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DarkRevenge Page 11

by Jennifer Leeland

  She closed her eyes. The Judge had said they didn’t have three months. Or even three days. How were they going to find a way through the maze of their past?

  Hands jammed in the pocket of her uniform and her head down, she followed Tory along the path. Suddenly, all the beauty of the falls and the fresh smell of the trees around them made her heart clench. Tears pricked her eyes. Damn it. Why couldn’t she have just gone with him? She loved him, even then. But she didn’t trust herself. And now, she had to face the possibility of a mating with love, but no trust, because of her mistakes. Maybe love wouldn’t be enough.

  No way she’d let that happen. Somehow, she and Tory would have to fight it out. For their future. She wasn’t going to give up just because she’d been young and stupid. Besides, this mating was permanent.

  “Tory, wait,” she shouted and quickened her pace.

  Something slammed into her and her skin crackled and burned. Pain shot through her muscles and she convulsed uncontrollably. Her vision blurred and the blue sky darkened.

  Then, darkness.

  * * * * *

  Tory heard her shout and turned around in time to see Alex fall to the ground. Shit. Luckily, the Ardasians had allowed him to carry his disintegrator. He drew it and sprinted toward Alex. If anything happened to her… He wasn’t going to let that thought stop him. He leapt forward, his murderous yell echoing among the trees.

  Two men dropped from the ridge above him. The way they moved, the way they crept along the path, betrayed their training. These had to be Teran One Black Ops. Soldiers trained in covert missions. Tory recognized the style of attack. Tory stood over Alex’s body. She was too still. Had they killed her? He fired on the first man and missed. The stunner blast ripped up the dirt in front of him and he got off another shot.

  The soldier crumbled into ashes. The second man whipped out a second weapon and Tory dove to the ground to avoid another blast—this time, from a disintegrator. The tree behind him tumbled and disappeared into small particles that floated in the air. Tory rolled to his right and fired twice. The first missed. The second didn’t.

  The second man blew away in the wind.

  Adrenaline pumping, Troy grabbed Alex and lifted her over his shoulder. Limp and unresponsive, she was dead weight. He didn’t want to think what that might mean. He just ran. He slipped and stumbled down the path and to a place he knew was out of sight and deserted. A small cave opening covered by brush, virtually invisible unless a person knew where to hunt for it, hidden by a cliff overhang and shadows. Neither side of the gorge could see it easily. It was close to the falls and the noise of the water against the rocks drowned out any sound so they wouldn’t be heard, either.

  He ducked inside, ignoring the droplets of water that hit him and the roar of the falls. Inside, he lay Alex down gently. In the muted light from the entrance, her face was gray and lifeless. His blood froze in his veins. She couldn’t die on him. Not after all they’d been through. It wouldn’t be right. He had waited five years for her, for this mating, for their chance.

  With a jerk, he tore some material from his shirt and held it outside the cave until the mist wetted it. He wiped the dirt away from her white face and tried not to shake. His insides were jelly. He was terrified that she was dead but too scared to confirm it. His fingers fumbled as he reached for her carotid pulse.

  She was alive.

  He was dizzy from the relief. He rubbed his hand over his face and now, he was shaking all over. That could have been it. In one careless moment, she could have been wiped out of his life. Those fucking assholes weren’t going to let her live. But he wasn’t going to let her die.

  Her lashes fluttered and those glorious golden eyes peered at him. He’d thought he was never going to see her again. He wanted to snatch her into his arms and kiss her. He wanted to whisk her away to the ends of the universe so no one would ever get a chance to hurt her again.

  “Tory?” A hoarse croak never sounded so good. “What happened?”

  “Teran One Black Ops,” he said softly. “Apparently, they found us.”

  She winced when she tried to sit up and he gently kept her still.

  “I should have expected it.”

  “Bullshit.” She pushed his hand away and sat up. “Why would you expect them to attack us on Ardarsia?”

  “Deniability.” He bit the word out. She’d know what he meant. If they were killed on Ardasia, the government on Teran One would have an easier time denying involvement. Outside of Teran space, no one would question the death of a known criminal and a rogue commander.

