until the transport was ready. What we did was wild and reckless. We didn’t really have the time, and it’s pretty dangerous for random romps in farmhouses.

  But I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  Everyone was waiting with wide grins of approval when we got out of the house. Naturally, Patrick even cheered. I glanced at Jacob to see his expression and was overjoyed to see the charming, confident ladies’ man I knew before Ethros. He had an extra swagger to his walk that wasn’t there before.

  Kemper triple checked the fuel cells, and we all got inside the transport to leave. Jacob reached for his mindspeak, but Cyler grabbed his wrist. “Sorry, Brother. I love you, but there’s no way in hell I’m going to listen to you talk about how good you fucked our girl for the next six hours.”

  We all laughed as Jacob put it in anyway. The first thing his mindspeak said made a blush travel all the way from my head to my feet. “Next time, I want to taste her.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  Metal bent and groaned in anger. One minute we were all chatting and laughing. Our spirits were high with hope at seeing Payne in a couple of hours. I remembered looking at Cyler before the Transport jerked to the right with a harsh jolt and started rolling. It all happened so fast that I couldn’t breathe. I tumbled around the transport while trying to orient myself. I wasn’t buckled and immediately hit the ceiling with my head. My teeth rattled as we spun, I clenched every muscle in my body, and I was sure my palms were bloody from my nails digging into them. My knee hit something hard, and I screamed. We were still tumbling.

  A pair of arms wrapped around my waist, and I was pulled into Jacob’s muscular chest. “Hold on!” Patrick screamed as Cyler worked the control panel, trying his best to steady the transport, but it was too late. We were rolling, the hovering mechanism spasming on the dirt road, as rocks flew around us. I glanced outside while a rolling need to vomit hit me in the gut. The empire tipped on its side outside our window, and we were helpless to stop it.

  I wanted to scream. Could feel the urge simmering in my chest, but I was gritting my teeth so hard that I didn't. I was clamping my jaw down like it was the only thing keeping me from losing my internal organs. I could feel pressure blooming on my body from where Jacob was gripping me hard. I sucked in as much air as I could just as the transport nose-dived into the dirt. The force knocked me out of Jacob’s arms and sent me flying into Huxley, who was sitting across from him. My chest collided with his and my head hit the window behind him with a crack.

  I didn’t fade out of consciousness—it was a snap. A breaking sensation that left me seeing nothing but black.

  “Please wake up, baby. Please, please. Open those beautiful eyes of yours,” a voice cried out. I was being cradled against a muscular chest. I could tell that I was shaking, but it wasn’t my muscles trembling from the stress and pain. Whoever was holding me trembled. I heard crying. Sobbing. Despair like a vice wrapped around my neck. I bet I could choke on the pain.

  “Mmm,” I moaned. I felt jostled and took inventory of my body. I was sore, but my head was what felt the worst. There was a severe pounding in my skull that made it feel like I could crack open my mind and spill out all the bad things I’d done at the feet of whoever was cradling me.

  “MAVERICK!” someone yelled. I could hear the intensity of his words, feel the desperation. Another body slid behind me, but I couldn’t open my eyes just yet. “She’s moaning,” the voice said in a whisper.

  “Don’t let her move, the impact could have broken her neck. How much did you move her?”

  “I didn’t,” the voice holding me said. It was deep and gravely. My brain swam through my memories, and I realized that it was Huxley. “She landed in my lap when we crashed into the dirt.”

  “Ash, can you...you hear me?” Maverick asked. His voice was garbled somehow. It sounded wet like he was speaking with water in his mouth or swimming underwater. I still couldn’t see, but the visual confused me. What was wrong with Maverick?

  “I’m okay,” I choked out, checking my voice and continuing to take inventory of my spine and shoulders. I rolled my neck, shifting my face so that I could nuzzle Huxley. “I’m tired,” I said, feeling myself falling asleep. I knew it wasn’t the right time to sleep, but exhaustion was pulling me under. I felt safe in Huxley’s arms and couldn’t connect my care for what was happening with my need to rest. “Just a few minutes,” I mumbled while slipping back to sleep.