  “Why didn’t they kill me?” She clutched her head and moaned. “Though at the moment I almost wish they had.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Well, Tory, you told me they’d send assassins after me, not you. Right again.”

  He didn’t like the hopeless tone she had. “Knock it off. We don’t know what they wanted.”

  “I’m sorry, Tory,” she said and turned her head away. He gripped her chin and forced her to face him. Tears stained her cheeks and a sad droop to her eyes made his chest tighten.

  “For what, Saria?” he said gently. “Any wrongs between us are wiped away by our mating.” He kissed her. “You committed to it.”

  “But we could have been—” she choked. “We could have had—”

  He interrupted her with another brush of his lips. “What’s done is done.”

  “Do you think we could…” She blushed. It was such a feminine response, so sweet. Tory’s heart did a flip.

  His hands cupped her face. “Yes, Alexandra. I think we could.” Whatever she wanted.

  Her hands reached up and clasped around his neck. She pulled him closer and pressed her lips to his. He swept his tongue inside, warmth spreading through his chest. It didn’t matter that they just made love on the shuttle. It didn’t matter that the cave was littered with sharp rocks and someone probably waited to kill them.

  All that mattered was the touch of her mouth, the sweet taste of her breath, the slide of her hands over the small hairs on the back of his neck. Everything else could go to hell.

  When she moaned, his arms wrapped around her and she clung to him like a vine.

  Tory. Jezar’s voice broke through the sexual haze.

  Not now.

  We’re on our way to you. I thought I’d warn you.

  “Shit,” he muttered when he tore his mouth away from hers. “We’re about to have company, dear heart.”


  “Good guess. We’re connected enough that the intensity of those moments I thought you were dead would have gotten through.” He sighed. “Sorry about that.”

  She grinned. “I’ll make you pay later,” she murmured against his lips. She brushed his mouth with her tongue and shoved him away. “Help me up. Let’s go greet our rescuers.”

  He flicked tiny rocks and dirt from his pants when he stood and hauled Alex to her feet. She was a little unsteady, but seemed fine. They crept out of the cave and peered up the trail.

  Jezar and, surprisingly, Tesia stood on the trail, weapons drawn. Tory waved at them and climbed up to the ridge trail. He turned and gave Alex a hand.

  Tesia stared at them. “You both look like shit.”

  “Thanks,” Tory shot back. “I figure we look pretty fucking good for a couple who survived Teran One Black Ops.”

  “Jezar said Alex was dead.” Tesia glared at the Ardasian, who only looked amused.

  “I said Tory believed she was dead,” Jezar corrected her. “I was afraid he would…be rash.”

  Tesia rolled her eyes. “Rash? If you loved someone and they looked dead, how would you react?”

  Jezar raised his eyebrows. “I don’t know. I’ve never loved someone.”

  “Pretend,” Tesia snapped.

  “As fascinating as this interchange is, I think we should go,” Tory interrupted.

  Jezar had no intention of letting it drop. Tory wondered why Tesia’s comments rankled the Ar
dasian. He guessed that she was only biting at Jezar because he had worried her. Of all people, she might have an inkling of Tory’s connection to Alex. It would concern her that Tory had lost his mate and she didn’t like to be worried about the people she cared about.

  The Ardasian’s gaze narrowed on Tesia’s face. “When the occasion arises and someone I love appears dead, I’ll make a note of my reaction. How is that?”

  Tesia glared at him. “You’ll probably make a vid of it. For study.”

  “Children—” Tory tried to interrupt them again.

  “What?” they both snapped. Jezar’s mouth was a thin line and Tesia’s face was flushed. What was with these two?

  “We need to get back to the ship,” he ordered.

  “Did you see Kera?” Jezar asked.

  Tory shook his head. “It may be too dangerous now.”

  “It may be too dangerous not to,” Jezar pointed out. Damn it, he was right. Kera had confirmed sketchy information from Tory’s sources on Teran One before. And she was absolutely trustworthy. Unlike his sources.

  “I’ll go. Take Alex back and I’ll join you when I’m done.”

  “No,” Alex snapped. “We go together. I’m not leaving you here.”

  Tory sighed. “Fine. We’ll all go. Maybe there is safety in numbers.”

  Alex muttered something under her breath and Tory narrowed his eyes. “What did you say?”

  Jezar answered. “She said ‘There’s no fucking way you’re going to see some Ardasian woman without me.’ I believe those were the words.”

  Alex glared at Jezar. Tory hid his smile behind his hand and started up the trail.

  Something has changed between you. Jezar sounded genuinely curious.

  I believe we are now a team, on the same side.

  It’s more than that. She is protective, jealous, connected to you.

  Tory decided to have a little fun with Jezar. Why don’t you ask her?

  His smile dropped away when Jezar was totally silent. He wouldn’t.

  Would he?

  Do you want to know what she said? Jezar’s amused tone irritated Tory.

  No. If she hasn’t said it to me, then you shouldn’t.

  I don’t agree. Jezar’s tone was firm, unshakable. She loves you very much, Tory. But she doubts your feelings for her. Yet I know you waited for her, planned for her, thought only of her.

  She knows that too.

  Then why does she doubt?

  Women on Ardasia don’t doubt a man’s love? Are you sure you’re genetically related to us indecisive human beings?

  I suppose it would seem odd to you, but Ardasians, when they reach the level of intimacy you and Alex have reached, share their thoughts and don’t doubt each other. You’ve told Alex that you love her. Doesn’t she believe you?

  Tory struggled for the right words. You know how a small plant struggles to the sunlight? It’s tossed on the wind, bowed by the rain. Some new plants don’t make it, even though they have all they need. Love can be like that. It has to survive storms.

  Very poetic.

  Tory snorted and Tesia, who walked beside him, socked him in the arm. “Stop having private conversations no one can hear. It’s rude.”

  “Doesn’t he talk to you, Tesia?”

  “No. I won’t let him,” she said firmly and strode ahead of him, alert and watchful.

  She is afraid of me. Jezar seemed hurt by this.


  I don’t know. I have…respected her wishes and stayed out of her mind.

  Tory shot a curious glance at his friend. Normally, he’d give him a bad time, remind him of the times Tory had told Jezar to get out of his head and he hadn’t. But something in the way he referred to Tesia made Tory keep his mouth and his thoughts shut.

  Instead, he changed the subject. “How did the two of you get here so fast?”

  That didn’t seem to be a better subject, since Tory noted Tesia’s lips tightened and Jezar’s face had a blank expression. “We borrowed a hovercycle. I sent a mental message to the owner to come get it when we arrived.”

  “You stole it,” Tesia snapped.

  “I appropriated it and returned it,” Jezar said tightly. “And that’s not what bothered you about our bike ride.”

  Tesia’s inhaled with a sharp hiss. “You promised to stay out of my mind.”

  “I didn’t get that from your mind,” Jezar said.

  “What does that mean?” Tesia seemed incensed.

  “Ardasians can read body language too,” he replied.

  “I am not having this conversation with you.” Tesia shut her mouth and strode ahead of all of them.

  “You’re poking a tiger,” Tory mused, his gaze following Tesia to make sure she was all right.

  Jezar glared at him. “She lies to herself and to me.”

  “Maybe so, but pointing it out isn’t going to win you points.”

  His friend’s expression was bleak. “Don’t I know it.”

  No more Teran One goons greeted them as they reached the top of the falls and crossed the bridge. Tory noted that the hoverbike Jezar and Tesia had used to reach the falls was indeed gone. The hovertaxi Tory and Alex had used was still waiting for them, though. Alex gave the falls one long look and sighed before she allowed Tory to take her hand and lead her back to civilization.

  In the taxi, the four of them remained silent, though Tory wondered if Jezar was carrying on a conversation with Alex.

  Kera’s home was near the edge of the capital city tucked away in a small grove of giant trees. She met them at the door.