  “No, no, stay awake, little Walker,” Huxley cried out. He sounded snotty, and I felt a large, fat tear land on my cheek. “Stay here. Stay with me.” I willed my eyes to open, and the sight I saw nearly broke me. Huxley’s eyes were red, and tears filled his green eyes. I lifted my hand up and cupped his cheek. I’d never seen him so vulnerable or emotional.

  “I’m okay, Hux,” I offered before sitting up completely. Tiredness was still tempting me to give up and sleep, but seeing him so distraught had me pushing through. I rolled my neck and winced when I felt how stiff it was. That was definitely going to hurt for a while. Huxley still cradled me in his lap, my legs were over his, and I blinked a few times to clear my vision as Maverick came into view. I gasped at the sight.

  Blood flowed from his nose and dripped off of his lips. I quickly moved to remove my sweater to wipe it, but Huxley kept me still. “Let him check you over," Huxley growled. “Don’t move until we know you won’t cause further damage.” I knew I was okay, but since Hux was so upset, I let Maverick inspect my injuries if only to make them feel better.

  I looked around the transport as Maverick checked me over. Everything kept going in and out of focus. I looked behind Maverick and gasped when I saw Jacob hunched over. "Jacob?!" I cried out, but Maverick answered my unspoken question.

  "He's fine. He's knocked out but will probably wake up soon," Maverick answered.

  "God, I hope so, he's leaning on my shoulder. Fucker is heavy as hell," Kemper growled, and I blinked twice to see his frame. He was clutching his stomach with one hand and holding Jacob up with the other.

  I let out a sigh of relief. "Kemp?" I asked.

  "Yeah, sweetheart?"

  "You okay?"

  "Now that you're up, I am."

  A groan to my right gathered my attention, and I turned to look at Cyler. He was moaning and letting out little whimpers of pain. I gasped when my vision cleared enough for me to see that his arm was bent at an odd angle. "Don't look, Ash. He broke it. Not something you wanna see."

  Bile rose up my throat with a vengeance. "Is he okay?" I asked while tearing my eyes from the white bone peeking out from his flesh. It was gruesome, and there was so much blood that it dripped to the floor of the transport in fat, wet drops. He groaned in pain, and Maverick stopped fussing over me to turn and look at him.

  "I gott
a help him. Stay here," Maverick said to me just as Cyler tried to garble some nonsense about sticking with me. Selfless bastard.

  I turned to glance at Patrick and let out a sigh of relief when I saw that he was in one piece, just frowning at all of us and glancing outside, obviously on high alert. "Patrick?" I asked, just to double check.

  "I'm fine. Just making sure no one approaches us. I don't know what caused the crash, and if it was someone, then I want to be ready. The veins in his arms were thudding with adrenaline, and I watched his fists clench and unclench. Huxley finally tore his red-rimmed eyes from me and started looking too while clutching me even tighter to his chest, like the threat would rip me from his arms if he didn't pay close attention. I watched him transition from mourning lover to an overprotective episode as I'd never seen before. His face went hard as stone while Cyler cried out in pain. Maverick had wiped up his bloody nose and was peeling Cyler's jacket off of him.

  Patrick eyed Huxley with concern before going back to observing outside with trepidation. “We’re vulnerable here. We need to get out and run,” he said.

  “The door is jammed shut, I already tried,” Maverick replied. Huxley gently pushed me onto Patrick’s lap before taking off his shirt. He started wrapping his fist in the cloth and twisted his torso to face the large window behind him, already cracked from the impact. I squeezed my eyes shut as he wound back, every muscle in his back rippling with control and strength. The next thing I heard was the crunching of glass and a quick grunt.

  Opening my eyes, I watched as he kicked out the remaining glass before unwrapping his hand. A shard of glass broke through the improvised glove, and I leaned forward to ease it out of his knuckle, wincing when he grunted from the pain. “I’ll get out first. Hand me a knife or something,” he said while outstretching his hand. Kemper handed over the only weapon he had, a knife that was the length of my forearm, with jagged edges. “Fuck, that looks like it hurt,” Kemper cursed. Huxley put his shirt back on after holstering the knife in his pants, then leaned forward to plant a smoldering kiss on my lips. “I’m going to do a perimeter check, then I want Patrick to help ease you out of the window.”


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