  “Tory! I am so glad to see you’re alive. I tried to get a message to warn you but I was too late.” His old friend clasped his hands. “You must come in. Time is running out. You’re going to have to save us all.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Jealousy wasn’t an emotion Alex was too familiar with. This churning, pointless anger directed at a person she didn’t even know felt uncomfortable and new. But Kera was stunning. Tall and willowy with big breasts and a slender waist, she was every woman’s nightmare and every man’s wet dream. Her long, blonde hair drifted down her back like a silk nightie and her dainty feet were hugged by an expensive-looking pair of ridiculously high heels.

  And the hands that clasped Tory’s were perfectly shaped and manicured.

  Difficult not to hate a gorgeous bitch like that. Especially since she and Tory seemed so…close.

  They are old friends. Jezar informed her.

  La-di-fucking-da. She needs to get her hands off him. Now.

  The woman’s gaze met hers, a faint smile on her perfect lips and her green eyes bright. Alex took a deep breath and sought calm. Five years was a long time. Did she think he’d been a monk? But still, she didn’t want to run into his old lovers.

  “Kera, this is my mate, Commander Alex Zeerah,” Tory said and he placed a possessive hand on her shoulder.

  The assessing glance of the woman held no trace of jealousy or competition. In fact— Alex blinked. It couldn’t be.

  Let’s just say Tory has more to worry about than you do. Jezar’s amused tone confirmed what she’d been thinking. Kera didn’t lean Tory’s way. And the way she was stripping Alex with her gaze was a bit uncomfortable. Alex shivered. The woman had a seductive power Alex couldn’t deny. If Tory weren’t her mate…

  Why the hell didn’t he just tell me? She fumed.

  Perhaps he thought he was being discreet. Though Kera wears her sexuality on her sleeve, I think Tory may have thought she might want some privacy about it.

  And let me think he was fucking her?

  If you believed it, he would not betray a friend to convince you otherwise. He told you she was a friend. To him, that explained it. Jezar’s tone was amused. I didn’t say it was smart.

  Tory cleared his throat. “You know why we’re here.”

  Kera’s gaze lingered on Alex for a moment longer and she sighed. “Yes.” The woman’s gaze slid to Tesia. The same seductive perusal Ke
ra had given Alex made the engineer flush bright red. “Norlan contacted me. The box is contained in a level-five security laboratory.” Her green eyes hardened into small glass chips. “Would you like to know what I’ve seen?”

  “No,” Tory answered immediately. “But we don’t have a choice. We can’t fly blind anymore. It’s too dangerous.”

  The woman nodded and waved them inside her spacious home. As if Kera weren’t sexy enough, her home was a visual assault on the senses. It seemed to celebrate the female form. A statue of a well-endowed naked woman with her hands raised to the ceiling in supplication dominated the hallway. There was no place to look in the entryway or the living area where they finally sat down that wasn’t profoundly distracting.

  Alex found her attention caught by a painting of a woman’s vagina, open, glistening, clearly aroused. Somehow the artist had captured a powerful moment in the female body and, instead of it being a clinical depiction, it was beautiful.

  She shot a glance at Tory. How could any man be in this house and not be aroused?

  He can’t. Jezar answered her unspoken question, his mental tone smooth and silky. His own excitement spoke clearly in his voice inside her head.

  “The bridge is the best way,” Kera said out loud.

  “You could just tell us.” Tory’s reluctance was in every syllable.

  What the hell was a bridge? Whatever it was, Tory didn’t want to do it. “What is the bridge?” Alex asked.

  “Kera would join the minds as one. She can only bridge between two other minds, but for a short time, those two minds would be joined with each other and with hers,” Jezar answered.

  A muscle in Tory’s jaw jumped and Alex could tell he didn’t like it. “Joined? How?”

  “Even when an Ardasian touches your mind, Alex, we are only picking through thoughts on the surface of your mind, those thoughts you consciously think.” Jezar kept his gaze on Kera. “With the bridge, an Ardasian facilitates a connection that goes deeper. It’s a quick way, a better way, to pass information. Especially something as complicated as a vision of the future.”


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